Finally Trump will get 2 impeachments expunged

Anything that reflects badly on the Biden administration is Russian propaganda in your opinion.
No. I think he deserves criticism when mistakes are made. But this..."Everything I have read says that Obama, Biden, and Hillary are criminals for subverting the legal elected government in the Ukraine, and installing a fascist/racist puppet dictatorship that is intent on genocide of the ethnic Russian natives of the Ukraine." a steaming pile of dung. It sounds very much like what would be published by Putin's propagandists.
Do you believe conservatives freed the slaves?
There were certainly conservatives among both parties in those days. Democrats in those days would be considered right wing nut jobs today. However, it was the Republican Party who freed the slaves and passed the amendments giving slaves rights as Americans.
There were certainly conservatives among both parties in those days. Democrats in those days would be considered right wing nut jobs today. However, it was the Republican Party who freed the slaves and passed the amendments giving slaves rights as Americans.
Republicans in the 1860s were radicals. The MAGA party has nothing to do with them.
So while the country faces real problems in need of attention Repubs want to spend time altering history and........

McCarthy Pours Cold Water On Boebert’s Biden Impeachment Stunt After Hardliner Rebellion

Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) encouraged House Republicans to vote against Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-CO) resolution to force a vote to impeach President Joe Biden this week, just days after Boebert and others in the Freedom Caucus ground legislating to a halt to get even with McCarthy for making a debt ceiling deal with the President, CNN reported.

In a closed door meeting on Wednesday, McCarthy told his caucus that it is not the right time to impeach Biden. He argued that Republicans should let ongoing committee investigations play out before voting on an impeachment article, adding that jumping ahead could threaten their ability to hold onto their slim majority in the next election.

“What majority do we want to be,” McCarthy asked his caucus, according to an individual in the room CNN spoke to. “Give it right back in two years or hold it for a decade and make real change?”

Real change? So far all they've done is embarrass themselves with the failed "weaponization" hearings and censure Adam Schiff for being so eloquent is his take downs of Dear Leader.
Both impeachments were bogus and each one was highly partisan. The House now has as much right to unimpeach him for partisan political reasons as the preceding Houses which voted the impeachments for partisan purposes.

It’s true that the House can’t undo the ensuing Senate “trials,” but each one of those “trials” resulted in an acquittal, so that doesn’t much matter.
“It’s unclear whether the House could essentially erase the Senate trial from Trump’s record, however, or what impact it would actually have on the historical record, experts have said.”

You can’t unring a bell
It's a legal manuver...
But yeah.... People are not going to forget it.


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