Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

No...same sex marriages can't provide the same thing because you only have one sex in the marriage.......
That is what studies have shown. Children with a responsible biological mother and father in the home are absolutely the best situation for children who are far less likely to be abused physically or sexually, will have more success in school, more mental stability, more success in life whether they are straight or gay. They are far less likely to have trouble with the law or illegal substances, are far more likely to have satisfying and stable relationships, and generally will be happier people.

But those who resent the modest tax breaks afforded the traditional family never want to look at how progressive policies have decimated the American family, most especially among black people, have encouraged single parenthood which is the number one leading cause of child poverty in America, and consigns far too many people to unsocial, unstable living conditions, many riddled with crime. Traditional America still exists but its getting much more difficult to find these days.

But you can't get progressives to even look at that much less discuss it intelligently. They're too busy accusing the Supreme Court of destroying gay rights and a woman's right to choose and taking money away from college students all of which is absolutely ludicrous as SCOTUS has done none of that.
Soon the SC will strike down same-sex marriage. Marriage laws are a states issue.
Sorry but I have read and listened to too many intelligent black people who know that affirmative action is seriously holding back far too many black people these days and doing serious harm. I know far too many intelligent gay people who have absolutely no problem with SCOTUS ruling because they are Americans first. Americans who just happen to be gay. Nobody gave any of them anything. They earned it. And they are all successful in their own way.

Government should be in the business of serving the people who elect it and should not be in the business of dictating how anybody must think, believe, or live his/her life, should not be doing social engineering, should not be pushing any ideology that people must believe.

Ketanji Brown Jackson is worth more than $20 million and sits on the Supreme Court. And she says America isn't fair to black people. It's that kind of really REALLY stupid rhetoric that convinces me the Court is getting it right.

This isn't about affirmative action.

You think the government shouldn't be about dictating how people think, and yet, with that mentality it's slavery or segregation all over again.

You want the US to become a third world country?

America isn't fair to black people. Affirmative action is "look we're doing something about it" but they're really not.
The conversation about what needs to happen to get things better, doesn't happen.

But putting people back into third class citizens status, doesn't help either.
This isn't about affirmative action.

You think the government shouldn't be about dictating how people think, and yet, with that mentality it's slavery or segregation all over again.

You want the US to become a third world country?

America isn't fair to black people. Affirmative action is "look we're doing something about it" but they're really not.
The conversation about what needs to happen to get things better, doesn't happen.

But putting people back into third class citizens status, doesn't help either.
America is more fair for black people than any nation on earth.

Affirmative action is not doing anything except perpetrating cheap revenge against people who never did anything wrong.

The conversation happens all the time it is endless and ongoing but racists pigs like you ignore it
This isn't about affirmative action.

You think the government shouldn't be about dictating how people think, and yet, with that mentality it's slavery or segregation all over again.

You want the US to become a third world country?

America isn't fair to black people. Affirmative action is "look we're doing something about it" but they're really not.
The conversation about what needs to happen to get things better, doesn't happen.

But putting people back into third class citizens status, doesn't help either.
Nobody is putting anybody 'back on the plantation' except the left who keeps telling them they need whitey overlords to protect an defend them from having their feelings hurt and to make sure they have opportunity whether they merit it or not. All in return for their vote of course. The result of course is to continue to keep black people separate and to deny them their rightful place in mainstream society. Real Clarence Thomas's majority opinion on that re today's ruling on affirmative action. He nails it.

But you are right. This thread isn't about affirmative action. It is about constitutional rights for everybody and not a few favored groups.
Nobody is putting anybody 'back on the plantation' except the left who keeps telling them they need whitey overlords to protect an defend them from having their feelings hurt and to make sure they have opportunity whether they merit it or not. All in return for their vote of course. The result of course is to continue to keep black people separate and to deny them their rightful place in mainstream society. Real Clarence Thomas's majority opinion on that re today's ruling on affirmative action. He nails it.

But you are right. This thread isn't about affirmative action. It is about constitutional rights for everybody and not a few favored groups.

It's not about "back on the plantation"

It's about what people will try and do with this new ruling.
Essentially accommodation laws are now BELOW a person's religion.

Who gets to decide what a person's religion is?
Clear Christians can now use their religion to official be anti-gay. They can refuse to serve gay people.

"But, she asserts, the First Amendment’s Free Speech Clause protects her from being compelled to speak what she does not believe. The Constitution, she insists, protects her right to differ." (page 2)

This case is using the First Amendment, saying that if someone has to say something they do not wish to say, it goes against their right to free speech. Essentially she'd be writing the website and doesn't want to write things like "they fuck up the bum four times a day" because.... I mean, who are we kidding here, there's NOTHING she'd have to write on her website that wouldn't be the same as writing for a straight couple.
She doesn't need to "believe" marriage is between a man and a woman to write something like this.

However, imagine a black man walks into a restaurant. The restaurant says to call men "sir" and women "ma'am" and the server says "my free speech says I don't have to call any [insert N word] "sir", I'm protected from this.
Or even further "I don't have to speak to black people at all", imagine a restaurant where a black family walk in, and the restaurant refuses to speak to them.
Literally, we're talking segregation here, and I bet you'll find a whole load of fucking bigots using this case to get around a whole load of shit here.
This goes both ways though.

This also means that a business owner can legally refuse to do any work for any christians, If they don't like christianity.

And I guarantee the same people who are now praising this ruling will be up in arms claiming that Their religious rights are being attacked if that happens.
for every liberal complaining in this thread, would it be ok if a KKK member went into a black owned shop and insisted they bake a cake with a confederate flag on it?
As it should be. States amended their Constitutions to reflect the will of the people. As the licensing authority it is their right to define marriage, the federal government has not skin in that game.

Except that the Fed Govt ties all sorts of Federal benefits to marriage. Remove all of those and I would agree with you.
Nobody is putting anybody 'back on the plantation' except the left who keeps telling them they need whitey overlords to protect an defend them from having their feelings hurt and to make sure they have opportunity whether they merit it or not. All in return for their vote of course. The result of course is to continue to keep black people separate and to deny them their rightful place in mainstream society. Real Clarence Thomas's majority opinion on that re today's ruling on affirmative action. He nails it.

But you are right. This thread isn't about affirmative action. It is about constitutional rights for everybody and not a few favored groups.

again proof of that old greater hate than christian love
with the Reagan tax cuts, the income to the federal government almost doubled....

Reagan's first tax cuts started in 1982, at that time revenue was 617.8 billion. 12 years later that doubled. Prior to those tax cuts it revenue had doubled in the previous 6 years.

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