Finally: President Trump calls Mueller’s Investigation Illegal

There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.

Trump also said that the Chinese invented global warming and he won the popular vote.

He says lots of stupid shit.
You mean they didn't with all their pollution! DAMN!
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!
Mueller is investigating a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts. Which is a crime. And in so doing, he covered up that crime with obstruction of justice crimes, by manufacturing several lying stories about the crime. That too is illegal, and it has been proven. And they don't call it collusion. They're called "conspiracies" .
Then he should be investigating Hildeeast, the DNC and the corrupt and known liat the FBO & DOJ ...and

Lawmakers Make Criminal Referral on Clinton, Comey, Lynch to DOJ on Steele Dossier
Sara A. Carter

And Jeff Sessions is SITTING ON THIS! HEVSHOULD BE INVESTIGATING THESE CRIMINAL REFERALS....after the RED WAVE in the Nov. Election the shit will hit the fan for you corrupt, treasonous and evil Democrats
He's already got Trump. And he will finish with Trump. As for other investigations, there are none. You live in a world of make believe, and that's on you.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!
Mueller is investigating a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts. Which is a crime. And in so doing, he covered up that crime with obstruction of justice crimes, by manufacturing several lying stories about the crime. That too is illegal, and it has been proven. And they don't call it collusion. They're called "conspiracies" .
Then he should be investigating Hildeeast, the DNC and the corrupt and known liat the FBO & DOJ ...and

Lawmakers Make Criminal Referral on Clinton, Comey, Lynch to DOJ on Steele Dossier
Sara A. Carter

And Jeff Sessions is SITTING ON THIS! HEVSHOULD BE INVESTIGATING THESE CRIMINAL REFERALS....after the RED WAVE in the Nov. Election the shit will hit the fan for you corrupt, treasonous and evil Democrats
He's already got Trump. And he will finish with Trump. As for other investigations, there are none. You live in a world of make believe, and that's on you.
And they already have Mueller for his collusion with Hilary and the DNC on Uranium 1....wait till after Nov. For that shoe to drop!
Few leftists can differentiate between legitimate information and the Elitist's Derp State.
Their childish mentality, easily triggered persona and willful ignorance is the perfect play ground for their manipulation....which is being played to a T
If you got the balls to challenge the "information", then, by all means, I'm a willful participant.

What information do you deem illegitimate, and if it is, how is it illegitimate?
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!
Mueller is investigating a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts. Which is a crime. And in so doing, he covered up that crime with obstruction of justice crimes, by manufacturing several lying stories about the crime. That too is illegal, and it has been proven. And they don't call it collusion. They're called "conspiracies" .
Then he should be investigating Hildeeast, the DNC and the corrupt and known liat the FBO & DOJ ...and

Lawmakers Make Criminal Referral on Clinton, Comey, Lynch to DOJ on Steele Dossier
Sara A. Carter

And Jeff Sessions is SITTING ON THIS! HEVSHOULD BE INVESTIGATING THESE CRIMINAL REFERALS....after the RED WAVE in the Nov. Election the shit will hit the fan for you corrupt, treasonous and evil Democrats
He's already got Trump. And he will finish with Trump. As for other investigations, there are none. You live in a world of make believe, and that's on you.
And they already have Mueller for his collusion with Hilary and the DNC on Uranium 1....wait till after Nov. For that shoe to drop!
Your off topic cowardly Hillary uranium one has been investigated every which way from Sunday. Nothing was found. More make believe. ttps:// But ha, keep chasing those fantasies.
Gonna be nice not to have to mess with a witch hunt every freakin day after two years. Ultimate victims, crybabies and retaliators
Gonna be nice not to have to mess with a witch hunt every freakin day after two years. Ultimate victims, crybabies and retaliators
We'll, they're getting a lot of witches in the Trump world, so you'll just have to be patient.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.

It started May 11 or 12 2017 Do REPS have their OWN version of calendars?
Collusion is a MITIGATION FACTOR not a crime...

So tell me, what CRIME was the Special Counsel seated for?
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.

It started May 11 or 12 2017 Do REPS have their OWN version of calendars?
Collusion is a MITIGATION FACTOR not a crime...

So tell me, what CRIME was the Special Counsel seated for?
The crime is that Trump won even though the Russian aided Hillary fix was in. That could not happen so they turned the Russian tables onto Trump
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.

It started May 11 or 12 2017 Do REPS have their OWN version of calendars?
Collusion is a MITIGATION FACTOR not a crime...

So tell me, what CRIME was the Special Counsel seated for?
Who's talking about "collusion?" The evidence against Trump is about multiple "conspiracies" and "obstruction charges".
That's hilarious - What is illegal about it?

No crime.

Conducting a witch hunt to peg a random crime to a person violates the basic principles of decency. In this case, the act is treason as it seeks to oust a president in a coup.

You Commie fucks are waging a civil war.

Not good enough Trumptard
Truth isn't truth and collusion isn't a crime ain't working
Try another tack
Mueller is investigating a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts. Which is a crime.

While it's true that there is a proven conspiracy to defraud the 2016 presidential election, that has nothing to do with President Trump or his team.

You are right that is proven that Barack Obama used his corrupt DOJ to coordinate efforts with the Clinton campaign to obstruct the election on a dozen level.

We know that Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie worked with the Kremlin on behalf of Obama and the Clinton mob to fabricate a dossier meant to destroy the opposition candidate. We know that Andrew McCabe leaked that dossier to Yahoo news on orders from Obama. We know that Peter Strzok used the story on Yahoo as corroboration for the dossier that the FSB had colluded with Russia to fabricat and that Strzok perjured the FISA warrant by lying about the source and the corroboration.

So yes, there was conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts.

BUT Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada hasn't investigated it, in fact the Grand Inquisitor has done all he could to cover up the crimes of the Obama regime and the Clinton crime mob in the rigging of the 2016 election.

And in so doing, Trump covered up that crime with obstruction of justice crimes, by manufacturing several lying stories about the crime. That too is illegal, and it has been proven. And they don't call it collusion. They're called "conspiracies" .

But Trump had nothing to do with the conspiracy to rig the election. Further, Comey et al. used the illegally obtained FISA warrant to spy on the President of the United states, an act of treason.
Negative! The only thing being waged is the exercise for truth and the rule of law. Which in the end, yields justice.

The Inquisition was started without any allegation of a specified crime, making it illegal from the start.

28 CFR 600.1 - Grounds for appointing a Special Counsel.

The opposition, in this case the Marxist party called "democrats" and the corrupt, entrenched bureaucrat class know as the "deep state" conspired to establish the Inquisition.

Donald Trump was declared guilty and the Inquisition was called to burn as many witches as necessary to find or fabricate WHAT he is guilty of.

If that is waging civil war for you, then you were never a real Constitutionally bound American to begin with. Real Americans don't wage war against our own laws.

It is indeed treason and waging war on the Constitution of the United States. This is an attempted coup.

Republicans control the public branches of government, yet you Marxists still clearly control the federal government. You control the means of corruption, which much of congress including the Senate depend on. Clearly Jeff Flake and John McCain reacted violently to the threat to their income stream of graft and corruption.

Trump vowed to drain the swamp. You started this civil war you wage as a response to the threat against the deep state of corruption.
He's already got Trump. And he will finish with Trump. As for other investigations, there are none. You live in a world of make believe, and that's on you.


So, you're one of those.

No facts, just your hatred.

Comrade, IF you Marxists gain a majority in the house, Pelosi and the other Marxist leaders will make a show with the complicity of the Marxist media of drafting articles of impeachment. My guess is they would go through the drafting process 10 or 12 times so the the pimps of the Amazon.Com Post and the holocaust denying NY Times can whore it to the nation over 18 months.

In the end, if a resolution is passed, then the House will vote. Now your masters claim that only three presidents have been impeached, but that isn't true - nothing democrats claim is true. The House has passed Impeachment on 17 US Presidents, including Lincoln. It has only progressed to the Senate on two occasions. The House would have to send the impeachment to the Senate with a 2/3rds vote. Be clear comrade, the House can impeach on a simple majority, but the Senate will not act unless there is a super majority.

You Stalinists have zero chance of gaining a super majority. I doubt you will even win the majority, at this point.

Now you Marxists are at war to end the United States Constitution - but you have never read it and have not a hint of a clue what is in it.

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.


Standard Disclaimer: The Constitution on democrats is like salt on slugs, watch them foam and squirm..
And they already have Mueller for his collusion with Hilary and the DNC on Uranium 1....wait till after Nov. For that shoe to drop!

This is Trump we are dealing with.

Wait until OCTOBER for the other shoe to drop.

democratic party propagandist Chuck Todd spewed some demagoguery about Torquemada making some "bombshell" announcement on Friday; which of course never happened.

Chuck Todd says 'bombshell' from Mueller coming today

What Herr Goebbels-Todd was doing was blowing smoke in hopes of obfuscating the disaster of the Ohr testimony.

The Marxists are in DEEP shit. I would openly laugh at the Inquisition and their antics, save that they are destroying lives. But Torquemada and his bumbling clerics are a clown show.

Meanwhile, the mountain of evidence against the Marxists continues to pile up. Torquemada sure the fuck won't investigate that, he is tasked to GET TRUMP, his is a coup, not an investigation.

But the evidence continues to pile up. Ohr confirmed the Strzok engaged in treason, and that he did so on orders from McCabe. Was Comey involved? Unclear, but we know Comey perjured himself before Congress with his lie that he didn't know the origin of the Russian Dossier that Obama had fabricated.
That's hilarious - What is illegal about it?

No crime.

Conducting a witch hunt to peg a random crime to a person violates the basic principles of decency. In this case, the act is treason as it seeks to oust a president in a coup.

You Commie fucks are waging a civil war.

Not good enough Trumptard
Truth isn't truth and collusion isn't a crime ain't working
Try another tack


Commie Bastard, the party that colludes with foreign powers EVERY election is you Communists. Hillary had Vincente Fox, President of Mexico campaigning for her, so that Mexicans would vote for her.

That collusion happens every election.

You Stalinists had a bad week last week with the Ohr Testimony.

I suspect an October surprise coming your way. Think perhaps a Strzok or McCabe arrest will look good for you corrupt shitbags going into November?

Commie Bastard, the party that colludes with foreign powers EVERY election is you Communists. Hillary had Vincente Fox, President of Mexico campaigning for her, so that Mexicans would vote for her.

That collusion happens every election.

You Stalinists had a bad week last week with the Ohr Testimony.

I suspect an October surprise coming your way. Think perhaps a Strzok or McCabe arrest will look good for you corrupt shitbags going into November?

Hillary Card Fail detected - Keep it to Ohr .. Probably the world's foremost expert on the Russian Mob.
He's your new shiny object .. Stay on Message! :cool-45:

Then he should be investigating Hildeeast, the DNC and the corrupt and known liat the FBO & DOJ ...and

Lawmakers Make Criminal Referral on Clinton, Comey, Lynch to DOJ on Steele Dossier
Sara A. Carter

And Jeff Sessions is SITTING ON THIS! HEVSHOULD BE INVESTIGATING THESE CRIMINAL REFERALS....after the RED WAVE in the Nov. Election the shit will hit the fan for you corrupt, treasonous and evil Democrats
He's already got Trump. And he will finish with Trump. As for other investigations, there are none. You live in a world of make believe, and that's on you.

Has our new friend The Purge posted any funny conspiracy theories today? :)

Commie Bastard, the party that colludes with foreign powers EVERY election is you Communists. Hillary had Vincente Fox, President of Mexico campaigning for her, so that Mexicans would vote for her.

That collusion happens every election.

You Stalinists had a bad week last week with the Ohr Testimony.

I suspect an October surprise coming your way. Think perhaps a Strzok or McCabe arrest will look good for you corrupt shitbags going into November?

Hillary Card Fail detected - Keep it to Ohr .. Probably the world's foremost expert on the Russian Mob.
He's your new shiny object .. Stay on Message! :cool-45:

I'm hoping you have a terminal case.....


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