Fiornia LIES: the Planned Parenthood tapes she described don't exist.

Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.
I have meet a person that survived an attempt to abort her,there have been many living "fetus's" on tables.
Phucking idiots defend PP

Are you trying to string a sentence?
Perhaps this is the beginning of the end of Fiorina's rise in the polls, just because she stood up to that other nitwit, Trump.

Her wish to seem tough in calling for bigger army, bigger navy, bigger marine force, bigger air force, actually a preamble to how she bankrupted HP and Lucent.
Wow! If she keeps lying like that, say after a few hundred more blatant lies, she could be the democrat front runner.

Hillary still has a few million on her. She'll still be a rank amateur next to Ms. Clinton. Not until he has been the Middle East and shaken hands with little girls in a hail of bullets and lived to tell about it will she measure up.
Perhaps this is the beginning of the end of Fiorina's rise in the polls, just because she stood up to that other nitwit, Trump.

Her wish to seem tough in calling for bigger army, bigger navy, bigger marine force, bigger air force, actually a preamble to how she bankrupted HP and Lucent.

Exactly what I was thinking too, Nat. Then to get caught in such a lie, going for the big air time moment with the "....beating heart and kicking legs". She's a political whore. Well, most of them are....
Perhaps this is the beginning of the end of Fiorina's rise in the polls, just because she stood up to that other nitwit, Trump.

Her wish to seem tough in calling for bigger army, bigger navy, bigger marine force, bigger air force, actually a preamble to how she bankrupted HP and Lucent.

Exactly what I was thinking too, Nat. Then to get caught in such a lie, going for the big air time moment with the "....beating heart and kicking legs". She's a political whore. Well, most of them are....
Is Hillary a political where too then?
Republicans are known for lying.
Liberals are known for supporting the murder of babies & selling their body parts.

Personally I'd rather be know as a liar than the scum I just described

A child dies every 4 seconds because of hunger, disease, or abuse around the world. 20,000 a day.

And your choice is to do nothing.

You are pro-choice and you let children die every day.
Republicans are known for lying.
Liberals are known for supporting the murder of babies & selling their body parts.

Personally I'd rather be know as a liar than the scum I just described

A child dies every 4 seconds because of hunger, disease, or abuse around the world. 20,000 a day.

And your choice is to do nothing.

You are pro-choice and you let children die every day.
Nonsensical gibberish. Are you a junior in high school or just a dumbfuck?
Wow so Fiorina outright lied about this?

I keep trying to find one honest conservative but so far, nada. They even lie live in a nationally televised debate where facts are going to be checked immediately.

Conservatives cannot win based on their world view, so they cheat and lie. This is who they have become.
Republicans are known for lying.
Liberals are known for supporting the murder of babies & selling their body parts.

Personally I'd rather be know as a liar than the scum I just described

A child dies every 4 seconds because of hunger, disease, or abuse around the world. 20,000 a day.

And your choice is to do nothing.

You are pro-choice and you let children die every day.
These republicans are a funny group, they'll do ANYTHING to protect the fetus, but when mothers and fathers raise poor children and use government assistance, they tell the parents they're not responsible and don't need food stamps/Medicaid/etc.. What do these tucking idiots propose we do with these kids? Let them die? The adoption system is already full enough, and republicans don't care about that either, given they want to stop gay couples from adopting. Fucking nuts.
Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.

Yes there is

watch at around 5:18
Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.

Yes there is

watch at around 5:18

LOL. Info wars and something that may or may not be a actual fetus making slight movements? Even so, how do you link that to PP?
Kudos to Issac Newton poster for noting the 20,000 dying every day, worldwide: Born life, alive no longer. Others are further noting the compare and contrast. Anyone further notes in national statutes worldwide, that no one in other nations-even worldwide(?)--has done anything illegal(?). The Light of Christ happens even in America(?)! No one gets charged for a sense of a crime, even against humanity. The Conservative reliance on statutes--bankruptcy laws for example--are usually seen a justification for the wonders of successful, Christian business. When in doubt, "Stiff 'em" is viable business practice at the Republican National Committee. The Moses Atrocity--no usury in Israel, but OK to charge anyone foreign, (Deut 23:19-20)--could be said everywhere evident in the Simi Valley spectacle, apparently now revered, at least at CNN. "Multiply, Be Fruitful, Fill All The Earth, and Screw 'Em!"

Mark Twain's famous concept of a Snake Oil salesmen is so far the better summary of the Republican debates, especially in the recent few hours. In my other post, seriously or not necessary(?), anyone might wonder if these people are simply going to recommend "Uppers For Everyone," in their national campaign. Not even the Democrats are advocating abortions for everyone. The availability of a lawful option is a part of the U. S. National Character. If a sentient creature, entirely human, happens at conception, or even pre-conception, then blessed are the public sanitation facilities(?)? Fertilized eggs are known to be rejected and discharged.

Tricks and lies can be an entertainment form. The entertainer fellow, Steve Rannazzisi, is now in the news having lied about his whereabouts on 9/11. Bill Cosby seems to getting some mileage out of it, even at this time.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Trails of Many Tears, come from famous concept of Mark Twain, "Snake Oil," not from China Critter.)
Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.

Yes there is

watch at around 5:18

LOL. Info wars and something that may or may not be a actual fetus making slight movements? Even so, how do you link that to PP?

There is a video which does have the scenes that she described, that was the point.
It's more than "fetal tissue", it's freaking body parts. The PP nazis are in it for the money selling brains and organs of unborn and violently born infants in violation of federal law. The radical left wants to put a woman in jail for violating a supreme court decision but they want to fund nazis who sell human body parts in violation of federal law.
Republicans are known for lying.

If you like your doctor...If you like your health plan...Dodging snipers' bullets on the tarmac...I did not have sex with that woman...

Need any more to be convinced dimocrats lie all the time? If so inclined I could add dozens more, hundreds and hundreds.
"Saddam gives aid and protection to terrorist, including al Qaeda" George W. Bush State of the Union Address 2002.
The Mother of all Lies, the one that connected Saddam to al Qaeda and hence, 9/11. Made live in front of the Congress, American people and world population as a lead in to the invasion of Iraq. That one makes all the political stuff look like simple political stuff. The Mother of all Lies cost hundreds of thousands of lives an started the out of control fire in the ME that is still burning out of control.
Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.

Yes there is

watch at around 5:18

LOL. Info wars and something that may or may not be a actual fetus making slight movements? Even so, how do you link that to PP?

There is a video which does have the scenes that she described, that was the point.

She specifically said it was shot at Planned Parenthood, it wasn't.
It's more than "fetal tissue", it's freaking body parts. The PP nazis are in it for the money selling brains and organs of unborn and violently born infants in violation of federal law. The radical left wants to put a woman in jail for violating a supreme court decision but they want to fund nazis who sell human body parts in violation of federal law.

The Right wants to put women in prison for life for having abortions.

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