Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

You think they should have just showed up, zero funding and zero organization?

Just call it what it is. Democrat Party propaganda, not some grass-roots movement.

Democrats exploited kids for political gain.
Thanks for repeating exactly what your masters told you to say.
These brave articulate new American heroes have repeatedly said they’re not endorsing any party or particular candidates.

So stick your lies up your ass.
That's nice. You have a strange definition of 'need'

Well, why do you need a gun if not to compensate for something?

I needed a gun April 2016. Someone kicked in the door of our house while we were in bed. I confronted the intruder in my living room in front of my fireplace. I have him at gun point, and he was unarmed. So, even though I was within my rights to shoot him right then and there, I didn't. I yelled for him to freeze, and was going to hold him for police. Instead, he made an abrupt move, as it turns out,, for the door he just kicked in. But before I could determine that, I dispatched 2 rounds from my M&P 9mm. I did not hit him, but he got a nice tight haircut

If I had not had a gun, things would have turned out very bad for me and the wife

So I say BS to anyone who tries to define the need of a weapon in my hands

Do the research to find the answer. Its a fact

I'm not doing your work for you. Put up or shut up.

Man, you are lazy. Just this one time I'll give you some help


Brother of Parkland victim denied chance to speak at March for our Lives he says


Close to a million people took over the streets of Washington D.C. on Saturday for the March for Our Lives, an anti-gun-violence rally organized by the survivors of the deadly shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.

The crowds heard from several of those students but one person who didn’t speak was the brother of Parkland shooting victim, Meadow Pollack.

Hunter posted a video on Facebook saying that he was very disappointed because organizers of the march denied him a chance to speak at the rally in D.C. because his message didn’t fit their agenda.

Hunter’s sister Meadow, a senior at Stoneman Douglas, was shot nine times.

Brother of Parkland victim denied chance to speak at March for our Lives he says
You think they should have just showed up, zero funding and zero organization?

Just call it what it is. Democrat Party propaganda, not some grass-roots movement.

Democrats exploited kids for political gain.
Thanks for repeating exactly what your masters told you to say.
These brave articulate new American heroes have repeatedly said they’re not endorsing any party or particular candidates.

So stick your lies up your ass.

Oh puheeze. They made themselves tools of the Democrat party. Just about everything they say is precanned, focus group tested, Democrat propaganda.
Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.
I have repeatedly asked this fraud where he gets his information from. He pissed his pants the first 3 times I asked and wouldn’t answer. Finally when when he was backed into a corner he said “ from bloggers.”
So I asked,” You mean people who have no accountability to anyone?
Again.. he stood in a pool of urine and wouldn’t answer.
Now he shows his cards by using the totally discredited, in the tank for Trump, Gateway Pundit.
Actions speak louder than words.
I needed a gun April 2016. Someone kicked in the door of our house while we were in bed. I confronted the intruder in my living room in front of my fireplace. I have him at gun point, and he was unarmed. So, even though I was within my rights to shoot him right then and there, I didn't. I yelled for him to freeze, and was going to hold him for police. Instead, he made an abrupt move, as it turns out,, for the door he just kicked in. But before I could determine that, I dispatched 2 rounds from my M&P 9mm. I did not hit him, but he got a nice tight haircut

Sounds like a made-up story to me.

Was this at night? During the day? You know that they sell kick-guards for doors, so they can't kick them in. Why don't you have a security alarm?

Sounds to me like you don't take your own home security that seriously.
Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.
I have repeatedly asked this fraud where he gets his information from. He pissed his pants the first 3 times I asked and wouldn’t answer. Finally when when he was backed into a corner he said “ from bloggers.”
So I asked,” You mean people who have no accountability to anyone?
Again.. he stood in a pool of urine and wouldn’t answer.
Now he shows his cards by using the totally discredited, in the tank for Trump, Gateway Pundit.
Actions speak louder than words.

Everyone on this forum already knows that virtually everything you post is a lie. Why do you bother?
I needed a gun April 2016. Someone kicked in the door of our house while we were in bed. I confronted the intruder in my living room in front of my fireplace. I have him at gun point, and he was unarmed. So, even though I was within my rights to shoot him right then and there, I didn't. I yelled for him to freeze, and was going to hold him for police. Instead, he made an abrupt move, as it turns out,, for the door he just kicked in. But before I could determine that, I dispatched 2 rounds from my M&P 9mm. I did not hit him, but he got a nice tight haircut

Sounds like a made-up story to me.

Was this at night? During the day? You know that they sell kick-guards for doors, so they can't kick them in. Why don't you have a security alarm?

Sounds to me like you don't take your own home security that seriously.

My security system in this case was a 9mm. And it worked

Man, you are lazy. Just this one time I'll give you some help


He wasn't a student. He was a relative.

So try again.

Also, there's this: Organizers deny claims that they didn’t allow Hunter to speak, saying that as far as they knew he was on the list.

So it seems to me like you're full of shit here.
You think they should have just showed up, zero funding and zero organization?

Just call it what it is. Democrat Party propaganda, not some grass-roots movement.

Democrats exploited kids for political gain.
Thanks for repeating exactly what your masters told you to say.
These brave articulate new American heroes have repeatedly said they’re not endorsing any party or particular candidates.

So stick your lies up your ass.

Oh puheeze. They made themselves tools of the Democrat party. Just about everything they say is precanned, focus group tested, Democrat propaganda.
You lie like your president. Ever listen to them speak? See them on 60 Mins last week?
I’m so glad you’re so petrified of this new American revolution started by the students who were on the receiving end of an AR-15.
They are pure democracy in action and they’re voting out your trump enablers.
Oh puheeze. They made themselves tools of the Democrat party. Just about everything they say is precanned, focus group tested, Democrat propaganda.

And everything you say is run through a Russian-to-English translator. So what's your point?
My security system in this case was a 9mm. And it worked

No it didn't!

The guy still broke in, you didn't shoot him, and he wasn't caught by the police.

So you did nothing. Your gun did nothing.

I don't even think that story happened. I think you just made it up.

And it doesn't account for why you don't take your home security seriously enough. A security alarm is cheaper than a gun (plus, they notify police right away), a kick-plate for a door can withstand 800 lbs of force.

If you were truly serious about protecting your home, you wouldn't be so lazy as to think a gun will do it.
You think they should have just showed up, zero funding and zero organization?

Just call it what it is. Democrat Party propaganda, not some grass-roots movement.

Democrats exploited kids for political gain.
Thanks for repeating exactly what your masters told you to say.
These brave articulate new American heroes have repeatedly said they’re not endorsing any party or particular candidates.

So stick your lies up your ass.

Oh puheeze. They made themselves tools of the Democrat party. Just about everything they say is precanned, focus group tested, Democrat propaganda.
You lie like your president. Ever listen to them speak? See them on 60 Mins last week?
I’m so glad you’re so petrified of this new American revolution started by the students who were on the receiving end of an AR-15.
They are pure democracy in action and they’re voting out your trump enablers.
There's nothing more hideous or dangerous than pure democracy in action. They are an ignorant mob stirred up by professional rabble rousers.

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