Files seized at Mar-a-Lago include material on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities

The Traitor Had A S.C.I.F. (Emphsis on "HAD" a S.C.I.F. - "Secure Compartmented Information Facility).

Once the Traitor left the WH with tail tucked between his legs, any S.C.I,F. that may been located at Shit-A-Lago would have been decomissioned within days of his departure. Nor would such a S.C.I.F. have remaned active after Mr. Biden took office. The Traitor would not the right or purpose of right to have such a facility after he was voted out of office.

The Traitor would have no need for a S.C.I.F. The Traitor does NOT have Executive Priviledge, that Priviledge belongs to the current occupant of the WH.
Not asking for your retarded and ignorant speculation. What I suggested was that a LINK would be called for.

Your ignorant guesswork about what “would have” possibly, maybe, perhaps, conceivably been done is of no actual value.
I'll try to look it up. Something I was reading Sunday in relation to the store room.
Fair enough. I would suggest, however, that usually former Presidents keep their security clearances. (Lord knows if Brandon treated Trump with some disrespect on that score.)

But, if he had retained his security, it would seem to suggest that keeping the Mar-A-Lago SCIF operational would make sense.
You misunderstood or you lied. Pick one.

“They plant evidence” is NOT a claim that they did so during the Search Warrant raid.

It was part of a litany of all that the FBI has done to him. It included, for example, the prior FISA court application. Even an imbecile like you should be aware of the planted evidence in that matter.

But again, as I correctly noted, the President NEVER said that they “planted” any evidence at Mar-A-Lago. You really should stop lying.

No the Traitor did say the F.B.I. did plant classifed material, you are attepting to quibble and you are failing. In other words YOU ARE A LIAR!
According to 'people familiar with the matter', people familiar with the matter say the 'people familiar with the matter' are full of shit. LOL
I'll try to look it up. Something I was reading Sunday in relation to the store room.
Not the same article, but found this on a quick search:
While Mr. Trump was president, an administrative office at Mar-a-Lago was converted to a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or SCIF, a secured facility where Mr. Trump could review classified material. Behind the tinted windows of this second-floor room, visible from the club’s main sitting area, officials often worked around stacks of papers with no official protocol for filing the documents, former senior administration officials said, adding that conditions were often similarly disorderly in the White House dining room near the Oval Office. The SCIF at Mar-a-Lago was dismantled after Mr. Trump was defeated by President Biden.
No the Traitor did say the F.B.I. did plant classifed material, you are attepting to quibble and you are failing. In other words YOU ARE A LIAR!
No. President Trump is not a “traitor.” He didn’t say that they had planted evidence during the raid. You are lying.

What else is new though?

You remain a liar.
give the troll this reply - he's a wussy who has me on iggy 'cause he can't stand truth & facts.

The inventory of material taken out of Mar-a-Lago leaves in no doubt the importance of the documents discovered there. They included top secret and “sensitive compartmented information” (SCI) meaning there were restrictions on its circulation over and above its top secret status. It should normally only be in a special facility, a SCIF. A SCIF was established at Mar-a-Lago, but it operated as a secure facility only during the Trump presidency.
Nuclear or not, classified or not, Mar-a-Lago files spell out jeopardy for Trump
I gave a Wall Street Journal article I found on a quick search, as I had not read your response, at that time.
The great thing about being Trump is, all his doors and locks are hand picked by the Secret Service agents who also guard the premises.
Where in the world did you read that or get that idea. Sorry, but I gotta have a reliable link for that one.
Not asking for your retarded and ignorant speculation. What I suggested was that a LINK would be called for.

Your ignorant guesswork about what “would have” possibly, maybe, perhaps, conceivably been done is of no actual value.

You continue to quibble. I posted links to sources, you just do like those links because they prove you a liar, and a bad liar.
Not the same article, but found this on a quick search:
While Mr. Trump was president, an administrative office at Mar-a-Lago was converted to a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or SCIF, a secured facility where Mr. Trump could review classified material. Behind the tinted windows of this second-floor room, visible from the club’s main sitting area, officials often worked around stacks of papers with no official protocol for filing the documents, former senior administration officials said, adding that conditions were often similarly disorderly in the White House dining room near the Oval Office. The SCIF at Mar-a-Lago was dismantled after Mr. Trump was defeated by President Biden.
Now, unlike some others, you have some fair basis to make your claim.

I notice that the claim in that article by the WSJ is unsupported. That of course doesn’t make it false. But it does leave a void. Who, exactly, said it was subsequently disassembled?
Not the same article, but found this on a quick search:
While Mr. Trump was president, an administrative office at Mar-a-Lago was converted to a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or SCIF, a secured facility where Mr. Trump could review classified material. Behind the tinted windows of this second-floor room, visible from the club’s main sitting area, officials often worked around stacks of papers with no official protocol for filing the documents, former senior administration officials said, adding that conditions were often similarly disorderly in the White House dining room near the Oval Office. The SCIF at Mar-a-Lago was dismantled after Mr. Trump was defeated by President Biden.
Way down in the article from your link: "people familiar with the matter have said." and "according to people familiar with the matter" again later on in the article. A whole Trump bashing article based on nothing but hearsay by unnamed 'people.' Does anyone with 1 functioning brain cell believe this tripe?
You continue to quibble. I posted links to sources, you just do like those links because they prove you a liar, and a bad liar.
No ma’am you posted a link to him using the word “planted.” And they do plant evidence. And they had previously done so to him. But

What you didn’t do was quote President Trump EVER claiming that they had done so to him at Mar-A-Lago.

You just cannot stop lying. It’s what you unmitigated liars do.
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Where in the world did you read that or get that idea. Sorry, but I gotta have a reliable link for that one.

No. President Trump is not a “traitor.” He didn’t say that they had planted evidence during the raid. You are lying.

What else is new though?

You remain a liar.

The Traitor Shared Classified Information With Russian Ambassador and Russian Foreign Minister - The Act of a Traitor.

The Traitor Tells Philippine President Duerte Location of Two U.S. Navy Nuclear Powered Submarines Patroling Korean Waters. The U.S. Navy keeps information highly classsified and NOT to discussed with foreign leaders. He is a Traitor for doing this.

The Traitor Attacks The Parents of U.S. Army Captain Killed In Action - The Act of a Traitor.

Traitor Attacks Grieving U.S. Army Widow - The Act of a Traitor.

The Traitor Calls American's Killed In Action, "Suckers and Losers" - The Act of a Traitor.

The Traitor Sides With Putin Against F.B.I. At Helsinki Summit - The Act of a Traitor.

Fuck the Five Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Putin Ass Kissing Orange Piece of Dried Up Dog Shit.
The Traitor Shared Classified Information With Russian Ambassador and Russian Foreign Minister - The Act of a Traitor.

The Traitor Tells Philippine President Duerte Location of Two U.S. Navy Nuclear Powered Submarines Patroling Korean Waters. The U.S. Navy keeps information highly classsified and NOT to discussed with foreign leaders. He is a Traitor for doing this.

The Traitor Attacks The Parents of U.S. Army Captain Killed In Action - The Act of a Traitor.

Traitor Attacks Grieving U.S. Army Widow - The Act of a Traitor.

The Traitor Calls American's Killed In Action, "Suckers and Losers" - The Act of a Traitor.

The Traitor Sides With Putin Against F.B.I. At Helsinki Summit - The Act of a Traitor.

Fuck the Five Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Putin Ass Kissing Orange Piece of Dried Up Dog Shit.
You remain a liar, an asshole, a hack and a troll. But maybe top of the list is that you are a liar.

By the way, since a President has the ultimate power to declassify, if he shares something with anybody else (yes, even a Russian), that necessarily entails that he has declassified it.

Also, not that you’d be able to grasp it, the word “traitor” has actual meaning. When you toss it around, however, the word loses all meaning.

Your mental retardation and dishonesty are noted. Your claims, as always, are gibberish. Go back down on Brandon. He needs his salad tossed some more.
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Now, unlike some others, you have some fair basis to make your claim.

I notice that the claim in that article by the WSJ is unsupported. That of course doesn’t make it false. But it does leave a void. Who, exactly, said it was subsequently disassembled?
While doing the quick search, I came across some other articles related to the search, thought about screen shooting, but settled for the WSJ, but I really did read other articles Sunday when somebody started some thread about the "closet", "Store Room", etc where the bulk of the documents were recovered, as I was looking for pictures, but found none. I have had occasion to be in a permanent certified SCIF but I was not allowed to have cellphone, camera or even a frigging ballpoint pin and paper (all left with my breif case with an attendent outside) and was told the setup of that room itself constituted classified secret or higher. I do not even think you would be looking at pictures of documents or folders laying on the floor of a certified SCIF.
You remain a liar, an asshole, a hack and a troll. But maybe top of the list is that you are a liar.

By the way, since a President has the ultimate power to declassify, if he shares something with anybody else (yes, even a Russian), that necessarily entails that he has declassified it.

Also, not that you’d be able to grasp it, the word “traitor” has actual meaning. When you toss it around, however, the word loses all meaning.

Your mental retardation and dishonesty are noted. Your claims, as always, are gibberish. Go back down on Brandon. He needs his salad tossed some more.

Trump did everything in that list and insulted Diana's memory in 1997 when her sons were still little boys.

While doing the quick search, I came across some other articles related to the search, thought about screen shooting, but settled for the WSJ, but I really did read other articles Sunday when somebody started some thread about the "closet", "Store Room", etc where the bulk of the documents were recovered, as I was looking for pictures, but found none. I have had occasion to be in a permanent certified SCIF but I was not allowed to have cellphone, camera or even a frigging ballpoint pin and paper (all left with my breif case with an attendent outside) and was told the setup of that room itself constituted classified secret or higher. I do not even think you would be looking at pictures of documents or folders laying on the floor of a certified SCIF.

The SCIF at Mara Lago when Trump was president was a small temporary tent the size of a phone booth.
Way down in the article from your link: "people familiar with the matter have said." and "according to people familiar with the matter" again later on in the article. A whole Trump bashing article based on nothing but hearsay by unnamed 'people.' Does anyone with 1 functioning brain cell believe this tripe?
Like I told somebody else, I have seen multiple articles attest to the same thing as facts, and it jives with what I already knew of them. Believe what you like. It is unlikely you would get an official on the record to confirm or deny.
You remain a liar, an asshole, a hack and a troll. But maybe too if the list is that you are a liar.

By the way, since a President has the ultimate power to declassify, if he shares something with anybody else (yes, even a Russian), that necessarily entails that he has declassified it.

Also, not that you’d be able to grasp it, the word “traitor” has actual meaning. When you toss it around, however, the word loses all meaning.

Your mental retardation and dishonesty are noted. Your claims, as always, are gibberish. Go back down on Brandon. He needs his salad tossed some more.

You and all the other Traitorhumpers have no sense of what real patriotism is.

No U.S. President had ever stood with a Russian Leader againt the F.B.I. or the U.S. Government, but you have no problem with the Traitor doing that. I wonder what you would have said HRC had used the Traitor's Language, exact language in speaking Russia and or Putin. You would have demanded blood.

No U.S. President ever called U.S. Military Personnel "Suckers and Losers", but the Traitor did and you cheer him on. I wonder of Mr. Obama had those exact words what you and the Traitorhumpers would have said. You would demanded blood.

No U.S. President ever attacked Gold Star Families. You Traitorhumpers love him for it. I wonder what would have happened if Bill Clinton had used that language, that exact language what you other Traitorhumpers would have said. You would have demanded blood.

Patriotism is NOT loving one man.

Patriotism is NOT siding with Foreign Leaders.

Patriotism is Not calling U.S. War Dead Suckers and Losers.

Patriotism is NOT attacking Gold Star Families.

If just one Democrat had done any of the above, you and the Traitorhumpers would have had people hanging from the street lamps and you know it.

Fuck the Mother Fucking Five Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Putin Ass Kiss Orange Piece of Dried Up Dog Shit!
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