Final Blow To America? Biden Just Announced A Vaccine Mandate For All Truckers!

Red Storm Rising

Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
In the middle of a supply chain problem, empty shelves in stores, Biden Just Announced A Vaccine Mandate For All Truckers!

This man is the enemy. Everyone who voted for him is a complete idiot and you should all chop a toe off for penance. This POS is out to destroy this nation.

This man doesn’t even deserve that seat in the Oval Office. He supported Fauci’s pro-vaccine rant. He announced his plans to vaccinate toddlers. Now he goes after truckers. Biden’s latest vaxx mandate targets truckers.

We have a few good reasons to believe that truckers won’t really show any interest in getting the jab. These people have a huge role in our nation. Without them, we are doomed!

Let’s not forget that Biden said that he would never ever create another mandate. Liar!

About 47 unvaccinated Americans have something to say about this. The vaxx mandate is horrible.

Earlier today, our so-called President encouraged a US Court of Appeals to reinstate OSHA’s vaccine rule.

The Biden administration announced a vaxx mandate for essential travelers crossing our border. The new mandate targets federal workers, emergency response officials, and truck drivers. Essential workers have to get their jab until January 22.
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So get the damned shot. The only two countries you can drive to are Mexico and Canada. From what I hear, those invaders coming across the southern border are lousy with Covid. Amirite? They're not supposed to threaten us within our borders but it should be okay to go to their country, get exposed and come back here to spread it? Just because its an American? Makes no sense.
So get the damned shot. The only two countries you can drive to are Mexico and Canada. From what I hear, those invaders coming across the southern border are lousy with Covid. Amirite? They're not supposed to threaten us within our borders but it should be okay to go to their country, get exposed and come back here to spread it? Just because its an American? Makes no sense.
I think we agree. I want everyone who can to get the shot and stay current with their vaccinations. Otherwise we're playing "Russian Roulette" with variants. All it takes is one mega/hyper variant to negate the vaccines and we're all dead. We need to get past Covid ASAP.
So get the damned shot. The only two countries you can drive to are Mexico and Canada. From what I hear, those invaders coming across the southern border are lousy with Covid. Amirite? They're not supposed to threaten us within our borders but it should be okay to go to their country, get exposed and come back here to spread it? Just because its an American? Makes no sense.
Hello Old Lady and good to see you…

The mandate will be held up in the courts and will most likely not happen.
Completely ignoring the truth of the mandate...

The rules pertain to non-US nationals. American citizens and permanent residents may still enter the US regardless of their vaccination status, but face additional testing hurdles because officials believe they more easily contract and spread COVID-19 and in order to encourage them to get a shot.

There are plenty of reasons to dislike President Biden, but let's at least try to be honest, shall we?
Hello Old Lady and good to see you…

The mandate will be held up in the courts and will most likely not happen.
That would be too bad. I've always thought those traveling from state to state should be considered high risk. Our first Covid case in Maine came with a traveling salesman. We can't stop commerce, but taking reasonable precautions like the vaccine SHOULD be required.
"Travelling salesman?" What is this the 1950's? :heehee: The Fauci Flu was introduced in the New York City metro area via 2 rabbis. Their names were hidden at the time so common sense disease tracing was blocked by the government. :eusa_think:

Didn't President Trump present Executive Orders in regards to defending the USA from illegal invaders, etc., that were overturned by Deep State Courts, but Sleepy Joe can demand US citizens give up there personal liberty and freedom because a Deep State government hack by the name of Fauci says so? :dunno:

Completely ignoring the truth of the mandate...

The rules pertain to non-US nationals. American citizens and permanent residents may still enter the US regardless of their vaccination status, but face additional testing hurdles because officials believe they more easily contract and spread COVID-19 and in order to encourage them to get a shot.

There are plenty of reasons to dislike President Biden, but let's at least try to be honest, shall we?

So will he mandate a vaccine shot for illegal immigrant border-crossers too?
So get the damned shot. The only two countries you can drive to are Mexico and Canada. From what I hear, those invaders coming across the southern border are lousy with Covid. Amirite? They're not supposed to threaten us within our borders but it should be okay to go to their country, get exposed and come back here to spread it? Just because its an American? Makes no sense.
Truckers literally sit alone in a truck all day?
The rules pertain to non-US nationals.
"The vaccination and testing requirements would apply to "truck drivers who work in teams (i.e., two people in a truck cab), or those who interact with people in buildings at their destinations or starting points," a Labor Department spokesperson told CNBC."

At this point in the game, I think the 24-48 hour rule should be observed. NOTHING we hear can be trusted until they have a chance to dribble out the rest of the details. Remember, this is the same group of people who were ASSURING us 8 months ago that there would be NO MANDATES.

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