Final Nobel Peace Prize Update: Obama Uses B-2 Bombers on Libya

Yeah, lets risk high value bombers on Toyota pick-ups. Islam is winning through economic attrition.

U.S. Bombers Hit Islamic State in Libya.

American B-2 bombers struck at multiple sites in Libya on Wednesday evening, hitting an Islamic State training camp and other locations and killing dozens of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon officials, in what represents a broadening of the U.S. war against the extremist group in northern Africa.

The Pentagon and coalition members in the fight against Islamic State in Libya were still assessing the impact of the strikes, but as many as 90 Islamic State fighters may have been killed, according to military officials.

The strikes occurred in the desert outside Sirte, Libya, a city where the Pentagon last month concluded an intense airstrike campaign against Islamic State. But even after Sirte had been judged to be clear of Islamic State fighters, some militants had escaped the coastal city to outlying areas.

see, if you actually gave a rat's patoot, it might be worth a discussion.

but you don't. you're just trolling. which makes you a wackjob
I prefer ISIS dead.

One AC-130 would have killed a hundred times more for 1% of the cost.

Yes! Yes! Let's second guess the generals!

A true Trumpbot for sure!
Shitforbrains thinks B-2's are required to bomb ISIS.

Thousands of aircraft were wasted on the Vietnam nam war. So what's the big deal about wasting all the aging b-2 bombers on this bullshit war?
Dufus thinks the B-2 bomber is an aging outdated aircraft. :cuckoo:

Killing ISIL soldiers is a good thing. What the fuck is wrong with some of you people?
Tomorrow afternoon you can start ranting about the cost of the war against terror again.
You are making stuff up. I have never complained about the cost of the war against terrorism. I think we do not spend enough.
The OP stands. Using B-2 bombers is stupid and reckless.
Says who? You? Do you know about some secret anti-aircraft systems available to the ISIL head decapitators in Libya the rest of us and the US Military are unaware of? Didn't the B-2 just recently come out of having the entire fleet updated? Maybe someone wanted to give one of the newly updated high flying stealth bombers that is used to launch multiple precision guided bombs at multiple targets and is able to linger over a battlefield and pick targets of opportunity as they show themselves. But you probably know better than the airforce Generals and military experts.
Says me. Using the B-2 is stupid and reckless. As well as a waste of money. The 2 bombers used cost the taxpayers $8.8 million for that one mission.
B-52 has almost twice the payload and can target multiple individual targets. AC-130 can stay on station for hours hitting targets.

Weatherman - educating the left since 1978

Did Obama tell you that ISIS has anti-aircraft missiles or was it George Soros?
Yeah, lets risk high value bombers on Toyota pick-ups. Islam is winning through economic attrition.

U.S. Bombers Hit Islamic State in Libya.

American B-2 bombers struck at multiple sites in Libya on Wednesday evening, hitting an Islamic State training camp and other locations and killing dozens of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon officials, in what represents a broadening of the U.S. war against the extremist group in northern Africa.

The Pentagon and coalition members in the fight against Islamic State in Libya were still assessing the impact of the strikes, but as many as 90 Islamic State fighters may have been killed, according to military officials.

The strikes occurred in the desert outside Sirte, Libya, a city where the Pentagon last month concluded an intense airstrike campaign against Islamic State. But even after Sirte had been judged to be clear of Islamic State fighters, some militants had escaped the coastal city to outlying areas.

see, if you actually gave a rat's patoot, it might be worth a discussion.

but you don't. you're just trolling. which makes you a wackjob
I prefer ISIS dead.

One AC-130 would have killed a hundred times more for 1% of the cost.

Yes! Yes! Let's second guess the generals!

A true Trumpbot for sure!
Shitforbrains thinks B-2's are required to bomb ISIS.

Safer for the troops…stealth bombers vs prop driven aircraft.
Also available in any type of weather unlike the AC130.
Honestly, where do you idiots dig up this stuff?
Reagan scared the strange Libyan despot so bad that Moammar (Daffy) Kahdafi became a moderate dictator and wasn't a threat to the U.S. for the next two decades. Along came a former community activist who was elected president and he decided to destabilize Libya simply because he could and it was easy. You almost have to assume that the power vacuum that led to the Muslem Brotherhood and the destabilization of the area was the intent of the Obama administration and the CIA. Drain the swamp.
It was his intent. Every single action he has taken in The Middle East largely has been to the benefit of terrorists and to the detriment of US interests and our allies.
One almost certain event - there will be a recession during Trump's term.

One certain event - the Trumptards will blame it on anyone and anything but Trump.
One almost certain event - there will be a recession during Trump's term.

One certain event - the Trumptards will blame it on anyone and anything but Trump.
Why should anything bad economically not be blamed on Bush still?
I can’t believe what our country is doing. Qaddafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we’re sitting around, we have soldiers all have the Middle East, and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage and that’s what it is: It’s a carnage.

You talk about things that have happened in history; this could be one of the worst. Now we should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives. This is absolutely nuts. We don’t want to get involved and you’re gonna end up with something like you’ve never seen before.

Now, ultimately, the people will appreciate it. They're gonna end up taking over the country eventually, but the people will appreciate it, and they should pay us back.

But we have go in to save these lives; these people are being slaughtered like animals. It’s horrible what’s going on;
it has to be stopped.

We should do on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives.

- Donald J. Trump

How many years has Obama been involved in his war in Libya now?

I can’t believe what our country is doing. Qaddafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we’re sitting around, we have soldiers all have the Middle East, and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage and that’s what it is: It’s a carnage.

You talk about things that have happened in history; this could be one of the worst. Now we should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives. This is absolutely nuts. We don’t want to get involved and you’re gonna end up with something like you’ve never seen before.

Now, ultimately, the people will appreciate it. They're gonna end up taking over the country eventually, but the people will appreciate it, and they should pay us back.

But we have go in to save these lives; these people are being slaughtered like animals. It’s horrible what’s going on;
it has to be stopped.

We should do on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives.

- Donald J. Trump

How many years has Obama been involved in his war in Libya now?


Dufus deflects again.
But since you bring it up, Obama has attacked more foreign governments than any other in history.
see, if you actually gave a rat's patoot, it might be worth a discussion.

but you don't. you're just trolling. which makes you a wackjob
I prefer ISIS dead.

One AC-130 would have killed a hundred times more for 1% of the cost.

Yes! Yes! Let's second guess the generals!

A true Trumpbot for sure!
Shitforbrains thinks B-2's are required to bomb ISIS.

Thousands of aircraft were wasted on the Vietnam nam war. So what's the big deal about wasting all the aging b-2 bombers on this bullshit war?
Dufus thinks the B-2 bomber is an aging outdated aircraft.

Don't be putting words in my mouth. Dumshit.

I said aging. Not outdated.
Killing ISIL soldiers is a good thing. What the fuck is wrong with some of you people?
Tomorrow afternoon you can start ranting about the cost of the war against terror again.
You are making stuff up. I have never complained about the cost of the war against terrorism. I think we do not spend enough.
The OP stands. Using B-2 bombers is stupid and reckless.
Says who? You? Do you know about some secret anti-aircraft systems available to the ISIL head decapitators in Libya the rest of us and the US Military are unaware of? Didn't the B-2 just recently come out of having the entire fleet updated? Maybe someone wanted to give one of the newly updated high flying stealth bombers that is used to launch multiple precision guided bombs at multiple targets and is able to linger over a battlefield and pick targets of opportunity as they show themselves. But you probably know better than the airforce Generals and military experts.
Says me. Using the B-2 is stupid and reckless. As well as a waste of money. The 2 bombers used cost the taxpayers $8.8 million for that one mission.
B-52 has almost twice the payload and can target multiple individual targets. AC-130 can stay on station for hours hitting targets.

Weatherman - educating the left since 1978

Did Obama tell you that ISIS has anti-aircraft missiles or was it George Soros?

Holy crap, so how is using an AC-130 not more reckless in a situation where using the B-2 is? The B-2 has much higher mission survivability you silly goose. The Answer to every question isn' the AC-130, the AC-130 and Bombers are not interchangeable like that, but hell you know better then the Military so who am I to tell you. You obviously know why the B-2 was selected over other aircraft, privy to all that classified information and such.

Oh, wait, you're just some guy on the internet who doesn't know shit from shit on a shingle? That's what I thought.
Tomorrow afternoon you can start ranting about the cost of the war against terror again.
You are making stuff up. I have never complained about the cost of the war against terrorism. I think we do not spend enough.
The OP stands. Using B-2 bombers is stupid and reckless.
Says who? You? Do you know about some secret anti-aircraft systems available to the ISIL head decapitators in Libya the rest of us and the US Military are unaware of? Didn't the B-2 just recently come out of having the entire fleet updated? Maybe someone wanted to give one of the newly updated high flying stealth bombers that is used to launch multiple precision guided bombs at multiple targets and is able to linger over a battlefield and pick targets of opportunity as they show themselves. But you probably know better than the airforce Generals and military experts.
Says me. Using the B-2 is stupid and reckless. As well as a waste of money. The 2 bombers used cost the taxpayers $8.8 million for that one mission.
B-52 has almost twice the payload and can target multiple individual targets. AC-130 can stay on station for hours hitting targets.

Weatherman - educating the left since 1978

Did Obama tell you that ISIS has anti-aircraft missiles or was it George Soros?

Holy crap, so how is using an AC-130 not more reckless in a situation where using the B-2 is? The B-2 has much higher mission survivability you silly goose. The Answer to every question isn' the AC-130, the AC-130 and Bombers are not interchangeable like that, but hell you know better then the Military so who am I to tell you. You obviously know why the B-2 was selected over other aircraft, privy to all that classified information and such.

Oh, wait, you're just some guy on the internet who doesn't know shit from shit on a shingle? That's what I thought.
Oh man are you people ignorant.
What's the cost of a B-2 vs an AC-130 ignoramus?
I prefer ISIS dead.

One AC-130 would have killed a hundred times more for 1% of the cost.

Yes! Yes! Let's second guess the generals!

A true Trumpbot for sure!
Shitforbrains thinks B-2's are required to bomb ISIS.

Thousands of aircraft were wasted on the Vietnam nam war. So what's the big deal about wasting all the aging b-2 bombers on this bullshit war?
Dufus thinks the B-2 bomber is an aging outdated aircraft.

Don't be putting words in my mouth. Dumshit.

I said aging. Not outdated.
You are one moron who loves to tell the world about it.
see, if you actually gave a rat's patoot, it might be worth a discussion.

but you don't. you're just trolling. which makes you a wackjob
I prefer ISIS dead.

One AC-130 would have killed a hundred times more for 1% of the cost.

Yes! Yes! Let's second guess the generals!

A true Trumpbot for sure!
Shitforbrains thinks B-2's are required to bomb ISIS.

Thousands of aircraft were wasted on the Vietnam nam war. So what's the big deal about wasting all the aging b-2 bombers on this bullshit war?
Dufus thinks the B-2 bomber is an aging outdated aircraft. :cuckoo:


They flew one of those low over an RPI graduation, and I mean low it could not have been more than 1,000 feet up. It was an awesome sight, the thing is huge and looks so weird flying through the air. It made two passes over the university.
I prefer ISIS dead.

One AC-130 would have killed a hundred times more for 1% of the cost.

Yes! Yes! Let's second guess the generals!

A true Trumpbot for sure!
Shitforbrains thinks B-2's are required to bomb ISIS.

Thousands of aircraft were wasted on the Vietnam nam war. So what's the big deal about wasting all the aging b-2 bombers on this bullshit war?
Dufus thinks the B-2 bomber is an aging outdated aircraft. :cuckoo:


They flew one of those low over an RPI graduation, and I mean low it could not have been more than 1,000 feet up. It was an awesome sight, the thing is huge and looks so weird flying through the air. It made two passes over the university.

All flyovers are designed to promote more defense spending.
Yes! Yes! Let's second guess the generals!

A true Trumpbot for sure!
Shitforbrains thinks B-2's are required to bomb ISIS.

Thousands of aircraft were wasted on the Vietnam nam war. So what's the big deal about wasting all the aging b-2 bombers on this bullshit war?
Dufus thinks the B-2 bomber is an aging outdated aircraft. :cuckoo:


They flew one of those low over an RPI graduation, and I mean low it could not have been more than 1,000 feet up. It was an awesome sight, the thing is huge and looks so weird flying through the air. It made two passes over the university.

All flyovers are designed to promote more defense spending.

Do you make shit up for a living?
Shitforbrains thinks B-2's are required to bomb ISIS.

Thousands of aircraft were wasted on the Vietnam nam war. So what's the big deal about wasting all the aging b-2 bombers on this bullshit war?
Dufus thinks the B-2 bomber is an aging outdated aircraft. :cuckoo:


They flew one of those low over an RPI graduation, and I mean low it could not have been more than 1,000 feet up. It was an awesome sight, the thing is huge and looks so weird flying through the air. It made two passes over the university.

All flyovers are designed to promote more defense spending.

Do you make shit up for a living?

It's true.
Thousands of aircraft were wasted on the Vietnam nam war. So what's the big deal about wasting all the aging b-2 bombers on this bullshit war?
Dufus thinks the B-2 bomber is an aging outdated aircraft. :cuckoo:


They flew one of those low over an RPI graduation, and I mean low it could not have been more than 1,000 feet up. It was an awesome sight, the thing is huge and looks so weird flying through the air. It made two passes over the university.

All flyovers are designed to promote more defense spending.

Do you make shit up for a living?

It's true.

What, the shit you just made up? lol
Dufus thinks the B-2 bomber is an aging outdated aircraft. :cuckoo:


They flew one of those low over an RPI graduation, and I mean low it could not have been more than 1,000 feet up. It was an awesome sight, the thing is huge and looks so weird flying through the air. It made two passes over the university.

All flyovers are designed to promote more defense spending.

Do you make shit up for a living?

It's true.

What, the shit you just made up? lol
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