Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

The Fed Govt ties all sorts of benefits to marriage. If they did not do this then I would agree with you
The Federal government is constitutionally required to PROMOTE the general welfare. There is no better way to do that than by strengthening the traditional family that wherever it is the norm has been proven to stabilize communities, reduce crime, improve schools, increase property values and prosperity, produce citizens who are personally responsible, productive, and law abiding and creates an overall satisfactory quality of life that benefits all whether they are in a traditional family or not.

To reinforce the traditional family with tax relief is not only good business for the government but good business for everybody because it returns far more dividends than what resources are taken from the government.
The Federal government is constitutionally required to PROMOTE the general welfare. There is no better way to do that than by strengthening the traditional family that wherever it is the norm has been proven to stabilize communities, reduce crime, improve schools, increase property values and prosperity, produce citizens who are personally responsible, productive, and law abiding and creates an overall satisfactory quality of life that benefits all whether they are in a traditional family or not.

To reinforce the traditional family with tax relief is not only good business for the government but good business for everybody because it returns far more dividends than what resources are taken from the government.

It is more than just taxes we are talking about.

A stable loving family been proven to stabilize communities, reduce crime, improve schools, increase property values and does not matter the sex of the married couple.

If you are willing to get the Govt out of marriage, remove all the benefits like SS survivor benefits, then I will agree they can discriminate for no reason other than people like you find same sex marriage icky.
The left simply does not want to accept the real limitations of this ruling. This is a freedom of expression ruling. Not an accommodation ruling. No one can be compelled to express an opinion or belief with which they fundamentally disagree. The web designer cannot be forced to express support for same sex marriage. A Christian band cannot be forced to sing Lola. The new hire at the coffee shop cannot be compelled to wear a MAGA hat,
It is more than just taxes we are talking about.

A stable loving family been proven to stabilize communities, reduce crime, improve schools, increase property values and does not matter the sex of the married couple.

If you are willing to get the Govt out of marriage, remove all the benefits like SS survivor benefits, then I will agree they can discriminate for no reason other than people like you find same sex marriage icky.
I have never said same sex marriage was icky. Or even disapprove of it. Where did you get that?

And only traditional marriages with a mother and father in the home raising the kids have proven to have the most beneficial effect on communities. And have proven to the be the very best situation for raising children and, while not the only way people can be successful, most often produce children who are well adjusted and prepared for personal success. And that is true whether those kids are straight or gay.
Yes......they can.....and should be able is their private property, their business........and we already have cases of fascists doing this to rebublicans and Trump supporters.....and I support their Right to do it...
Then why were you crying over beached whale Sarah Sanders being refused service at that restaurant?

ALL you wingnuts were having hissy-fits over this! Remodeling Maidiac called for a boycott and posted the restaurant's address and phone number!

You know what I think? I think you're all full of shit, with no core principles, no core beliefs, no core values. You just flap in the political winds. Hatred is your only consistency.

We should send that Restaurant thank you cards......November is the midterm election and these democrats are activating the conservative base like none of the establishment republicans can....

they want to increase taxes.... check
They want to ban and confiscate guns... check
They want to open the borders.... check
They want to end the 2nd Amendment... check
They will impeach Trump 30 seconds after they win the house... check

They are attacking conservative women in public, and acting smug about it... check...

You guys.... I don't know if I could have sent out a memo to you on how to help us win the midterms that would have been as effective as this...

Thank you...
And only traditional marriages with a mother and father in the home raising the kids have proven to have the most beneficial effect on communities. And have proven to the be the very best situation for raising children and, while not the only way people can be successful, most often produce children who are well adjusted and prepared for personal success. And that is true whether those kids are straight or gay.

The only reason "traditional marriages" are proven as such as they were the only kind of marriage there was till a decade ago. Same sex marriages can provide the exact same thing.

Not to mention that "traditional marriage" is a joke these days with widespread divorce and cheating
Then why were you crying over beached whale Sarah Sanders being refused service at that restaurant?

ALL you wingnuts were having hissy-fits over this! Remodeling Maidiac called for a boycott and posted the restaurant's address and phone number!

You know what I think? I think you're all full of shit, with no core principles, no core beliefs, no core values. You just flap in the political winds. Hatred is your only consistency.

Why....? Cause it was a rude and stupid thing for them to do....but they have the Right to do dumb ass.....

And they have the Right to not serve Sarah Sanders....and everyone else has the Right to bitch about it and not go to that restaruant...that is how Rights and Freedom shit brains want to force people to serve people...except for republicans...then you support them not serving are the asshat without dumb twit.
The only reason "traditional marriages" are proven as such as they were the only kind of marriage there was till a decade ago. Same sex marriages can provide the exact same thing.

Not to mention that "traditional marriage" is a joke these days with widespread divorce and cheating

No...same sex marriages can't provide the same thing because you only have one sex in the marriage.......
It's not happening because the court has only just rules.
The US is FUCKED. It's turning into a country only religious fanatics are going to be happy in.
They're pushing the US towards civil war right now. All the things the US has improved, civil rights etc, down the drain because of these fucking morons changing it bit by fucking bit.

Racism isn't a Civil Right.......and discriminating against people because of their skin color, which the left wing schools were doing is racism......not Civil Rights..........
Run along duck, he was 100% correct in what you commies want--complete control of speech. STFU, you aren't an American and you have no standing. How many times do you have to be shut down before you understand that we Americans DGAF what you think.
How do we even know you are an American Concerned American?
You kinda talk like a Fascist.
Well historically tax breaks for the wealthy (AKA trickle-down-economics) doesn't work either.

No, actually, it does.......with the Reagan tax cuts, the income to the federal government almost doubled....and more people moved from the middle to upper income brackets....
You know what I think?

No. Not really. Your thoughts are generally ignorant and retarded and, worse, they come from you who disdains honesty.
I think you're all full of shit, with no core principles, no core beliefs, no core values. You just flap in the political winds. Hatred is your only consistency.

Irony. You’ve never had a core value in your entire life.
How do we even know you are an American Concerned American?
You kinda talk like a Fascist.
I stand by a strict interpretation of the constitution--not some bastardized snowflake fantasy. What do you think Clinton or Obama would tell you if you hired them to speak and then told them what they had to say. You just aren't very smart. Now run along junior, adults are discussing grown up things that you have no understanding of.
The only reason "traditional marriages" are proven as such as they were the only kind of marriage there was till a decade ago. Same sex marriages can provide the exact same thing.

Not to mention that "traditional marriage" is a joke these days with widespread divorce and cheating
The statistics are what they are. And they haven't changed.

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