Fiornia LIES: the Planned Parenthood tapes she described don't exist.


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
There are two Planned Parenthood sting videos that were shot inside Planned Parenthood clinics (other videos exist, taped at conferences and lunch meetings). One was taped in Louisiana and the other in Colorado. And in both videos, Planned Parenthood employees do work with the fetal tissue, showing the pro-life advocates posing as tissue buyers the different parts of the body.

But the things Fiorina describes — the legs kicking, the intact "fully formed fetus," the heart beating, the remarks about having to "harvest its brain" — are pure fiction.

You don't have to take my word for it; You can watch the footage right here. The part showing fetal tissue begins about an hour and 18 minutes in and runs nearly through the end of the video, shot at the Colorado clinic.

Here's what gets me. Fiornia is a businesswoman, a profession, a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE who would never stand in the way of career gal getting a legal medical procedure -- she probably has 50 friends and associates who have done so. And she goes on TV and PRETENDS to be a social conservative.

Why does she pretend? To win over the far-right base...
Gee, can't think of any reason why Carly Fiorina might want to support government funding going towards cancer screening for women...
So actually, anyone may have noticed that Hollywood Starlets were likely fuming and jealous at all the front-facing photo shots of Carly Fiorina, presented at the Simi Valley debates. Secretary Clinton was otherwise engaged. . . .on another network(?). Anyone can go further and be reminded that even Democrats were enraged about the "Weapons of Mass Destruction," in Iraq. Actually, they did not exist. That was older brother Bush relating evidence from possibly Pluto, unless someone has named a planet, "Goofy." The Planned Parenthood scenes on videotape apparently originate from the same Partisan source. They Do Not Exist.

Carly Fiorina is wrong about the Planned Parenthood tapes. I know because I watched them.

The non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction, the "Go-It-Alone," or "I've Got Insider Business Information," approach of everyone Republican: Was showcased again. The link shows that the scenes do not exist. FactCheck.Org could not find the scenes. ABC GMA interviewed Fiorina, who provided only assertions--like Business Leader Trump, or Older Brother Business Leader Bush--and no evidence.

Lies to the people, in a close-up facing anyone watching, are actually generally not thought to be a viable example of electable character. Then also, no one can find the accounting for the $200.0 bil. annual cost of illegal immigration. Dr. Carson alluded to the concept of "Braceros," famous in California agriculture labor years ago, as evidence of the actual value of the immigrant status of so many undocumented. He did fail to mention the concept directly. . .possibly from "energy" problems(?). Anyone wonders if the Republicans simply subsidize "Uppers For The People!"

One Texas elected official once withdrew an anti-immigration measure since the enforcement would likely jail half the employers and parents in the state.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Young warrior maybe take note possible real value of squaw-woman--maybe put hair on five-cent piece(?)!)
Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.
Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.
I have meet a person that survived an attempt to abort her,there have been many living "fetus's" on tables.
Phucking idiots defend PP
Wow! If she keeps lying like that, say after a few hundred more blatant lies, she could be the democrat front runner.
Whether it was in the video or not it happens. There lies the real problem and only a sick mofo would sit back and say or do nothing
Suddenly truthfulness is important to democrats????


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Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.
Say anything to get elected you say?

Is that like using a phoney black southern accent when you're and old white woman?
Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.
I have meet a person that survived an attempt to abort her,there have been many living "fetus's" on tables.
Phucking idiots defend PP

"I have meet a person...." Wow, another one with hard-hitting facts and irrefutable data.
Oh, no...Just another low-information voter.
there is not one item of evidence any leftard here can show where it proves that scenario cannot exist. the Left supports abortions in the 3rd trimester
So actually, anyone may have noticed that Hollywood Starlets were likely fuming and jealous at all the front-facing photo shots of Carly Fiorina, presented at the Simi Valley debates. Secretary Clinton was otherwise engaged. . . .on another network(?). Anyone can go further and be reminded that even Democrats were enraged about the "Weapons of Mass Destruction," in Iraq. Actually, they did not exist. That was older brother Bush relating evidence from possibly Pluto, unless someone has named a planet, "Goofy." The Planned Parenthood scenes on videotape apparently originate from the same Partisan source. They Do Not Exist.

Carly Fiorina is wrong about the Planned Parenthood tapes. I know because I watched them.

The non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction, the "Go-It-Alone," or "I've Got Insider Business Information," approach of everyone Republican: Was showcased again. The link shows that the scenes do not exist. FactCheck.Org could not find the scenes. ABC GMA interviewed Fiorina, who provided only assertions--like Business Leader Trump, or Older Brother Business Leader Bush--and no evidence.

Lies to the people, in a close-up facing anyone watching, are actually generally not thought to be a viable example of electable character. Then also, no one can find the accounting for the $200.0 bil. annual cost of illegal immigration. Dr. Carson alluded to the concept of "Braceros," famous in California agriculture labor years ago, as evidence of the actual value of the immigrant status of so many undocumented. He did fail to mention the concept directly. . .possibly from "energy" problems(?). Anyone wonders if the Republicans simply subsidize "Uppers For The People!"

One Texas elected official once withdrew an anti-immigration measure since the enforcement would likely jail half the employers and parents in the state.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Young warrior maybe take note possible real value of squaw-woman--maybe put hair on five-cent piece(?)!)
Video tape, please

Some of you don't understand, but survivability for a fetus before the 3rd Trimester is not very long. Also, it is not like you can throw it into another uterus although science is advancing in the field of fetal adoption.
There are two Planned Parenthood sting videos that were shot inside Planned Parenthood clinics (other videos exist, taped at conferences and lunch meetings). One was taped in Louisiana and the other in Colorado. And in both videos, Planned Parenthood employees do work with the fetal tissue, showing the pro-life advocates posing as tissue buyers the different parts of the body.

But the things Fiorina describes — the legs kicking, the intact "fully formed fetus," the heart beating, the remarks about having to "harvest its brain" — are pure fiction.

You don't have to take my word for it; You can watch the footage right here. The part showing fetal tissue begins about an hour and 18 minutes in and runs nearly through the end of the video, shot at the Colorado clinic.

Here's what gets me. Fiornia is a businesswoman, a profession, a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE who would never stand in the way of career gal getting a legal medical procedure -- she probably has 50 friends and associates who have done so. And she goes on TV and PRETENDS to be a social conservative.

Why does she pretend? To win over the far-right base...

Christers lye and lie for their jesus

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