Files seized at Mar-a-Lago include material on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities

While doing the quick search, I came across some other articles related to the search, thought about screen shooting, but settled for the WSJ, but I really did read other articles Sunday when somebody started some thread about the "closet", "Store Room", etc where the bulk of the documents were recovered, as I was looking for pictures, but found none. I have had occasion to be in a permanent certified SCIF but I was not allowed to have cellphone, camera or even a frigging ballpoint pin and paper (all left with my breif case with an attendent outside) and was told the setup of that room itself constituted classified secret or higher. I do not even think you would be looking at pictures of documents or folders laying on the floor of a certified SCIF.
I’m not looking for pictures. I only seek verification from a source that the SCIF was disassembled. I grant you credit. At least you have a source and cite it. My question remains: “who so advised that reporter?”
Trump did everything in that list and insulted Diana's memory in 1997 when her sons were still little boys.

You probably don’t realize that you’re babbling. :itsok:
Like I told somebody else, I have seen multiple articles attest to the same thing as facts, and it jives with what I already knew of them. Believe what you like. It is unlikely you would get an official on the record to confirm or deny.
Yes, the MSM always parrot each other to make it seem like there are multiple sources however, I have noticed that all are basically the same article and none have any reliable sources, just hearsay. The FBI likes to use news articles like this to affect their 'official' statements. Our DOJ needs to be torn down and 'built back better.'
You and all the other Traitorhumpers have no sense of what real patriotism is.

No U.S. President had ever stood with a Russian Leader againt the F.B.I. or the U.S. Government, but you have no problem with the Traitor doing that. I wonder what you would have said HRC had used the Traitor's Language, exact language in speaking Russia and or Putin. You would have demanded blood.

No U.S. President ever called U.S. Military Personnel "Suckers and Losers", but the Traitor did and you cheer him on. I wonder of Mr. Obama had those exact words what you and the Traitorhumpers would have said. You would demanded blood.

No U.S. President ever attacked Gold Star Families. You Traitorhumpers love him for it. I wonder what would have happened if Bill Clinton had used that language, that exact language what you other Traitorhumpers would have said. You would have demanded blood.

Patriotism is NOT loving one man.

Patriotism is NOT siding with Foreign Leaders.

Patriotism is Not calling U.S. War Dead Suckers and Losers.

Patriotism is NOT attacking Gold Star Families.

If just one Democrat had done any of the above, you and the Traitorhumpers would have had people hanging from the street lamps and you know it.

Fuck the Mother Fucking Five Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Putin Ass Kiss Orange Piece of Dried Up Dog Shit!
Just to be clear, I find you too ponderous to even try to read your long mindless screeds. If you insist on saying the usual imbecile crap you always vomit out, please save the electrons

Be brief.
I’m not looking for pictures. I only seek verification from a source that the SCIF was disassembled. I grant you credit. At least you have a source and cite it. My question remains: “who so advised that reporter?”

You probably don’t realize that you’re babbling. :itsok:
Damn good question. I don't know.
You don't thunk democrats are in an all-out panic???

Steve Bannon: At least 35 Trump Allies had their homes raided yesterday by the FBI
Really? In the middle of the night? That's funny, because everything I've read about it says that they showed up between 9 and 10 am. Maybe "middle of the night" has a different meaning for you because you're confused, but to most, the time that the FBI went to Mar a Lago was mid morning.
THey went in in the middle of the night, they might have came out in the morning. I was up when the story broke around 11p,m
These people has Red, White and Blue Shit Fit's over HRC and her goddamn emails, even though investigation.....after investigation.....after investigation found nothing illegal had taken place.

After over 25+fucking years of investigation.....after investigation.....after investigation, you people came up with zip/zero/zilch/nada/nothing/none on which you find to criminally hang on HRC.

You tried and fail to blame her for BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

But when your Traitor Leader illegally removes highly classified documents from the WH and stores those documents in a fucking basement you love him.

You people engaged in a failed Insurrection. You wanted to hang a sitting Vice President because he obeyed his Constitutional Duty.

The very concept of Democracy is foreign to you. You believe in lies because the lies are easier for you to accept.

Poor put upon little unimportant and uncared for keyboard commandos who think they can scare people. Look at me, I am so fucking special.

No you are not. You are being conned and grifted and you love it. You actually believe you can see the flea circus. You send what little precious money you have to an individual who does not give two shits about you.

You wear your stupid red hats and think your some part a greater moment.

No, your just plain damn dumb enoug to believe it.
They provide security for the president. Now it wouldnt shock me to find out that you thought that meant they just jump in front of a bullet when a crazy guy appears and thats it, but anyone with a brain knows that isnt the case. The Secret Service is the most advanced security agency on the planet. Do you honestly think they dont beef up every single presidents private home with security? Do you think they just accept whatever old flimsy doors, shoddy locks and brittle glass windows that the home came with? No one thinks to upgrade those things?

Do you not remember the stories about what they did to Obama's home? Do you not remember how republicans used what they did to his home against the left? I bet you dont. :laugh:

Mother-FUCK-no im not providing you a link for obvious shit. :laugh:
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They provide security for the president. Now it wouldnt shock me to find out that you thought that meant they just jump in front of a bullet when a crazy guy appears and thats it, but anyone with a brain knows that isnt the case. The Secret Service is the most advanced security agency on the planet. Do you honestly think they dont beef up every single presidents private home with security? Do you think they just accept whatever old flimsy doors, shoddy locks and brittle glass windows that the home came with? No one thinks to upgrade those things?

Do you not remember the stories about what they did to Obama's home? Do you not remember how republicans used what they did to his home against the left? I bet you dont. :laugh:

Mother-FUCK-no im not providing you a link for obvious shit. :laugh:
Don't look at me. I am not the one that asked for an additional lock on that document store room after seeing it earlier in the year. That was the government.
You do admit, though, that the FBI lied about the Russia collusion hoax. Right?

Trump sent lots of signals to the American public that he trusts Putin more than US intelligence. What do you expect? It wasn't quite kosher for Trump to be trying to establish a back channel to the Kremlin when he was campaigning in 2015.

Don't be an idiot. The DOJ is nonpartisan not Trump's private law firm. Trump has trashed the FBI, CIA, EPA and DOJ. He's like some pinheaded dictator. Hell, fatso sabotaged his presidency and reelection.
Don't look at me. I am not the one that asked for an additional lock on that document store room after seeing it earlier in the year. That was the government.
So you admit then that the FBI was satisfied with the security there? The ONLY thing they thought to add to the entire premises to secure these SUPER DUPER important documents was a padlock on a single interior door? Sounds pretty fucking secure to me then.

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