Finally, Conservatives Begin To Back Away From the Confederate Flag


This country was founded for free white people.

Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians,indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.
The Confederate battle flag flew over the capitol dome in Columbia, S.C., from 1962, when the legislature hoisted it as a symbol of defiance against integration,

That backward state should be ostracized and boycotted

Finally Conservatives Begin To Back Away From the Confederate Flag Mother Jones
That flag is nothing but pure beauty and a symbol of pride.
Thanks to idiot racist like you.
I'm proud of my race and it's accomplishments.How about you?

Why would you be proud of things that you had nothing to do with? Serious question.
The Confederate battle flag flew over the capitol dome in Columbia, S.C., from 1962, when the legislature hoisted it as a symbol of defiance against integration,

That backward state should be ostracized and boycotted

Finally Conservatives Begin To Back Away From the Confederate Flag Mother Jones

The "tradition" argument is so weak as to be transparent.

A "tradition" of what?

Slavery? :eek:

Who in their right minds wants to uphold the "tradition" of slavery in a nation that fought a bloody civil war that cost 600,000 lives to eliminate?
The American flag also represents a history of slave ownership. You nazis gonna burn that book, too?
The Confederate battle flag flew over the capitol dome in Columbia, S.C., from 1962, when the legislature hoisted it as a symbol of defiance against integration,

That backward state should be ostracized and boycotted

Finally Conservatives Begin To Back Away From the Confederate Flag Mother Jones

The "tradition" argument is so weak as to be transparent.

A "tradition" of what?

Slavery? :eek:

Who in their right minds wants to uphold the "tradition" of slavery in a nation that fought a bloody civil war that cost 600,000 lives to eliminate?
US flag has far more innocent blood on it. Funny to see you shitlibs get so hysterical over the flag though. :lol:
The Confederate battle flag flew over the capitol dome in Columbia, S.C., from 1962, when the legislature hoisted it as a symbol of defiance against integration,

That backward state should be ostracized and boycotted

Finally Conservatives Begin To Back Away From the Confederate Flag Mother Jones

The "tradition" argument is so weak as to be transparent.

A "tradition" of what?

Slavery? :eek:

Who in their right minds wants to uphold the "tradition" of slavery in a nation that fought a bloody civil war that cost 600,000 lives to eliminate?
The American flag also represents a history of slave ownership. You nazis gonna burn that book, too?

They do, remember?

"It's just a piece of cloth"
Thanks to idiot racist like you.
I'm proud of my race and it's accomplishments.How about you?
You are a disgrace to your race. Most of your race thinks you and your ilk are a vile, crude and offensive jerks.
Bullshit. You do know this country was established for whites only.


Nowhere in the constitution does it make that claim.
Check the wording of the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation of the 1st congress.

14th Amendment makes all of those laws null and void.

This country was founded for free white people.

Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians,indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.

Subsequently rendered null and void by the 14th Amendment.
The Confederate battle flag flew over the capitol dome in Columbia, S.C., from 1962, when the legislature hoisted it as a symbol of defiance against integration,

That backward state should be ostracized and boycotted

Finally Conservatives Begin To Back Away From the Confederate Flag Mother Jones

The "tradition" argument is so weak as to be transparent.

A "tradition" of what?

Slavery? :eek:

Who in their right minds wants to uphold the "tradition" of slavery in a nation that fought a bloody civil war that cost 600,000 lives to eliminate?
The American flag also represents a history of slave ownership. You nazis gonna burn that book, too?

The American flag stands for overturning slavery and granting rights to all people.
I'm proud of my race and it's accomplishments.How about you?
You are a disgrace to your race. Most of your race thinks you and your ilk are a vile, crude and offensive jerks.
Bullshit. You do know this country was established for whites only.


Nowhere in the constitution does it make that claim.
Check the wording of the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation of the 1st congress.

14th Amendment makes all of those laws null and void.

Hmmm, so, his statement was correct, but you keep insisting that because the 14th makes it null and void, it didn't happen?
Does this mean we are going to push to get rid of all the foreign country flags people fly too?

I guess I just don't find flags offensive or indicative of anything but that persons history. I mean Mexican's are a bunch of drug lords right? Does that mean all those folks I see driving around with Mexican flags are drug lords?

Still it's their state (SC), if they want to get rid of it so be it.
If you don't live in the state, it's none of your business. The stories about what happened during and after the Civil War are not just passed down by the elders of the black families. They are also passed down in white families. We still have the relatives of those who fought in the civil warm and like it or not, they are still Americans.
When are the Clintons and the Dems going to back away from supporting the Confederacy?

As Governor Bill Clinton Honored Confederacy On Arkansas Flag The Daily Caller

This country was founded for free white people.

Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians,indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.

Subsequently rendered null and void by the 14th Amendment.
But as usual, I was right and this country needs to return to the founders original intent to make it a better place.
If you don't live in the state, it's none of your business. The stories about what happened during and after the Civil War are not just passed down by the elders of the black families. They are also passed down in white families. We still have the relatives of those who fought in the civil warm and like it or not, they are still Americans.

Only because the South lost.
You are a disgrace to your race. Most of your race thinks you and your ilk are a vile, crude and offensive jerks.
Bullshit. You do know this country was established for whites only.


Nowhere in the constitution does it make that claim.
Check the wording of the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation of the 1st congress.

14th Amendment makes all of those laws null and void.

Hmmm, so, his statement was correct, but you keep insisting that because the 14th makes it null and void, it didn't happen?

Your reading comprehension shortcoming is not my problem.

This country was founded for free white people.

Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians,indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.

Subsequently rendered null and void by the 14th Amendment.
But as usual, I was right and this country needs to return to the founders original intent to make it a better place.

So is it your intention to give up all of your beloved guns and go back only having a musket too?

After all that was the original intent of the 2nd Amendment.

Oh, another of the original laws required you to register your musket with the government.

How does that fit in with your desire to return to the founders original intentions?

This country was founded for free white people.

Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians,indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.

Subsequently rendered null and void by the 14th Amendment.
But as usual, I was right and this country needs to return to the founders original intent to make it a better place.

So is it your intention to give up all of your beloved guns and go back only having a musket too?

After all that was the original intent of the 2nd Amendment.

Oh, another of the original laws required you to register your musket with the government.

How does that fit in with your desire to return to the founders original intentions?

No more than you would be willing to go back to newspaper and printing presses.

After all, that was the original intent of the 1st Amendment.

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