Fire the kneelers ... challenge question:

Where in the wide wide world of blue fuck do you Symboltons get this cockamamie idea that going town to one's knee can in any way be interpreted as "disrespect" anyway?
It's not WHAT they are doing but WHEN they choose to do it, dear. You would not understand that because you are a partisan extremists.

It's none of those things.

And if it were --- they could articulate it.
I see the destruction of your premise has resulted in the abandon-ship tactic of "change the subject". Suddenly we've leaped from football and jingoism to "Russians" and "Podesta". I have no doubt you've already called the pizza shop too.
No, having already proved your original argument was a LIE and how the claim was modified, I have abandoned it to focus on what is really important - the revelation of Mueller's, Obama's, Holder's, and the Clinton's treason / betrayal of this country.

But please, continue to discuss how a bunch of millionaires playing a game are disrespecting the national anthem because they are offended by police violence yet not offended enough by their fellow players beating the hell out of women.

I'm afraid that what you are saying about the past admin and the Russians is untrue. First off Mueller wasn't even in office.

Are you people so ignorant as to not know how to check if what you're saying is true vefofe you post it (and if so you should work for CNN) or are you just liars (which if true means you should work for CNN)?

He was the Director of the FBI in 2009 while this was going on, when the FBI had the evidence that this Russian scandal was going on!

REPORT: Robert Mueller Was FBI Director When Agency Hid Evidence On Clinton-Russia Connection

Apparently Sleazy has permanently derailed from the topic as unwinnable, but at least we learned a new word: "vefofe".

I'm thinking it's the pluperfect subjunctive convanescent form of covfêfe.
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I'm afraid that what you are saying about the past admin and the Russians is untrue. First off Mueller wasn't even in office.
Are you people so ignorant as to not know how to check if what you're saying is true vefofe you post it (and if so you should work for CNN) or are you just liars (which if true means you should work for CNN)?

He was the Director of the FBI in 2009 while this was going on, when the FBI had the evidence that this Russian scandal was going on!

REPORT: Robert Mueller Was FBI Director When Agency Hid Evidence On Clinton-Russia Connection

Apparently Sleazy has permanently derailed from the topic as unwinnable, but at least we learned a new word: "vefofe".

I'm thinking it's the pluperfect subjunctive convanescent form of covfêfe.
You just got your ass handed to you, and the snowflakes have been exposed for their lies, like that last one. Again, have a nice time defending millionaires who slap women around but are offended by police doing their jobs. :p
The freedom to protest is not based on when you show up for work.
1. Ah, moving the gold posts' now... :p

2. I never said it did.

3. Freedom os Speech does not mean Freedom from Consequences...

Who said it did? But not knowing about what the protest is about then arguing about what they are not about is ignorance and you are ignorant.
Players who joined Kaepernick had no idea he donated to a charity that honored a cop killer. That is ignorance, like you.

The details of that case look highly suspect and the person convicted was concluded in a report filed with the United Nations Commission on Human Rightsthat the conditions of her solitary confinement were "totally unbefitting any prisoner"...

Listen I know the woman was black and to you dogs deserve better treatment.. But the case looks highly flawed..
Listen I know the woman was black and to you dogs deserve better treatment.. But the case looks highly flawed..
DUDE, STFU with your race baiting BS. You are obviously not used to talking to someone of Inteligence (ie, a NON-Democrat) who knows his history.

In 1787, for example, it was the DEMOCRATS who DE-Humanized blacks by demanding that freed slaves not even be counted as a WHOLE PERSON so that the south could not have more representation and thus more power. Once again, for political power, Democrats USED blacks.

Push your racist BS elsewhere....and try to remember it was the DEMOCRATIC Party whose e-mails exposed them as RACISTS, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.
Listen I know the woman was black and to you dogs deserve better treatment.. But the case looks highly flawed..
DUDE, STFU with your race baiting BS. You are obviously not used to talking to someone of Inteligence (ie, a NON-Democrat) who knows his history.

In 1787, for example, it was the DEMOCRATS who DE-Humanized blacks by demanding that freed slaves not even be counted as a WHOLE PERSON so that the south could not have more representation and thus more power. Once again, for political power, Democrats USED blacks.

Push your racist BS elsewhere....and try to remember it was the DEMOCRATIC Party whose e-mails exposed them as RACISTS, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.

"Democrats" didn't even EXIST until 1834 there, professor Time Machine.

"Democrats" didn't even EXIST until 1834 there, professor Time Machine.
Good catch, my bad - it was 1837.
Three-Fifths Compromise - Wikipedia

...and I agree - this is off-topic. Please get back to defending the millionaires who have no problem with their peers slapping around / physically knocking out women but who want to disrespect the country because the police are doing their jobs....
NFL has only required players be on the field during the rendition of the NA for 8 years.

Captain Grab-ass's attack proves he doesn't believe in the Freedom the Flag stands for.

Americans needs to fire him.
"Democrats" didn't even EXIST until 1834 there, professor Time Machine.
Good catch, my bad - it was 1837.
Three-Fifths Compromise - Wikipedia

...and I agree - this is off-topic. Please get back to defending the millionaires who have no problem with their peers slapping around / physically knocking out women but who want to disrespect the country because the police are doing their jobs....

Nope you were not off with the first date. Your own link tells us, quote:

>> The Three-Fifths Compromise gave a disproportionate representation of slave states in the House of Representatives relative to the voters in free states until the American Civil War. In 1793, for example, Southern slave states had 47 of the 105 members but would have had 33, had seats been assigned based on free populations. In 1812, slave states had 76 out of 143 instead of the 59 they would have had; in 1833, 98 out of 240 instead of 73. As a result, Southern states had disproportionate influence on the presidency, the speakership of the House, and the Supreme Court in the period prior to the Civil War.[8] <<​

All of those examples precede both 1834 and 1837. And in fact the year "1837" doesn't even appear on the page at all.

So no, there were no "Democrats" involved in working the 3/5 Compromise. What there were were Southerners and Northerners, or if you like "slave states" and "free states". And the "Democratic-Republican" Party that did exist before the 1830s is unrelated to either of its namesakes but like the oft-quoted example of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the contrast followed region, not any political party.

The passage also tells us much about our origins in that four of the first five POTUSes were Southerners, specifically Virginians. And the only one who wasn't is also the only one who only got one term -- as did his son, who then gave way to yet another Southerner.

The bosses define it. The employee signs the rules and regs, after it has been read to him/her at the time of hire. It's all explained to them.

They don't like the rule...they are free to go work somewhere else.

We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.

When you are on the clock and being paid by will do exactly
what you are told to do. If you are being paid by me and exercise this
so-called constitutional right to piss off customers and cost the company
income and business...every labor court in the country will uphold your
ass being fired.

Wrong. If I am on the clock I will do only the things that meet BFOQ.

So if you want to see pissed off customers let these teams start firing star players.

You will follow the rules and regs of the company that you have signed
to follow.

Customers won't be pissed off if these players leave. The league will just
replace them. And then, all the black players that remain will be called
Uncle Tom's by the "liberal" left.

Once AGAIN for the kids who just pulled up on the short bus and can't figure out how to disembark ---- those rules and regs say nothing about standing for a national anthem. Your point is MOOT.

No it's not, shit-for-brains. The first time I reentered this thread I wrote
that the owners are enabling these players.

They don't need a rule to fire these thugs. All they have to do is prove
their actions have been hurting profits and image and they win.

I addressed the issue of the league not altering its other rules at the start.
If kneeling is not correct, what is the correct Constitutional method for petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different
I am no ones property when working or not working slavery was abolished quite some time ago.

If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

We'll see Kapernick making millions n Canada while some NFL team will be a QB away from the playoffs and decided to be stupid.

The average salary in the CFL is $80,000 a year. CFL quarterbacks make between $200,000 to $400,000 a year. So if he works for five years getting top dollar, then he will have made millions, two to be exact.

To change your offense for a declining QB in the NFL would be foolish, if Kaep was a pocket passer, he would already be working. A few years ago run first QB’s were the rage, after they have all failed, except for Russell Wilson, they are all gone and his team is now asking him to change his style a bit.

When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different

You can only make rules that are in accordance to fair labor and employment practices.

That is what the supreme court upholds. You are not anyone's property because you get a check.

You're wrong.

If you have signed the rules and regs of the company, and one of the
rules is not to talk about politics on the clock, and you are
terminated for misconduct.

That...IS fair employment.

You do anything that affects the good name and/or income of the company
and you are history and cannot even draw unemployment.

That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.

The bosses define it. The employee signs the rules and regs, after it has been read to him/her at the time of hire. It's all explained to them.

They don't like the rule...they are free to go work somewhere else.

We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.

Kneeling before a game is not a constitutional right.
The people that want them fired are control freaks and do not believe in having rights or freedoms...
GAD quit with the outright lying. YOU people have been told over and over that it isn't a right issue yet you keep lying. What in the Hell is wrong with you people? And there ain't no bigger control freaks then are modern liberals.
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...

They are not protesting, they are merely kneeling for the NA. That is all. The NFL owners know this and where would football be if not for the blacks to entertain you white men. I doubt you'd find touch football as entertaining.
We white people, racist much?, liked football perfectly fine before it was taken over by blacks.
The people that want them fired are control freaks and do not believe in having rights or freedoms...
GAD quit with the outright lying. YOU people have been told over and over that it isn't a right issue yet you keep lying. What in the Hell is wrong with you people? And there ain't no bigger control freaks then are modern liberals.
"Than are modern liberals", god you wasted how many years going to school just to be a sheep to the mass culture of national jingoism...?
You can only make rules that are in accordance to fair labor and employment practices.

That is what the supreme court upholds. You are not anyone's property because you get a check.

You're wrong.

If you have signed the rules and regs of the company, and one of the
rules is not to talk about politics on the clock, and you are
terminated for misconduct.

That...IS fair employment.

You do anything that affects the good name and/or income of the company
and you are history and cannot even draw unemployment.

That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.

The bosses define it. The employee signs the rules and regs, after it has been read to him/her at the time of hire. It's all explained to them.

They don't like the rule...they are free to go work somewhere else.

We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.

Kneeling before a game is not a constitutional right.

Correct. It's a human right. No Constitution needed.

Kneeling is in fact mentioned nowhere in the Constitution.
Know what else is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution?
"National anthem".
The fans will decide. Money talks.
I hate to say it but most don't give a crap. America is becoming a nation that believes in nothing.


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