Finally: President Trump calls Mueller’s Investigation Illegal

So far 95% of the donations were when Clinton was junior senator from New York.
As expected, delusional dale flat out refuses to adrdress that talking point killer.

And ZERO russian money while Sec of State.
Controversy surrounding the deal largely pertains to 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state in 2010 when the State Department signed off on Rosatom’s purchase of Uranium One. Several of Uranium One’s owners were also donors to the Clinton Foundation, giving $145 million to the charitable foundation, and critics have alleged that Clinton greenlighted the sale to appease donors to her family’s charity.

Connections between Clinton Foundation donors and Uranium One were first published in 2015 by The New York Times, which based its reporting in part on the book “Clinton Cash,” by Breitbart News senior editor-at-large Peter Schweizer.

The allegations resurfaced last October, when The Hill reported that the FBI was investigating Kremlin “bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States.”

Tell Vlad I'll have more flexibility after the election!
And as you’ve been shown repeatedly, that $145 million came from Canadians, not from Russians, as you falsely claimed.

When are you going to apologize to the forum for spreading such bullshit?
But he doesn't have a problem with Congressmen doing illegal things, but he has a problem with Mueller doing non-illegal things which he claims are illegal.
Has there been a guilty verdict....didn't think so.
So what’s illegal about Mueller’s investigation?
Was Robert Mueller's Appointment Illegal? One Expert Thinks So

Oct 30, 2017 · Was Robert Mueller illegally hired as special counsel in the Russia investigation

One biased "expert" thinks so.
More than one! Look it up@

Wait, it's YOUR argument, why the fuck would I look it up?
No, he complained that the indictments would interfere with the Nov. Election. Much like Comey did 1 week out when he announced new investigation of Huma's laptop....funny how the FBI could go through almost 700000 emails in what 2 days!
Grassley said he went through 450,000 pages of Kavanaugh documents in one night.
Has there been a guilty verdict....didn't think so.
So what’s illegal about Mueller’s investigation?
Was Robert Mueller's Appointment Illegal? One Expert Thinks So

Oct 30, 2017 · Was Robert Mueller illegally hired as special counsel in the Russia investigation

One biased "expert" thinks so.
Who was proven 100% wrong given Manafort’s conviction.
By Mueller. The man you’re moronically claiming had no constitutional right to indict Manafort.

Don’t you ever feel stupid?

There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
The one thing the mueller investigation has done is clear trump of any wrong doing
After 16 months, youd think SOMETHING would have happened...The leftist scum are simply punishing anyone they can that was connected to Trump!

Is that what you're basing this on?

Just you want things to be as quick as basketball?

So if "Nothing" happens in a short time, then nothing happened ever?
He's milking a great paying job for him and HUNDREDS OF STAFF is that Hard for your pea brain to comprehend. He better indict within 2 months or he will be gone!
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
The one thing the mueller investigation has done is clear trump of any wrong doing
After 16 months, youd think SOMETHING would have happened...The leftist scum are simply punishing anyone they can that was connected to Trump!

Is that what you're basing this on?

Just you want things to be as quick as basketball?

So if "Nothing" happens in a short time, then nothing happened ever?
He's milking a great paying job for him and HUNDREDS OF STAFF is that Hard for your pea brain to comprehend. He better indict within 2 months or he will be gone!

Why? Who’s gonna fire him? Not trump. You already proved trump either doesn’t believe he can or he lacks the balls to do it.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
The one thing the mueller investigation has done is clear trump of any wrong doing
After 16 months, youd think SOMETHING would have happened...The leftist scum are simply punishing anyone they can that was connected to Trump!

Is that what you're basing this on?

Just you want things to be as quick as basketball?

So if "Nothing" happens in a short time, then nothing happened ever?
He's milking a great paying job for him and HUNDREDS OF STAFF is that Hard for your pea brain to comprehend. He better indict within 2 months or he will be gone!

Oh, wow, insults, what a surprise.
So what’s illegal about Mueller’s investigation?
Was Robert Mueller's Appointment Illegal? One Expert Thinks So

Oct 30, 2017 · Was Robert Mueller illegally hired as special counsel in the Russia investigation

One biased "expert" thinks so.
Who was proven 100% wrong given Manafort’s conviction.
By Mueller. The man you’re moronically claiming had no constitutional right to indict Manafort.

Don’t you ever feel stupid?

When I need stupid I look for your posts,weren't 2 of the
So what’s illegal about Mueller’s investigation?
Was Robert Mueller's Appointment Illegal? One Expert Thinks So

Oct 30, 2017 · Was Robert Mueller illegally hired as special counsel in the Russia investigation

One biased "expert" thinks so.
Who was proven 100% wrong given Manafort’s conviction.
By Mueller. The man you’re moronically claiming had no constitutional right to indict Manafort.

Don’t you ever feel stupid?

He doesnt....matter for SCOTUS, although on a related note

Cohen Pleaded Guilty to Charges That Are Not Crimes, Says Former FEC Chair
The Epoch Times

Aug 22, 2018 · Michael Cohen, formerly an attorney for President Donald Trump, pleaded guilty on Aug. 21 to campaign finance charges that are not crimes, .
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
The one thing the mueller investigation has done is clear trump of any wrong doing
After 16 months, youd think SOMETHING would have happened...The leftist scum are simply punishing anyone they can that was connected to Trump!

Is that what you're basing this on?

Just you want things to be as quick as basketball?

So if "Nothing" happens in a short time, then nothing happened ever?
He's milking a great paying job for him and HUNDREDS OF STAFF is that Hard for your pea brain to comprehend. He better indict within 2 months or he will be gone!

Oh, wow, insults, what a surprise.
Pea brain is an insult, with you truth hurts your feelings. You'd FIE if baby dear called you a fucking moron as he has me...I laugh at the source!
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
The one thing the mueller investigation has done is clear trump of any wrong doing
After 16 months, youd think SOMETHING would have happened...The leftist scum are simply punishing anyone they can that was connected to Trump!

Is that what you're basing this on?

Just you want things to be as quick as basketball?

So if "Nothing" happens in a short time, then nothing happened ever?
He's milking a great paying job for him and HUNDREDS OF STAFF is that Hard for your pea brain to comprehend. He better indict within 2 months or he will be gone!

Why? Who’s gonna fire him? Not trump. You already proved trump either doesn’t believe he can or he lacks the balls to do it.
Making shit up again doesn't help your position but you keep entertaining!
Was Robert Mueller's Appointment Illegal? One Expert Thinks So

Oct 30, 2017 · Was Robert Mueller illegally hired as special counsel in the Russia investigation

One biased "expert" thinks so.
Who was proven 100% wrong given Manafort’s conviction.
By Mueller. The man you’re moronically claiming had no constitutional right to indict Manafort.

Don’t you ever feel stupid?

When I need stupid I look for your posts,weren't 2 of the
Was Robert Mueller's Appointment Illegal? One Expert Thinks So

Oct 30, 2017 · Was Robert Mueller illegally hired as special counsel in the Russia investigation

One biased "expert" thinks so.
Who was proven 100% wrong given Manafort’s conviction.
By Mueller. The man you’re moronically claiming had no constitutional right to indict Manafort.

Don’t you ever feel stupid?

He doesnt....matter for SCOTUS, although on a related note

Cohen Pleaded Guilty to Charges That Are Not Crimes, Says Former FEC Chair
The Epoch Times

View attachment 214709
Aug 22, 2018 · Michael Cohen, formerly an attorney for President Donald Trump, pleaded guilty on Aug. 21 to campaign finance charges that are not crimes, .

Now you’re diverting your own thread to be about Cohen??? :badgrin:

Meanwhile, despite your insanity that Mueller can’t Constitutionally indict anyone, he’s convicted Manafort and he’s convicted Cohen.


Don’t you ever feel stupid?

The one thing the mueller investigation has done is clear trump of any wrong doing
After 16 months, youd think SOMETHING would have happened...The leftist scum are simply punishing anyone they can that was connected to Trump!

Is that what you're basing this on?

Just you want things to be as quick as basketball?

So if "Nothing" happens in a short time, then nothing happened ever?
He's milking a great paying job for him and HUNDREDS OF STAFF is that Hard for your pea brain to comprehend. He better indict within 2 months or he will be gone!

Oh, wow, insults, what a surprise.
Pea brain is an insult, with you truth hurts your feelings. You'd FIE if baby dear called you a fucking moron as he has me...I laugh at the source!
“Baby dear???”

Do you ever feel stupid?



Witch hunt.....
The one thing the mueller investigation has done is clear trump of any wrong doing
After 16 months, youd think SOMETHING would have happened...The leftist scum are simply punishing anyone they can that was connected to Trump!

Is that what you're basing this on?

Just you want things to be as quick as basketball?

So if "Nothing" happens in a short time, then nothing happened ever?
He's milking a great paying job for him and HUNDREDS OF STAFF is that Hard for your pea brain to comprehend. He better indict within 2 months or he will be gone!

Why? Who’s gonna fire him? Not trump. You already proved trump either doesn’t believe he can or he lacks the balls to do it.
Making shit up again doesn't help your position but you keep entertaining!
What’s made up? Trump hasn’t fired him in the 16 months he’s been Special Counsel.

What other possible reason is there other than he believes he can’t or he lacks the balls to do it? :dunno:
Looks like delusional Dale Smith fled without ever addressing the most salient question of the night...

Why would Russia pay $145 million to a U.S. Senator with zero influence to approve the Uranium One deal?

I knew he is a pussy and I fully expected him to run away as fast as his walker would allow.

Good night, delusional dale

Was Robert Mueller's Appointment Illegal? One Expert Thinks So

Oct 30, 2017 · Was Robert Mueller illegally hired as special counsel in the Russia investigation

One biased "expert" thinks so.
Who was proven 100% wrong given Manafort’s conviction.
By Mueller. The man you’re moronically claiming had no constitutional right to indict Manafort.

Don’t you ever feel stupid?

When I need stupid I look for your posts,weren't 2 of the
Was Robert Mueller's Appointment Illegal? One Expert Thinks So

Oct 30, 2017 · Was Robert Mueller illegally hired as special counsel in the Russia investigation

One biased "expert" thinks so.
Who was proven 100% wrong given Manafort’s conviction.
By Mueller. The man you’re moronically claiming had no constitutional right to indict Manafort.

Don’t you ever feel stupid?

He doesnt....matter for SCOTUS, although on a related note

Cohen Pleaded Guilty to Charges That Are Not Crimes, Says Former FEC Chair
The Epoch Times

View attachment 214709
Aug 22, 2018 · Michael Cohen, formerly an attorney for President Donald Trump, pleaded guilty on Aug. 21 to campaign finance charges that are not crimes, .

So why plead guilty then?
The one thing the mueller investigation has done is clear trump of any wrong doing
After 16 months, youd think SOMETHING would have happened...The leftist scum are simply punishing anyone they can that was connected to Trump!

Is that what you're basing this on?

Just you want things to be as quick as basketball?

So if "Nothing" happens in a short time, then nothing happened ever?
He's milking a great paying job for him and HUNDREDS OF STAFF is that Hard for your pea brain to comprehend. He better indict within 2 months or he will be gone!

Oh, wow, insults, what a surprise.
Pea brain is an insult, with you truth hurts your feelings. You'd FIE if baby dear called you a fucking moron as he has me...I laugh at the source!

I think I'll stick you on ignore. Bye.
She was Sec. Of State at the time!
Dumbfuck, delusional dale idiot locally claimed she was paid a $145 million.

Even your articles pointed out nearly all of that money was donated between 2005-2008.

You’re as crazy as delusional dale to think Hillary was Secretary of State before 2009. :cuckoo:

See how stupid you look when you try to defend delusional dale’s hallucinations?
I LOVE it when baby deer gets caught, he starts cursing like a fucking idiot, MY ENTERTSINMENT FOR TONIGHT!

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
The New York Times

View attachment 214705
Apr 23, 2015 · And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a ...
That link shows almost all of the money came while Hillary was a Senator. And it doesn’t say the other 2 million came from Russians.

Can you stop lying?
Read the entire article, lil faun...and then "man up" and apologize for what would probably be the first time in your life.
The article agrees with me, ya raving lunatic.

It shows that all but $2.85 million were donated while Hillary was a Senator.

It shows $2.35m of the $2.85m came from Uranium One’s chairman, who was also Canadian.

The remaining $0.5 million did come from Russia for Bill to give a speech but that was in line with many speeches Bill gave during that time. Some going as high as $700,000 for a single speech.

You must love failure because you fail so often.

Bzzzt! Wrong, lil faun! WRONG! The entire purpose of the NYT fluff piece was to soft peddle the importance of the deal by getting out in front of it and making it seem that the Hildebeast simply had a lapse in judgement due to her desire to collect funds ( can't even post this without wanting to laugh my ass off) so she could help the "downtrodden"......ROTFLMAO!!!!! The NYT fluff article shows intent but with a "but" because the story was going to come out so the article was merely an attempt at damage control before Hildebeast started her campaign in earnest. Since the NYT is such a trusted source for leftards such as yourself? It only made sense to post the link. Do a "Google" search of Hillary Clinton, 145 million dollars, Uranium One.....pull up a site that can refute the truth and then I will give a rebuttal. It has to suck for you to be a little cyber " gatekeeper" for such a disgusting sack of traitorous shit.....but SOMEONE has to do it, eh??????

After 16 months, youd think SOMETHING would have happened...The leftist scum are simply punishing anyone they can that was connected to Trump!

Is that what you're basing this on?

Just you want things to be as quick as basketball?

So if "Nothing" happens in a short time, then nothing happened ever?
He's milking a great paying job for him and HUNDREDS OF STAFF is that Hard for your pea brain to comprehend. He better indict within 2 months or he will be gone!

Oh, wow, insults, what a surprise.
Pea brain is an insult, with you truth hurts your feelings. You'd FIE if baby dear called you a fucking moron as he has me...I laugh at the source!

I think I'll stick you on ignore. Bye.
Butthurt much, frigidweirdo? Feel free to "ignore" me as well. I have never needed someone to acknowledge as to how I have busted on them.....I use leftard butthurt pussies like a prop for the amusement of others. They don't have to acknowledge the ass kicking and it's better for them if they don't have to see the " beat down".
Looks like delusional Dale Smith fled without ever addressing the most salient question of the night...

Why would Russia pay $145 million to a U.S. Senator with zero influence to approve the Uranium One deal?

I knew he is a pussy and I fully expected him to run away as fast as his walker would allow.

Good night, delusional dale

Buying intluence with someone that everyone thought would be president....YOU can't possibly be this stupid....oh, I forget who I'm dealing with, the dancing joker!

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