Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

Why would you think you couldn't hire hilary to read a Trump speech my friend.

No matter what you don't want to think, it's still true- doh.
The point is, if she is in the market to take money for speeches, she could then be compelled to make a speech on something she finds abhorrent. It wouldn't have to be TRUMP!, it could be on the pitfalls of socialized medicine. Many people forget that she was slapped down in spectacular fashion when she went for that.
In all seriousness, if an artist (and a wedding cake decorator is an artist) can be forced to create art he hates for events he doesn't want to be associated with, wait until:

1. Comedians are forced to make and tell jokes praising their usual targets.
2. Portrait painters are forced to paint glowing portraits of politicians they hate, ala TRUMP!.
3. Musicians are forced to allow Republicans to use their music on the campaign trail (when paid the appropriate royalties, of course).
4. Movie and TV producers are forced to cast fathers in a positive light and show strong nuclear families as a good thing.

Heads would spin, screams at the sky would erupt, and liberals would be spinning in circles on the sidewalk, unable to reconcile their stances on the matter.
All good analogies. Unfortunately, 'wokeness' 'PC' and other hard left ideology messes with people's head so they can only apply their rules, regulations, demand, accusations, characterizations to those they sociopolitically oppose and they seem incapable of applying the same requirements to themselves. Intellectual honesty, due process, equal treatment is just not in their vocabulary these days.
All good analogies. Unfortunately, 'wokeness' 'PC' and other hard left ideology messes with people's head so they can only apply their rules, regulations, demand, accusations, characterizations to those they sociopolitically oppose and they seem incapable of applying the same requirements to themselves. Intellectual honesty, due process, equal treatment is just not in their vocabulary these days.
Democrats are not known for being able to see the utterly predictable results of their actions and are continually flummoxed when something they do comes back to bite them.
The point is, if she is in the market to take money for speeches, she could then be compelled to make a speech on something she finds abhorrent.
That's ridiculous. We're finished until you can be serous!

Didn't I already have reason to shut you down? You haven't learned anything!
The point is, if she is in the market to take money for speeches, she could then be compelled to make a speech on something she finds abhorrent. It wouldn't have to be TRUMP!, it could be on the pitfalls of socialized medicine. Many people forget that she was slapped down in spectacular fashion when she went for that.
And how is it not discriminating for that conservative gay or black group to have to pay her more to get to her do it? Not that she would do it for any amount of money. The woman is worth a reported $120 million by several sources.

But should they be able to sue her when she turned them down? Of course not. And not a soul in that black or gay group would be harmed in any way any more than anybody is harmed by a web designer or baker not wanting to participate in a gay wedding is harmed.
Fascism discriminates against minorities.

And the fascist will have a convincing argument to support the discrimination. Eventually there will be no minorities left to discriminate against.

Surely everyone has heard: .................. and then they came for me, and nobody was left................

Sadly, extreme right Americans are making the case against themselves.

If a gay wants a website, cake, etc etc there are plenty of options.

The US (which doesn't include you) specifically says freedom of religion.

Deal with it...SCOTUS was correct...and stop targeting Christians like gays do trying to force acceptance
A wedding cake can be quite a bit more complicated than that though as in most cases it has to be set up and finishing touches put on at the venue where it will be served. So in that case you are requiring the baker to set up the cake in a venue which he disapproves, but his delivery truck will be parked outside for all to see, etc. etc.

I haven't made an argument ever whether the baker is right to refuse to do a gay wedding. Only that I believe that nobody should have to special order a product or participate in an event if he/she chooses not to do so.

No, no, no ,no, when I say provide a basic cake I didn't say anything about delivery. I'll bake the cake but you gotta come and get it, and BTW pay me for it 1st. Same deal with a wedding photographer, I'll take wedding photos of you in my studio but I don't have to go to your wedding. I think that ought to be legal.
That's ridiculous. We're finished until you can be serous!

Didn't I already have reason to shut you down? You haven't learned anything!
If an artist can be compelled to create art he hates and sell it to be used in events he doesn't want to be associated with, what's stopping someone from compelling Hillary to make a speech extolling things she finds abhorrent? She's in the market to get paid to make speeches, so how can she refuse, under this standard?

You sound like those who insist no one can say another a man is a man if he says he is a woman, but then say it's crazy if a conservative white man says he's a black lesbian.
Democrats are not known for being able to see the utterly predictable results of their actions and are continually flummoxed when something they do comes back to bite them.
So far I don't know of any Democrats who will even acknowledge the negative consequences of their actions or policy, much less take responsibility for them. Perhaps many actually are incapable of that kind of intellectual honesty.

Just like so far, not a single Democrat/leftist has agree that nobody was harmed by a web designers choice, nor is anybody discriminated against. The web designer did not want to participate in a specific activity. I have absolutely no prejudice against mainstream gay people and there are quite a few I dearly love and appreciate and would trust with anything. But there is no way in hell any amount of money would get me to participate in one of those lewd, crude, vulgar drag shows or gay pride parades in front of families with kids or even in a classroom with young children. To refuse to do that does not discriminate against gays in any way. It discriminates in the kinds of activities I choose to support or participate in.
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No, no, no ,no, when I say provide a basic cake I didn't say anything about delivery. I'll bake the cake but you gotta come and get it, and BTW pay me for it 1st. Same deal with a wedding photographer, I'll take wedding photos of you in my studio but I don't have to go to your wedding. I think that ought to be legal.
There I will agree. If I don't have to special order two guys as a cake topper--they'll have to get that somewhere else--and don't have to inscribe anything on it that I consider morally or ethically wrong, you can order any cake I normally bake and you can pick up the layers and assemble it at the reception venue. But in all honesty guys, you really should choose another baker who can and will do it right for you.

Again sell anybody the products you have for sale, accommodate everybody who doesn't ask for something different than you normally do, but nobody should be required to participate in activities they have a moral or ethical problem with and do not wish to participate in.
Not in Conservative small town America
They are far from the Wedding Capitol of the World.

Those business that will accommodate gays will quickly face the Bud Light treatment
Bullshit. There are plenty of businesses, both conservative and liberal out there which don’t give a shit about your LGBTQ stuff.
Just in. The Supreme Court just ruled that a Christian graphic artist was not required to work with same sex couples for a wedding website. Does that mean the baker no longer has to bake a wedding cake with designs for a same sex couple?
How soon will a White proprietor again be able to turn away Black Americans at his lunch counter?
How soon will a White proprietor again be able to turn away Black Americans at his lunch counter?
That won't be happening anywhere and the SCOTUS ruling had absolutely nothing to do with that no matter how much the leftist want to pretend that it did. (Intellectual honesty isn't a strong suit with the opposition it seems.)

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