Fire the kneelers ... challenge question:

For all the lying snowflakes who claimed the stadiums 'remain packed to full capacity' and who called me a liar for pointing out how tv coverage has exposed you to be full of sh!t:

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)


And that's according to the gateway pundit , a right wing alt right site, that decided to take pictures from stadiums of losing teams to try making a false claim that the fans are staying out of the stands because of the protests. The people aren't there because the teams suck!
It is amazing how f*ing ignorant liberals can claim PHOTOGRAPHS are partisan and would show something different if taken by a liberal photographer.

You can't make up stupid shit like this, even if you tried!


The FACT is the original claim was that the protests against the NFL weren't working, that STADIUMS - not SOME stadiums - 'remained filled to capacity'. I proved you snowflakes lied, so you tried calling me a liar...until I backed it up with photos. Now you're trying to change the argument in an attempt to rationalize / justify your lies.


Pfffffffffffffffffffft. Right here Jocko. Read 'em and weep. Counted down to the last ass. Full stadia, as described.

I warned ya I would do that.

I can't believe you actually linked Jim Fucking Hoft.

Jim Fucking Hoft's lead example, the Jets-Dolphins game? Week two. 77,562. Which is several thousand over its listed capacity.

Jim Fucking H0ft. Oh that's gonna leave a mark. :rofl:
Last edited:
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different

You can only make rules that are in accordance to fair labor and employment practices.

That is what the supreme court upholds. You are not anyone's property because you get a check.

You're wrong.

If you have signed the rules and regs of the company, and one of the
rules is not to talk about politics on the clock, and you are
terminated for misconduct.

That...IS fair employment.

You do anything that affects the good name and/or income of the company
and you are history and cannot even draw unemployment.
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different

STILL irrelevant. There is no NFL rule that dictates a body posture during the national anthem. And they just reiterated that last week.

That's what I wrote at the outset..."the owners are enabling the players."
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different
I am no ones property when working or not working slavery was abolished quite some time ago.

If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different
I am no ones property when working or not working slavery was abolished quite some time ago.
To the red states and necks sorrow

See the response in the previous post, dipshit

The hypothetical owner would have that right.

The right to show America that he is an anti-American piece of shit.

And yes, in that scenario, as in the real one, my hope would be that America as a whole would turn their backs on these assholes, and let football die.

But America is more than uptight conservatives. There are football fans who appreciate what the players are doing. If it were truly as one-sided as you pretend, all these players would be fired already.

I'm not pretending that it is one sided. I am well aware that Patriotism has been under constant assault from the Left for many decades and that has had some results.

Plenty of Americans have been taught to be ashamed of either themselves, their culture, their race, their nation or various combinations.

But regardless, my point stands.

The players are expressing contempt for the fans.

They manage to turn off half their fan base, and they would have to radically alter their sport to survive, AND get used to far less money.

AND, if they turn off enough, then fans won't get that unity with their peers feeling, and then you are losing not only the patriotic fans.

The players are not showing contempt for the fans. And their has been no assault on patriotism from the left.

Sure they are. Your denial is silly.

What is silly is how you can make that statement.

The is nothing silly about it.

I've repeatedly explained why and how the Kneelers are expressing contempt for the nation as a whole and any fans who are Americans.

YOu flat and unsupported denial, presented as a balance to that, is silly.

YOu are silly.
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different

You can only make rules that are in accordance to fair labor and employment practices.

That is what the supreme court upholds. You are not anyone's property because you get a check.

You're wrong.

If you have signed the rules and regs of the company, and one of the
rules is not to talk about politics on the clock, and you are
terminated for misconduct.

That...IS fair employment.

You do anything that affects the good name and/or income of the company
and you are history and cannot even draw unemployment.

That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different
I am no ones property when working or not working slavery was abolished quite some time ago.

If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.
But America is more than uptight conservatives. There are football fans who appreciate what the players are doing. If it were truly as one-sided as you pretend, all these players would be fired already.

I'm not pretending that it is one sided. I am well aware that Patriotism has been under constant assault from the Left for many decades and that has had some results.

Plenty of Americans have been taught to be ashamed of either themselves, their culture, their race, their nation or various combinations.

But regardless, my point stands.

The players are expressing contempt for the fans.

They manage to turn off half their fan base, and they would have to radically alter their sport to survive, AND get used to far less money.

AND, if they turn off enough, then fans won't get that unity with their peers feeling, and then you are losing not only the patriotic fans.

The players are not showing contempt for the fans. And their has been no assault on patriotism from the left.

Sure they are. Your denial is silly.

What is silly is how you can make that statement.

The is nothing silly about it.

I've repeatedly explained why and how the Kneelers are expressing contempt for the nation as a whole and any fans who are Americans.

All you're doing is trying to dick-tate your projections onto other people you have no control over.
Just as you're trying to dick-tate the feelings of veterans, fans, the country as a whole, etc.

Who the fuck died ans appointed you the arbiter of other people's motivations and impressions?
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different

You can only make rules that are in accordance to fair labor and employment practices.

That is what the supreme court upholds. You are not anyone's property because you get a check.

You're wrong.

If you have signed the rules and regs of the company, and one of the
rules is not to talk about politics on the clock, and you are
terminated for misconduct.

That...IS fair employment.

You do anything that affects the good name and/or income of the company
and you are history and cannot even draw unemployment.

That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.

The bosses define it. The employee signs the rules and regs, after it has been read to him/her at the time of hire. It's all explained to them.

They don't like the rule...they are free to go work somewhere else.
That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.
According to the NFL players can't wear sneakers honoring the victims of 9/11 wear a small patch / sticker on their shirt/helmet honoring Houston police killed in the line of duty, but it is fine for thugs who donate to charities honoring cop killers to take a knee and disrespect the national anthem, vets, and this country?!

'Nuff said.
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different
I am no ones property when working or not working slavery was abolished quite some time ago.

If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.
I'm not pretending that it is one sided. I am well aware that Patriotism has been under constant assault from the Left for many decades and that has had some results.

Plenty of Americans have been taught to be ashamed of either themselves, their culture, their race, their nation or various combinations.

But regardless, my point stands.

The players are expressing contempt for the fans.

They manage to turn off half their fan base, and they would have to radically alter their sport to survive, AND get used to far less money.

AND, if they turn off enough, then fans won't get that unity with their peers feeling, and then you are losing not only the patriotic fans.

The players are not showing contempt for the fans. And their has been no assault on patriotism from the left.

Sure they are. Your denial is silly.

What is silly is how you can make that statement.

The is nothing silly about it.

I've repeatedly explained why and how the Kneelers are expressing contempt for the nation as a whole and any fans who are Americans.

All you're doing is trying to dick-tate your projections onto other people you have no control over.
Just as you're trying to dick-tate the feelings of veterans, fans, the country as a whole, etc.

Who the fuck died ans appointed you the arbiter of other people's motivations and impressions?

They made the appointment when they agreed to be paid by you.
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different

You can only make rules that are in accordance to fair labor and employment practices.

That is what the supreme court upholds. You are not anyone's property because you get a check.

You're wrong.

If you have signed the rules and regs of the company, and one of the
rules is not to talk about politics on the clock, and you are
terminated for misconduct.

That...IS fair employment.

You do anything that affects the good name and/or income of the company
and you are history and cannot even draw unemployment.

That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.

The bosses define it. The employee signs the rules and regs, after it has been read to him/her at the time of hire. It's all explained to them.

They don't like the rule...they are free to go work somewhere else.

We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different
I am no ones property when working or not working slavery was abolished quite some time ago.

If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

If you're suggesting there's a cause and effect between those two ---- whelp, that's exactly what his lawsuit is saying. I'm sure his attorneys will be in touch.
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different
I am no ones property when working or not working slavery was abolished quite some time ago.

If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

We'll see Kapernick making millions n Canada while some NFL team will be a QB away from the playoffs and decided to be stupid.

When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different

You can only make rules that are in accordance to fair labor and employment practices.

That is what the supreme court upholds. You are not anyone's property because you get a check.

You're wrong.

If you have signed the rules and regs of the company, and one of the
rules is not to talk about politics on the clock, and you are
terminated for misconduct.

That...IS fair employment.

You do anything that affects the good name and/or income of the company
and you are history and cannot even draw unemployment.

That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.

The bosses define it. The employee signs the rules and regs, after it has been read to him/her at the time of hire. It's all explained to them.

They don't like the rule...they are free to go work somewhere else.

We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.

When you are on the clock and being paid by will do exactly
what you are told to do. If you are being paid by me and exercise this
so-called constitutional right to piss off customers and cost the company
income and business...every labor court in the country will uphold your
ass being fired.
That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.
According to the NFL players can't wear sneakers honoring the victims of 9/11 wear a small patch / sticker on their shirt/helmet honoring Houston police killed in the line of duty, but it is fine for thugs who donate to charities honoring cop killers to take a knee and disrespect the national anthem, vets, and this country?!

'Nuff said.

You've said that once so why don't you show us this cop killing charity these players are donating to.
Funny how liberals are more interested in public reaction to NFL protests than they are in the fact that evidence has been produced showing Mueller, Obama, Holder, and the Clintons are ass-deep in the Russian Bribery / Extortion / Influence-Purchasing scandal.

:p Mwuhahaha.........
You've said that once so why don't you show us this cop killing charity these players are donating to.
I already posted the link, sweetheart. Why don't you go back and look it up.

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