Filing alleges ‘improper’ relationship between Fulton DA [Fani Willis], top Trump prosecutor

Can one of you far rightwing rubes post the law or statute that says a relationship of this nature is illegal?
She hired an inexperienced criminal lawyer who happened to be her boyfriend and gave him top pay. She gained wealth off that hire. Via gifts trips and food
The entire thing smelled since Willis first started talking about this back in 2022.

If true, this is potential Federal RICO.

District Attorney Fani Willis improperly hired an alleged romantic partner to prosecute Donald Trump and financially benefited from their relationship, according to a court motion filed Monday arguing the indictment was unconstitutional.
The bombshell public filing alleged that special prosecutor Nathan Wade, a private attorney, paid for lavish vacations he took with Willis using the Fulton County funds his law firm received. County records show that Wade, who has played a prominent role in the election interference case, has been paid nearly $654,000 in legal fees since January 2022. The DA authorizes his compensation.
The motion, filed on behalf of defendant Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign official, seeks to have the charges against Roman dismissed and for Willis, Wade and the entire DA’s office to be disqualified from further prosecution of the case.
Pallavi Bailey, a Willis spokeswoman, said the DA’s office will respond to Roman’s allegations “through appropriate court filings.” Wade did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
It is unclear if the explosive issues raised in the filing undermine the validity of the indictment against Trump and the remaining 14 co-defendants or simply muddy the waters by questioning Willis’ professional ethics.
The filing also offers no concrete proof of the romantic ties between Willis and Wade, except to say “sources close to both the special prosecutor and the district attorney have confirmed they had an ongoing, personal relationship.”
It alleges that Willis and Wade have been involved in a romantic relationship that began before Wade was appointed special prosecutor. It says they traveled together to Napa Valley and Florida, and they cruised the Caribbean using tickets Wade purchased from Norwegian and Royal Caribbean cruise lines — although the filing did not include documentation of those purchases.
Willis and Wade, the motion contends, “have been engaged in an improper, clandestine personal relationship during the pendency of this case, which has resulted in the special prosecutor, and, in turn, the district attorney, profiting significantly from this prosecution at the expense of the taxpayers.”
A problem with Wade’s appointment is that it was not approved by the Fulton board of commissioners as required by law, the motion said. The motion also questions Wade’s credentials, contending he has never prosecuted a felony case.
Wade entered into his special prosecutor contract on Nov. 1, 2021, just one day before he filed for divorce in Cobb County, the motion said.

/——-/ But it’s Trump who is the criminal. MTG files criminal complaint against Fani Willis and ‘secret lover’ prosecuting Trump case
Now even more comes out on Willis:

Georgia prosecutors probing Donald Trump’s effort to subvert the 2020 election got an early boost in the spring of 2022. It came from another set of investigators who were way ahead of them: the House Jan. 6 select committee.

Committee staff quietly met with lawyers and agents working for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in mid-April 2022, just as she prepared to convene a special grand jury investigation. In the previously unreported meeting, the Jan. 6 committee aides let the district attorney’s team review — but not keep — a limited set of evidence they had gathered.

Over the next few months, committee staff also had a series of phone calls with Willis’ team. They answered the prosecutors’ questions and shared insight on matters like Trump’s false electors gambit and his efforts to pressure Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Both of those ploys ultimately featured prominently in the criminal charges that Willis brought against Trump and his allies last summer.

The contacts between the committee and Willis’ team also helped prosecutors prepare for interviews with key witnesses.

She fell in love???

Fani Willis’ Case Is So Tainted By Self-Dealing and Impropriety That The Entire Case Must Be Dismissed Without Prejudice

16 Jan 2024 ~~ By Paul Ingrassia

The Fani Fish Rots From The Head Down, Requiring Intervention By The Governor’s Office​

Startling revelations out of Fani Willis’ office suggesting an improper romantic relationship giving rise to an irremediable conflict of interest between Georgia’s District Attorney and the special prosecutor, Nathan Wade, should result in the entire case’s dismissal, without prejudice.
The allegations of impropriety between Willis and Wade, whom Willis’ team contracted in November of 2021, are legion, and include not only an inappropriate romantic relationship, but also serious allegations of self-dealing that involves Willis abusing her public office for lavish vacations, federal funding, and myriad other ethics violations.
The fiery allegations percolated to the surface after Mike Roman, one of the 17 co-defendants implicated in the Willis indictment, raised them in a January 8th court filing seeking to dismiss the grand jury indictment in toto as fatally defective and disqualify the district attorney’s office from further prosecuting the matter.
Roman’s explosive motion highlights improprieties that run the gauntlet from improper romantic relations to breaches of the District Attorney’s Loyalty Oath to egregious instances of self-dealing, most of which can be independently corroborated through adjacent court filings. The misconduct is so severe and persistent that it likely imputes Fani Willis’ whole office.
A day after Willis appointed Wade to her team, Wade filed for divorce from his wife of more than 24 years, Joycelyn Wade. This past week, Politico reported that Wade’s divorce proceeding was unusually acrimonious, and even resulted in a contempt order lodged against Wade by the judge presiding over that case. The contempt order resulted from Wade having “’inadequately responded’ to his wife’s discovery requests.”
Part of that discovery request involved an order requesting Wade “to turn over a host of financial documents, including all income statements since 2016.” If Wade had refused to turn over such documents, the judge presiding over the case threatened him with contempt and sanctions, which ultimately were filed against Wade.
There are two points worth underscoring with this divorce proceeding. First, contempt orders are extremely rare for divorce proceedings.
In short, Fani Willis must recuse herself, at the bare minimum, from this action – and let someone without all her baggage take the reins.
But given how deep the stain of self-dealing goes in this case, how massive the numerous conflicts of interest are here which affect the entire timeline of the prosecution, and run through all major players, tends in the direction of where all reasonable minds should inevitably arrive: the indictment needs to be dismissed.
Furthermore, the two lovebirds, Willis and Wade, need to be sternly disciplined by the Georgia Bar. Simply removing them from the case and swapping in another District Attorney, or even allowing the Fulton County District Attorney’s office to remain on the case, will not suffice because the rot is far too deep, the collateral damage to innocent parties simply too great. The conflict imputes to the whole office.
Accordingly, Kemp can use his gubernatorial powers to force Carr’s intervention, in a case that, without special involvement directly from the governor’s office, likely will erode whatever crumbs of public confidence and integrity remains in Georgia’s justice system.

As it stands, the Fani Willis prosecution was always seen from its inception by half the country as a political hit job by a vindictive District Attorney, aided and abetted by an even more vindictive Justice Department. Thus, it was arguably already tainted by irremediable impropriety on just that basis. But now, in addition to the breach of public trust that comes with a politically motivated prosecution, are the massive conflicts of interest and professional improprieties that run the entire gauntlet for attorney misconduct, which have all come to light.
All the evidence – and the behavior by the District Attorney and Special Prosecutor in the days since the news broke – points, at the bare minimum, to the appearance of impropriety – which has spiraled beyond control. If allowed to continue, such impropriety would likely be the final nail in the coffin for the possibility of fair and impartial justice in America. Those are the incredible stakes involved in this case, which, if left unchecked, would define Brian Kemp’s legacy as the Governor who let justice die under his watch.
Therefore, the only just remedy is to dismiss the indictment without prejudice, reassign the investigation to another District Attorney, and let them start from scratch with a new special purpose grand jury and, depending on the outcome, a new regular grand jury to see if a new indictment can be returned. Anything short of that would risk further undermining public confidence in a proceeding where public confidence is already at an all-time low.

If the misconduct on the behalf of multiple prosecutors handling the case is so bad, and personally motivated politically as the evidence shows, it should be dismissed with prejudice. YES exactly....dismissed WITH PREJUDICE....the author needs to learn some basic legal terms. Without just means Leftists get another shot at it. With it done and gone and never to be tried again.
I point out it makes little difference because NO REASONABLE PROSECUTOR (to quote James Comey. and even an unreasonable prosecutor would see they would need to start all over again which would cost county millions of dollars and seeing the obstacles and nearness of the election,
I think they are out of ammo.
The corruption runs deep!! Fulton Country, you people are being ripped off by Democrats so bad its beyond insane!! I bet we haven't even touched the surface of how corrupt Georgia is. Where are the People of Georgia??
She fell in love???


New Trouble for Fani Willis: Fulton County Commissioner Looking Into Alleged 'Misused County Funds'

20 Jan 2024 ~~ By Nick Arama

Looks like there's more trouble for Fulton County DA Fani Willis.
We reported earlier about the response from Jocelyn Wade to Willis' attempt to get out of a deposition in Wade's divorce case. Wade wants her to talk about the money that she paid Nathan Wade, Jocelyn's husband and Willis' alleged "paramour' (the term used in Jocelyn Wade's filing), so that could help her figure out the marital estate for purposes of the divorce and the spousal support.
Willis ridiculously accused Jocelyn Wade of colluding with the parties in the election interference case and trying to harass her. Then Wade dropped all the records she had about her husband's trips--including some that were reportedly with Willis, according to the records.
Now, the Fulton County Commissioner, Bob Ellis, has sent Willis a letter demanding answers about the allegations. You can read the letter here.
The letter says he was asking about the allegations in a recent court filling asserting that Willis "misused County funds and accepted valuable gifts and personal benefits from a contractor recipient of County funds." The letter said this related to the appointment of Nathan Wade in the matter where former President Donald Trump was a co-defendant.
In the letter, Ellis asks Willis to provide the following information by Feb. 2.
invoices for special prosecutors’ expenses and fees, their contracts with the office, payments from the office, the “professional experience” of each special prosecutor utilized by the office, as well as the “source of funding for any payments to special prosecutors” from Jan. 1, 2021 until now.
Ellis also asks for the basis for any differential in payment to the various special prosecutors. Fani Willis had claimed that they were all paid at the same rate, and questions were raised about that statement as well.
Sounds like Willis is going to be a little busy explaining herself here--and stay tuned, because it sounds like there may be more popcorn to come in this matter.

Fani is so filled with herself, and the power handed to her, she felt she could flout her power and it corrupted her. She's not only jeopardized her position and career, but also that of Nathan Wade's.
The DNCCP Socialists wanted so badly the trope of the "Strong Black Girlboss" to have been the one to take down Donald Trump. Now it turns out that "Strong Black Girlboss" is an incompetent grifter that can't control her libido. Color me shocked.
People like Fani Wilis are deeply inculcated in their false ideology and their righteousness, then sent on missions by their DNCCP Socialist masters to embarrass and destroy themselves. They are useful idiot pawns.
The whole Trump case in Georgia is going to fall apart because Fani Willis wanted obsessed over her boyfriend in the Bahamas and let the government pick up the tab.
The most important case of her career, one that would've brought her fame and fortune beyond her wildest dreams, even if she lost, and she couldn't exercise the self-control to refrain from grifting.
Fani Willis may now be on the cusp of losing her career and her license to practice law.
She hired an inexperienced criminal lawyer who happened to be her boyfriend and gave him top pay. She gained wealth off that hire. Via gifts trips and food

Cobb County Superior Court Judge Henry Thompson ordered the unsealing of these records on Monday. However, the extensive documents, spanning hundreds of pages, make no mention of Willis or any other potential romantic interest.

Nathan and Joycelyn Wade were married on June 21, 1997, and separated on Aug. 15, 2021, with Nathan filing for divorce on Nov. 2, 2021

Cobb County Superior Court Judge Henry Thompson ordered the unsealing of these records on Monday. However, the extensive documents, spanning hundreds of pages, make no mention of Willis or any other potential romantic interest.

Nathan and Joycelyn Wade were married on June 21, 1997, and separated on Aug. 15, 2021, with Nathan filing for divorce on Nov. 2, 2021
Willis cited Wade's 10 years as a municipal court judge and more than 20 years in private practice, but Wade does not have much prosecutorial experience. He worked for the Cobb County solicitor general's office, which handles misdemeanor cases, for less than a year in the late 1990s, a county spokesperson said.2 days ago

Associated Press News: Breaking News | Latest News Today › article › fani-...

Trump says Fani Willis inappropriately injected race into Georgia election case

Willis cited Wade's 10 years as a municipal court judge and more than 20 years in private practice, but Wade does not have much prosecutorial experience. He worked for the Cobb County solicitor general's office, which handles misdemeanor cases, for less than a year in the late 1990s, a county spokesperson said.2 days ago

Associated Press News: Breaking News | Latest News Today › article › fani-...

Trump says Fani Willis inappropriately injected race into Georgia election case

Who gives a shit if you think he's qualified? The question is whether Fani did since she was the one in position to do the hiring. Elections have consequences fucktard. If you want to be the one to make the call run for her position next time out.
Who gives a shit if you think he's qualified? The question is whether Fani did since she was the one in position to do the hiring. Elections have consequences fucktard. If you want to be the one to make the call run for her position next time out.
I don't think he's qualified nor does the democrat source I used . She hired him to gain wealth
I don't think he's qualified nor does the democrat source I used . She hired him to gain wealth
The law doesn't operate under your Simp opinions. The only real qualification that matters, legally, is if he's licensed to practice law in Georgia. That's the objective qualification you moron. Your subjective one doesn't mean a fucking thing in a court of law. :itsok:
The law doesn't operate under your Simp opinions. The only real qualification that matters, legally, is if he's licensed to practice law in Georgia. That's the objective qualification you moron. Your subjective one doesn't mean a fucking thing in a court of law. :itsok:
Sambo the ethic code is relevant you don't hire your fuck buddy in a high profile case.
Sambo the ethic code is relevant you don't hire your fuck buddy in a high profile case.
That's not an ethics code violation. There's nothing improper about colleagues working and congregating with one another. A lot of people meet their spouses at the office.
That's not an ethics code violation. There's nothing improper about colleagues working and congregating with one another. A lot of people meet their spouses at the office.
Yes it is if it was't you wouldn't be defended what she did because it wouldn't be reported on
Yes it is if it was't you wouldn't be defended what she did because it wouldn't be reported on
What's been reported is a lot of crying and also that she isn't being investigated by the G.B.I.

The only people threatening her are Republican politicians who better be careful they don't find themselves catching an obstruction of justice charge or maybe even joining this rico prosecution. She basically said as much to that pussy Jim Jordan.

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