Finally: President Trump calls Mueller’s Investigation Illegal

Mueller is investigating a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts. Which is a crime.

While it's true that there is a proven conspiracy to defraud the 2016 presidential election, that has nothing to do with President Trump or his team.

You are right that is proven that Barack Obama used his corrupt DOJ to coordinate efforts with the Clinton campaign to obstruct the election on a dozen level.

We know that Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie worked with the Kremlin on behalf of Obama and the Clinton mob to fabricate a dossier meant to destroy the opposition candidate. We know that Andrew McCabe leaked that dossier to Yahoo news on orders from Obama. We know that Peter Strzok used the story on Yahoo as corroboration for the dossier that the FSB had colluded with Russia to fabricat and that Strzok perjured the FISA warrant by lying about the source and the corroboration.

So yes, there was conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts.

BUT Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada hasn't investigated it, in fact the Grand Inquisitor has done all he could to cover up the crimes of the Obama regime and the Clinton crime mob in the rigging of the 2016 election.

And in so doing, Trump covered up that crime with obstruction of justice crimes, by manufacturing several lying stories about the crime. That too is illegal, and it has been proven. And they don't call it collusion. They're called "conspiracies" .

But Trump had nothing to do with the conspiracy to rig the election. Further, Comey et al. used the illegally obtained FISA warrant to spy on the President of the United states, an act of treason.
All those claims from your posts are lies, and they have been proven multiple times. And the sad thing about it is, you know it.
Then he should be investigating Hildeeast, the DNC and the corrupt and known liat the FBO & DOJ ...and

Lawmakers Make Criminal Referral on Clinton, Comey, Lynch to DOJ on Steele Dossier
Sara A. Carter

And Jeff Sessions is SITTING ON THIS! HEVSHOULD BE INVESTIGATING THESE CRIMINAL REFERALS....after the RED WAVE in the Nov. Election the shit will hit the fan for you corrupt, treasonous and evil Democrats
He's already got Trump. And he will finish with Trump. As for other investigations, there are none. You live in a world of make believe, and that's on you.

Has our new friend The Purge posted any funny conspiracy theories today? :)
Ah, not yet that I know of? They get burned out with them for awhile, because it's so easy to catch them lying about them. But then, later on, they'll start a new one. That's sort of the pattern. They'll wait for the House goons like Nunez, Meadows, and Jordan to find new one's. Then, like good little Sheep, they'll milk whatever they can invent, then run with it to make nothing out of something. Lol! What a joke.
Then he should be investigating Hildeeast, the DNC and the corrupt and known liat the FBO & DOJ ...and

Lawmakers Make Criminal Referral on Clinton, Comey, Lynch to DOJ on Steele Dossier
Sara A. Carter

And Jeff Sessions is SITTING ON THIS! HEVSHOULD BE INVESTIGATING THESE CRIMINAL REFERALS....after the RED WAVE in the Nov. Election the shit will hit the fan for you corrupt, treasonous and evil Democrats
He's already got Trump. And he will finish with Trump. As for other investigations, there are none. You live in a world of make believe, and that's on you.

Has our new friend The Purge posted any funny conspiracy theories today? :)
Ah, not yet that I know of? They get burned out with them for awhile, because it's so easy to catch them lying about them. But then, later on, they'll start a new one. That's sort of the pattern. They'll wait for the House goons like Nunez, Meadows, and Jordan to find new one's. Then, like good little Sheep, they'll milk whatever they can invent, then run with it to make nothing out of something. Lol! What a joke.

They're kind of stuck in the conspiracy loop, trying to one up their last story with something bigger, more dire, and more sinister.

The phrase 'bigger than watergate' has been used what? 4 times before? And resulted in nothing.

So now they've upgraded to 'biggest political scandal in our lifetime' with number 5.

I assume fake 'scandal' number 6 will be the biggest story since the T-Rex. With fake 'scandal' number 7 will have intergalactic implications.

Commie Bastard, the party that colludes with foreign powers EVERY election is you Communists. Hillary had Vincente Fox, President of Mexico campaigning for her, so that Mexicans would vote for her.

That collusion happens every election.

You Stalinists had a bad week last week with the Ohr Testimony.

I suspect an October surprise coming your way. Think perhaps a Strzok or McCabe arrest will look good for you corrupt shitbags going into November?

Hillary Card Fail detected - Keep it to Ohr .. Probably the world's foremost expert on the Russian Mob.
He's your new shiny object .. Stay on Message! :cool-45:


Says the fucktard commie vomiting "collusion."

The only collusion is between you Communists and Mexico, as I have proven.


Mexico is flooding our country with an underclass of invaders who enrich their nation. The new likely president is unabashedly Communist. He says it is a ‘human right’ for every person in the world to be able to enter the USA illegally. If he’s elected, he wants his people to pour into the USA in even greater numbers. We already catch 50,000 invaders a month and those are the ones we catch.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador declared it a “human right” for all North Americans during a speech this past week, reported.

He vowed that he would be advocating for all migrants once he wins the July 1 election.

“And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we are going to defend the migrants of the entire American continent and all the migrants of the world who, by necessity have to leave their villages to seek life in the United States,” Obrador said.

“It is a human right that we are going to defend,” he added.

Will the Democrats in this country ever stand up for the USA? They are also colluding to hurt the USA.}

Greatest Threat of Collusion by America's Enemies Is Not From Russia
Mueller is investigating a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts. Which is a crime.

While it's true that there is a proven conspiracy to defraud the 2016 presidential election, that has nothing to do with President Trump or his team.

You are right that is proven that Barack Obama used his corrupt DOJ to coordinate efforts with the Clinton campaign to obstruct the election on a dozen level.

We know that Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie worked with the Kremlin on behalf of Obama and the Clinton mob to fabricate a dossier meant to destroy the opposition candidate. We know that Andrew McCabe leaked that dossier to Yahoo news on orders from Obama. We know that Peter Strzok used the story on Yahoo as corroboration for the dossier that the FSB had colluded with Russia to fabricat and that Strzok perjured the FISA warrant by lying about the source and the corroboration.

So yes, there was conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts.

BUT Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada hasn't investigated it, in fact the Grand Inquisitor has done all he could to cover up the crimes of the Obama regime and the Clinton crime mob in the rigging of the 2016 election.

And in so doing, Trump covered up that crime with obstruction of justice crimes, by manufacturing several lying stories about the crime. That too is illegal, and it has been proven. And they don't call it collusion. They're called "conspiracies" .

But Trump had nothing to do with the conspiracy to rig the election. Further, Comey et al. used the illegally obtained FISA warrant to spy on the President of the United states, an act of treason.
All those claims from your posts are lies, and they have been proven multiple times. And the sad thing about it is, you know it.


Fucking retard.

Nelie Ohr, lying cocksucker

Fusion GPS admits DOJ official's wife Nellie Ohr hired to probe Trump

McCabe leaking the dossier.

FISA MEMO LEAK: McCabe Admits FBI Used Bogus Steele Dossier Paid For By Hillary to Obtain FISA Warrant to Spy on Trump – True Pundit

Stunning evidence that FBI used a Yahoo article to obtain FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page (Video)

Here's the thing you lying kunt, you think that because you are shameless, filthy liar, other people are too. But that isn't the case. I can and do back up everything I post.
Mueller is investigating a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts. Which is a crime.

While it's true that there is a proven conspiracy to defraud the 2016 presidential election, that has nothing to do with President Trump or his team.

You are right that is proven that Barack Obama used his corrupt DOJ to coordinate efforts with the Clinton campaign to obstruct the election on a dozen level.

We know that Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie worked with the Kremlin on behalf of Obama and the Clinton mob to fabricate a dossier meant to destroy the opposition candidate. We know that Andrew McCabe leaked that dossier to Yahoo news on orders from Obama. We know that Peter Strzok used the story on Yahoo as corroboration for the dossier that the FSB had colluded with Russia to fabricat and that Strzok perjured the FISA warrant by lying about the source and the corroboration.

So yes, there was conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts.

BUT Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada hasn't investigated it, in fact the Grand Inquisitor has done all he could to cover up the crimes of the Obama regime and the Clinton crime mob in the rigging of the 2016 election.

And in so doing, Trump covered up that crime with obstruction of justice crimes, by manufacturing several lying stories about the crime. That too is illegal, and it has been proven. And they don't call it collusion. They're called "conspiracies" .

But Trump had nothing to do with the conspiracy to rig the election. Further, Comey et al. used the illegally obtained FISA warrant to spy on the President of the United states, an act of treason.
All those claims from your posts are lies, and they have been proven multiple times. And the sad thing about it is, you know it.


Fucking retard.

Nelie Ohr, lying cocksucker

Fusion GPS admits DOJ official's wife Nellie Ohr hired to probe Trump

McCabe leaking the dossier.

FISA MEMO LEAK: McCabe Admits FBI Used Bogus Steele Dossier Paid For By Hillary to Obtain FISA Warrant to Spy on Trump – True Pundit

Stunning evidence that FBI used a Yahoo article to obtain FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page (Video)

Here's the thing you lying kunt, you think that because you are shameless, filthy liar, other people are too. But that isn't the case. I can and do back up everything I post.
I'll say it again for those too dumb to make the connection. Fox news reported it was an ant-Trump Dossier. Right there the article hasn't a leg to stand on, because no one, including Fox news has proven the dossier is anti-Trump. I thought we already schooled you bozo's on this before?

And here's the other part of the article that Republicans are not smart enough to pick up on. So pay attention nit wits. Fusion GPS has attracted scrutiny because Republican lawmakers have spent the better part of this year investigating whether the dossier, which was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, served as the basis for the Justice Department and the FBI to obtain FISA surveillance last year on a Trump campaign adviser named Carter Page. Republicans forgot to mention, that the FBI has had surveillance on Carter Page, since 2014, long before before we knew who was running for president. Their case as to "whether the dossier served as the basis for the justice dept. and the FBI to obtain FISA surveillance last year on the Trump campaign adviser Carter Page," just got thrown out the window, because of the time frame. Why would the Republicans be investigating the time frame of the FISA application during the actual campaign, and not before? Answer, because they don't want to know what happened in 2014. If they took interest in that leg of the FISA investigation, there own investigation would and does prove bogus. Without going all the way back to 2014, no one would ever understand the true nature of the investigation. Which is what Republicans intended to do. And that is why their investigation is a manufactured fraud.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.

Voters overwhelmingly support the Mueller investigation going forward and as long as it takes. If Trump does it then it will finish him. Voters will not accept obstruction of justice. The fact is that voters have rejected his attempts to attack Mueller.


Voters overwhelmingly support knowing and getting to the truth whether our election was tampered with or not. Not Mueller, not just Russia, not Trump, but by the DNC, Hillary, ANYONE. The public does not support Mueller, they support being told the truth. If Mueller isn't going to even look at or consider all the suspicious things done by the FBI, Comey, Hillary and many other operatives, not even consider that Hillary altered the outcome by the DNC's screwing over Bernie so that Hillary would win! Cheat in the debates. If those are not crimes, if Obama using the IRS to block Romney organizations so that Obama kept the edge in winning in 2012, if our "Special Prosecutor" investigates whether someone briefly tied to the Trump campaign cheated on his taxes 6 years ago to buy good suits but does not care about any of those other things, then the investigation ain't worth the paper it was written on.

And if Mueller's investigation is illegal (and it began already with a conflict of interest (with Comey, and all his lawyers being Hillary supporters), if Mueller and Loretta Lynch can play fast and loose (like her meeting Bill privately during the Hillary investigation), and Comey can decide no one would prosecute Hillary when THAT'S NOT EVEN HIS JOB or AUTHORITY TO SAY SO! And if these people are allowed to move forward with the same conflicts of interest that Sessions had that prevented him from running it in the first place that allowed the whole thing to begin with; if two different sets of laws are allowed, one for the Left and one for everyone else, and if this investigation IS illegal and STILL not stopped by Trump or anyone, then:

Trump is ALREADY finished.
The USA is already finished.
The rule of law is already finished.
We already have obstruction of justice. By the Justice Department.
And government and politics in America are nothing but a joke for the brain-dead.
And you are nothing but a wind-up robot programmed to go out and lead a controlled life so you can pay taxes to finance the Elite.

Because Mueller doesn't investigate your crazy conspiracy theories. The fact is that the public is seeing the truth and that is why they support Mueller's investigation.

BULLSHIT. More bullshit from the Bullshit Bee. How does Mueller know what are "crazy conspiracy theories" without looking into them, A-Hole? People are interested in getting at the facts regardless of who runs it, no one gives a flying crap about Mueller but you. The public don't know what they are seeing, they've seen a couple of small-fry guppies get pinched for petty crimes they committed a long time ago whose charges are politically motivated and have nothing to do with Trump, Russia, Putin or the election, and a lot of people know about all these other strange connections, the illegal FOIA, the Steele Dossier, the crooks at the FBI, the Comey/Lynch coverup for Hillary to protect her, the Uranium deal, Obama's being freer after he was reelected in 2012, which he used the IRS to block many Romney organizations to tip the election in his favor (that is election tampering), and a lot of other things. These are not wild "conspiracy theories, Jackass, get your head out of your ass for 5 minutes; these are DOCUMENTED EVENTS, and people are wondering why those things are not also within the purview of Mueller if he is really trying to find out if our elections are safe and not just trying to get at Trump.

You are the bullshit artist asshole. It's not too hard to pick out the crazy conspiracy theories if you are in your right mind. You are not and cannot. Anything that starts with treason and traitor is a crazy conspiracy theory. These are not petty crimes they are being charged with. They are serious charges. Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked by Shep Smith. The Steele dossier has been partially confirmed by the FBI as Comey testified. Why don't you get your tongue out of Trump's ass. They ARE NOT DOCUMENTED FACTS EXCEPT BY OTHER RIGHT-WING CRAZIES. Voters are satisfied with the job Mueller is doing and want him to finish no matter how long it takes.
Every major piece of information in the dossier has now been independently verified except for the “Pee Tape”, including Cohen going to Prague to make a pay off for “tech matters”, which he later billed to the Trump Corporation. Imagine the tale both Cohen and the accountant will be telling prosecutors now that both are cooperating.

Well now, that's a blatant lie.

No one expects differently from you, though, ChiComlady.

And we haven’t even started to discuss the obstruction of justice case which starts with public claims that the investigation is a “witch hunt” and the firing of Comey to recent attacks against Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein.

Comrade, your Inquisition is falling apart. Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada persecutes SEC violations from the Bush era and you think the the democrats are winning.

Meanwhile, it is proven that the Obama DOJ rigged the 2016 election, spied on the opposition using the FSB and that FSB officers McCabe and Strzok engaged in treason on orders from Obama.

You are a citizen of China, seeking to do as much damage to America as possible. You are indeed winning. But your dupes, the democrats are going down in flames.

You are the commie. You lie to protect Putin. That is why Putin supported Trump.

That's hilarious - What is illegal about it?

No crime.

Conducting a witch hunt to peg a random crime to a person violates the basic principles of decency. In this case, the act is treason as it seeks to oust a president in a coup.

You Commie fucks are waging a civil war.

You are waging the civil war. You will do anything to divide Americans to save your leaders. Putin and Trump.
If Trump does any of those things, it will precipitate a Bigger Constitutional crisis than the one going on now.

The people are turning on this Treasonous criminal as the watch him obstructing justice in plain sight.

The lying, the bad decisions, the trade wars.

Which people are those, ChiComlady?

Your puppets in the treasonous democrat party spew hatred and rage, as they have done every moment of every day since November 11, 2016. The facts of the open corruption of the Obama regime in rigging the election then staging a coup is impossible for the Chinese Communist agents known as democrats to hide.

The civil war that the democrats started is heating up, which thrills you Chinese, but it sure the hell isn't a good sign for the traitor democrats.

Let's start with voters. Independents are turning on Trump. No one rigged any elections and aside from the hillbilly Trump supporters, educated voters are not buying it. There is no coup. The Russians hacked the DNC servers. Wonder why you are loath to admit it Russia commie. You are the treasonous one.

Sure Comrade.

Your fantasy is better than fact.

Russia no doubt accessed Hillary's server, as did China, Mexico, the kid in 14 C, and Uganda.

SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server

When the Admin password is "password," it ain't real hard. That's WHY it's a felony to keep classified and secret information on a private server. But Hillary is above the law.

You are the Putin Lover.

Your fantasies wouldn't even make it in the movies. The fact is that the FBI has found no evidence Clinton's servers were hacked.

Trump's password is probably trump because it is the only thing he is smart enough to remember.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!
Mueller is investigating a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts. Which is a crime. And in so doing, he covered up that crime with obstruction of justice crimes, by manufacturing several lying stories about the crime. That too is illegal, and it has been proven. And they don't call it collusion. They're called "conspiracies" .
Then he should be investigating Hildeeast, the DNC and the corrupt and known liat the FBO & DOJ ...and

Lawmakers Make Criminal Referral on Clinton, Comey, Lynch to DOJ on Steele Dossier
Sara A. Carter

And Jeff Sessions is SITTING ON THIS! HEVSHOULD BE INVESTIGATING THESE CRIMINAL REFERALS....after the RED WAVE in the Nov. Election the shit will hit the fan for you corrupt, treasonous and evil Democrats
He's already got Trump. And he will finish with Trump. As for other investigations, there are none. You live in a world of make believe, and that's on you.
And they already have Mueller for his collusion with Hilary and the DNC on Uranium 1....wait till after Nov. For that shoe to drop!

No one is waiting on that because there is nothing to see. Shep Smith has torn that entire narrative apart.
Mueller is investigating a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts. Which is a crime.

While it's true that there is a proven conspiracy to defraud the 2016 presidential election, that has nothing to do with President Trump or his team.

You are right that is proven that Barack Obama used his corrupt DOJ to coordinate efforts with the Clinton campaign to obstruct the election on a dozen level.

We know that Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie worked with the Kremlin on behalf of Obama and the Clinton mob to fabricate a dossier meant to destroy the opposition candidate. We know that Andrew McCabe leaked that dossier to Yahoo news on orders from Obama. We know that Peter Strzok used the story on Yahoo as corroboration for the dossier that the FSB had colluded with Russia to fabricat and that Strzok perjured the FISA warrant by lying about the source and the corroboration.

So yes, there was conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts.

BUT Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada hasn't investigated it, in fact the Grand Inquisitor has done all he could to cover up the crimes of the Obama regime and the Clinton crime mob in the rigging of the 2016 election.

And in so doing, Trump covered up that crime with obstruction of justice crimes, by manufacturing several lying stories about the crime. That too is illegal, and it has been proven. And they don't call it collusion. They're called "conspiracies" .

But Trump had nothing to do with the conspiracy to rig the election. Further, Comey et al. used the illegally obtained FISA warrant to spy on the President of the United states, an act of treason.

We know that Obama did not do anything in regards to the 2016 elections. No conspiracy has been proven among Democrats. There is noththing corrupt about the DOJ.

Ohr and his wife did not work for Russia. It was the Trump campaign that was willing to work with Russians as proven by Trump Jr's e-mails. Even Putin has admitted he supported Trump in 2016.

Anything that has the word treasobn in it is a crazy conspiracy theory. Thanks for proving it again.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!

You don’t need a crime. Only a reasonable suspicion of a crime.

And “collusion” is your word, not a word found anywhere in the order to place Mueller in the role of Special Counsel...
Negative! The only thing being waged is the exercise for truth and the rule of law. Which in the end, yields justice.

The Inquisition was started without any allegation of a specified crime, making it illegal from the start.

28 CFR 600.1 - Grounds for appointing a Special Counsel.

The opposition, in this case the Marxist party called "democrats" and the corrupt, entrenched bureaucrat class know as the "deep state" conspired to establish the Inquisition.

Donald Trump was declared guilty and the Inquisition was called to burn as many witches as necessary to find or fabricate WHAT he is guilty of.

If that is waging civil war for you, then you were never a real Constitutionally bound American to begin with. Real Americans don't wage war against our own laws.

It is indeed treason and waging war on the Constitution of the United States. This is an attempted coup.

Republicans control the public branches of government, yet you Marxists still clearly control the federal government. You control the means of corruption, which much of congress including the Senate depend on. Clearly Jeff Flake and John McCain reacted violently to the threat to their income stream of graft and corruption.

Trump vowed to drain the swamp. You started this civil war you wage as a response to the threat against the deep state of corruption.

There is no treason nor is this a coup. You are the one who is guilty of treason. The corruption is among Republicans. The government is not there to serve Trump. It is there to serve the American people. Trump is a part of the swamp. He is re-stocking it with different creatures.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?

The guy who claimed that Chinese invented global warming and Obama wiretapped Trump tower.....making shit up?
Wiretapping: The U.S. government under President Obama wiretapped former Trump campaign Chair Paul Manafort in New York's Trump Tower under "secret court orders before and after the election," CNN reported, citing "three sources familiar with the investigation." Assuming CNN's report is true, it means President Trump, who was ridiculed earlier this year for claiming that his iconic building had been wiretapped, has been massively vindicated. But don't hold your breath waiting for an apology.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?

The guy who claimed that Chinese invented global warming and Obama wiretapped Trump tower.....making shit up?
Wiretapping: The U.S. government under President Obama wiretapped former Trump campaign Chair Paul Manafort in New York's Trump Tower under "secret court orders before and after the election," CNN reported, citing "three sources familiar with the investigation." Assuming CNN's report is true, it means President Trump, who was ridiculed earlier this year for claiming that his iconic building had been wiretapped, has been massively vindicated. But don't hold your breath waiting for an apology.

Obama White House Wiretapped Trump, Then Lied About It: CNN | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Now asswipe will come back and say the CORRUPT FBI,/DOJ said there was no wiretap....again, asking US!B jury, whoro you believe after all the lies brought out in subcommittee testimony...?Keep going, we will rename you Skyhook, as you post with facts hung on thin air!

There is no evidence that Manafort was wiretapped in Trump Tower.

And your link to Business Investors Daily is also lying. It claims...

The U.S. government under President Obama wiretapped former Trump campaign Chair Paul Manafort in New York's Trump Tower under "secret court orders before and after the election," CNN reported, citing "three sources familiar with the investigation." Assuming CNN's report is true, it means President Trump, who was ridiculed earlier this year for claiming that his iconic building had been wiretapped, has been massively vindicated. But don't hold your breath waiting for an apology.

... so they [falsely] claim Manafort was wiretapped in Trump Tower and then proceed to use that strawman to conclude Trump was vindicated.

But here’s the actual CNN article, which is found based on the text Business Investors Daily wrapped in quotes....

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman - CNNPolitics

.... and here’s what it actually says about Manafort being wiretapped in Trump Tower...

For that reason, speculation has run rampant about whether Manafort or others associated with Trump were under surveillance. The President himself fueled the speculation when in March he used his Twitter account to accuse former President Barack Obama of having his "wires tapped" in Trump Tower.

The Justice Department and the FBI have denied that Trump's own "wires" were tapped.

While Manafort has a residence in Trump Tower, it's unclear whether FBI surveillance of him took place there.

Manafort has a home as well in Alexandria, Virginia. FBI agents raided the Alexandria residence in July.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!

Conspiracy against the United States is a crime. And Trump admitting that his campaign colluded with the Russians when he confessed that the reason his campaign officials met with a Russian operative was to get information on Hillary.

With Trump's campaign well aware that the information was to come from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump. This while the Russian government was attacking the United States to (you guessed it) aid Trump.

With Trump lying repeatedly about his campaign's collusion with the Russians. And compelling others to lie about his campaign's collision. And trying to stop the investigation into the that collusion.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

Plus, the Spanish authorities turned over wire taps of Don Jr. setting up yet ANOTHER secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin.

The evidence that Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians is overwhelming. Which is why republicans are so desperate to shut the investigation down.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Illegal, eh? How? What law is being violated?

Or is Trump making stuff up yet again?
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!

Conspiracy against the United States is a crime. And Trump admitting that his campaign colluded with the Russians when he confessed that the reason his campaign officials met with a Russian operative was to get information on Hillary.

With Trump's campaign well aware that the information was to come from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump. This while the Russian government was attacking the United States to (you guessed it) aid Trump.

With Trump lying repeatedly about his campaign's collusion with the Russians. And compelling others to lie about his campaign's collision. And trying to stop the investigation into the that collusion.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

Plus, the Spanish authorities turned over wire taps of Don Jr. setting up yet ANOTHER secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin.

The evidence that Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians is overwhelming. Which is why republicans are so desperate to shut the investigation down.
Have a link to that supposed collusion CRIME or just MORE BS with NO EVIDENCE....WAITING!

BTW the REAL COLLUSION with Russia is the RUSSIAN PREPARED DOSSIER that Hillary bought through her lawyer Perkins Coie.....

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
Washington Post

View attachment 214062
Oct 24, 2017 · Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that

Sure didn’t take long term get you to derail your own thread to make this about Hillary.

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll. In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

The poll, reported by Axios, was conducted by Public Policy Polling between August 27-28, 2018, with a margin of error of +/4.1%.

The poll comes as speculation by journalists is ramping up that Mueller will conclude his investigation to discover if Trump or associates colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said he is working on a competing report.

The polling also comes after Virginia jurors found Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort guilty of eight counts of tax fraud and related crimes that occurred before he joined the Trump campaign in spring 2016.

About half of Republicans, 49 percent, said Manafort’s conviction made Mueller’s investigation “less credible” to them.

Independents polled were far more divided on the subject of the special counsel.

Most thought the special counsel should continue, and a little more than half, 52 percent, thought Manafort’s conviction made the investigation “more credible.”

However, 48 percent of independents said Manafort’s conviction did not make them think the investigation should continue.

Independents were divided on Mueller himself, with 46 percent having a favorable opinion and 39 having an unfavorable opinion.

Republicans are quite divided on the topic of a presidential pardon of Manafort, with about 30 percent in favor...


(Excerpt) Read more at ...

From that poll...

Do you believe the Mueller investigation should
continue, or should it be shut down?

Believe the Mueller investigation should continue: 59%

Think the Mueller investigation should be shut down: 36%

Do you approve or disapprove of President Donald Trump’s job performance?
Approve .......................................................... 41%
Disapprove...................................................... 56%

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Robert Mueller?
Favorable ........................................................ 48%
Unfavorable .................................................... 37%
You need a crime to investigate for a special prosecutor, THERE IS NO CRIME...EVEN if there was collusion, that is not a crime!
Mueller is investigating a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts. Which is a crime. And in so doing, he covered up that crime with obstruction of justice crimes, by manufacturing several lying stories about the crime. That too is illegal, and it has been proven. And they don't call it collusion. They're called "conspiracies" .
Then he should be investigating Hildeeast, the DNC and the corrupt and known liat the FBO & DOJ ...and

Lawmakers Make Criminal Referral on Clinton, Comey, Lynch to DOJ on Steele Dossier
Sara A. Carter

And Jeff Sessions is SITTING ON THIS! HEVSHOULD BE INVESTIGATING THESE CRIMINAL REFERALS....after the RED WAVE in the Nov. Election the shit will hit the fan for you corrupt, treasonous and evil Democrats
He's already got Trump. And he will finish with Trump. As for other investigations, there are none. You live in a world of make believe, and that's on you.
And they already have Mueller for his collusion with Hilary and the DNC on Uranium 1....wait till after Nov. For that shoe to drop!

No one is waiting on that because there is nothing to see. Shep Smith has torn that entire narrative apart.
Shep Smith is a flaming homo with a vendata against anything pro Trump. Taken with a grain of salt@
Mueller is investigating a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election. Which was proven on various fronts. Which is a crime. And in so doing, he covered up that crime with obstruction of justice crimes, by manufacturing several lying stories about the crime. That too is illegal, and it has been proven. And they don't call it collusion. They're called "conspiracies" .
Then he should be investigating Hildeeast, the DNC and the corrupt and known liat the FBO & DOJ ...and

Lawmakers Make Criminal Referral on Clinton, Comey, Lynch to DOJ on Steele Dossier
Sara A. Carter

And Jeff Sessions is SITTING ON THIS! HEVSHOULD BE INVESTIGATING THESE CRIMINAL REFERALS....after the RED WAVE in the Nov. Election the shit will hit the fan for you corrupt, treasonous and evil Democrats
He's already got Trump. And he will finish with Trump. As for other investigations, there are none. You live in a world of make believe, and that's on you.
And they already have Mueller for his collusion with Hilary and the DNC on Uranium 1....wait till after Nov. For that shoe to drop!

No one is waiting on that because there is nothing to see. Shep Smith has torn that entire narrative apart.
Shep Smith is a flaming homo with a vendata against anything pro Trump. Taken with a grain of salt@
Translation: you can’t refute a word he said.

Your tacit admission wasn’t really necessary but thanks just the same.

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