Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

That won't be happening anywhere and the SCOTUS ruling had absolutely nothing to do with that no matter how much the leftist want to pretend that it did. (Intellectual honesty isn't a strong suit with the opposition it seems.)
And if you refuse to provide service for mixed race couples because of “religious reasons”?
And if you refuse to provide service for mixed race couples because of “religious reasons”?
I suppose it could happen but I don't know of any groups that have strong ethical or moral convictions against that. The very few who do couldn't possibly have any significant ill effect on anyone and should be allowed to be who they are.
Just in. The Supreme Court just ruled that a Christian graphic artist was not required to work with same sex couples for a wedding website. Does that mean the baker no longer has to bake a wedding cake with designs for a same sex couple?

I just read your OP.

I have not started through the thread yet.

I can almost imagine what will be said.
To require a baker to bake and set up a cake at a same sex wedding. . .
To require a photographer to do the photography for a same sex wedding. . .
to require a web designer to do a website for a same sex wedding. . .

Focuses on one issue, i.e. requirement to accommodate same sex weddings.

SCOTUS just said nobody should have to do that if they have religious/ethical/moral convictions against same sex weddings. The Constitution allows people to have religious/ethical/moral convictions against pretty much anything. However that does not affect anybody's ability to have a same sex wedding or do anything else that is legal.

Does not the left understand that weaponized group think--EVERYBODY is REQUIRED to accommodate same sex weddings--can could be used against them if a different group was in power? SCOTUS acknowledged that such requirements are totally against the content and intent of the U.S. Constitution.

The slippery slope argument is not always a logical fallacy. It is sometimes real.

Today's ruling will likely result in us not having to debate the following as a court issue as, after today's ruling, I doubt this transgendered biological male won't bother trying to go through the courts to remedy his grievance.

Does not the left understand that weaponized group think--EVERYBODY is REQUIRED to accommodate same sex weddings-

Same sex marriage is legal in this country
Public accommodation laws say you can’t discriminate because of race, religion or sexuality
If you are in business, you need to follow existing laws
If your religious beliefs get in the way, you should find another business
What it means is that same sex couples can be denied wedding related services by bigoted Conservatives hiding under their Christianity.

No reception hall, invitations, cake, limo, hotel room ….…all in the name of Jesus

It also means a straight couple can be denied products and services too.

That you want to ascribe it all to so-called "bigoted Conservatives hiding under their Christianity" tells me you really don't have anything more than an ax to grind.
Same sex marriage is legal in this country
Public accommodation laws say you can’t discriminate because of race, religion or sexuality
If you are in business, you need to follow existing laws
If your religious beliefs get in the way, you should find another business
The KKK is legal in this country. Should you have to provide services for their rallies?

That white widget I mentioned earlier is perfectly legal but should every proprietor have to stock them just because they're legal or install them just because they're legal?

Certain fixtures, building material supplies, etc. are perfectly legal but many contractors refuse to use them or install them because of ethical considerations. Should they be required to do so?

Just because something is legal does not make it moral, ethical, acceptable and a free people should be able to make value judgments in every case. There should be no law requiring people to do what they believe is immoral, unethical, unacceptable.

There is no law that specifies that anybody has to participate in a gay wedding in any way who chooses not to do that. So far it has been strictly court rulings with force of law that has imposed that injustice on people. SCOTUS just removed that injustice. It harms gay people in absolutely no way whatsoever and restores justice to many who have been denied it.
That white widget I mentioned earlier is perfectly legal but should every proprietor have to stock them just because they're legal or install them just because they're legal?

If you stock white widgets you cannot sell them to whites and refuse to sell them to others
The whole Supreme Court majority ruling is based on the premise that nobody should be forced to agree with, accommodate, contribute to, participate in something with which they strongly disagree and that especially applies to those providing custom creative products and services.

Yet, in their other ruling they said that it is ok to be forced to accommodate something they may strongly disagree with.

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