Finally, we have a president who works for us!

The Democrats are boycotting committee meetings to block Trump's candidates for office. Although we weren't happy about Obama in 2008, the Republicans held meetings and confirmed most of his candidates. They didn't whine...they did their jobs. What miserable POSs the Democrats are!
Let the Dimorats boycott. Approve the appointments without them.
Can we do it when they can't get them out of committee?
Finally, we have a president whose top priority are the Citizens of this nation. Finally, we have a president who follows through on his campaign promises. Finally, we have a president who doesn’t give out jobs, Pay to Play, but actually find those candidates who have the best resume and have been vetted by the president to determine if their actual tendencies match the needs of the country.

Finally, we have a president who moved the country and won against all odds, exposed his own party for the professional elitism they held on to for years without getting anything done “for the people;” exposed the Democrat party for what they are, lying, conniving cheaters who participate in underhanded dealings with an unprofessional media. Finally we have a president who tells it like it is, and is beholden to no one.

He’s fighting tooth and nail to be the people’s president. He has no global initiatives. He has contacted Unions and their leaders and they have responded will to his initiative. Blue collar workers, people of color and those without jobs…he’s there for you!

Show you appreciate what he has done and is trying to do. Contact your representatives and demand their support for President Trump.

works for us my ass .. he caters to Trumpbots ... don't include everyone in the "us" category.
So you don't want a good economy? You don't want minorities to have the chance at good jobs? Oh, nevermind I know you don't want a strong America and minorities being successful. Liberalism would end if that came about. I see why you hate Trump the way you do.

:cuckoo: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Lol, so what did Obama do for minorities. Besides letting them kill more of each other in Chicago?
All the Trumpies and Alt-white fanboyz have given up their freedom willingly.

They believe things they see on fringe website as factual news and dismiss with a hostile knee jerk any legitimate news story that contradicts their view or side.

Their behavior of accept that which is false and dismissing/ignoring facts has become an automated habit -- they no longer control their free thought -- the most important freedom of all.
All the Trumpies and Alt-white fanboyz have given up their freedom willingly.

They believe things they see on fringe website as factual news and dismiss with a hostile knee jerk any legitimate news story that contradicts their view or side.

Their behavior of accept that which is false and dismissing/ignoring facts has become an automated habit -- they no longer control their free thought -- the most important freedom of all.

that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and they're fucking idiots.
Let's not toss around straw men liberals and Democrats as the only ones who think Trump is in over his head and/or a threat to the conservative cause. The jury that's out includes a good number of us Republicans as well. Now I would say he 's the best thing that has happened to blue collar workers on an hourly wage. And it isn't like they don't deserve recognition. Trump's challenge is to create a balance that doesn't tick off those benefitting from international trade and the status quo. I hope he succeeds but time will tell.
The Democrats are boycotting committee meetings to block Trump's candidates for office. Although we weren't happy about Obama in 2008, the Republicans held meetings and confirmed most of his candidates. They didn't whine...they did their jobs. What miserable POSs the Democrats are!

A bunch of sore losers who are beginning to look like the idiots they are.

Those elections in two years are what these idiots should be looking at.

They have loads to defend and the more they pursue this idiocy against Trump the worse they will do in the elections.

How bout no Dems in congress??
All the Trumpies and Alt-white fanboyz have given up their freedom willingly.

They believe things they see on fringe website as factual news and dismiss with a hostile knee jerk any legitimate news story that contradicts their view or side.

Their behavior of accept that which is false and dismissing/ignoring facts has become an automated habit -- they no longer control their free thought -- the most important freedom of all.

that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and they're fucking idiots.
Way to bump a weak post with an unoriginal insult. That was amazing.
Finally, we have a president who works for us!

Trump works for Putin
All the Trumpies and Alt-white fanboyz have given up their freedom willingly.

They believe things they see on fringe website as factual news and dismiss with a hostile knee jerk any legitimate news story that contradicts their view or side.

Their behavior of accept that which is false and dismissing/ignoring facts has become an automated habit -- they no longer control their free thought -- the most important freedom of all.

that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and they're fucking idiots.
You two are two peas in a pod! Lol
Biggest liar in the history of the Presidency
Get over Obama already. He's no longer in the Oval Office.

"alternative facts"

One for the open proclamation of "I will lie to you"
Compared to lying Hillary???? LMAO!

Nobody lies in the league of Trump

Trump is a "Big League" liar
He such a liar, he is keeping the campaign promises you said he wouldn't. Who's the liar now?
Biggest liar in the history of the Presidency
Get over Obama already. He's no longer in the Oval Office.

"alternative facts"

One for the open proclamation of "I will lie to you"
Compared to lying Hillary???? LMAO!

Nobody lies in the league of Trump

Trump is a "Big League" liar
He such a liar, he is keeping the campaign promises you said he wouldn't. Who's the liar now?

like the one about stopping voter registration fraud?

as soon as he found out his family and staff members were registered in two states he dropped it like a hot rock.

fuck Trump.
Get over Obama already. He's no longer in the Oval Office.

"alternative facts"

One for the open proclamation of "I will lie to you"
Compared to lying Hillary???? LMAO!

Nobody lies in the league of Trump

Trump is a "Big League" liar
He such a liar, he is keeping the campaign promises you said he wouldn't. Who's the liar now?

like the one about stopping voter registration fraud?

as soon as he found out his family and staff members were registered in two states he dropped it like a hot rock.

fuck Trump.
Did they vote in both precincts?
"alternative facts"

One for the open proclamation of "I will lie to you"
Compared to lying Hillary???? LMAO!

Nobody lies in the league of Trump

Trump is a "Big League" liar
He such a liar, he is keeping the campaign promises you said he wouldn't. Who's the liar now?

like the one about stopping voter registration fraud?

as soon as he found out his family and staff members were registered in two states he dropped it like a hot rock.

fuck Trump.
Did they vote in both precincts?

what part of registration confuses you ?

oh thats rght, you're a moron, never mind.
Let's not toss around straw men liberals and Democrats as the only ones who think Trump is in over his head and/or a threat to the conservative cause. The jury that's out includes a good number of us Republicans as well. Now I would say he 's the best thing that has happened to blue collar workers on an hourly wage. And it isn't like they don't deserve recognition. Trump's challenge is to create a balance that doesn't tick off those benefitting from international trade and the status quo. I hope he succeeds but time will tell.
Returning Stolen Money

The globalists can't stop him, except by actions that will quickly get them long prison terms or confiscation of their ill-gotten gains.

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