Finally: President Trump calls Mueller’s Investigation Illegal

Friday was an important day. It was the first day it was proven Trump illegally took Russian money.

You watched The Great Pumpkin too many times s0n!!:cul2:

Would be splattered in bold red across DRUDGE right dolt!

Not a mention.....:2up:.....looks like except for the hyper-nutters, nobody is caring!:backpedal::backpedal:
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.

We know for a fact that Peter Strzok engaged in treason in his attempts to rig the presidential election and then the war he waged on the President after an election he refused to accept. The evidence trail leads right back to Barack Obama.

Part of the FEAR of men like Jess Sessions is that of being the man who brings charges against the first African American President.

I said long ago that the best move for Trump would be to pardon Barack Obama. In doing so he removes the specter of having to indict and arrest the crooked little faggot. This frees Sessions to pursue criminal charges against Ohr, McCabe, Rosenstein, Comey, Page, Strzok, and yes, Hillary.
Trump also said that the Chinese invented global warming and he won the popular vote.

He says lots of stupid shit.

Well, no - but your lies aside Comrade; you Communists have banked on one idea over the last two years, that democrats are above the law.

Jeff Sessions fears nothing more than being labeled "racist." He is paralyzed by the fact that Barack Obama is behind the rigging of the 2016 election. From the dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin to the FSB leaking that dossier to the press, then using the story THEY LEAKED as the basis for a FISA warrant to spy on the President Elect of the United States, an act of treason, it all leads back to Obama.

So far, the tradition that goes back to the Bill Clinton years, that democrats simply are not subject to the law, has held. But the corruption of the DOJ, FSB, CIA, NSA,IRS and other federal agencies is so blatant that it is unlikely that the immunity from the law can continue.

Micheal Cohen fails to sign a campaign form and is sent to prison. Bruce Ohr forges disclosure documents to hide the fact that his wife is part of the Fusion team and "no problem, democrats are above the law."

I know you Communists don't like hearing this, but equal justice WILL be restored. IF the law is simply a farce, IF we cannot restore law across the board through elections, if we will still have a pampered elite of democrats who are not subject to the laws used as a weapon against Americans, then the legitimacy of government is gone and must be dissolved.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.

It started May 11 or 12 2017 Do REPS have their OWN version of calendars?

The way you Stalinists have your own version of reality?

You think Bruce Ohr was good for you corrupt pigs?
If Trump does any of those things, it will precipitate a Bigger Constitutional crisis than the one going on now.

The people are turning on this Treasonous criminal as the watch him obstructing justice in plain sight.

The lying, the bad decisions, the trade wars.

Which people are those, ChiComlady?

Your puppets in the treasonous democrat party spew hatred and rage, as they have done every moment of every day since November 11, 2016. The facts of the open corruption of the Obama regime in rigging the election then staging a coup is impossible for the Chinese Communist agents known as democrats to hide.

The civil war that the democrats started is heating up, which thrills you Chinese, but it sure the hell isn't a good sign for the traitor democrats.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!
Accepting, soliciting, holding or otherwise obtaining items of value from a foreign power in order to influence and election is a crime.

There have been more than 20 indictments served, five guilty pleas. And you claim there was no crime? We're still waiting for the report.

What did they plead guilty to? The Russians had nothing to do with any of that bullshit!
You're right. Tax evasion, not registering as a foreign agent, conspiracy to commit campaign finance fraud.

But nothing about Russians.

Here's a thought. When the cops raid a house because there was a suspected murder, they don't ignore the mound of cocaine on the coffee table.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!
Accepting, soliciting, holding or otherwise obtaining items of value from a foreign power in order to influence and election is a crime.

There have been more than 20 indictments served, five guilty pleas. And you claim there was no crime? We're still waiting for the report.

What did they plead guilty to? The Russians had nothing to do with any of that bullshit!
You're right. Tax evasion, not registering as a foreign agent, conspiracy to commit campaign finance fraud.

But nothing about Russians.

Here's a thought. When the cops raid a house because there was a suspected murder, they don't ignore the mound of cocaine on the coffee table.

Yeah but the asshole who left the cocaine on the table doesnt have presidential immunity!!

Got news for you s0n....if Trump was caught in video today licking cocaine out of Stormy's ass crack you're gonna have to deal until 2021! :coffee:And you'll like it too!
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!
Accepting, soliciting, holding or otherwise obtaining items of value from a foreign power in order to influence and election is a crime.

There have been more than 20 indictments served, five guilty pleas. And you claim there was no crime? We're still waiting for the report.

What did they plead guilty to? The Russians had nothing to do with any of that bullshit!
You're right. Tax evasion, not registering as a foreign agent, conspiracy to commit campaign finance fraud.

But nothing about Russians.

Here's a thought. When the cops raid a house because there was a suspected murder, they don't ignore the mound of cocaine on the coffee table.

Yeah but the asshole who left the cocaine on the table doesnt have presidential immunity!!

Got news for you s0n....if Trump was caught in video today licking cocaine out of Stormy's ass crack you're gonna have to deal until 2021! :coffee:And you'll like it too!
Do you think that the president is above the law? Do you think he cannot be prosecuted? Do you think a president can break any law he wishes to break? And do you want those beliefs to extend to whoever happens to be president?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!
Accepting, soliciting, holding or otherwise obtaining items of value from a foreign power in order to influence and election is a crime.

There have been more than 20 indictments served, five guilty pleas. And you claim there was no crime? We're still waiting for the report.

What did they plead guilty to? The Russians had nothing to do with any of that bullshit!
You're right. Tax evasion, not registering as a foreign agent, conspiracy to commit campaign finance fraud.

But nothing about Russians.

Here's a thought. When the cops raid a house because there was a suspected murder, they don't ignore the mound of cocaine on the coffee table.

Yeah but the asshole who left the cocaine on the table doesnt have presidential immunity!!

Got news for you s0n....if Trump was caught in video today licking cocaine out of Stormy's ass crack you're gonna have to deal until 2021! :coffee:And you'll like it too!
Do you think that the president is above the law? Do you think he cannot be prosecuted? Do you think a president can break any law he wishes to break? And do you want those beliefs to extend to whoever happens to be president?
The Manchurian Muslim did all the above, he was simply protected by melanin!!!!! Easy and simple truth!
Do you think that the president is above the law? Do you think he cannot be prosecuted? Do you think a president can break any law he wishes to break? And do you want those beliefs to extend to whoever happens to be president?

Depends on his race and political affiliation it seems.
Certain people seem to have immunity from prosecution. A glaring example might be Hillary.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!

No but Conspiracy with a hostile foreign power to change the outcome of an election most certainly is, as is lying to Congress and lying to the FBI. Junior is guilty of two of those. He gets a pass on #3 for now but only because he hasn’t been interviewed by the FBI.

His father most certainly knew about all of it in advance so he’s guilty as well, as well as calling on Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails. That’s a federal crime he committed in the open.

Trump claimed it was a joke. Trump would have you believe that it’s just coincidence that Agents of the Russian government started downloading documents from the DNC servers and unsuccessfully attacked the Clinton server that same night.

Even at the time, critics said that if it wasn’t a joke, it’s illegal. More and more it looks like a coordinated plan, complete with Cohen meeting with Russian hackers in Prague and paying them $50,000 for the hacking.

But keep trying to sell the fiction that nothing Trump did before or since the election was illegal.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!

No but Conspiracy with a hostile foreign power to change the outcome of an election most certainly is, as is lying to Congress and lying to the FBI. Junior is guilty of two of those. He gets a pass on #3 for now but only because he hasn’t been interviewed by the FBI.

His father most certainly knew about all of it in advance so he’s guilty as well, as well as calling on Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails. That’s a federal crime he committed in the open.

Trump claimed it was a joke. Trump would have you believe that it’s just coincidence that Agents of the Russian government started downloading documents from the DNC servers and unsuccessfully attacked the Clinton server that same night.

Even at the time, critics said that if it wasn’t a joke, it’s illegal. More and more it looks like a coordinated plan, complete with Cohen meeting with Russian hackers in Prague and paying them $50,000 for the hacking.

But keep trying to sell the fiction that nothing Trump did before or since the election was illegal.
You mean like the British, disgraced spy Steel getting paid by Hillary and the DNC FOR THE COMPLETELY FICTITIOUS DOSSIER, that was used WITHOUT FBI Corroboration to get FISA warrants, and all the coconspirators that on it, everyone of them a felon, and treasonous bastards.

You really are BRAINDEAD!
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!

No but Conspiracy with a hostile foreign power to change the outcome of an election most certainly is, as is lying to Congress and lying to the FBI. Junior is guilty of two of those. He gets a pass on #3 for now but only because he hasn’t been interviewed by the FBI.

His father most certainly knew about all of it in advance so he’s guilty as well, as well as calling on Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails. That’s a federal crime he committed in the open.

Trump claimed it was a joke. Trump would have you believe that it’s just coincidence that Agents of the Russian government started downloading documents from the DNC servers and unsuccessfully attacked the Clinton server that same night.

Even at the time, critics said that if it wasn’t a joke, it’s illegal. More and more it looks like a coordinated plan, complete with Cohen meeting with Russian hackers in Prague and paying them $50,000 for the hacking.

But keep trying to sell the fiction that nothing Trump did before or since the election was illegal.
You mean like the British, disgraced spy Steel getting paid by Hillary and the DNC FOR THE COMPLETELY FICTITIOUS DOSSIER, that was used WITHOUT FBI Corroboration to get FISA warrants, and all the coconspirators that on it, everyone of them a felon, and treasonous bastards.

You really are BRAINDEAD!

Every major piece of information in the dossier has now been independently verified except for the “Pee Tape”, including Cohen going to Prague to make a pay off for “tech matters”, which he later billed to the Trump Corporation. Imagine the tale both Cohen and the accountant will be telling prosecutors now that both are cooperating.

And we haven’t even started to discuss the obstruction of justice case which starts with public claims that the investigation is a “witch hunt” and the firing of Comey to recent attacks against Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!

No but Conspiracy with a hostile foreign power to change the outcome of an election most certainly is, as is lying to Congress and lying to the FBI. Junior is guilty of two of those. He gets a pass on #3 for now but only because he hasn’t been interviewed by the FBI.

His father most certainly knew about all of it in advance so he’s guilty as well, as well as calling on Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails. That’s a federal crime he committed in the open.

Trump claimed it was a joke. Trump would have you believe that it’s just coincidence that Agents of the Russian government started downloading documents from the DNC servers and unsuccessfully attacked the Clinton server that same night.

Even at the time, critics said that if it wasn’t a joke, it’s illegal. More and more it looks like a coordinated plan, complete with Cohen meeting with Russian hackers in Prague and paying them $50,000 for the hacking.

But keep trying to sell the fiction that nothing Trump did before or since the election was illegal.
You mean like the British, disgraced spy Steel getting paid by Hillary and the DNC FOR THE COMPLETELY FICTITIOUS DOSSIER, that was used WITHOUT FBI Corroboration to get FISA warrants, and all the coconspirators that on it, everyone of them a felon, and treasonous bastards.

You really are BRAINDEAD!

Every major piece of information in the dossier has now been independently verified except for the “Pee Tape”, including Cohen going to Prague to make a pay off for “tech matters”, which he later billed to the Trump Corporation. Imagine the tale both Cohen and the accountant will be telling prosecutors now that both are cooperating.

And we haven’t even started to discuss the obstruction of justice case which starts with public claims that the investigation is a “witch hunt” and the firing of Comey to recent attacks against Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein.
You are a lying sack of shit. .especially when it comes to COHEN ....NEW INFO

Lanny Davis: Michael Cohen Never Went To Prague As Steele Dossier Claims
The Daily Caller

Aug 22, 2018 · Lanny Davis, the Clinton-connected attorney for Michael Cohen, said Wednesday that the former Trump lawyer had never been to Prague, as
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.

Voters overwhelmingly support the Mueller investigation going forward and as long as it takes. If Trump does it then it will finish him. Voters will not accept obstruction of justice. The fact is that voters have rejected his attempts to attack Mueller.


Voters overwhelmingly support knowing and getting to the truth whether our election was tampered with or not. Not Mueller, not just Russia, not Trump, but by the DNC, Hillary, ANYONE. The public does not support Mueller, they support being told the truth. If Mueller isn't going to even look at or consider all the suspicious things done by the FBI, Comey, Hillary and many other operatives, not even consider that Hillary altered the outcome by the DNC's screwing over Bernie so that Hillary would win! Cheat in the debates. If those are not crimes, if Obama using the IRS to block Romney organizations so that Obama kept the edge in winning in 2012, if our "Special Prosecutor" investigates whether someone briefly tied to the Trump campaign cheated on his taxes 6 years ago to buy good suits but does not care about any of those other things, then the investigation ain't worth the paper it was written on.

And if Mueller's investigation is illegal (and it began already with a conflict of interest (with Comey, and all his lawyers being Hillary supporters), if Mueller and Loretta Lynch can play fast and loose (like her meeting Bill privately during the Hillary investigation), and Comey can decide no one would prosecute Hillary when THAT'S NOT EVEN HIS JOB or AUTHORITY TO SAY SO! And if these people are allowed to move forward with the same conflicts of interest that Sessions had that prevented him from running it in the first place that allowed the whole thing to begin with; if two different sets of laws are allowed, one for the Left and one for everyone else, and if this investigation IS illegal and STILL not stopped by Trump or anyone, then:

Trump is ALREADY finished.
The USA is already finished.
The rule of law is already finished.
We already have obstruction of justice. By the Justice Department.
And government and politics in America are nothing but a joke for the brain-dead.
And you are nothing but a wind-up robot programmed to go out and lead a controlled life so you can pay taxes to finance the Elite.

Because Mueller doesn't investigate your crazy conspiracy theories. The fact is that the public is seeing the truth and that is why they support Mueller's investigation. The only suspicious things are in your crazy head. Clinton got 54% of the primary vote vs 42 for Sanders. By what math should Sanders have gotten the nomination. Trump got 44% of the primary vote.

Mueller's investigation is not illegal. It doesn't matter whether his staff is Democrat or not. Justice Department guidelines allow employees to participate in the election process. There is no evidence that the Clinton-Lynch meeting was any more than a coincidence. Lynch agreed that she would abide by Comey's decision so in this case HE HAD THE AUTHORITY TO DO SO IN THIS CASE. The reason Sessions had to recuse himself was because he endorsed and campaigned for Trump in some states. He provided substantial support which is what the DOJ forbids. It should not be stopped until Mueller is finished. A majority of people in the ABC/Washington Post poll said that Trump's firing of Mueller would be obstruction of justice as far as they are concerned.
Says you, citing your imagination on a topic you know jack shit about. Meanwhile, Mueller is still conducting his investigation. He'll release his findings, and his criminal recommendations, when he's finished.

Its at *that* point that you'll know the evidence that Mueller has. Rather than just pretending you do.
Sounds like you have been defeated, You do realize Trump can PARDON everyone. Leaving Mueller with a cost to the taxpayer of over $40 million....That sounds like a good campaign point for Trump!

Laughing....sounds like you're projecting. As your entire argument has devolved into Trump being able to pardon himself for any crime he commits.

An argument no innocent man would ever make. But one Trump most definitely has.
Then you admit that Muellers bullshit is futile, simply a DemonRAT propaganda ploy!'re just quoting your own desperation, Purge.

I'd love to see Trump try and pardon *himself* for his own crimes. And just destroy any credibility that republicans ever had as the 'law and order' party.

It wouldn't work. The courts would overturn it in a heart beat. But republicans would break themselves trying to polish that turd. And disgust the nation as they tried.

Well, more. Disgust the nation more. Trump's disapproval rating is already at an all time high for him. And that's saying something.
Wrong again!

@Rasmussen_Poll just came out at 48% approval rate despite the constant and intense Fake News.

Rasmussen is Fake News.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.

Voters overwhelmingly support the Mueller investigation going forward and as long as it takes. If Trump does it then it will finish him. Voters will not accept obstruction of justice. The fact is that voters have rejected his attempts to attack Mueller.


Voters overwhelmingly support knowing and getting to the truth whether our election was tampered with or not. Not Mueller, not just Russia, not Trump, but by the DNC, Hillary, ANYONE. The public does not support Mueller, they support being told the truth. If Mueller isn't going to even look at or consider all the suspicious things done by the FBI, Comey, Hillary and many other operatives, not even consider that Hillary altered the outcome by the DNC's screwing over Bernie so that Hillary would win! Cheat in the debates. If those are not crimes, if Obama using the IRS to block Romney organizations so that Obama kept the edge in winning in 2012, if our "Special Prosecutor" investigates whether someone briefly tied to the Trump campaign cheated on his taxes 6 years ago to buy good suits but does not care about any of those other things, then the investigation ain't worth the paper it was written on.

And if Mueller's investigation is illegal (and it began already with a conflict of interest (with Comey, and all his lawyers being Hillary supporters), if Mueller and Loretta Lynch can play fast and loose (like her meeting Bill privately during the Hillary investigation), and Comey can decide no one would prosecute Hillary when THAT'S NOT EVEN HIS JOB or AUTHORITY TO SAY SO! And if these people are allowed to move forward with the same conflicts of interest that Sessions had that prevented him from running it in the first place that allowed the whole thing to begin with; if two different sets of laws are allowed, one for the Left and one for everyone else, and if this investigation IS illegal and STILL not stopped by Trump or anyone, then:

Trump is ALREADY finished.
The USA is already finished.
The rule of law is already finished.
We already have obstruction of justice. By the Justice Department.
And government and politics in America are nothing but a joke for the brain-dead.
And you are nothing but a wind-up robot programmed to go out and lead a controlled life so you can pay taxes to finance the Elite.

Because Mueller doesn't investigate your crazy conspiracy theories. The fact is that the public is seeing the truth and that is why they support Mueller's investigation. The only suspicious things are in your crazy head. Clinton got 54% of the primary vote vs 42 for Sanders. By what math should Sanders have gotten the nomination. Trump got 44% of the primary vote.

Mueller's investigation is not illegal. It doesn't matter whether his staff is Democrat or not. Justice Department guidelines allow employees to participate in the election process. There is no evidence that the Clinton-Lynch meeting was any more than a coincidence. Lynch agreed that she would abide by Comey's decision so in this case HE HAD THE AUTHORITY TO DO SO IN THIS CASE. The reason Sessions had to recuse himself was because he endorsed and campaigned for Trump in some states. He provided substantial support which is what the DOJ forbids. It should not be stopped until Mueller is finished. A majority of people in the ABC/Washington Post poll said that Trump's firing of Mueller would be obstruction of justice as far as they are concerned.
Of course it is illegal, you need a CRIME to investigate, there was and still is not a CRIME
Sounds like you have been defeated, You do realize Trump can PARDON everyone. Leaving Mueller with a cost to the taxpayer of over $40 million....That sounds like a good campaign point for Trump!

Laughing....sounds like you're projecting. As your entire argument has devolved into Trump being able to pardon himself for any crime he commits.

An argument no innocent man would ever make. But one Trump most definitely has.
Then you admit that Muellers bullshit is futile, simply a DemonRAT propaganda ploy!'re just quoting your own desperation, Purge.

I'd love to see Trump try and pardon *himself* for his own crimes. And just destroy any credibility that republicans ever had as the 'law and order' party.

It wouldn't work. The courts would overturn it in a heart beat. But republicans would break themselves trying to polish that turd. And disgust the nation as they tried.

Well, more. Disgust the nation more. Trump's disapproval rating is already at an all time high for him. And that's saying something.
Wrong again!

@Rasmussen_Poll just came out at 48% approval rate despite the constant and intense Fake News.

Rasmussen is Fake News.
Of course it is......:abgg2q.jpg:

If Trump does any of those things, it will precipitate a Bigger Constitutional crisis than the one going on now.

The people are turning on this Treasonous criminal as the watch him obstructing justice in plain sight.

The lying, the bad decisions, the trade wars.

Which people are those, ChiComlady?

Your puppets in the treasonous democrat party spew hatred and rage, as they have done every moment of every day since November 11, 2016. The facts of the open corruption of the Obama regime in rigging the election then staging a coup is impossible for the Chinese Communist agents known as democrats to hide.

The civil war that the democrats started is heating up, which thrills you Chinese, but it sure the hell isn't a good sign for the traitor democrats.

Let's start with voters. Independents are turning on Trump. No one rigged any elections and aside from the hillbilly Trump supporters, educated voters are not buying it. There is no coup. The Russians hacked the DNC servers. Wonder why you are loath to admit it Russia commie. You are the treasonous one.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.

Voters overwhelmingly support the Mueller investigation going forward and as long as it takes. If Trump does it then it will finish him. Voters will not accept obstruction of justice. The fact is that voters have rejected his attempts to attack Mueller.


Voters overwhelmingly support knowing and getting to the truth whether our election was tampered with or not. Not Mueller, not just Russia, not Trump, but by the DNC, Hillary, ANYONE. The public does not support Mueller, they support being told the truth. If Mueller isn't going to even look at or consider all the suspicious things done by the FBI, Comey, Hillary and many other operatives, not even consider that Hillary altered the outcome by the DNC's screwing over Bernie so that Hillary would win! Cheat in the debates. If those are not crimes, if Obama using the IRS to block Romney organizations so that Obama kept the edge in winning in 2012, if our "Special Prosecutor" investigates whether someone briefly tied to the Trump campaign cheated on his taxes 6 years ago to buy good suits but does not care about any of those other things, then the investigation ain't worth the paper it was written on.

And if Mueller's investigation is illegal (and it began already with a conflict of interest (with Comey, and all his lawyers being Hillary supporters), if Mueller and Loretta Lynch can play fast and loose (like her meeting Bill privately during the Hillary investigation), and Comey can decide no one would prosecute Hillary when THAT'S NOT EVEN HIS JOB or AUTHORITY TO SAY SO! And if these people are allowed to move forward with the same conflicts of interest that Sessions had that prevented him from running it in the first place that allowed the whole thing to begin with; if two different sets of laws are allowed, one for the Left and one for everyone else, and if this investigation IS illegal and STILL not stopped by Trump or anyone, then:

Trump is ALREADY finished.
The USA is already finished.
The rule of law is already finished.
We already have obstruction of justice. By the Justice Department.
And government and politics in America are nothing but a joke for the brain-dead.
And you are nothing but a wind-up robot programmed to go out and lead a controlled life so you can pay taxes to finance the Elite.

Because Mueller doesn't investigate your crazy conspiracy theories. The fact is that the public is seeing the truth and that is why they support Mueller's investigation.

BULLSHIT. More bullshit from the Bullshit Bee. How does Mueller know what are "crazy conspiracy theories" without looking into them, A-Hole? People are interested in getting at the facts regardless of who runs it, no one gives a flying crap about Mueller but you. The public don't know what they are seeing, they've seen a couple of small-fry guppies get pinched for petty crimes they committed a long time ago whose charges are politically motivated and have nothing to do with Trump, Russia, Putin or the election, and a lot of people know about all these other strange connections, the illegal FOIA, the Steele Dossier, the crooks at the FBI, the Comey/Lynch coverup for Hillary to protect her, the Uranium deal, Obama's being freer after he was reelected in 2012, which he used the IRS to block many Romney organizations to tip the election in his favor (that is election tampering), and a lot of other things. These are not wild "conspiracy theories, Jackass, get your head out of your ass for 5 minutes; these are DOCUMENTED EVENTS, and people are wondering why those things are not also within the purview of Mueller if he is really trying to find out if our elections are safe and not just trying to get at Trump.

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