Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

If you stock white widgets you cannot sell them to whites and refuse to sell them to others
I agree and I have not argued that.

You really have problems focusing on what the topic is don't you?
If a gay wants a website, cake, etc etc there are plenty of options.

The US (which doesn't include you) specifically says freedom of religion.

Deal with it...SCOTUS was correct...and stop targeting Christians like gays do trying to force acceptance
Dems can always amend the Constitution IF they can muster the votes for their depraved BS.
Fascism discriminates against minorities.

And the fascist will have a convincing argument to support the discrimination. Eventually there will be no minorities left to discriminate against.

Surely everyone has heard: .................. and then they came for me, and nobody was left................

Sadly, extreme right Americans are making the case against themselves.
Everyone discriminates against minorities including you.

Refusing to associate or do business with someone is not " coming for them "

You compeltely misuse the quote
What it means is that same sex couples can be denied wedding related services by bigoted Conservatives hiding under their Christianity.

No reception hall, invitations, cake, limo, hotel room ….…all in the name of Jesus
It means they now have the same rights as anyone else.

After all a gay wedding planner or whatever has every right to deny invitations cakes etc to christians
Great week for America.

1. We taxpayer don't have to pay back any student loans of people that were to sorry to get a good enough education to pay it back themselves.

2. Colleges now can't discriminate on race.

3. We now have the religious freedom to tell the queers to take their sicko filth elsewhere.
3. We now have the religious freedom to tell the queers to take their sicko filth elsewhere.

I just don't get this kind of attitude.

You may not agree with people who are gay.

But I seriously doubt the Saviour of the world who says he loves all equally would use your terminology.
Same sex marriage is legal in this country
Public accommodation laws say you can’t discriminate because of race, religion or sexuality
If you are in business, you need to follow existing laws
If your religious beliefs get in the way, you should find another business
You can’t force people to violate their religious principles.
A wedding cake can be quite a bit more complicated than that though as in most cases it has to be set up and finishing touches put on at the venue where it will be served. So in that case you are requiring the baker to set up the cake in a venue which he disapproves, but his delivery truck will be parked outside for all to see, etc. etc.

I haven't made an argument ever whether the baker is right to refuse to do a gay wedding. Only that I believe that nobody should have to special order a product or participate in an event if he/she chooses not to do so.

Lorie Smith, the web designer, was the plaintiff challenging a lower court ruling. Apparently as the harmed party, she did have standing.
Actually, there was no complaining couple. The right wing set up a phony case to get it in front of the court without anyone arguing the other side.

So why not allow discrimination based on religion or race, under the same logic.
Actually, there was no complaining couple. The right wing set up a phony case to get it in front of the court without anyone arguing the other side.

So why not allow discrimination based on religion or race, under the same logic.
I don't know whether you know what you're talking about or not. I do know you're trying to change the topic from something it is not.

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