Filibuster Hypocrisy - it's always different when you are the minority party


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) says Democrats were justified in using the filibuster to block the Senate Republican agenda under President Trump because then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) refused to negotiate with Democrats.

Schumer on Thursday argued the situation is different now that Democrats control the Senate because he says his party is much more willing to negotiate with Republicans on legislation.

“The big difference is that we were always willing to negotiate in a bipartisan way. Mitch McConnell isn’t. The bills he puts on the floor, even when he calls them bipartisan, aren’t,” Schumer said Thursday, citing the first version of the CARES Act that Republicans put on the floor last year to respond to the pandemic as well as legislation to respond to high-profile incidents of police brutality.

[Me: this is horseshit!]

President Biden on Thursday signaled he is open to making significant changes to the legislative filibuster in the Senate if it continues to be a roadblock to passing legislation on key agenda items like voting rights.

Biden, in his first formal press conference since taking office, reiterated his belief that the Senate should go back to the talking filibuster, which requires senators to hold the floor in order to block legislation.

He acknowledged the current system is being "abused in a gigantic way," and indicated he may be willing to support exceptions to the filibuster or changing the rule entirely.

"I strongly support moving in that direction," Biden said of reimplementing the talking filibuster, "in addition to having an open mind about dealing with certain things that are just elemental to the functioning of our democracy, like the right to vote. Like the basic right to vote. We’ve amended the filibuster in the past."

"We’re going to get a lot done, and if we have to, if there’s complete lockdown and chaos as a consequence of the filibuster, then we’ll have to go beyond what I’m talking about," he added.

Asked later in the press conference if he’s moving closer to supporting eliminating the filibuster, Biden did not directly answer.

If the filibuster is abolished, the democrats will do everything they can to ensure a one-party rule - their party. To doubt that is to doubt reality. When in the majority, each side does it's best to further their policies and enhance their electability. But the difference is that the GOP isn't trying to rig the system to ensure they never lose their majority in either chamber of Congress or the WH.
If the filibuster is abolished - BAD IDEA - the Democrats will be unlikely to ensure one party rule. The Republicans, however, with their hold on state legislatures and gerrymandering, WILL eventually attain a majority again and are much more likely to make voting so restrictive and difficult for groups that are traditionally vote Dem, that they will effectively ensure long term political control. The Dems are fools to even think about going this route, not to mention horribly short sighted.

I do however agree with Mansion. The filibuster is too easy. It was never ended to be used as frequently, to simply obstruct, as it has been over the past few decades. The fact there is a "virtual" filibuster makes it a joke. If they are going to filibuster - it SHOULD be painful.

Two things suggested that I agree with:
1. Make it a real filibuster - stand up and talk talk talk
2. Make the minority party conducting the filibuster come up with the 41 votes needed to kill the legislation.
If the filibuster is abolished - BAD IDEA Agreed.

- the Democrats will be unlikely to ensure one party rule. -
I do not support the idea of either party gaining permanent majority. I am admittedly concerned about the possibility though, particularly if the Democrats ever get to 50 or more Senate seats and all of them will vote for eliminating the filibuster. If you can't get 60 votes in the Senate by means of our election process then you do not deserve to do whatever you want with no regard to the opposition, no matter which party that is. One could, if one was optimistic enough, believe that eventually the Congress will return to a time of more cooperation and compromise. But if the filibuster is dead then that possibility is IMHO significantly reduced, if not eliminated entirely.

The Republicans, however, with their hold on state legislatures and gerrymandering, WILL eventually attain a majority again and are much more likely to make voting so restrictive and difficult for groups that are traditionally vote Dem, that they will effectively ensure long term political control. - Restrictive and difficult? I don't think so. I think we should be trying to ensure we do not have a repeat of the 2020 election were nearly half of the voters think the result was inaccurate. You can't just brush that off as inconsequential, we have to be able to trust our gov't and the elections, and right now that is not the case.

The Dems are fools to even think about going this route, not to mention horribly short sighted. - Agreed.

I do however agree with Mansion. The filibuster is too easy. It was never ended to be used as frequently, to simply obstruct, as it has been over the past few decades. The fact there is a "virtual" filibuster makes it a joke. If they are going to filibuster - it SHOULD be painful. -
Neither can it be too easy for the majority to get what they want by simply waiting for the other side to run out of breath. LOL, how long do you think 41-50 senators/blowhards can take turns pontificating about anything they want? And do not forget - sooner or later the worm will turn and whatever you do to the filibuster could be used against you.

Two things suggested that I agree with:
1. Make it a real filibuster - stand up and talk talk talk
2. Make the minority party conducting the filibuster come up with the 41 votes needed to kill the legislation. -
Fine by me, but that sounds a lot like trying to get 60 votes to stop a filibuster. Not seeing much difference.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) says Democrats were justified in using the filibuster to block the Senate Republican agenda under President Trump because then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) refused to negotiate with Democrats.

Schumer on Thursday argued the situation is different now that Democrats control the Senate because he says his party is much more willing to negotiate with Republicans on legislation.

“The big difference is that we were always willing to negotiate in a bipartisan way. Mitch McConnell isn’t. The bills he puts on the floor, even when he calls them bipartisan, aren’t,” Schumer said Thursday, citing the first version of the CARES Act that Republicans put on the floor last year to respond to the pandemic as well as legislation to respond to high-profile incidents of police brutality.

[Me: this is horseshit!]

President Biden on Thursday signaled he is open to making significant changes to the legislative filibuster in the Senate if it continues to be a roadblock to passing legislation on key agenda items like voting rights.

Biden, in his first formal press conference since taking office, reiterated his belief that the Senate should go back to the talking filibuster, which requires senators to hold the floor in order to block legislation.

He acknowledged the current system is being "abused in a gigantic way," and indicated he may be willing to support exceptions to the filibuster or changing the rule entirely.

"I strongly support moving in that direction," Biden said of reimplementing the talking filibuster, "in addition to having an open mind about dealing with certain things that are just elemental to the functioning of our democracy, like the right to vote. Like the basic right to vote. We’ve amended the filibuster in the past."

"We’re going to get a lot done, and if we have to, if there’s complete lockdown and chaos as a consequence of the filibuster, then we’ll have to go beyond what I’m talking about," he added.

Asked later in the press conference if he’s moving closer to supporting eliminating the filibuster, Biden did not directly answer.

If the filibuster is abolished, the democrats will do everything they can to ensure a one-party rule - their party. To doubt that is to doubt reality. When in the majority, each side does it's best to further their policies and enhance their electability. But the difference is that the GOP isn't trying to rig the system to ensure they never lose their majority in either chamber of Congress or the WH.
Democrats are habitual liars who frequently flip flop 180 degrees when its to their advantage. You would think McConnell would have learned that by now.
I like the filibuster just the way it is thank you.

The filibuster is what is keeping the Federal government from wild swings right or left.

If any legislation gets (60) senate votes it shouldn't be too terrible.

The simple majority "reconciliation" process is for taxing and spending only:


Media Goes BERSERK Over Senate Filibuster Rule​

The best thing about the Senate filibuster rule besides preventing most of the leftwing agenda promoted by the Democrats is that its very existence now makes the media go hilariously berserk. However, the moment the Republicans regain the Senate, the media will immediately go silent on their desperate pleas to eliminate the filibuster.

MSNBC, the condensed cream of moonbat soup of news networks.
Oddly, For four years Democrats blocked Trump Bills, especially Covid relief last year by preventing the Senate from moving to debate?
Actually, the media goes berzerk over everything they don’t like. Its all very predictable.
Whatever those corrupt pieces of shit come up with to stop legislation is FINE BY ME.
Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct.
Every time I hear of legislation being stonewalled, I feel so American-y that i turn into an eagle and high five a bud light
Democrats are habitual liars who frequently flip flop 180 degrees when its to their advantage. You would think McConnell would have learned that by now.
now that's hilarious. republicans couldn't find their way out of a washroom without help. They are owned by elites just like demofks.
There are some on the Left AND the Right that won't support the end of the filibuster no matter who is in the WH and that is good news. The bad news is that I don't know/think that will always be the case. All it takes is 50 plus the VP and it's gone, and once gone it ain't going to come back. Which party is going to give up that power? Now, if we ever get to a 3rd major party with enough seats to override the majority party, then maybe things will change, but right now that is just a pipedream.
Simple majority wasn't so petrifying when the assumption was that people are generally well-meaning and parties are working for what they think is the good of the country. I mean, there's no way something truly destructive would be supported by a majority of our representatives, right? Right?
Simple majority wasn't so petrifying when the assumption was that people are generally well-meaning and parties are working for what they think is the good of the country. I mean, there's no way something truly destructive would be supported by a majority of our representatives, right? Right?

That's why a two thirds vote should be required to change the filibuster rule.
Simple majority wasn't so petrifying when the assumption was that people are generally well-meaning and parties are working for what they think is the good of the country. I mean, there's no way something truly destructive would be supported by a majority of our representatives, right? Right?

The current political environment in DC is IMHO more concerned with the accumulation of power than whatever is for the good of the country. Most things they do in Congress or by presidential fiat are things that can be undone by the next Congress or the next president. But the things the Far Left wants to do right now are beyond that: end the filibuster, pack the SCOTUS, admit DC and PR as new states, Amnesty, $15 Min Wage, etc. Once done, those things can't be undone and many of us think those actions would be truly destructive to our economy or our country. It's called the "Tyranny of the Majority", which basically means no party should get to do whatever they want with only a 50-50 vote plus 1 from the VP. If a party can get 60 votes in the Senate, then that's called a mandate and they can do whatever they want unilaterally. But less than 60? Nuh-uh.

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