Finally, "The Little Mermaid", who is now black... Is in theaters!

Do you think the actress they chose just happened to be black, or was that probably intentional?
Definitely intentional! From a marketing standpoint if nothing else...contro sells tickets, right?
Just sayin' that peeps didn't HAVE to take the hook..but, predictably, they did~
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If they were to make a movie based off a classic African children’s story and cast it largely with white actors, would that be okay too? Cause it’s the exact same thing.
They would absolutely call that racist. Does any sane person actually doubt that?
The Little Mermaid is now portrayed by an African-American actress and with the movie the best! Diversity is wonderful and people might even prefer an African American actress in this role.

The mantra "Go woke go broke" well be challenged here, because if this movie makes a lot of money then it is not always true that woke goes broke.

Well you go watch it or take your kids to watch it?
No, not my kind of movie
When people get upset over the skin color of an imaginary creature then I ...

She has an amazing voice.

Sad that so many people will hate her just because of her skin color
Im sure she is awesome. I have no idea who she is or what she looks like, but i assume she is super talented. That said, if we didnt know that the makers were virtue signalling, we wouldnt have an issue with it. Once you know the writers/creators have a political agenda, it takes you out of whatever youre watching and it just becomes annoying.

Thats why you see pushback on this stuff. Weve had enough.
There are plenty of women of all ethnicities with unbelievably amazing voices. They picked a black girl on purpose. Come on dude. Usually you get it.

Maybe they did, maybe they did not. I do not hate black people so I am not going to freak out over it.

That is what all you people are here for
She has an amazing voice.

Sad that so many people will hate her just because of her skin color
I understand what you're saying, but I don't think it's entirely a racial thing.
It's more a political thing putting race into it. I feel bad because it has
become this. Everything is politicized it seems these days

They'll dislike it because The Little Mermaid didn't need to be retold, and certainly not for the benefit of wokeism. Remakes like this that turn cartoon movies into movies with real actors are always terrible as well. This movie is going to be a hot pile of trash.

This will be like when feminists blamed bad ratings for that Ghostbusters remake on sexism, when in reality the movie just sucked like hell.
Avengers...Sometimes cartoon characters make great movie characters.
Am I the only one that thinks clutching your pearls over the ethnicity of a Mermaid..Ye Olde mythical just a bit absurd?

Is this 'woke' or just smart marketing? Both?

I'd prefer an Asian mermaid...but Asians are punished for their success...these days~
Maybe they just wanted the best performer?
It's a Danish story.
Maybe they did, maybe they did not. I do not hate black people so I am not going to freak out over it.

That is what all you people are here for
I don't care that she's black. I just think the movie is going to be trash because it's a live actor remake of a Disney movie from the '90s. The Lion King remake was trash too. It's not something that works well.

I just have the common sense to see that obviously they wanted a black woman to do that role for whatever reason. I don't give a crap I'm just being honest about it.
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IKR, how dare they use a black girl to play a mythical creature.
It’s a classic Danish story, literally probably the greatest cultural icon of Denmark’s.

If Disney made a movie about an African Kingdom and cast a white actress as the princess, would you still say that?
I don't care that she's black. I just think the movie is going to be trash because it's a live actor remake of a Disney movie from the '90s. The Lion King remake was trash too. It's just not something that works well.

I just have the common sense to see that obviously they wanted a black woman to do that role for whatever reason. I don't give a crap I'm just being honest about it.

I have not watched a Disney princess movie since Frozen...thank Odin my kids are grown and I do not have to do that shit any longer.
It’s a classic Danish story, literally probably the greatest cultural icon of Denmark’s.

If Disney made a movie about an African Kingdom and cast a white actress as the princess, would you still say that?

And here is what the little mermaid looks like

If Disney is so proud of this being done by a black actress, why did Disney trying to hide that the mermaid's black on the posters to the Chinese market? Is the version of the movie going to be different than what's shown here? Seems going woke went up against making $$$$, and Disney made a financial decision instead of standing up for diversity.

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