Finally, and enlisted man to become Secretary of Defense

The senate’s disrespectful treatment of a man wholly qualified to be Secretary of Defense is another sign that partisanship trumps patriotism

The Hagel Witch Hunt

so think progress ( you do realize think progress is an arm of the democratic party...right?) believes that like Obamas 'evolving' on gay issues a man can contradict the hell out of himself, look like a bozo, have no brief on whats hes expected to do and yet, winner!!!

and hey, I didn't see anything in that Think Progress link ( if its there please correct me) berating hagels embarrassing, crude, horrid ill temperate socially unacceptable intolerant statements vis a vis abortion, gays rights, dadt, womans right etc etc etc...

aren't they ready to tell you what to think yet? :rolleyes:
What did Hagel do that disqualifies him from this position, in your estimation...pick up arms in service of his country?

What did he do? He obviously made a bad decision based on politics regarding his vote about the Troop Surge and he could not rationally explain it. His performance was embarrassing and his testimony was incoherent. He is clearly unqualified and just the guy for Hussein's cabinet position..

My understanding as to why the so-called "troop surge" was "supposedly" successful was because the Iraqi tribal factions were BOUGHT OFF with big bucks. Now, unlike when Saddam was in power, Iraq and Iran are good buddies. Iraq was a major Bush clusterfuck.

Iraq and Iran have better relations, but they are NOT good buddies. Prime Minister Maliki fought and hunted down much of Iran's Proxi in Iraq, the shia maidi army led by Muktada Al Sadr.

I'll put it to you this way, who do you think KUWAIT prefers is in power in Iraq, SADDAM or Maliki! Remember that our most important interest are the oil fields of Kuwait and northern Suadi Arabia. The safer those oil fields are, the safer we are. With Saddam gone, those oil fields are the safest they have been in decades!
What did Hagel do that disqualifies him from this position, in your estimation...pick up arms in service of his country?

What did he do? He obviously made a bad decision based on politics regarding his vote about the Troop Surge and he could not rationally explain it. His performance was embarrassing and his testimony was incoherent. He is clearly unqualified and just the guy for Hussein's cabinet position..

My understanding as to why the so-called "troop surge" was "supposedly" successful was because the Iraqi tribal factions were BOUGHT OFF with big bucks. Now, unlike when Saddam was in power, Iraq and Iran are good buddies. Iraq was a major Bush clusterfuck.

Yes, we gave money to sunni's in Iraq who needed it. Its economic aid and the US has done that in every country it has ever occupied. But this did not stop the fighting or the killing as that still going on at a full fledged rate 6 months after it was started in the summer of 2006 and months before the first surge troops ever arrived. A significant reduction in violence in Iraq does not occur until all of the surge force arrives in Iraq towards the end of 2007.
Hagel was McCain's choice for Secretary of Defense when he, McCain, was running for president. Hagel was also his campaign co-chair.
McCain has lost his mind.

No, McCain is horrified over Hagel's weak policies on defense and foreign policy especially on the Iraq war since he ran for President.
What did Hagel do that disqualifies him from this position, in your estimation...pick up arms in service of his country?

What did he do? He obviously made a bad decision based on politics regarding his vote about the Troop Surge and he could not rationally explain it. His performance was embarrassing and his testimony was incoherent. He is clearly unqualified and just the guy for Hussein's cabinet position..

Troop surge? Which one? The one where thousands of Americans were maimed or killed for no good reason anyone can think of or the one where thousands of Americans were maimed or killed or other reasons no one can explain?

The casualties of the troop surge were only slightly higher than casualties in previous years during the same time period. More importantly, the troops SURGE led to a massive reduction in US casualties after it was completed as well as a massive reduction in civilian deaths and overall violence. The troop surge saved thousands of American lives , thousands of Iraqi lives, and allowed the United States to accomplish and complete its mission in Iraq.
As for claims that he's got a shaky position toward Israel, he said "I've never voted against Israel ever in the 12 years I was in the Senate."
Two former committee chairmen -- Democrat Sam Nunn and Republican John Warner -- introduced and endorsed the nominee at the top of the hearing.
If confirmed, Hagel, a decorated Vietnam combat veteran, would be the first enlisted man and first Vietnam veteran to serve as defense secretary.

Hagel faces barrage of criticism during tense confirmation hearing | Fox News

“I have one fundamental question that I asked myself on every vote I took, every decision made: Was the policy worthy of the men and women that we were sending into battle and surely to their deaths?” Hagel told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

“I saw it from the bottom. I saw what happens. I saw the consequences and the suffering and horror of war,” said Hagel, who was wounded twice as an infantryman in Vietnam.

That, he said, is why he opposed President George W. Bush’s 2007 surge of troops into Iraq, opposed Obama’s 2009 surge of troops into Afghanistan, and now opposes U.S. military intervention in Syria.

“I always ask the question: Is this going to be worth the sacrifice? Because there will be sacrifices,” Hagel said.

Chuck Hagel, an enlisted man as Secretary of Defense?


Everyone knows it's a lie. No wonder McCain hates Hagel.

We all know Bush Sr. was an officer during WWII, Head of the CIA, Vice President and President. He beat back Saddam. You can bet he put satellites over Iraq and plenty of spies. With his background, he wouldn't do anything else. Anyone have any video of him agreeing with his son over WMDs?

More than half Republicans believe Obama was born in a different country and Iraq had WMD's. responses by party ID.pdf

Hagel never wanted to invade Iraq. And he was right.

He'll be confirmed, but its unfortunate. I don't want a Secretary of Defense who believes that the Persian Gulf and the Middle East would be more secure today if SADDAM HUSSIAN was still in power in Iraq.

The United States and its allies went to war with Saddam in 1991 because of his unprovoked invasion of Kuwait. Afterwards, US strategy while leaving Saddam in place put heavy international sanctions on Saddam and required Saddam to disarm of his WMD programs. Saddam cooperated early on, but in the mid to late 90s began to block and harrass inspectors and not cooperate. In addition, by 2000 many countries began to ignore the sanctions and Saddam used his oil wealth to bribe countries, organizations and individuals to start looking the other way. Saddam made Billions of dollars in black market oil in 2000, 2001, and 2002. Containment, the only option other than regime change at that point, had fallen apart.

The invasion in 2003 to remove Saddam was a necessity because containment had collapsed as well as the reports of WMD. But its important to mention that all US activity since the end of the 1991 GULF WAR was about PREVENTING SADDAM from getting WMD. Military force was also an option in accomplishing that task.

Only a fool would believe that the United States should have waited to invade Iraq and remove Saddam until he actually had WMD. WMD that could be used on US forces as they entered the country as well as civilians in Iraq and other countries in the region. Again, the objective is to PREVENT Saddam from getting WMD, not wait until he has it before doing something!

Hopefully are defense and foreign policy establishment will be able to weather the Kerry and Hagels weakness on defense and foreign policy issues over the next four years.

I don't normally support term limits for politicians, but I'm glad their in place to get Obama out in four years!

What you are saying is ridiculous. Saddam was defeated. The youth of his country was killed during Desert Storm and an 8 year war with Iran.

The guy was barely hanging on. What ever happened to "common sense" in the right wing?

If that were the case, Saddam would have been removed from power years before the 2003 invasion.

Instead, Saddam's power steadily increased from the late 1990s onwards as the sanctions regime fell apart.

In 2001, China broke the weapons embargo and help install a new air defense system with fiber optic capables for Saddam's military. Russian and French airlines were starting to run daily services which were also against sanctions. Syria opened up its entire border to Iraqi goods and services and let Saddam's oil be sold through its own pipline. Naturally, all of these people are making money off the process.

As long as your luck and blessed to be sitting on so much oil in the ground, you are ALWAYS in the game. Oil is money, and money is power.

Finally, Saddam's military was still one of the largest in the world at the time of the 2003 invasion.

Consider the fact that Saddam still had the following:

Active military manpower: 387,000
Main Battle Tanks: 2,700
Armored Personal Carriers: 2,200
Artillery towed and self propelled: 2,400
Multiple Rocket Launchers: 250
Short Range Ballistic Missiles: dozens
Combat Aircraft: 300

Plus, the scientist, know how, and facilities to produce sarin nerve gas, anthrax, and other types of WMD. The fact that we did not find actual weapons of with these agents when we invaded DOES not change the fact that he had the ability to mass produce such weapons and failed to comply with the UN resolutions regarding those weapons and the means of producing them!
He'll be confirmed, but its unfortunate. I don't want a Secretary of Defense who believes that the Persian Gulf and the Middle East would be more secure today if SADDAM HUSSIAN was still in power in Iraq.

The United States and its allies went to war with Saddam in 1991 because of his unprovoked invasion of Kuwait. Afterwards, US strategy while leaving Saddam in place put heavy international sanctions on Saddam and required Saddam to disarm of his WMD programs. Saddam cooperated early on, but in the mid to late 90s began to block and harrass inspectors and not cooperate. In addition, by 2000 many countries began to ignore the sanctions and Saddam used his oil wealth to bribe countries, organizations and individuals to start looking the other way. Saddam made Billions of dollars in black market oil in 2000, 2001, and 2002. Containment, the only option other than regime change at that point, had fallen apart.

The invasion in 2003 to remove Saddam was a necessity because containment had collapsed as well as the reports of WMD. But its important to mention that all US activity since the end of the 1991 GULF WAR was about PREVENTING SADDAM from getting WMD. Military force was also an option in accomplishing that task.

Only a fool would believe that the United States should have waited to invade Iraq and remove Saddam until he actually had WMD. WMD that could be used on US forces as they entered the country as well as civilians in Iraq and other countries in the region. Again, the objective is to PREVENT Saddam from getting WMD, not wait until he has it before doing something!

Hopefully are defense and foreign policy establishment will be able to weather the Kerry and Hagels weakness on defense and foreign policy issues over the next four years.

I don't normally support term limits for politicians, but I'm glad their in place to get Obama out in four years!

What you are saying is ridiculous. Saddam was defeated. The youth of his country was killed during Desert Storm and an 8 year war with Iran.

The guy was barely hanging on. What ever happened to "common sense" in the right wing?

If that were the case, Saddam would have been removed from power years before the 2003 invasion.

Instead, Saddam's power steadily increased from the late 1990s onwards as the sanctions regime fell apart.

In 2001, China broke the weapons embargo and help install a new air defense system with fiber optic capables for Saddam's military. Russian and French airlines were starting to run daily services which were also against sanctions. Syria opened up its entire border to Iraqi goods and services and let Saddam's oil be sold through its own pipline. Naturally, all of these people are making money off the process.

As long as your luck and blessed to be sitting on so much oil in the ground, you are ALWAYS in the game. Oil is money, and money is power.

Finally, Saddam's military was still one of the largest in the world at the time of the 2003 invasion.

Consider the fact that Saddam still had the following:

Active military manpower: 387,000
Main Battle Tanks: 2,700
Armored Personal Carriers: 2,200
Artillery towed and self propelled: 2,400
Multiple Rocket Launchers: 250
Short Range Ballistic Missiles: dozens
Combat Aircraft: 300

Plus, the scientist, know how, and facilities to produce sarin nerve gas, anthrax, and other types of WMD. The fact that we did not find actual weapons of with these agents when we invaded DOES not change the fact that he had the ability to mass produce such weapons and failed to comply with the UN resolutions regarding those weapons and the means of producing them!
Not to mention that he used chemical weapons twice before, and even though EVERYONE knows Syria was the beneficiary of Saddam's wmd's, the left is still claiming those weapons never existed.
As for claims that he's got a shaky position toward Israel, he said "I've never voted against Israel ever in the 12 years I was in the Senate."
Two former committee chairmen -- Democrat Sam Nunn and Republican John Warner -- introduced and endorsed the nominee at the top of the hearing.
If confirmed, Hagel, a decorated Vietnam combat veteran, would be the first enlisted man and first Vietnam veteran to serve as defense secretary.

Hagel faces barrage of criticism during tense confirmation hearing | Fox News

“I have one fundamental question that I asked myself on every vote I took, every decision made: Was the policy worthy of the men and women that we were sending into battle and surely to their deaths?” Hagel told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

“I saw it from the bottom. I saw what happens. I saw the consequences and the suffering and horror of war,” said Hagel, who was wounded twice as an infantryman in Vietnam.

That, he said, is why he opposed President George W. Bush’s 2007 surge of troops into Iraq, opposed Obama’s 2009 surge of troops into Afghanistan, and now opposes U.S. military intervention in Syria.

“I always ask the question: Is this going to be worth the sacrifice? Because there will be sacrifices,” Hagel said.

Chuck Hagel, an enlisted man as Secretary of Defense?


Everyone knows it's a lie. No wonder McCain hates Hagel.

We all know Bush Sr. was an officer during WWII, Head of the CIA, Vice President and President. He beat back Saddam. You can bet he put satellites over Iraq and plenty of spies. With his background, he wouldn't do anything else. Anyone have any video of him agreeing with his son over WMDs?

More than half Republicans believe Obama was born in a different country and Iraq had WMD's. responses by party ID.pdf

Hagel never wanted to invade Iraq. And he was right.

well you wont get me arguing with you on this one Dean......the SOD should always be at least someone who has been in the Military,and this guy has the added value of actually being in Combat.....i am all for him.....
Democrats don't care about a person's qualifications or what they did in the past... Or even if they would be the right person for the job, as long as they have D next to their name anyone will do

I mean they just put in a traitor to the military and the men and women he served with, as Sec. of State

Hagel is a Republican....and someone who knows how wonderful War is....
Democrats don't care about a person's qualifications or what they did in the past... Or even if they would be the right person for the job, as long as they have D next to their name anyone will do

Really hate to rain on your parade...... but Hagel is registered as a Republican.
McCain is consumed by his failures. He lost the presidential nomination to Bush, Jr. and hates him. He lost the presidency to Obama and hates him. Hagel endorsed Obama so he hates him.
This is why, I, and clearly many Americans, last November SOUNDLY REJECTED their nonsense.

It's really kinda sickening when you think about it.
No, what you rejected was the concept of working for a living. You voted for the guy who offered more free stuff.
Oh, back to the old "they wanted more free stuff" nonsense that Romney pushed after he got trounced.

Yawl keep dat up now...yuh heah!?!?

truth hurts huh?
take a look at your Dear leaders little video called, THE LIFE OF JULIA
Watching Hagel's hearing was one of the most dismal and hopeless things to behold!

Fumbling and inarticulate... what a disgrace!

Typical weak and stupid Obama's lap dog kind nominee.
Democrats don't care about a person's qualifications or what they did in the past... Or even if they would be the right person for the job, as long as they have D next to their name anyone will do

I mean they just put in a traitor to the military and the men and women he served with, as Sec. of State

I guess you are unaware that Hagel has a R next to his name. :lol:

So much for THAT theory!
What did he do? He obviously made a bad decision based on politics regarding his vote about the Troop Surge and he could not rationally explain it. His performance was embarrassing and his testimony was incoherent. He is clearly unqualified and just the guy for Hussein's cabinet position..

My understanding as to why the so-called "troop surge" was "supposedly" successful was because the Iraqi tribal factions were BOUGHT OFF with big bucks. Now, unlike when Saddam was in power, Iraq and Iran are good buddies. Iraq was a major Bush clusterfuck.

Iraq and Iran have better relations, but they are NOT good buddies. Prime Minister Maliki fought and hunted down much of Iran's Proxi in Iraq, the shia maidi army led by Muktada Al Sadr.

I'll put it to you this way, who do you think KUWAIT prefers is in power in Iraq, SADDAM or Maliki! Remember that our most important interest are the oil fields of Kuwait and northern Suadi Arabia. The safer those oil fields are, the safer we are. With Saddam gone, those oil fields are the safest they have been in decades!

PressTV - Iran supports Iraq political integrity, national unity: Larijani

Larijani also stressed the importance of cooperation between Iranian and Iraqi parliaments, saying, “Expanding close and brotherly cooperation with parliaments of neighboring countries, especially Iraq, is one of the foreign relation priorities of [Iranian] Majlis.”

Ahmed Chalabi, for his part, said all Iraqi political leaders and groups emphasize the importance of expanding all-out cooperation with Iran.
My understanding as to why the so-called "troop surge" was "supposedly" successful was because the Iraqi tribal factions were BOUGHT OFF with big bucks. Now, unlike when Saddam was in power, Iraq and Iran are good buddies. Iraq was a major Bush clusterfuck.

Iraq and Iran have better relations, but they are NOT good buddies. Prime Minister Maliki fought and hunted down much of Iran's Proxi in Iraq, the shia maidi army led by Muktada Al Sadr.

I'll put it to you this way, who do you think KUWAIT prefers is in power in Iraq, SADDAM or Maliki! Remember that our most important interest are the oil fields of Kuwait and northern Suadi Arabia. The safer those oil fields are, the safer we are. With Saddam gone, those oil fields are the safest they have been in decades!

PressTV - Iran supports Iraq political integrity, national unity: Larijani

Larijani also stressed the importance of cooperation between Iranian and Iraqi parliaments, saying, “Expanding close and brotherly cooperation with parliaments of neighboring countries, especially Iraq, is one of the foreign relation priorities of [Iranian] Majlis.”

Ahmed Chalabi, for his part, said all Iraqi political leaders and groups emphasize the importance of expanding all-out cooperation with Iran.

Guess where the Iraqi military gets their equipment from? Guess which country Iraq is dependent on for logistical support for its military? Guess which country Iraq has the most to gain from having good relations with it?

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