Fire fighter killed, AROD gets $61 MILLION

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Widow of fallen Arizona Hotshot firefighter seeks death benefits

Widow of fallen Arizona Hotshot firefighter seeks death benefits | Fox News

Firefighter's family fights for full death benefits

Widow of Fallen Ariz. Hotshot Firefighter Denied Lifetime Benefits - Fox Nation


The young widow of a firefighter who died with 18 others while battling an Arizona wildfire in June has reportedly been denied the lifetime benefits she sought to raise the couple’s four children.

Juliann Ashcraft, 28, said she will receive workers’ compensations and a one-time federal payment of $328,000 in the death of her 29-year-old husband Andrew, who was among the Granite Mountain Hotshots who were killed on June 30 while fighting a wildfire near Yarnell, CBS reports.

Read more: Widow of Fallen Ariz. Hotshot Firefighter Denied Lifetime Benefits - Fox Nation

A while back, the usual haters on this board said that seasonal firefighters should not be paid benefits.

Right now, some if the haters are raving that poor little "A Rod should get a pass" even though the worst that will happen to him is that he'll get $61MILLION 'severance' pay for getting caught doing drugs.

So, one young man plays a child's game for an obscene amount of money while another gives his life while trying to save other people and/or their property. One gets incredibly wealthy for doing drugs on the job (We could include the incredible stalking and murder of a teenager who happened to smoke a joint and the haters actually saying he had it coming!) The other young man's widow and children get screwed over and nothing else and as far as we know, he did nothing wrong.

Anyone else see a problem with our screwy priorities?
This is why it is important to take personal responsibility for your families well being, ESPECIALLY if you are in a dangerous field.
Apples and oranges.
Arod should not get a pass.

This man was a seasonal firefighter for the City, he did not play ball for the Yankees.
This man was not under contract with the City, Arod has a contract with the Yankees.

Personnel records show Ashcraft signed a form acknowledging his temporary status when he was hired in 2011. The form read, in part, "as a temporary employee I will be paid on an hourly basis and I will not receive the same benefits nor be afforded the same employment protection as those individuals filling positions in the regular service."

I'm surprised the City didn't have to carry life insurance on him though.

She might have a workers comp suit against the city.
This is just like the simpleton mongoloids who talk about what WE pay teachers versus what We pay pro athletes. Completely childish argument.

You want someone to blame for Arod's obscene salary? Blame the schmucks who pay $100 plus per ticket to sit in a stadium and watch a bunch of grown men play with their balls. It's all about supply and demand.
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What the hell does A-Roid have to do with Yarnell Hill? Prescott is a small town and has to follow the rules in their incorporation. The window in question got $364K in a lump sum and other money from the fund set up for the fallen. Her husband was a seasonal hire and therefore not entitled to the death-benefits some of the others got. Time for her to find another meal ticket.
Talk about non sequiturs...

Luddly achieves a new level of delusional spewing.
Claiming 40 Hours Isn't Full-Time, Arizona Denies Benefits To Dead Firefighter's Family - Occupy Democrats

... the city has now denied benefits to Juliann Ashcraft, his widow, and their four children. Their reasoning? He wasn’t a full-time employee. Those benefits include salary and a health plan....

“I said to them, ‘My husband was a full-time employee. He went to work full-time for you,’” Ashcraft told CBS. She said that city officials responded, “Perhaps there was a communication issue in your marriage.”
Outside of the Ashcraft family, loopholes in federal and state employment laws can often prevent emergency responders from receiving the benefits they need. For instance, after Hurricane Sandy tore across the East Coast in November, the FEMA workers who helped facilitate the disaster relief efforts did not qualify for health benefits — despite the risky nature of their work — because they were classified as part-time, seasonal workers. After more than 110,000 people signed onto a petition asking the government to change that rule, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) agreed to revise its policy, allowing FEMA’s disaster relief employees to become eligible for permanent benefits.

Ashcraft isn’t the only one being denied benefits. Thirteen of the 19 killed in the blaze have been told they will not be receiving benefits from the city. Of the 13, Andrew Ashcraft was the only one working 40 hours a week for the entire year of 2013.

Ashcraft isn’t the only one being denied benefits. Thirteen of the 19 killed in the blaze have been told they will not be receiving benefits from the city. Of the 13, Andrew Ashcraft was the only one working 40 hours a week for the entire year of 2013.

Being full-time didn't change his status as a "seasonal hire" and you know it. She's trying to shame the city of Prescott into paying her benefits most of the others were denied for the same reason. Stay the hell out of Arizona business why don't ya? :doubt:
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I am sorry. He signed a contract and knew he was not paying for lifetime Insurance monthly. The wife got 300k. That is what is paid soldiers families when they pass away. These women are wrong. I am sorry.
With all the publicity, she could probably set up a web site a get a few more hundred thousand in donations. However, the morale of the story is to not expect more than in the agreed upon contracts when things don't go your way.

Ashcraft isn’t the only one being denied benefits. Thirteen of the 19 killed in the blaze have been told they will not be receiving benefits from the city. Of the 13, Andrew Ashcraft was the only one working 40 hours a week for the entire year of 2013.

Being full-time didn't change his status as a "seasonal hire" and you know it. She's trying to shame the city of Prescott into paying her benefits most of the others were denied for the same reason. Stay the hell out of Arizona business why don't ya? :doubt:

That's true. And I agree she is only entitled to what was in his contract as a death benefit. That's life. That's the law. The law can be harsh. But.....she could likely do better in round 2 if she had more money and would buy the guy a couple of sports cars. Maybe numero dos would be more than just a 'seasonal' worker. Just sayin'.

She should take the money and go to school to be a lawyer. Just sayin'.

Ashcraft isn’t the only one being denied benefits. Thirteen of the 19 killed in the blaze have been told they will not be receiving benefits from the city. Of the 13, Andrew Ashcraft was the only one working 40 hours a week for the entire year of 2013.

Being full-time didn't change his status as a "seasonal hire" and you know it. She's trying to shame the city of Prescott into paying her benefits most of the others were denied for the same reason. Stay the hell out of Arizona business why don't ya? :doubt:

That's true. And I agree she is only entitled to what was in his contract as a death benefit. That's life. That's the law. The law can be harsh. But.....she could likely do better in round 2 if she had more money and would buy the guy a couple of sports cars. Maybe numero dos would be more than just a 'seasonal' worker. Just sayin'.

She should take the money and go to school to be a lawyer. Just sayin'.

I bet she will be married to a money making machine of a man in just a few years.

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