Finally: President Trump calls Mueller’s Investigation Illegal

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll. In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

The poll, reported by Axios, was conducted by Public Policy Polling between August 27-28, 2018, with a margin of error of +/4.1%.

The poll comes as speculation by journalists is ramping up that Mueller will conclude his investigation to discover if Trump or associates colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said he is working on a competing report.

The polling also comes after Virginia jurors found Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort guilty of eight counts of tax fraud and related crimes that occurred before he joined the Trump campaign in spring 2016.

About half of Republicans, 49 percent, said Manafort’s conviction made Mueller’s investigation “less credible” to them.

Independents polled were far more divided on the subject of the special counsel.

Most thought the special counsel should continue, and a little more than half, 52 percent, thought Manafort’s conviction made the investigation “more credible.”

However, 48 percent of independents said Manafort’s conviction did not make them think the investigation should continue.

Independents were divided on Mueller himself, with 46 percent having a favorable opinion and 39 having an unfavorable opinion.

Republicans are quite divided on the topic of a presidential pardon of Manafort, with about 30 percent in favor...


(Excerpt) Read more at ...
If there was ANYTHING to it. Mueller would have indicted jr. By now especially with midterms only 2 months away....but dream on little socialist, dream on! BUT the actual payment to a BRITISH DISCREDITED SPY and recieving the dossier back FOR A MONEY PAYMENT, sure sounds like COLLUSION to me!

Says you, citing your imagination on a topic you know jack shit about. Meanwhile, Mueller is still conducting his investigation. He'll release his findings, and his criminal recommendations, when he's finished.

Its at *that* point that you'll know the evidence that Mueller has. Rather than just pretending you do.
Sounds like you have been defeated, You do realize Trump can PARDON everyone. Leaving Mueller with a cost to the taxpayer of over $40 million....That sounds like a good campaign point for Trump!

Laughing....sounds like you're projecting. As your entire argument has devolved into Trump being able to pardon himself for any crime he commits.

An argument no innocent man would ever make. But one Trump most definitely has.
Then you admit that Muellers bullshit is futile, simply a DemonRAT propaganda ploy!'re just quoting your own desperation, Purge.

I'd love to see Trump try and pardon *himself* for his own crimes. And just destroy any credibility that republicans ever had as the 'law and order' party.

It wouldn't work. The courts would overturn it in a heart beat. But republicans would break themselves trying to polish that turd. And disgust the nation as they tried.

Well, more. Disgust the nation more. Trump's disapproval rating is already at an all time high for him. And that's saying something.
Wrong again!

@Rasmussen_Poll just came out at 48% approval rate despite the constant and intense Fake News.
Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll. In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

The poll, reported by Axios, was conducted by Public Policy Polling between August 27-28, 2018, with a margin of error of +/4.1%.

The poll comes as speculation by journalists is ramping up that Mueller will conclude his investigation to discover if Trump or associates colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said he is working on a competing report.

The polling also comes after Virginia jurors found Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort guilty of eight counts of tax fraud and related crimes that occurred before he joined the Trump campaign in spring 2016.

About half of Republicans, 49 percent, said Manafort’s conviction made Mueller’s investigation “less credible” to them.

Independents polled were far more divided on the subject of the special counsel.

Most thought the special counsel should continue, and a little more than half, 52 percent, thought Manafort’s conviction made the investigation “more credible.”

However, 48 percent of independents said Manafort’s conviction did not make them think the investigation should continue.

Independents were divided on Mueller himself, with 46 percent having a favorable opinion and 39 having an unfavorable opinion.

Republicans are quite divided on the topic of a presidential pardon of Manafort, with about 30 percent in favor...


(Excerpt) Read more at ...

From the very study you think you're citing:

By two-to-one, a majority of Independents believe the Mueller investigation should continue. 64% of Independents believe it should continue, while 33% think it should be shut down. Even 25% of Republicans believe the investigation should continue.

You may want to consider a news source beyond Breitbart.
Says you, citing your imagination on a topic you know jack shit about. Meanwhile, Mueller is still conducting his investigation. He'll release his findings, and his criminal recommendations, when he's finished.

Its at *that* point that you'll know the evidence that Mueller has. Rather than just pretending you do.
Sounds like you have been defeated, You do realize Trump can PARDON everyone. Leaving Mueller with a cost to the taxpayer of over $40 million....That sounds like a good campaign point for Trump!

Laughing....sounds like you're projecting. As your entire argument has devolved into Trump being able to pardon himself for any crime he commits.

An argument no innocent man would ever make. But one Trump most definitely has.
Then you admit that Muellers bullshit is futile, simply a DemonRAT propaganda ploy!'re just quoting your own desperation, Purge.

I'd love to see Trump try and pardon *himself* for his own crimes. And just destroy any credibility that republicans ever had as the 'law and order' party.

It wouldn't work. The courts would overturn it in a heart beat. But republicans would break themselves trying to polish that turd. And disgust the nation as they tried.

Well, more. Disgust the nation more. Trump's disapproval rating is already at an all time high for him. And that's saying something.
Wrong again!

@Rasmussen_Poll just came out at 48% approval rate despite the constant and intense Fake News.

And by 'fake news', you mean 6 pleas, dozens of indictments, a trial, 8 felony convictions and Trump's own personal lawyer implicating Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies?

Or as the rest of the world outside the right wing echo chamber calls it.....the news?
Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll. In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

The poll, reported by Axios, was conducted by Public Policy Polling between August 27-28, 2018, with a margin of error of +/4.1%.

The poll comes as speculation by journalists is ramping up that Mueller will conclude his investigation to discover if Trump or associates colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said he is working on a competing report.

The polling also comes after Virginia jurors found Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort guilty of eight counts of tax fraud and related crimes that occurred before he joined the Trump campaign in spring 2016.

About half of Republicans, 49 percent, said Manafort’s conviction made Mueller’s investigation “less credible” to them.

Independents polled were far more divided on the subject of the special counsel.

Most thought the special counsel should continue, and a little more than half, 52 percent, thought Manafort’s conviction made the investigation “more credible.”

However, 48 percent of independents said Manafort’s conviction did not make them think the investigation should continue.

Independents were divided on Mueller himself, with 46 percent having a favorable opinion and 39 having an unfavorable opinion.

Republicans are quite divided on the topic of a presidential pardon of Manafort, with about 30 percent in favor...


(Excerpt) Read more at ...

From the very study you think you're citing:

By two-to-one, a majority of Independents believe the Mueller investigation should continue. 64% of Independents believe it should continue, while 33% think it should be shut down. Even 25% of Republicans believe the investigation should continue.

You may want to consider a news source beyond Breitbart.
Yes, and?....Better than the jug earred socialist at the same time in his administration!
Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll. In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

The poll, reported by Axios, was conducted by Public Policy Polling between August 27-28, 2018, with a margin of error of +/4.1%.

The poll comes as speculation by journalists is ramping up that Mueller will conclude his investigation to discover if Trump or associates colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said he is working on a competing report.

The polling also comes after Virginia jurors found Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort guilty of eight counts of tax fraud and related crimes that occurred before he joined the Trump campaign in spring 2016.

About half of Republicans, 49 percent, said Manafort’s conviction made Mueller’s investigation “less credible” to them.

Independents polled were far more divided on the subject of the special counsel.

Most thought the special counsel should continue, and a little more than half, 52 percent, thought Manafort’s conviction made the investigation “more credible.”

However, 48 percent of independents said Manafort’s conviction did not make them think the investigation should continue.

Independents were divided on Mueller himself, with 46 percent having a favorable opinion and 39 having an unfavorable opinion.

Republicans are quite divided on the topic of a presidential pardon of Manafort, with about 30 percent in favor...


(Excerpt) Read more at ...

From the very study you think you're citing:

By two-to-one, a majority of Independents believe the Mueller investigation should continue. 64% of Independents believe it should continue, while 33% think it should be shut down. Even 25% of Republicans believe the investigation should continue.

You may want to consider a news source beyond Breitbart.
Yes, and?....Better than the jug earred socialist at the same time in his administration!

Republicans aren't the one's you have to convince. Its everyone else.

As your own source demonstrates, the batshit conspiracies that conservatives tell each other isn't spreading far beyond the echo chamber. Independents, the group you absolutely *have* to have.....aren't buying it.

And want the Mueller investigation to continue by a rate of two to 1.

Odd, that Breitbart never mentioned that. Its almost like they were telling you want you wanted to hear.....
Sounds like you have been defeated, You do realize Trump can PARDON everyone. Leaving Mueller with a cost to the taxpayer of over $40 million....That sounds like a good campaign point for Trump!

Laughing....sounds like you're projecting. As your entire argument has devolved into Trump being able to pardon himself for any crime he commits.

An argument no innocent man would ever make. But one Trump most definitely has.
Then you admit that Muellers bullshit is futile, simply a DemonRAT propaganda ploy!'re just quoting your own desperation, Purge.

I'd love to see Trump try and pardon *himself* for his own crimes. And just destroy any credibility that republicans ever had as the 'law and order' party.

It wouldn't work. The courts would overturn it in a heart beat. But republicans would break themselves trying to polish that turd. And disgust the nation as they tried.

Well, more. Disgust the nation more. Trump's disapproval rating is already at an all time high for him. And that's saying something.
Wrong again!

@Rasmussen_Poll just came out at 48% approval rate despite the constant and intense Fake News.

And by 'fake news', you mean 6 pleas, dozens of indictments, a trial, 8 felony convictions and Trump's own personal lawyer implicating Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies?

Or as the rest of the world outside the right wing echo chamber calls it.....the news?
And NOTHING to do with Russian collusion....but keep trying!....and Lanny Davis, Cohen's lawyer walked back his life about Cohen having information Mueller would want to see...

Lanny Davis reversal on Michael Cohen, CNN story sparks backlash
Business Insider

3 days ago · Michael Cohen's attorney Lanny Davis turned heads in recent days after first saying his client had knowledge that Trump knew in
Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll. In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

The poll, reported by Axios, was conducted by Public Policy Polling between August 27-28, 2018, with a margin of error of +/4.1%.

The poll comes as speculation by journalists is ramping up that Mueller will conclude his investigation to discover if Trump or associates colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said he is working on a competing report.

The polling also comes after Virginia jurors found Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort guilty of eight counts of tax fraud and related crimes that occurred before he joined the Trump campaign in spring 2016.

About half of Republicans, 49 percent, said Manafort’s conviction made Mueller’s investigation “less credible” to them.

Independents polled were far more divided on the subject of the special counsel.

Most thought the special counsel should continue, and a little more than half, 52 percent, thought Manafort’s conviction made the investigation “more credible.”

However, 48 percent of independents said Manafort’s conviction did not make them think the investigation should continue.

Independents were divided on Mueller himself, with 46 percent having a favorable opinion and 39 having an unfavorable opinion.

Republicans are quite divided on the topic of a presidential pardon of Manafort, with about 30 percent in favor...


(Excerpt) Read more at ...

From the very study you think you're citing:

By two-to-one, a majority of Independents believe the Mueller investigation should continue. 64% of Independents believe it should continue, while 33% think it should be shut down. Even 25% of Republicans believe the investigation should continue.

You may want to consider a news source beyond Breitbart.
Yes, and?....Better than the jug earred socialist at the same time in his administration!

Republicans aren't the one's you have to convince. Its everyone else.

As your own source demonstrates, the batshit conspiracies that conservatives tell each other isn't spreading far beyond the echo chamber. Independents, the group you absolutely *have* to have.....aren't buying it.

And want the Mueller investigation to continue by a rate of two to 1.

Odd, that Breitbart never mentioned that. Its almost like they were telling you want you wanted to hear.....
Is that why.....

Trump-backed candidates keep on winning GOP primaries. Here's what that means for ...
Fox News › opinion › 2018/08/29

2 days ago · Trump endorsed candidates win Florida and Arizona primaries. Pollster and GOP strategist Justin Wallin breaks down the primary results. Candidates expressing strong support for President Trump continued their winning streak in Republican primaries Tuesday, capturing nominations
Laughing....sounds like you're projecting. As your entire argument has devolved into Trump being able to pardon himself for any crime he commits.

An argument no innocent man would ever make. But one Trump most definitely has.
Then you admit that Muellers bullshit is futile, simply a DemonRAT propaganda ploy!'re just quoting your own desperation, Purge.

I'd love to see Trump try and pardon *himself* for his own crimes. And just destroy any credibility that republicans ever had as the 'law and order' party.

It wouldn't work. The courts would overturn it in a heart beat. But republicans would break themselves trying to polish that turd. And disgust the nation as they tried.

Well, more. Disgust the nation more. Trump's disapproval rating is already at an all time high for him. And that's saying something.
Wrong again!

@Rasmussen_Poll just came out at 48% approval rate despite the constant and intense Fake News.

And by 'fake news', you mean 6 pleas, dozens of indictments, a trial, 8 felony convictions and Trump's own personal lawyer implicating Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies?

Or as the rest of the world outside the right wing echo chamber calls it.....the news?
And NOTHING to do with Russian collusion....but keep trying!....and Lanny Davis, Cohen's lawyer walked back his life about Cohen having information Mueller would want to see...

Lanny Davis reversal on Michael Cohen, CNN story sparks backlash
Business Insider

View attachment 214118
3 days ago · Michael Cohen's attorney Lanny Davis turned heads in recent days after first saying his client had knowledge that Trump knew in

Oh, Trump's already admitted to collusion. He's admitted that his campaign met with a Russian operative to get information on Clinton. With that campaign well informed that the information was coming from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump.

With Trump lying his ass off in an effort to cover it up. And compelling others to lie. And trying to stop the investigation.

The reason your ilk are trying to shut down the that Mueller is really, really good at finding the crimes within the Trump administration, the Trump campaign and Trump associates.

With the best argument left to you......being that Trump can pardon himself for all the crimes he's committed.

As I've said before, good luck with that story, Purge.
I love how Trump supporters take everything he says as 100% true and accurate. Gotta love the brainwashed.
I love how Trump supporters take everything he says as 100% true and accurate. Gotta love the brainwashed.

Its astonishing, isn't it?

You can point out instance after instance where Trump has lied right to their faces. And with the faith of a child at Sunday school, they just accept whatever hapless batshit that comes tumbling from his thumbs on any given late night twitter rant.

Anything at all.

I assume its just the Sunk Cost fallacy in action. The alternative being.......the complete abdication of reason
I love how Trump supporters take everything he says as 100% true and accurate. Gotta love the brainwashed.

Its astonishing, isn't it?

You can point out instance after instance where Trump has lied right to their faces. And with the faith of a child at Sunday school, they just accept whatever hapless batshit that comes tumbling from his thumbs on any given late night twitter rant.

Anything at all.

I assume its just the Sunk Cost fallacy in action. The alternative being.......the complete abdication of reason
You mean like the mulatto....

I love how Trump supporters take everything he says as 100% true and accurate. Gotta love the brainwashed.

Its astonishing, isn't it?

You can point out instance after instance where Trump has lied right to their faces. And with the faith of a child at Sunday school, they just accept whatever hapless batshit that comes tumbling from his thumbs on any given late night twitter rant.

Anything at all.

I assume its just the Sunk Cost fallacy in action. The alternative being.......the complete abdication of reason
You mean like the mulatto....


No, like Trump. Who lied about the meeting at Trump tower between his own campaign and a Russian Operative...insisting it was only about 'adoption'.

Which was obvious bullshit, as demonstrated by Don Jr's emails where Jr was promised information on Hillary clinton from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian governments support for Trump.

Trump then compelled others to lie by personally dictating a statement for Don Jr that propogated the 'adoption' lie.

Trump then tried to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting.

And finally, only after Cohen gave signs he was cooperating with Mueller......did Trump confess to what every one already knew: That the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to get dirt on Hillary.

Trump looked you right in the eye....and lied to you. Yet like a child at Sunday school, you just smile and nod, accepting any tweet as gospel truth. Regardless of claim, without evidence. can't fix stupid.
I love how Trump supporters take everything he says as 100% true and accurate. Gotta love the brainwashed.

Its astonishing, isn't it?

You can point out instance after instance where Trump has lied right to their faces. And with the faith of a child at Sunday school, they just accept whatever hapless batshit that comes tumbling from his thumbs on any given late night twitter rant.

Anything at all.

I assume its just the Sunk Cost fallacy in action. The alternative being.......the complete abdication of reason
You mean like the mulatto....

Wow, the difference between Obama's so called lies and Trump's real lies.

Like, "I will close Guantanamo Bay" when he tried to, but then Republicans blocked him and then complained he "lied".

Now what has Trump done?

Yea, what has Trump done?

Friday was an important day. It was the first day it was proven Trump illegally took Russian money.
Friday was an important day. It was the first day it was proven Trump illegally took Russian money.
And why would a BILLIONAIRR take peanuts from the Russians....You and Skyhook make liberals look even dumber than we know you are!
I love how Trump supporters take everything he says as 100% true and accurate. Gotta love the brainwashed.

Its astonishing, isn't it?

You can point out instance after instance where Trump has lied right to their faces. And with the faith of a child at Sunday school, they just accept whatever hapless batshit that comes tumbling from his thumbs on any given late night twitter rant.

Anything at all.

I assume its just the Sunk Cost fallacy in action. The alternative being.......the complete abdication of reason
You mean like the mulatto....


No, like Trump. Who lied about the meeting at Trump tower between his own campaign and a Russian Operative...insisting it was only about 'adoption'.

Which was obvious bullshit, as demonstrated by Don Jr's emails where Jr was promised information on Hillary clinton from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian governments support for Trump.

Trump then compelled others to lie by personally dictating a statement for Don Jr that propogated the 'adoption' lie.

Trump then tried to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting.

And finally, only after Cohen gave signs he was cooperating with Mueller......did Trump confess to what every one already knew: That the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to get dirt on Hillary.

Trump looked you right in the eye....and lied to you. Yet like a child at Sunday school, you just smile and nod, accepting any tweet as gospel truth. Regardless of claim, without evidence. can't fix stupid.
But NO information was passed. Thereby NO crime committed!.....I know this is hard for your pea sized brain!
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.

Trump also said that the Chinese invented global warming and he won the popular vote.

He says lots of stupid shit.

Until the Left stops blocking voter ID laws to prove millions upon millions of illegals and other sundry "people" didn't criminally and falsely add to the voter count (many places in blue states have time and again been found to have far more votes than even registered voters!), you have no valid proof Trump didn't win the popular vote too, not that it counts for a thing.

And what's the evidence that 'millions and millions of illegal and other sundry people' voted?

Let me guess.......your imagination?

No Panda Queen. Is that all you got is your rampant faux ignorance of everything? You are too boring and unchallenging; it's like all you jerks, Wickerthing, Pogo, MarcL, Tinker Tainant, Siete, ad nauseum, its like you are all the same person or you all read out of the same 4 page instruction booklet on how to be a total flaming ASS:

Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts

Chicago reported thousands more votes than voters in 2016, GOP official says

Why more votes than voters?

U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults — A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud | Investor's Business Daily

Election Group: 141 U.S. Counties Have More Registered Voters Than People - Washington Free Beacon

Fact check: Do 11 California counties have more voters than eligible adults?
And from your own source....

“They’re looking at a preliminary report from January, and just recently, in the last week, they’ve filed a request for an updated report,” Allen said. “They’re looking at incomplete data.”

Cleveland told Fox News he did send another FOIA request last week.

Allen said the initial data from January “didn’t include” a “post-election review of paper ballot applications.”

“Now that those are entered, the difference is like 30—and that’s the best accountability we’ve ever had,” Allen told Fox News. “Their claim is false and ridiculous.”

Chicago reported thousands more votes than voters in 2016, GOP official says

So much for your claims of 'millions of illegal votes'.

Worse, you're talking about how there are too many registered voters. Something that Voter ID would do absolutely nothing to prevent. You really need to think your accusations through before you make them.

Ain't my claim fool. Apparently putting the facts right in front of your nose STILL isn't enough to make you see reality, much less fess up to it.

U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults — A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud | Investor's Business Daily

And that assumes that every eligible voter voted. So now we are up to something like perhaps 7-10 million people casting votes who are not truly eligible voters. Hillary won the popular vote my ass. The deep dark secret the Left hangs onto, without which they know democrats would never win again.

I bet if Hillary had LOST the popular vote, you'd then be claiming millions were DENIED voting! You children crack me up. :21:

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