Files seized at Mar-a-Lago include material on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities

WAS. He no longer is.

Israel...if you are listening......trump had classified material that might have been about your nuclear capabilities.
My money is on Iranian capabilities.
Hell, we helped provide Israel with nuclear capabilities.

The Plumbat Affair

Obama, Bush, and the Clintons all took the same type of documents home, how come the FBI didn't raid their houses in the middle of the night? This has been the worst of scenarios as our own FBI (gestapo) hunted down a private citizen for a frame job, Biden and the Democrats resemble Hitler's Germany more and more every day
Prove your LIES
Bullshit. Trump had been working with the DOJ in figuring out what he should return and what he shouldnt, even THEY admit this, then suddenly raid his home. If he declassified the documents he could keep them anyway.

So its all a moot point, but thanks for playing.

It does not take 563 days to work out what should and should not be returned. Trump was just stalling like he does with everything.

And no, even if he declassified the documents, a big IF, they are still not his too keep.
Trump was working through what belonged to him and what didn't... a raid was totally for political reasons... so they could leak BS all the way up to the 24 elections.... and use phony DOJ leaks to cover up bad Biden and Hunter news... its a double win..... so they think....

that was to be done BEFORE he left office & gone thru the proper channels at the NA & filtered. they would give him his personal records & gifts, etc... that was deemed not government property. donny doesn't make that decision himself.
It does not take 563 days to work out what should and should not be returned. Trump was just stalling like he does with everything.

And no, even if he declassified the documents, a big IF, they are still not his too keep.

Today Trump is claiming that he took the documents because he was afraid of Biden. 🤣
Because a SCIF is a secure facility to discuss and view classified information.

The inventory of material taken out of Mar-a-Lago leaves in no doubt the importance of the documents discovered there. They included top secret and “sensitive compartmented information” (SCI) meaning there were restrictions on its circulation over and above its top secret status. It should normally only be in a special facility, a SCIF. A SCIF was established at Mar-a-Lago, but it operated as a secure facility only during the Trump presidency.
Nuclear or not, classified or not, Mar-a-Lago files spell out jeopardy for Trump

Today Trump is claiming that he took the documents because he was afraid of Biden. 🤣

One of his lackeys said he took them so he could share them with the American people....yet it had been 563 days since he left office and he had shared nothing with the American people.
donny, no matter how much he says he declassified anything - can NOT declassify anything to do with nuclear weapons/intel/technology.
You assume then?
POTUS has ultimate declassification authority.

Excerpt from a paywalled NYT article:

Is the classification system enforced by criminal law?​

Largely not.

For the most part, the classification system is about bureaucratic controls. The main punishment for disobedience is administrative: Officials can be admonished, lose their security clearances and be fired.


Can presidents declassify matters directly?​

Yes, because it is ultimately their constitutional authority.

Normally, presidents who want something declassified direct subordinates overseeing the department or agency with primary responsibility for the information to review the matter with an eye to making more of it public. But on rare occasions, presidents declassify something directly.

For example, in 2004, President George W. Bush himself declassified a portion of his presidential daily intelligence briefing from August 2001 — a month before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks — in which he had been warned: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.”


Do presidents have to obey the usual procedures?​

There is no Supreme Court precedent definitively answering that question.

Even if it is true that Mr. Trump had pronounced the documents declassified while he was in office, he clearly did not follow the regular procedures.

Presidential Power to Declassify Information, Explained
The inventory of material taken out of Mar-a-Lago leaves in no doubt the importance of the documents discovered there. They included top secret and “sensitive compartmented information” (SCI) meaning there were restrictions on its circulation over and above its top secret status. It should normally only be in a special facility, a SCIF. A SCIF was established at Mar-a-Lago, but it operated as a secure facility only during the Trump presidency.
Nuclear or not, classified or not, Mar-a-Lago files spell out jeopardy for Trump

Yet He claims they were declassified, and in that case they no longer require a SCIF.
Yet He claims they were declassified, and in that case they no longer require a SCIF.

That's one of the things that a lot of Trump defenders seem to miss. But, then again, they also say that he is entitled to, and has, a SCIF because he's a former president and entitled to one.

They keep cherry picking and mixing up the information according to whatever they are trying (unsuccessfully) to respond to.

And you know, sometimes when it comes to this subject, I think about that old riddle "if a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a noise?", but in the form of "if a president declassifies a document, and nobody is around to witness it, was it really declassified"?
that was to be done BEFORE he left office & gone thru the proper channels at the NA & filtered. they would give him his personal records & gifts, etc... that was deemed not government property. donny doesn't make that decision himself.
When a president leaves the white house he still has documents in his home that have to be returned... it doesn't ever happen over night...
Trump was probably slow to respond and they got mad and decided to go and raid his home....
And that was a huge mistake.... The DOJ and the FBI are now fully exposed as biased and seditious....
If those records were seized, they fell under the "nexus" clause in the search warrant. To seize not just documents marked classified, but those materials in close proximity.
They become evidence in not only whether or not Trump had those documents, but where, and under what conditions they were stored. What other documents were they co-mingled with. A way of proving Trumps intent to hold onto highly classified documents, and store them in unlocked locations.
A search warrant isn't carte blanche. They are very specific. The medical records and tax documents were illegally seized.

If college educated agents can't tell the difference between tax documents and medical records, from government documents, then they're too stupid to be FBI agents and should be fired immediately.
When a president leaves the white house he still has documents in his home that have to be returned... it doesn't ever happen over night...
Trump was probably slow to respond and they got mad and decided to go and raid his home....
And that was a huge mistake.... The DOJ and the FBI are now fully exposed as biased and seditious....
They wanted to see what else they could find so they could leak them later. That's why they took medical records and tax documents.

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