Files confirm trump did not visit Epstein home or island

Good thing gop is in power or dems would want to prove files are false
But the press will twist this as trump did and Clinton didn’t

People have been trying to prove negatives for centuries and you've suddenly figured out how?
Retard, by your definition of having lips superglue to someone you vote for, that means YOUR lips are superglue to whoever YOU voted for.

Good job, Sherlock.

……and will vote for again retard. It’s what cults do.
He's going to continue to fight for justice for the victims, whether it hurts him or not.

It is a well established fact that Trump has been advocating for them for many years.

Do you still think the Epstein child sex trafficking ring is a QAnon Russian conspiracy theory simply because the fake news media told you so? Why or why not? Are you seriously not backing off that position yet?
What planet are you on, anyway?
Retard, by your definition of having lips superglue to someone you vote for, that means YOUR lips are superglue to whoever YOU voted for.

Good job, Sherlock.
Poor pussy bitch still has its lips stuck to biden's asshole
I can. It's a word spoon-fed to useful idiots so they can derail rational, adult conversations.
I know, it's like I get accused of this constantly and I don't even know what it is! I'm wondering if the people doing the accusations even know. It seems so fucking stupid and meaningless. I certainly know what MAGA means and I don't understand people's problem with it . Seems like a good idea TO BE GREAT! lol
You're the imbecile.

President Clinton and Secretary Clinton to host fourth meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Action Network in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, June 3-4, 2019


You really know how to double down on stupid, huh?

Epstein didn't own that island then either...

Yeah well whatever, you could have resent it at any time and placated me but you chose to be difficult. My opinion of you hasn't changed. So whatever happened with that court case? It appears that Trump went on to be president of the United States and hard at work saving your ass from the deep state. You fucking ungrateful little pig

To set the record straight, I didn't do it to be difficult. I did it because you're a flaming putz and I was having fun.

And her case went nowhere because she dropped the matter after getting death threats from Trump thugs.

And Trump didn't save me from anything.
Really, you're asking that of others?? The ignoramus who took nearly 3 hours to find a link in a post??

Okay I admit it I really just don't respect you or your opinion on anything. You have proven to be a malicious little idiot who doesn't really think about what he does or how it affects other people. What was the problem with resending the link again? Were you just acting stupid or what. I bet you're fun to work with hahaha
Good thing gop is in power or dems would want to prove files are false
But the press will twist this as trump did and Clinton didn’t

you do realize that this is just a single person recollection that she never say trump at the island.

This does not proof that Trump never visit the island only that this one witness never saw him.

In that deposition, Giuffre was asked if she saw Trump at Epstein’s home, on his island or at properties in New Mexico or New York. She responded each time that, to her recollection, she did not.

One person recollection is not proof that Trump never visited the island

Trump has flown on Epstein airplane at least 6 times. The destination is Florida. Epstein island does not have an airplane landing strip.

access to the island is by boat or by 3 helicopters that Epstein owned.

So far the only person who would know if Trump as at the island is the guy who died in his cell and the female who I believe is in jail .

She knows everything and if she decides to talk , I would like to believe that Trump would be finished as a politician but its clear that his supporters do not care.
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I tried to be nice to you to get you to repost it but you seemed to have a problem with it. You shouldn't be so dishonest about it. Guess that's just the way you are. Typical Democrat

You're a piece of shit. Typical con. Here's your idea of trying to be nice to me...

  • "Are you stupid?"
  • "Moron btw please learn to spell"
  • "So you're blurb is bogus"
  • "Incredibly dishonest Democrat."
  • "Do you have a disability that affects your eyeballs?"
  • "Are you a liar?"
  • "Stop posting disinformation cement head."
  • "I have no trouble spelling whatsoever smooth brain."
  • "You are really this dishonest?"
  • "I knew you had a screw loose when I first talked to you but this is ridiculously outrageous."
  • "You are a fucking fraud."
  • "you fucking fraud"
  • "Typical Democrat allegations ala judge Kavanaugh?"

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