Finally, the truth about Trump Jr.'s meeting with the lawyer, by John Nolte....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Finally....someone who understands the issue at hand...

Donald Trump Jr. Wanted Dirt On Hillary From the Russian Govt. — OMG That's AWESOME!

The "worse" the Donald Trump Jr. "scandal" gets, the more I know Republican voters chose the right guy to run against Hillary Clinton in 2016. At first it looked as though the meeting in question was over something touchy-feely, like adoption. Upon hearing that, my first thought was, Wait. You've just secured the nomination and the first thing you do is pull the campaign manager (Paul Manafort) and the Donald-whisperer (Jared Kushner) into a meeting about adoption? Are you insane?!?!

No kidding, I was furious. Hey, when the future of the country is at stake and you are up against the unholy trinity of the Clinton Machine, the entire mainstream media-complex, and their butthurt allies in #NeverTrump, there is no time to waste. But then the truth came out... we learned that the meeting was set up in the hopes of receiving information from the Russian government that would ensure Hillary Clinton never-ever-ever became president, and my faith in the epic bad-assery of Team Trump was restored. Maybe even bolstered.

TrumpWorld is populated with people who will do anything — ANYTHING — to win, and as long as it remains legal, those are my kind of Republicans.

Oh, grow up,

Seriously, y'all, grow the hell up.

Oh, it is so easy to sit in your Ivory Tower and join the howling mob of moral narcissists on the left and right, those who preen and pose their own virtue through feigned outrage. Don Jr. should have gone to the FBI, they huff! Americans don't do this, they puff! This is morally wrong, they harumph!


In this toxic political climate created solely by a thoroughly corrupted mainstream media, those of us who believe in individual liberty, religious freedom, killing terrorists, ending the tyranny of the bureaucracy, the sanctity of life, the rule of law, and that Western Civilization rulez, have been given only two choices. We can either do whatever it takes to win elections, or we can get ourselves destroyed.

That's it.

In the real world, and that's where I live, those are our only options.

As much as I would like to live in a just world with a just media that treated the sins of both sides equally, we do not. Not even close. The truth is that in this media-created world, Democrats are allowed to cheat, lie, collude, scheme, fabricate, change the rules, and pretty much engage in any other sinister tactic they can come up with. And the media not only allows this, the media aids and abets.

Newsflash: Using information from the Russian government for political advantage is not only something Democrats are guilty of in 2016, it is something our media is guilty of.

And knowing this, I am not supposed to not fist-pump after learning that the Trump campaign is willing to do the exact same thing?

Yeah, no.

Oh, how easy it would be to join the sanctimonious mob, how easy to pretend I am not thrilled over Team Trump's willingness to play just as dirty as the Democrats and their media — this crime family that allows the Obama campaign to accuse Romney of killing a woman, that allows Hillary to serial lie about four Americans she left to die in Benghazi, that allows the Clinton Foundation to reap hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign countries in exchange for government favors, that allows Bill Clinton to double his speech fees after Hillary gave our uranium to Putin, that allows bleach bits and hammers and deletes and wipes and IRS persecution and Fast & Furious and phones and pens and pallets of cash to Iranian terrorists.
And the main point.....

Sorry, but if you want to hold our side to a standard Democrats will never be held to, your moral narcissism is selfishly sentencing your country to life with a series of Barack Obamas; selfishly condemning your own Party to a series of Romneys and McCains.

Hey, I wish the world was different, was better, just and righteous. I honestly do. And it took me a long time to wake up. I was 46-years-old when I watched the media allow Team Obama to get away with accusing a Mormon of murder.

And it was then that I finally put away those childish things.
The intelligence community does not want Donald Trump to succeed, yet there are overarching issues that require US-Russia cooperation, former Pentagon official Michael Maloof says. Ray McGovern, a former CIA officer, joins the conversation.

Michael Maloof: President Trump rightfully wants to move ahead. He has an agenda; he wants to get something done. He wants to show accomplishment. What’s happening – all the opposition that is biting at him constantly is inside the Beltway, with efforts by Democrats, mainstream media, the Deep State, or the intelligence community, because they do not want this President to succeed.
Anti-Russia narrative will continue because ‘everyone is afraid of the Deep State’
Finally....someone who understands the issue at hand...

Donald Trump Jr. Wanted Dirt On Hillary From the Russian Govt. — OMG That's AWESOME!

The "worse" the Donald Trump Jr. "scandal" gets, the more I know Republican voters chose the right guy to run against Hillary Clinton in 2016. At first it looked as though the meeting in question was over something touchy-feely, like adoption. Upon hearing that, my first thought was, Wait. You've just secured the nomination and the first thing you do is pull the campaign manager (Paul Manafort) and the Donald-whisperer (Jared Kushner) into a meeting about adoption? Are you insane?!?!

No kidding, I was furious. Hey, when the future of the country is at stake and you are up against the unholy trinity of the Clinton Machine, the entire mainstream media-complex, and their butthurt allies in #NeverTrump, there is no time to waste. But then the truth came out... we learned that the meeting was set up in the hopes of receiving information from the Russian government that would ensure Hillary Clinton never-ever-ever became president, and my faith in the epic bad-assery of Team Trump was restored. Maybe even bolstered.

TrumpWorld is populated with people who will do anything — ANYTHING — to win, and as long as it remains legal, those are my kind of Republicans.

Oh, grow up,

Seriously, y'all, grow the hell up.

Oh, it is so easy to sit in your Ivory Tower and join the howling mob of moral narcissists on the left and right, those who preen and pose their own virtue through feigned outrage. Don Jr. should have gone to the FBI, they huff! Americans don't do this, they puff! This is morally wrong, they harumph!


In this toxic political climate created solely by a thoroughly corrupted mainstream media, those of us who believe in individual liberty, religious freedom, killing terrorists, ending the tyranny of the bureaucracy, the sanctity of life, the rule of law, and that Western Civilization rulez, have been given only two choices. We can either do whatever it takes to win elections, or we can get ourselves destroyed.

That's it.

In the real world, and that's where I live, those are our only options.

As much as I would like to live in a just world with a just media that treated the sins of both sides equally, we do not. Not even close. The truth is that in this media-created world, Democrats are allowed to cheat, lie, collude, scheme, fabricate, change the rules, and pretty much engage in any other sinister tactic they can come up with. And the media not only allows this, the media aids and abets.

Newsflash: Using information from the Russian government for political advantage is not only something Democrats are guilty of in 2016, it is something our media is guilty of.

And knowing this, I am not supposed to not fist-pump after learning that the Trump campaign is willing to do the exact same thing?

Yeah, no.

Oh, how easy it would be to join the sanctimonious mob, how easy to pretend I am not thrilled over Team Trump's willingness to play just as dirty as the Democrats and their media — this crime family that allows the Obama campaign to accuse Romney of killing a woman, that allows Hillary to serial lie about four Americans she left to die in Benghazi, that allows the Clinton Foundation to reap hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign countries in exchange for government favors, that allows Bill Clinton to double his speech fees after Hillary gave our uranium to Putin, that allows bleach bits and hammers and deletes and wipes and IRS persecution and Fast & Furious and phones and pens and pallets of cash to Iranian terrorists.

This is self-serving garbage. The excuse for bad behavior is bad behavior. Then the writer decided that the Russians are working with Democrats and the media and offers no proof. This is nothing but a excuse for the Trump trash to justify their bad behavior.
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

But I guess itis better that the Dimms go ape shit crazy over such nothing-to-see-here bullshit than to spread their bullshit on some issue that is actually important.

No one in America outside of the Beltway and the political elites are talking about the possibility that Trump or anyone in his family or campaign may have committed treason.

The Dimms are finessing themselves into irrelevance, roflmao!
Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.

Yes, hillary's selling out of the American people by allowing the russians to take over our uranium supply after a healthy bri.... er "donation" has all of the earmarks of treason. Trumps. Not so much.
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.
Mueller will end this story.
Indeed he will.
And when he says he could find zero evidence that the Trump campaign 'colluded with Russia' closed YOU and the other LIB fools will scream and wail and accuse Mueller of being "bought off" by Trump OR that Mueller was the wrong person for the job and he didn't do enough searching to "find out the truth" on PRESIDENT TRUMP. Or that the evil REPs "hide the real truth from Mueller".
You're a fucking fool!
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

Just what the hell is UNETHICAL about trying to gain information to keep from having your campaign undermined?
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

Unethical? A lib saying someone is unethical? You people have not even bothered to look that word up in the dictionary! If you did, you be horrified to see your pictures in the illustration.

Perhaps your absolute lack of any education in to the history of American politics is to blame.

In other words, are you just lazy or stupid?
Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.

Yes, hillary's selling out of the American people by allowing the russians to take over our uranium supply after a healthy bri.... er "donation" has all of the earmarks of treason. Trumps. Not so much.
OK, you lying asshole, how many lbs of uranium from those mines have been shipped out of the US? And who approved of selling the only mill on the West Coast that can roll armor plate and titanium to a Russian company? And was the company that aquired the uranium mines was Canadian at the time of the sale.
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

Unethical? A lib saying someone is unethical? You people have not even bothered to look that word up in the dictionary! If you did, you be horrified to see your pictures in the illustration.

Perhaps your absolute lack of any education in to the history of American politics is to blame.

In other words, are you just lazy or stupid?
So says a 'Conservative' that kisses the ass of a pathological lying treasonous fat senile old orange clown.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

All the President’s Lies

Trump told a public lie

Didn’t tell a public lie

JAN. 2017







President Trump’s political rise was built on a lie (about Barack Obama's birthplace). His lack of truthfulness has also become central to the Russia investigation, with James Comey, the former director of the F.B.I., testifying under oath about Trump's “lies, plain and simple.”

There is simply no precedent for an American president to spend so much time telling untruths. Every president has shaded the truth or told occasional whoppers. No other president — of either party — has behaved as Trump is behaving. He is trying to create an atmosphere in which reality is irrelevant.

We have set a conservative standard here, leaving out many dubious statements (like the claim that his travel ban is “similar” to Obama administration policy). Some people may still take issue with this standard, arguing that the president wasn't speaking literally. But we believe his long pattern of using untruths to serve his purposes, as a businessman and politician, means that his statements are not simply careless errors.

We are using the word “lie” deliberately. Not every falsehood is deliberate on Trump's part. But it would be the height of naïveté to imagine he is merely making honest mistakes. He is lying.

The treasonous fat senile old orange clown lies more than he tells the truth. And he has yet to accomplish anything except alienate allies and aid enemies.
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

Just what the hell is UNETHICAL about trying to gain information to keep from having your campaign undermined?

Getting information from a Russian agent is the HELL WRONG.

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