Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

Your inability to answer the question is duly noted.

Let's try for anyone else.

If a business can discriminate against gays for religious reasons, why can't they discriminate against minorities for religious reasons? Or other religions, for that matter.

If I'm a Catholic and I think Mormons are a deranged cult, why can't I refuse service to Mormons?
The court has created a religious loophole for intolerance and bigotry.
Right now, that legal intolerance is only targeted at homosexuals. I suspect the court will close that loophole if applied against anyone else.

Religions forbid adultery, marrying outside your faith, birth control, race mixing…….there is nothing saying these decisions cannot be expanded to other religious dogma.

For now, the court is satisfied with just intolerance towards homosexuality.
1. Affirmative action is not popular with anyone
2. Among registered voters, the Biden student loan bailout is split
3. Everyone but everyone is sick of the Rainbow Gestapo

This is not Roe v. Wade

The backlash against Roe v Wade has now been widened to minorities, students, gays.

Republicans can not hide on this and blame the courts.
They created those courts
Amazing watching the right flip out over alleged offenses by Transexuals
Nobody is “waving their junk at young children”
Nobody is grooming children to be gay.
I will go all day today and probably all week this week, and will almost certainly not see or hear anything about trans, grooming, pedos anywhere but here. I watch the local news daily and cable news often. There simply are not trans guys out there doing the stuff they say. Listen to the Q types sounds like they are on ever corner and sneaking into your house and the kids preschool. Simply not in touch with reality.
reading this threads shows who the haters and prudes thing about my age...i have seen a lot of history and realize many of the errors made
I will go all day today and probably all week this week, and will almost certainly not see or hear anything about trans, grooming, pedos anywhere but here. I watch the local news daily and cable news often. There simply are not trans guys out there doing the stuff they say. Listen to the Q types sounds like they are on ever corner and sneaking into your house and the kids preschool. Simply not in touch with reality.
Tell ya what - I work in Hollywood.

I'd like to invite you to come by, I'll give you the guided tour.

We'll go over to La Brea and Santa Monica, hang out at the Starbucks for a minute, and then we'll go over to West Hollywood. I know exactly where to take you, so you can see what's going on.
Tell ya what - I work in Hollywood.

I'd like to invite you to come by, I'll give you the guided tour.

We'll go over to La Brea and Santa Monica, hang out at the Starbucks for a minute, and then we'll go over to West Hollywood. I know exactly where to take you, so you can see what's going on.

Was that before or after you said you had a medical degree, were an expert with darts and a credentialed security expert?

Was that before or after you said you had a medical degree, were an expert with darts and a credentialed security expert?
I can back up my bullshit.

You can't.

You're a slimy little leftard worm whose biggest accomplishment in life is calling righties a cult.

You fucked up little leftards can't hold a candle to REAL Americans, that's why you can't fathom us accomplishing anything.

Yes fucktard, I am all those things.

You want to challenge me?

Bring it.

Bring it asswipe. You don't have what it takes. All you have is mud you pulled out of your ass.
I can back up my bullshit.

You can't.

You're a slimy little leftard worm whose biggest accomplishment in life is calling righties a cult.

You fucked up little leftards can't hold a candle to REAL Americans, that's why you can't fathom us accomplishing anything.

Yes fucktard, I am all those things.

You want to challenge me?

Bring it.

Bring it asswipe. You don't have what it takes. All you have is mud you pulled out of your ass.
Do you think reasonable people can disagree?
Do you think reasonable people can disagree?
Sure. About things they know about, and are qualified to speak on.

FOR INSTANCE - on this board badger2 is one of the few who's done any real research into the virus and the vax. Can't say I agree with all of it, but I respect the fact that it's getting done. So I don't bitch about the details - you've never heard me jump down badger's throat cause a bond was left instead of right.

However the vast majority of leftards on this board are terminally uninformed. Some seem to think CNN is authoritative on medical matters. And now it turns out the head of the CDC has been outright lying to us, and she knew she was lying at the time she did it.

Face it, leftards like to sling poop. They pull mud out of their ass and throw it at something, that's about the entire extent of the leftard intelligence.

And yes, that kind of stupidity evokes my ire. And you ll be insulted and ridiculed for it, every time.
I can back up my bullshit.

You can't.

You're a slimy little leftard worm whose biggest accomplishment in life is calling righties a cult.

You fucked up little leftards can't hold a candle to REAL Americans, that's why you can't fathom us accomplishing anything.

Yes fucktard, I am all those things.

You want to challenge me?

Bring it.

Bring it asswipe. You don't have what it takes. All you have is mud you pulled out of your ass.
What... are you going to shoot me with a poison dart or also claimed you were an expert with poison darts....

That is why you're on a message board on a holiday're so accomplished. Make us laugh harder. Or are you too busy piloting the space station to give us more material?
I have no doubt they will try and will probablly make it happen, there are far too many bigots in the country like you for it not to
You just cant help yourself, can you. Pitiful child. Yeah, everyone who respects the Constitution is a bigot, huh. It's a shame you have to exist in a country founded by bigots, huh.
I have no doubt they will try and will probablly make it happen, there are far too many bigots in the country like you for it not to
When Trump was first running for nomination I told my wife there is no way even 3% of Republicans are racist and stupid enough to vote for Trump. Boy was I wrong.
When Trump was first running for nomination I told my wife there is no way even 3% of Republicans are racist and stupid enough to vote for Trump. Boy was I wrong.
You sure were. If he's re-elected, you aren't going to kill yourself, are you?
You just cant help yourself, can you. Pitiful child. Yeah, everyone who respects the Constitution is a bigot, huh. It's a shame you have to exist in a country founded by bigots, huh.

The constitution requires equal protection under the law, something you are trying to take away
What... are you going to shoot me with a poison dart or also claimed you were an expert with poison darts....

That is why you're on a message board on a holiday're so accomplished. Make us laugh harder. Or are you too busy piloting the space station to give us more material?
Lets go down memory about it scruffy

But I'm in the music business, and I'll tell you point blank the rap crowd gets ZERO play with me.

Explain this one....

Yesterday I was in the music studio with Dr Dre's horn section.
I think you were probably in the sun room with the rest of the former lobotomy patients and dreamt it was a studio.

My parents' groups are already very, very powerful. We WILL control the curriculum.

Tomorrow I have to travel again, but in the last four days i've been able to sign up and organize OVER A THOUSAND parents. And they're going to go out and organize thousands more.

No, I'm a credentialed security expert.

I'm in the music business.

I'm an expert with darts. Big ones, small ones, tiny little feathered ones fired out of a Bic pen and bigass poison ones fired from a drone.

I'm also an electronics expert

and I have a medical degree

I'm also a security expert.

There are thousands like me - millions.

I collected 20 THOUSAND signatures from black working class families

I'm a scientist.


And no for the only true thing you've ever said...

I'm going to smoke pot (or drink, or take any other drug) anytime I want.
It is your one true get plastered.
You sure were. If he's re-elected, you aren't going to kill yourself, are you?
I appreciate your concern, I will be fine. He will be horrible for our great country. But I have faith it can survive 4 more years of the circus that is Trump.
The constitution requires equal protection under the law, something you are trying to take away
Whatever. You're trying to take away religious rights. You demand Christians submit. The Constitution trumps your queer laws. Hurts, huh.

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