Finally! Repubs that say they are willing to give up their lives for trump.....

I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.

Exactly right. Today's Minutemen are no longer strategic nuclear weapons. They are the average Christian (and other religion—Sunni Man), patriotic, family and God loving American who never lets his or her "sword" get to far from hand and is ready on a moment's notice to extend freedom. See, the democrat cool kids believed they could winner take all by twisting our own laws against us in an effort to force us to obey psychotic new laws, but they underestimated the mettle and will of the average American patriot. They'll be getting the message much sooner than later.

How arrogant can you be? There is no such thing as an "average Christian" or an "average American patriot." Neither the Christian faith nor American patriotism is represented by one political party and not the other. Neither do trump and pence represent these lofty ideals.
Just stealing.
Yup. I think trump and pence do represent stealing, and much more of things that are not good.
The whining, crying, losing, POS in the WH is trying desperately to cause someone to either die or get hurt. He could give a flip about this country or you. He cares about his power and the ability to torture others.

Get this through your thick fucktarded pussy hat wearing PINHEAD. . .

I don't give a flying fuck about Donald Trump's feelings about ME on ANY fucking personal level. I ONLY care about his feelings for this country in as much as he does the job that he was elected to do.

YOUR feelings about him, me or anything else do not mean even a fraction of that, to me.

I do not need Trump, his opinions or even his representatives (at this point) to KNOW from the testimonies and calculations that we already have by others. . . This election is corrupt and that fucktardz like YOU cheated.

No amount of attacks on Trump, me or any others who feel the same as I do about this election is going to change ANY of that.

The ONLY way to restore any level of faith in this election is to have complete, thorough and TRANSPARENT investigations into the alleged frauds that have been and are still being reported.

Yup, I think many in the Republican Party have reached the point of no return. We are talking about cult worship. Break out the nets and tranquilizer guns. This is not only dangerous, it is delusional and cult hysteria. I don't think even Hitler had his cult members proclaim they were willing to give up their lives for him.

You may laugh, but imagine for a moment what extremes that these people might go to. We are talking about acts that could make Timothy McVeigh look sane. This is scary stuff! The next few weeks are going to be epic in a very bad way.

Why? Because a Mad Man has been spewing lies and conspiracy theories about and election that was "the most secure in American history."

REPUBLICANS NEED TO STEP UP AND STOP THIS MAD MAN AT 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE! People will be hurt and die directly from his lies.
The impeached president trump's RWNJs have been dying for him by the thousands since the COVID-19 surge began in the mid west.

They refuse to accept COVID-19 is real, and that piece of right-wing denial is going to kill off a large portion of the GOP's stupid (not simply ignorant) voting base.

If the Republican politicians don't stop reinforcing the impeached president trump's brainwashing of the RWNJs, the white, Christian conservatives in red states are looking at extinction. Which, would improve the United States, as a nation, immeasurably.

I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.
No they are willing to die for Trump’s attack on our Constitution and democracy.
I take it 1, you are extremely gullible, 2, you have no problem that ten of thousands fought and died protecting the Constitution and democracy3, you are totally ignorant what the Constitution says about democracy, 4, you fail recognize Trump is doing all he can to destroy our country’s Constitution and democracy and is betraying the Presidential Oath and the United States.

The Constitution declares that "all persons have a right to the equal protections of our laws."

That is pretty fucking inclusive.

Is it not?

Seemingly, "all persons" would include each and every human being, regardless of sex, race, religion, age or stage of development. . . .

Would it not?

One party stands in defense of the Constitution on that principle (GOP) and the other party (Dimz) DENIES it.

That's but one example of where we are.
Wow, that was a stupid post and from someone who is a proven cultist.
Constitution experts have stated that what Trump is doing is an attack on the Constitution and our Democratic Republic.
I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.
No they are willing to die for Trump’s attack on our Constitution and democracy.
I take it 1, you are extremely gullible, 2, you have no problem that ten of thousands fought and died protecting the Constitution and democracy3, you are totally ignorant what the Constitution says about democracy, 4, you fail recognize Trump is doing all he can to destroy our country’s Constitution and democracy and is betraying the Presidential Oath and the United States.

The Constitution declares that "all persons have a right to the equal protections of our laws."

That is pretty fucking inclusive.

Is it not?

Seemingly, "all persons" would include each and every human being, regardless of sex, race, religion, age or stage of development. . . .

Would it not?

One party stands in defense of the Constitution on that principle (GOP) and the other party (Dimz) DENIES it.

That's but one example of where we are.
Wow, that was a stupid post and from someone who is a proven cultist.
Constitution experts have stated that what Trump is doing is an attack on the Constitution and our Democratic Republic.
Even John Cornyn said it makes no legal sense
I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.
No they are willing to die for Trump’s attack on our Constitution and democracy.
I take it 1, you are extremely gullible, 2, you have no problem that ten of thousands fought and died protecting the Constitution and democracy3, you are totally ignorant what the Constitution says about democracy, 4, you fail recognize Trump is doing all he can to destroy our country’s Constitution and democracy and is betraying the Presidential Oath and the United States.

The Constitution declares that "all persons have a right to the equal protections of our laws."

That is pretty fucking inclusive.

Is it not?

Seemingly, "all persons" would include each and every human being, regardless of sex, race, religion, age or stage of development. . . .

Would it not?

One party stands in defense of the Constitution on that principle (GOP) and the other party (Dimz) DENIES it.

That's but one example of where we are.
Wow, that was a stupid post and from someone who is a proven cultist.
Constitution experts have stated that what Trump is doing is an attack on the Constitution and our Democratic Republic.

The onus is then on YOU and those whom you claim are "Constitutional Experts" to "Trump" is waging any sort of an attack as per your claim.

Indeed, the Constitution itself proclaims the right to "petition the government for a redress of grievances" (1st Amendment.) US Constitution's First Amendment: Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances - David J. Shestokas

Looks like you and your fucktarded "experts" could use a refresher course.
The Marine Corps taught me (and I dare say millions of my fellow soldiers and vets) that the idea is NOT to be prepared to die for our cause (namely, the defense of this country and it's Constitution). . . The idea is to be prepared to make the ENEMIES of this country and our Constitution die for theirs.

Ah yes, a quote made famous by Patton, from his speech to the Third Army before the invasion of France:

"No bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his."
I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.
No they are willing to die for Trump’s attack on our Constitution and democracy.
I take it 1, you are extremely gullible, 2, you have no problem that ten of thousands fought and died protecting the Constitution and democracy3, you are totally ignorant what the Constitution says about democracy, 4, you fail recognize Trump is doing all he can to destroy our country’s Constitution and democracy and is betraying the Presidential Oath and the United States.

The Constitution declares that "all persons have a right to the equal protections of our laws."

That is pretty fucking inclusive.

Is it not?

Seemingly, "all persons" would include each and every human being, regardless of sex, race, religion, age or stage of development. . . .

Would it not?

One party stands in defense of the Constitution on that principle (GOP) and the other party (Dimz) DENIES it.

That's but one example of where we are.
Wow, that was a stupid post and from someone who is a proven cultist.
Constitution experts have stated that what Trump is doing is an attack on the Constitution and our Democratic Republic.

The onus is then on YOU and those whom you claim are "Constitutional Experts" to "Trump" is waging any sort of an attack as per your claim.

Indeed, the Constitution itself proclaims the right to "petition the government for a redress of grievances" (1st Amendment.) US Constitution's First Amendment: Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances - David J. Shestokas

Looks like you and your fucktarded "experts" could use a refresher course.
Notice the Supreme Court’s decision?
I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.
No they are willing to die for Trump’s attack on our Constitution and democracy.
I take it 1, you are extremely gullible, 2, you have no problem that ten of thousands fought and died protecting the Constitution and democracy3, you are totally ignorant what the Constitution says about democracy, 4, you fail recognize Trump is doing all he can to destroy our country’s Constitution and democracy and is betraying the Presidential Oath and the United States.

The Constitution declares that "all persons have a right to the equal protections of our laws."

That is pretty fucking inclusive.

Is it not?

Seemingly, "all persons" would include each and every human being, regardless of sex, race, religion, age or stage of development. . . .

Would it not?

One party stands in defense of the Constitution on that principle (GOP) and the other party (Dimz) DENIES it.

That's but one example of where we are.
Wow, that was a stupid post and from someone who is a proven cultist.
Constitution experts have stated that what Trump is doing is an attack on the Constitution and our Democratic Republic.

The onus is then on YOU and those whom you claim are "Constitutional Experts" to "Trump" is waging any sort of an attack as per your claim.

Indeed, the Constitution itself proclaims the right to "petition the government for a redress of grievances" (1st Amendment.) US Constitution's First Amendment: Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances - David J. Shestokas

Looks like you and your fucktarded "experts" could use a refresher course.
the Supremes made quick response which shows your ignorance and how easily you are manipulated.
My suggestion get help, your post magnifies cultism. Thank you God for making me not simpleminded!
I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.
I don't see any. What I see is many that are waiting for someone else to do it for them.

But they are sure some Big Talkers! After next Monday, they will need to gain a lot more fortitude or....sit down and shut up.
They just need to get past this stage of grief, whatever the hell this is.

Evidently it includes talking about murdering people.
I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.
I don't see any. What I see is many that are waiting for someone else to do it for them.

But they are sure some Big Talkers! After next Monday, they will need to gain a lot more fortitude or....sit down and shut up.
They just need to get past this stage of grief, whatever the hell this is.

Evidently it includes talking about murdering people.

Because trump woke up on Wednesday morning after election night and realized that mail in voting was defeating him, he walked to the bully pulpit and told the world that there was wide spread voter fraud. Because of that lie, lives have been threatened, thousands of dollars for court filings have been spend, his ultimate goal, he has raked in Millions of Dollars from his very slow cult members.
I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.
No they are willing to die for Trump’s attack on our Constitution and democracy.
I take it 1, you are extremely gullible, 2, you have no problem that ten of thousands fought and died protecting the Constitution and democracy3, you are totally ignorant what the Constitution says about democracy, 4, you fail recognize Trump is doing all he can to destroy our country’s Constitution and democracy and is betraying the Presidential Oath and the United States.

The Constitution declares that "all persons have a right to the equal protections of our laws."

That is pretty fucking inclusive.

Is it not?

Seemingly, "all persons" would include each and every human being, regardless of sex, race, religion, age or stage of development. . . .

Would it not?

One party stands in defense of the Constitution on that principle (GOP) and the other party (Dimz) DENIES it.

That's but one example of where we are.
Wow, that was a stupid post and from someone who is a proven cultist.
Constitution experts have stated that what Trump is doing is an attack on the Constitution and our Democratic Republic.

The onus is then on YOU and those whom you claim are "Constitutional Experts" to "Trump" is waging any sort of an attack as per your claim.

Indeed, the Constitution itself proclaims the right to "petition the government for a redress of grievances" (1st Amendment.) US Constitution's First Amendment: Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances - David J. Shestokas

Looks like you and your fucktarded "experts" could use a refresher course.
Notice the Supreme Court’s decision?
I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.
No they are willing to die for Trump’s attack on our Constitution and democracy.
I take it 1, you are extremely gullible, 2, you have no problem that ten of thousands fought and died protecting the Constitution and democracy3, you are totally ignorant what the Constitution says about democracy, 4, you fail recognize Trump is doing all he can to destroy our country’s Constitution and democracy and is betraying the Presidential Oath and the United States.

The Constitution declares that "all persons have a right to the equal protections of our laws."

That is pretty fucking inclusive.

Is it not?

Seemingly, "all persons" would include each and every human being, regardless of sex, race, religion, age or stage of development. . . .

Would it not?

One party stands in defense of the Constitution on that principle (GOP) and the other party (Dimz) DENIES it.

That's but one example of where we are.
Wow, that was a stupid post and from someone who is a proven cultist.
Constitution experts have stated that what Trump is doing is an attack on the Constitution and our Democratic Republic.

The onus is then on YOU and those whom you claim are "Constitutional Experts" to "Trump" is waging any sort of an attack as per your claim.

Indeed, the Constitution itself proclaims the right to "petition the government for a redress of grievances" (1st Amendment.) US Constitution's First Amendment: Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances - David J. Shestokas

Looks like you and your fucktarded "experts" could use a refresher course.
the Supremes made quick response which shows your ignorance and how easily you are manipulated.
My suggestion get help, your post magnifies cultism. Thank you God for making me not simpleminded!

In my post, I quoted the Constitution and showed how it supports Trump's right to PETITION the government for a redress of his grievances.

That you see that as a sign of ignorance is much more telling about you than are your fuctarded imaginary taunts that you are trying to direct towards me.
I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.
No they are willing to die for Trump’s attack on our Constitution and democracy.
I take it 1, you are extremely gullible, 2, you have no problem that ten of thousands fought and died protecting the Constitution and democracy3, you are totally ignorant what the Constitution says about democracy, 4, you fail recognize Trump is doing all he can to destroy our country’s Constitution and democracy and is betraying the Presidential Oath and the United States.

The Constitution declares that "all persons have a right to the equal protections of our laws."

That is pretty fucking inclusive.

Is it not?

Seemingly, "all persons" would include each and every human being, regardless of sex, race, religion, age or stage of development. . . .

Would it not?

One party stands in defense of the Constitution on that principle (GOP) and the other party (Dimz) DENIES it.

That's but one example of where we are.
Wow, that was a stupid post and from someone who is a proven cultist.
Constitution experts have stated that what Trump is doing is an attack on the Constitution and our Democratic Republic.

The onus is then on YOU and those whom you claim are "Constitutional Experts" to "Trump" is waging any sort of an attack as per your claim.

Indeed, the Constitution itself proclaims the right to "petition the government for a redress of grievances" (1st Amendment.) US Constitution's First Amendment: Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances - David J. Shestokas

Looks like you and your fucktarded "experts" could use a refresher course.
Notice the Supreme Court’s decision?
I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.
No they are willing to die for Trump’s attack on our Constitution and democracy.
I take it 1, you are extremely gullible, 2, you have no problem that ten of thousands fought and died protecting the Constitution and democracy3, you are totally ignorant what the Constitution says about democracy, 4, you fail recognize Trump is doing all he can to destroy our country’s Constitution and democracy and is betraying the Presidential Oath and the United States.

The Constitution declares that "all persons have a right to the equal protections of our laws."

That is pretty fucking inclusive.

Is it not?

Seemingly, "all persons" would include each and every human being, regardless of sex, race, religion, age or stage of development. . . .

Would it not?

One party stands in defense of the Constitution on that principle (GOP) and the other party (Dimz) DENIES it.

That's but one example of where we are.
Wow, that was a stupid post and from someone who is a proven cultist.
Constitution experts have stated that what Trump is doing is an attack on the Constitution and our Democratic Republic.

The onus is then on YOU and those whom you claim are "Constitutional Experts" to "Trump" is waging any sort of an attack as per your claim.

Indeed, the Constitution itself proclaims the right to "petition the government for a redress of grievances" (1st Amendment.) US Constitution's First Amendment: Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances - David J. Shestokas

Looks like you and your fucktarded "experts" could use a refresher course.
the Supremes made quick response which shows your ignorance and how easily you are manipulated.
My suggestion get help, your post magnifies cultism. Thank you God for making me not simpleminded!

In my post, I quoted the Constitution and showed how it supports Trump's right to PETITION the government for a redress of his grievances.

That you see that as a sign of ignorance is much more telling about you than are your fuctarded imaginary taunts that you are trying to direct towards me.

So now that he has lost in the is over, right? He needs to Concede for the sake of our Country.
So now that he has lost in the is over, right? He needs to Concede for the sake of our Country.

Why are you asking this of a unknown (to you) person on the internet? Do you actually think I am in direct contact with Trump?

What the fuck difference would my answer to your question make. . . Compared to whatever it is that Trump decides to do?

Also, as to your concern about the "sake if the country?"

That's some fucking hilarious shit right there.
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I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.
It sure is.this election is differerent than any other election ever,it’s not about a candidate vs a candidate,if Biden is sworn in,then America will not be a credible nation anymore being exposed as a country that allows massive vote fraud to go on,the world will know has gone on for decades now with many previous presidents illegally put in office but they could cover it up back then, this is the most obvious massive vote fraud ever even worse that bush 2000 which was obvious enough and got the people awake to obvious vote fraud when he stole the election twice.

Sense then people are awake now and this fraud was even far more obvious than the election fraud of 2000 so much so that even the whole world knows it now.the world started taking notice in 2000 when at that time,the biggest voting fraud in America history took place,so much so that people around the country here started taking notice,this one is even TEN times more obvious than back the. Though so the entire WORLD knows this time.
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I see a lot of Trump supporters getting ready to fight and die for their country. Many think this is a make or brake moment for freedom, liberty, and Americaas we know it.
I don't see any. What I see is many that are waiting for someone else to do it for them.

But they are sure some Big Talkers! After next Monday, they will need to gain a lot more fortitude or....sit down and shut up.
They just need to get past this stage of grief, whatever the hell this is.

Evidently it includes talking about murdering people.

Because trump woke up on Wednesday morning after election night and realized that mail in voting was defeating him, he walked to the bully pulpit and told the world that there was wide spread voter fraud. Because of that lie, lives have been threatened, thousands of dollars for court filings have been spend, his ultimate goal, he has raked in Millions of Dollars from his very slow cult members.
Precisely. And don't forget, he set this whole thing up when he said "the only way I lose is if it's rigged".

The sheep swallowed that whole, since everything this buffoon says is gospel to them, and off we went.

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