Fiornia LIES: the Planned Parenthood tapes she described don't exist.

Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.

Yes there is

watch at around 5:18

LOL. Info wars and something that may or may not be a actual fetus making slight movements? Even so, how do you link that to PP?

There is a video which does have the scenes that she described, that was the point.

She specifically said it was shot at Planned Parenthood, it wasn't.

The lady in the video Holly O'Donnell said it was.
Horror: Intact Fetus Moves Arms, Legs Outside Womb in Latest Planned Parenthood Video
Ex-Stem Express procurement technician Holly O’Donnell appears again in the 7th installment of the group’s undercover series, revealing even more horrific details about her former employer’s partnership with Planned Parenthood and their alleged customized abortion for profit racket.

“O’Donnell describes the harvesting, or ‘procurement,’ of organs from a nearly intact late-term fetus aborted at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte’s Alameda clinic in San Jose, CA,” CMP notes in their latest video’s description.
They were all lying about Planned Parenthood. I couldn't believe that CNN never corrected any of their lies. It's the same old shit they did to ACORN.
It's more than "fetal tissue", it's freaking body parts. The PP nazis are in it for the money selling brains and organs of unborn and violently born infants in violation of federal law. The radical left wants to put a woman in jail for violating a supreme court decision but they want to fund nazis who sell human body parts in violation of federal law.

The Right wants to put women in prison for life for having abortions.

You got a link for that?
Even when it was outlawed it was the Doctors that went to prison, not the women.
Her wish to seem tough in calling for bigger army, bigger navy, bigger marine force, bigger air force, actually a preamble to how she bankrupted HP and Lucent.

I'd like to remind all who cheer for Fiorina's "love" for the unborn child...while clamoring for additional war armaments..........of what such armaments helped us spawn in the ME and elsewhere.

There is appearing the concept, "Stock footage," in online articles and reports of the subject video. In this thread, the Holly interview appears unconnected to the visual of the stillborn child, another subject appearing in online articles and reports of the subject video. Nothing is connected to Planned Parenthood or abortion.

Maybe a bit further, anyone familiar with cemeteries(?) can appreciate the concept, "Even the parents are not too thrilled with outcome being stillborn." Still others can appreciate, "Organ donor" as a lawful concept. That appears to be a concept not Conservative celebrated. Medical Schools have a concept, "Cadavers" as a training method. Same conservative issue. All these matters originate of humanity. Anyone can ask, "Are we Homo Sapiens, yet?" Anyone can even answer, and in lots of languages, "No!"

Let us even provide an example. In matters of good, sound, Christian business practice. Then likely the Older Brother Bush can offer shares for sale in a stockpile of genuine, "Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction," complete with the special series: "Pissed on by Saddam Hussein, personally!"

Some might suggest that Senator Feinstein may be interested(?), even though probably, past all that(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe White Eyes put their famous goddess, "Eve" on the ten dollar bill--such that anyone can tell it's really her(?), since probably Chenguang should get the honor(?)!)
Her wish to seem tough in calling for bigger army, bigger navy, bigger marine force, bigger air force, actually a preamble to how she bankrupted HP and Lucent.

I'd like to remind all who cheer for Fiorina's "love" for the unborn child...while clamoring for additional war armaments..........of what such armaments helped us spawn in the ME and elsewhere.


Do you think it's ok for the U.S. to scale down it's military, while Russia, China and N. Korea are building up theirs?
6. Carly Fiorina dared President Obama and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton to watch a Planned Parenthood video that shows "a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain." That footage doesn't exist. Vox's Sarah Kliff watched all 12 hours of the footage that was produced by the Center for Medical Progress, which claims Planned Parenthood profits from procuring fetal tissue. Kliff writes, "The videos do show Planned Parenthood officials discussing fetal tissue, sometimes in ways that are callous and jarring. But there is no moment where Planned Parenthood discusses procuring fetal tissue for profit, nor is there the scene that Fiorina describes."

7. For 3 in 10 American women, "liv[ing] the life she chooses" includes abortion. "This nation will be better when every woman is able to live the life she chooses," Carly Fiorina said during the debate. That statement directly contradicts her beliefs that a woman shouldn't be able to choose what happens to her body should she get pregnant.

More: 8 Things The GOP Debate Got Wrong About Abortion And Planned Parenthood

I can't believe that CNN didn't bother to correct Fiorina or any of the others.
Whether it was in the video or not it happens. There lies the real problem and only a sick mofo would sit back and say or do nothing
And There is moronic Right-wing-nut "logic" for you, it didn't happen at PP, but PP should be punished for it. :cuckoo:
Politico: Planned Parenthood Smear Videos "Don't Show What Fiorina Claims." Politico's Rachana Pradhan fact checked Fiorina's claims about Planned Parenthood, writing "[t]he videos that have stirred up so much trouble for Planned Parenthood don't show what Fiorina claims" and that "at no point do they include footage of an entire aborted fetus":

The videos that have stirred up so much trouble for Planned Parenthood don't show what Fiorina claims.

An anti-abortion group, the Center for Medical Progress, has released several videos alleging that the women's health organization illegally profits from fetal tissue sales. In one video, a former employee of the fetal tissue procurement company StemExpress -- which, until recently, worked with Planned Parenthood -- alleges that she saw an aborted fetus' heart beat after a clinician tapped its heart.

That video relies solely on the interview and does not include footage to support her claims.

The group's undercover videos do show specimens of fetal tissue in some Planned Parenthood clinics, but at no point do they include footage of an entire aborted fetus. [Politico, 9/17/15]
6. Carly Fiorina dared President Obama and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton to watch a Planned Parenthood video that shows "a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain." That footage doesn't exist. Vox's Sarah Kliff watched all 12 hours of the footage that was produced by the Center for Medical Progress, which claims Planned Parenthood profits from procuring fetal tissue. Kliff writes, "The videos do show Planned Parenthood officials discussing fetal tissue, sometimes in ways that are callous and jarring. But there is no moment where Planned Parenthood discusses procuring fetal tissue for profit, nor is there the scene that Fiorina describes."

7. For 3 in 10 American women, "liv[ing] the life she chooses" includes abortion. "This nation will be better when every woman is able to live the life she chooses," Carly Fiorina said during the debate. That statement directly contradicts her beliefs that a woman shouldn't be able to choose what happens to her body should she get pregnant.

More: 8 Things The GOP Debate Got Wrong About Abortion And Planned Parenthood

I can't believe that CNN didn't bother to correct Fiorina or any of the others.

That's because they would have to do that to the Dems debates in October and they don't want to do that

Fiorina did not lie by the way, the video is right there on you tube for anyone to view and that little fetus is kicking and moving on a table.
Whether it was in the video or not it happens. There lies the real problem and only a sick mofo would sit back and say or do nothing
And There is moronic Right-wing-nut "logic" for you, it didn't happen at PP, but PP should be punished for it. :cuckoo:

They are doing this at Planned Parenthood, dumbass.

No one is denying this is happening.

Using the DNC emergency use hair-splitter, they are saying the video wasn't shot at Planned Parenthood.

Again, for the imbecilically impaired, no one is denying this procedure is performed at Planned Parenthood.

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