finally trump proves he was right about something

Obama got us in debt you said nothing....we are in the midst of a pandemic and debt is the least of our concerns right stop tossing it out sound like a raging hypocrite.....dems love spending and pelosi...she runs the house....
Obama's debt was mostly structural debt, inherited from the failure of the previous administration (recession of 2007). The other major distinction is that the deficits under Obama declined year after year as the economy recovered. President Trumps deficits grew even in a booming economy.

keynesian economics says run up debt in a recession, and pay off those debts after a recovery.
Obama couldn't recover....he refused to do what Trump did and that was to cut taxes and needless regulation....from the teachers union to the seiu Obama was handcuffed.....8 years of struggle and the people had enough of progressive bull crap....
Obama got us in debt you said nothing....we are in the midst of a pandemic and debt is the least of our concerns right stop tossing it out sound like a raging hypocrite.....dems love spending and pelosi...she runs the house....
I complained then with you. But I’m not the hypocrite you are. And it’s not just deficits, almost all trump policy is a failure. Trump policy was the big hit to the deficit. He hurt revenue with tax cuts and drastically increased military spending. Yeah we sure have a lot of concerns. That’s not the sign of a successful president,
Todays republicans aren't those of Eisenhower or Nixon. They have a new theory of economics based on paying for what they want, on the government credit card.

Has a republican even tried to cut the deficit? The only one who tried was George H.W. Bush, who did so by breaking his "read my lips" promise.

Todays republicans aren't those of Eisenhower or Nixon.

Nor is the Democratic Party the party of JFK and FDR.

Todays Democrats have stopped asking what they can do for their country, instead of for themselves.
We certainly aren’t in a good situation. Mostly the same crappy politicians for the last 30 years...
Obama got us in debt you said nothing....we are in the midst of a pandemic and debt is the least of our concerns right stop tossing it out sound like a raging hypocrite.....dems love spending and pelosi...she runs the house....
Obama's debt was mostly structural debt, inherited from the failure of the previous administration (recession of 2007). The other major distinction is that the deficits under Obama declined year after year as the economy recovered. President Trumps deficits grew even in a booming economy.

keynesian economics says run up debt in a recession, and pay off those debts after a recovery.
Obama couldn't recover....he refused to do what Trump did and that was to cut taxes and needless regulation....from the teachers union to the seiu Obama was handcuffed.....8 years of struggle and the people had enough of progressive bull crap....
But trump failed. He cut taxes and regulation for the same growth as Obama. All he did was increase deficits.
Obama got us in debt you said nothing....we are in the midst of a pandemic and debt is the least of our concerns right stop tossing it out sound like a raging hypocrite.....dems love spending and pelosi...she runs the house....
Obama's debt was mostly structural debt, inherited from the failure of the previous administration (recession of 2007). The other major distinction is that the deficits under Obama declined year after year as the economy recovered. President Trumps deficits grew even in a booming economy.

keynesian economics says run up debt in a recession, and pay off those debts after a recovery.
Obama couldn't recover....he refused to do what Trump did and that was to cut taxes and needless regulation....from the teachers union to the seiu Obama was handcuffed.....8 years of struggle and the people had enough of progressive bull crap....
But trump failed. He cut taxes and regulation for the same growth as Obama. All he did was increase deficits.
That's crazy talk....thank God we had this virus pop up during Trump's economy instead of Obama's weak ass recovery.....
We all know trump is a serial liar,
Obama got us in debt you said nothing....we are in the midst of a pandemic and debt is the least of our concerns right stop tossing it out sound like a raging hypocrite.....dems love spending and pelosi...she runs the house....
Obama's debt was mostly structural debt, inherited from the failure of the previous administration (recession of 2007). The other major distinction is that the deficits under Obama declined year after year as the economy recovered. President Trumps deficits grew even in a booming economy.

keynesian economics says run up debt in a recession, and pay off those debts after a recovery.
Obama couldn't recover....he refused to do what Trump did and that was to cut taxes and needless regulation....from the teachers union to the seiu Obama was handcuffed.....8 years of struggle and the people had enough of progressive bull crap....
But trump failed. He cut taxes and regulation for the same growth as Obama. All he did was increase deficits.
That's crazy talk....thank God we had this virus pop up during Trump's economy instead of Obama's weak ass recovery.....
I don’t think you can still call Obama’s recovery weak. His recovery had the same growth numbers as trumps booming economy. You don’t live in reality clearly. Trump failed. He increased deficits, not gdp growth.
Obama couldn't recover....he refused to do what Trump did and that was to cut taxes and needless regulation....from the teachers union to the seiu Obama was handcuffed.....8 years of struggle and the people had enough of progressive bull crap....
Apparently reality evades you. The Obama economy set the record for the longest continuous economic expansion in American history. Try complaining about the speed of the recovery instead of trying to deny it's existence.
Obama couldn't recover....he refused to do what Trump did and that was to cut taxes and needless regulation....from the teachers union to the seiu Obama was handcuffed.....8 years of struggle and the people had enough of progressive bull crap....
But trump failed. He cut taxes and regulation for the same growth as Obama. All he did was increase deficits.
Real GDP growth of the United States from 1990 to 2019.
YearAnnual rate in percent
You have to marvel about how easy it is for angry lefties, who can't let go of their frustration at the last election, to fall for every bit of anti-American propaganda that comes down the pike. It's no secret that Media Matters monitors only republican speech with the intent to spin it to gullible lefties who thrive on the hatred generated by left wing blogs. If the President quoted a figure of 999,999,999 and the real number was a million, Soros and the crazy left would call it a lie. You almost gotta laugh that we never even saw the freaking birth certificate of the former president and his college records records are locked in in the same freaking vault as his B.C.. Big lies like Obamacare were ignored and lame excuses for the death of a Ambassador and the incomprehensible mess of "Operation Fast/Furious were of course ignored by Media Matters and the mainstream media as they focus on whether the President Trump's unemployment figures were accurate.
. If the President quoted a figure of 999,999,999 and the real number was a million, Soros and the crazy left would call it a lie

At the end of February Trump said the number of Covid-19 cases in the US was going from fifteen to near zero.

The difference between zero and half a million is very significant.
Lots to bash.

and MULTIPLE threads on it.

WHY is it necessary to start a new one daily?

Tired of the Popeye reruns?
Tissue for you?

View attachment 321662
and here's a little present for you.
Hey, I'm smiling and you're the one pissing & moaning as usual!

Have a nice day!

You've been pissing and moaning since Trump was elected.

I figured you had worn your old towel out.

(considering Biden is the current candidate, you'll need a new one soon anyway)
You've been pissing and moaning since Trump was elected.

I figured you had worn your old towel out.

(considering Biden is the current candidate, you'll need a new one soon anyway)
To steal one of presidential candidate Trumps lines.

"Why not vote for me. What do you have to lose?"
You've been pissing and moaning since Trump was elected.

I figured you had worn your old towel out.

(considering Biden is the current candidate, you'll need a new one soon anyway)
To steal one of presidential candidate Trumps lines.

"Why not vote for me. What do you have to lose?"

The same reason I didn't vote for him in 2016

self respect.
We all know trump is a serial liar, but he has bragged about being the king of debt, and he is right about that. By the end of the year it is expected that debt will be at around 7 trillion more than when he took over in 2017, making it fastest rate of growth in history, the budget deficit has also exploded to a trillion dollars per year, biggest in history, that's what he calls promises kept, sadly though, he also promised he would pay off the debt, and would balance budget, that was a huge lie...
Isn't he GREAT! So smart. Like... like a genius. Did you know his Uncle was an MIT professor?

View attachment 321151
Lots to bash.

and MULTIPLE threads on it.

WHY is it necessary to start a new one daily?

Tired of the Popeye reruns?

Because every single day Donald Trump says or does something so stupid, or vile, or outrageous, that a new thread is needed. No other President in history has been such a total fuckup as Dumb Donald.

Trump was warned about this virus in December, and he did nothing. While other countries started preparing, Donald Trump sold ALL of your medical supplies to China. He ordered no masks or ventilators until mid-March, and most of the supplies and equipment he ordered, won't be delivered until August or September.

He let the maintenance contracts on the national stock pile of ventilators lapse so the ones you had don't work. By the time he restricted travel from China at the end of January, more than 400,000 people had come into the United States from China since he was first warned about the virus.

Trump bought million of unproven drugs and is shipping them all over the country will medical staff beg for PPE's.

Meanwhile, in Canada I got my first "stimulus" check from the Canadian government in my bank account yesterday.
We all know trump is a serial liar, but he has bragged about being the king of debt, and he is right about that. By the end of the year it is expected that debt will be at around 7 trillion more than when he took over in 2017, making it fastest rate of growth in history, the budget deficit has also exploded to a trillion dollars per year, biggest in history, that's what he calls promises kept, sadly though, he also promised he would pay off the debt, and would balance budget, that was a huge lie...
Isn't he GREAT! So smart. Like... like a genius. Did you know his Uncle was an MIT professor?

View attachment 321151
Lots to bash.

and MULTIPLE threads on it.

WHY is it necessary to start a new one daily?

Tired of the Popeye reruns?

Because every single day Donald Trump says or does something so stupid, or vile, or outrageous, that a new thread is needed. No other President in history has been such a total fuckup as Dumb Donald.

Trump was warned about this virus in December, and he did nothing. While other countries started preparing, Donald Trump sold ALL of your medical supplies to China. He ordered no masks or ventilators until mid-March, and most of the supplies and equipment he ordered, won't be delivered until August or September.

He let the maintenance contracts on the national stock pile of ventilators lapse so the ones you had don't work. By the time he restricted travel from China at the end of January, more than 400,000 people had come into the United States from China since he was first warned about the virus.

Trump bought million of unproven drugs and is shipping them all over the country will medical staff beg for PPE's.

Meanwhile, in Canada I got my first "stimulus" check from the Canadian government in my bank account yesterday.
Take another look at your post.

NONE of those things happened in the last 24, or even 48 hours.

There have already been threads on all, or most of them.

and yet, some of the posters on here don't want to go to the trouble of looking up those threads, and adding to them, THEY need a NEW thread rehashing old news, one with THEIR name as OP.


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