Fire the kneelers ... challenge question:

I am no ones property when working or not working slavery was abolished quite some time ago.

If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

We'll see Kapernick making millions n Canada while some NFL team will be a QB away from the playoffs and decided to be stupid.

The average salary in the CFL is $80,000 a year. CFL quarterbacks make between $200,000 to $400,000 a year. So if he works for five years getting top dollar, then he will have made millions, two to be exact.

To change your offense for a declining QB in the NFL would be foolish, if Kaep was a pocket passer, he would already be working. A few years ago run first QB’s were the rage, after they have all failed, except for Russell Wilson, they are all gone and his team is now asking him to change his style a bit.

I don't think he's declining and he is several years younger than Aaron Rodgers who is a mobile out of the pocket passer also. They both have gone to the same number of super bowls. I am sure Kapernick isn't going to cry over a 400,000 salary. I know several CFL Football players and they were not hurting.
We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.

When you are on the clock and being paid by will do exactly
what you are told to do. If you are being paid by me and exercise this
so-called constitutional right to piss off customers and cost the company
income and business...every labor court in the country will uphold your
ass being fired.

Wrong. If I am on the clock I will do only the things that meet BFOQ.

So if you want to see pissed off customers let these teams start firing star players.

You will follow the rules and regs of the company that you have signed
to follow.

Customers won't be pissed off if these players leave. The league will just
replace them. And then, all the black players that remain will be called
Uncle Tom's by the "liberal" left.

Once AGAIN for the kids who just pulled up on the short bus and can't figure out how to disembark ---- those rules and regs say nothing about standing for a national anthem. Your point is MOOT.

No it's not, shit-for-brains. The first time I reentered this thread I wrote
that the owners are enabling these players.

They don't need a rule to fire these thugs. All they have to do is prove
their actions have been hurting profits and image and they win.

I addressed the issue of the league not altering its other rules at the start.

What thugs?

Again fool, let them start firing star players and watch how the bottom line gets even more bottom.
When you are on the clock and being paid by will do exactly
what you are told to do. If you are being paid by me and exercise this
so-called constitutional right to piss off customers and cost the company
income and business...every labor court in the country will uphold your
ass being fired.

Wrong. If I am on the clock I will do only the things that meet BFOQ.

So if you want to see pissed off customers let these teams start firing star players.

You will follow the rules and regs of the company that you have signed
to follow.

Customers won't be pissed off if these players leave. The league will just
replace them. And then, all the black players that remain will be called
Uncle Tom's by the "liberal" left.

Once AGAIN for the kids who just pulled up on the short bus and can't figure out how to disembark ---- those rules and regs say nothing about standing for a national anthem. Your point is MOOT.

No it's not, shit-for-brains. The first time I reentered this thread I wrote
that the owners are enabling these players.

They don't need a rule to fire these thugs. All they have to do is prove
their actions have been hurting profits and image and they win.

I addressed the issue of the league not altering its other rules at the start.

What thugs?

Again fool, let them start firing star players and watch how the bottom line gets even more bottom.

You don't "fire" professional athletes anyway -- they're on contracts. If some team decides some player is dead weight, and their contract hasn't expired, they can jettison the player but they're still responsible to pay him.

Odd that these armchair quarterbacks in this thread have so much opinionating about what should happen in the game, or even outside of the game, yet have no idea how it works.
We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.

When you are on the clock and being paid by will do exactly
what you are told to do. If you are being paid by me and exercise this
so-called constitutional right to piss off customers and cost the company
income and business...every labor court in the country will uphold your
ass being fired.

Wrong. If I am on the clock I will do only the things that meet BFOQ.

So if you want to see pissed off customers let these teams start firing star players.

You will follow the rules and regs of the company that you have signed
to follow.

Customers won't be pissed off if these players leave. The league will just
replace them. And then, all the black players that remain will be called
Uncle Tom's by the "liberal" left.

Once AGAIN for the kids who just pulled up on the short bus and can't figure out how to disembark ---- those rules and regs say nothing about standing for a national anthem. Your point is MOOT.

No it's not, shit-for-brains. The first time I reentered this thread I wrote
that the owners are enabling these players.

They don't need a rule to fire these thugs. All they have to do is prove
their actions have been hurting profits and image and they win.

Fat chance of them doing that, since y'all in this thread can't even prove it here.
And y'all in the Echobubble are the (only) ones who actually believe this crapola.
You're wrong.

If you have signed the rules and regs of the company, and one of the
rules is not to talk about politics on the clock, and you are
terminated for misconduct.

That...IS fair employment.

You do anything that affects the good name and/or income of the company
and you are history and cannot even draw unemployment.

That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.

The bosses define it. The employee signs the rules and regs, after it has been read to him/her at the time of hire. It's all explained to them.

They don't like the rule...they are free to go work somewhere else.

We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.

Kneeling before a game is not a constitutional right.

Correct. It's a human right. No Constitution needed.

Kneeling is in fact mentioned nowhere in the Constitution.
Know what else is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution?
"National anthem".

And he can kneel if he wants and if he gets fired over it, then he gets fired. At this point the NFL is choosing not to punish those who kneel, if they wanted to push it, they could fine, suspend and fire. I don’t think they need to nor should they.
That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.

The bosses define it. The employee signs the rules and regs, after it has been read to him/her at the time of hire. It's all explained to them.

They don't like the rule...they are free to go work somewhere else.

We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.

Kneeling before a game is not a constitutional right.

Correct. It's a human right. No Constitution needed.

Kneeling is in fact mentioned nowhere in the Constitution.
Know what else is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution?
"National anthem".

And he can kneel if he wants and if he gets fired over it, then he gets fired. At this point the NFL is choosing not to punish those who kneel, if they wanted to push it, they could fine, suspend and fire. I don’t think they need to nor should they.

Nor would they have any basis to, so the entire speculation is moot anyway.

Nor can you "fire" somebody you signed a contract with, unless they break it. You can get rid of them but you still have to pay them. So that ain't gonna happen either.
If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

We'll see Kapernick making millions n Canada while some NFL team will be a QB away from the playoffs and decided to be stupid.

The average salary in the CFL is $80,000 a year. CFL quarterbacks make between $200,000 to $400,000 a year. So if he works for five years getting top dollar, then he will have made millions, two to be exact.

To change your offense for a declining QB in the NFL would be foolish, if Kaep was a pocket passer, he would already be working. A few years ago run first QB’s were the rage, after they have all failed, except for Russell Wilson, they are all gone and his team is now asking him to change his style a bit.

I don't think he's declining and he is several years younger than Aaron Rodgers who is a mobile out of the pocket passer also. They both have gone to the same number of super bowls. I am sure Kapernick isn't going to cry over a 400,000 salary. I know several CFL Football players and they were not hurting.

He lost his starting spot in 2015 a year before he started kneeling, Kelly became coach and most thought that would kick start his career again, however, it didn’t. Not too many teams are going to change their style to fit a QB that only played well under one coach. That is the NFL, I don’t think Kaep will take a huge pay cut to play in the CFL because he hasn’t even looked to play there. Rodgers is a pocket passer that can run, Kaepernick is duel threat and doesn’t play well in the pocket. Harbaugh knew how to work and design for Kaepernick to play. If Harbaugh stayed in SF, Kaepernick would still be the QB. Running QB’s are a risky fad that is over.
The bosses define it. The employee signs the rules and regs, after it has been read to him/her at the time of hire. It's all explained to them.

They don't like the rule...they are free to go work somewhere else.

We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.

Kneeling before a game is not a constitutional right.

Correct. It's a human right. No Constitution needed.

Kneeling is in fact mentioned nowhere in the Constitution.
Know what else is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution?
"National anthem".

And he can kneel if he wants and if he gets fired over it, then he gets fired. At this point the NFL is choosing not to punish those who kneel, if they wanted to push it, they could fine, suspend and fire. I don’t think they need to nor should they.

Nor would they have any basis to, so the entire speculation is moot anyway.

Nor can you "fire" somebody you signed a contract with, unless they break it. You can get rid of them but you still have to pay them. So that ain't gonna happen either.

In the NFL you can release players under conduct clauses, also the NFL is not fully guaranteed contracts, so you can release a player and pay the guaranteed portion and nothing else. When Manning was with the Colts, they cut him after his injury and didn’t have to pay him anymore because the guaranteed portion was already paid out years earlier. So his 20 million was out the window.
That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.

The bosses define it. The employee signs the rules and regs, after it has been read to him/her at the time of hire. It's all explained to them.

They don't like the rule...they are free to go work somewhere else.

We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.

Kneeling before a game is not a constitutional right.

Correct. It's a human right. No Constitution needed.

Kneeling is in fact mentioned nowhere in the Constitution.
Know what else is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution?
"National anthem".

And he can kneel if he wants and if he gets fired over it, then he gets fired. At this point the NFL is choosing not to punish those who kneel, if they wanted to push it, they could fine, suspend and fire. I don’t think they need to nor should they.
Hell the NFL can't even fire those who take the head off of some defenseless player. They say they are trying to address the concussion situation but their actions actually speak otherwise.
How about a reciprocity program? The NFL can offer to fire one kneeler for every police officer fired for abusing the rights of black citizens. Win-win!
I'm not pretending that it is one sided. I am well aware that Patriotism has been under constant assault from the Left for many decades and that has had some results.

Plenty of Americans have been taught to be ashamed of either themselves, their culture, their race, their nation or various combinations.

But regardless, my point stands.

The players are expressing contempt for the fans.

They manage to turn off half their fan base, and they would have to radically alter their sport to survive, AND get used to far less money.

AND, if they turn off enough, then fans won't get that unity with their peers feeling, and then you are losing not only the patriotic fans.

The players are not showing contempt for the fans. And their has been no assault on patriotism from the left.

Sure they are. Your denial is silly.

What is silly is how you can make that statement.

The is nothing silly about it.

I've repeatedly explained why and how the Kneelers are expressing contempt for the nation as a whole and any fans who are Americans.

All you're doing is trying to dick-tate your projections onto other people you have no control over.
Just as you're trying to dick-tate the feelings of veterans, fans, the country as a whole, etc.

Who the fuck died ans appointed you the arbiter of other people's motivations and impressions?

I'm doing none of that.

Even if the media, in their infinite dishonestly managed to convince the nation as a whole that the kneelers were Patriots showing their love of Country,

The actions of the Kneelers, kneeling during a ritual of standing to show respect to the Nation as a whole, would still be an expression of contempt.

Even if the targets have been lied into not realizing it.

Their actions are clear and independent of the opinion.

If I snidely told you that you obtuse, and you were too stupid to realize that that was an insult, it would still be an insult.

All, YOU are doing now, is the standard lefty bit of trying to make this conversation about ME, because you lefties know on some level that you can't defend your positions honestly.
The players are not showing contempt for the fans. And their has been no assault on patriotism from the left.

Sure they are. Your denial is silly.

What is silly is how you can make that statement.

The is nothing silly about it.

I've repeatedly explained why and how the Kneelers are expressing contempt for the nation as a whole and any fans who are Americans.

All you're doing is trying to dick-tate your projections onto other people you have no control over.
Just as you're trying to dick-tate the feelings of veterans, fans, the country as a whole, etc.

Who the fuck died ans appointed you the arbiter of other people's motivations and impressions?

I'm doing none of that.

Even if the media, in their infinite dishonestly managed to convince the nation as a whole that the kneelers were Patriots showing their love of Country,

The actions of the Kneelers, kneeling during a ritual of standing to show respect to the Nation as a whole, would still be an expression of contempt.

Even if the targets have been lied into not realizing it.

Their actions are clear and independent of the opinion.

If I snidely told you that you obtuse, and you were too stupid to realize that that was an insult, it would still be an insult.

All, YOU are doing now, is the standard lefty bit of trying to make this conversation about ME, because you lefties know on some level that you can't defend your positions honestly.

The only person who can NEVER be honest is you.
If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

We'll see Kapernick making millions n Canada while some NFL team will be a QB away from the playoffs and decided to be stupid.

The average salary in the CFL is $80,000 a year. CFL quarterbacks make between $200,000 to $400,000 a year. So if he works for five years getting top dollar, then he will have made millions, two to be exact.

To change your offense for a declining QB in the NFL would be foolish, if Kaep was a pocket passer, he would already be working. A few years ago run first QB’s were the rage, after they have all failed, except for Russell Wilson, they are all gone and his team is now asking him to change his style a bit.

I don't think he's declining and he is several years younger than Aaron Rodgers who is a mobile out of the pocket passer also. They both have gone to the same number of super bowls. I am sure Kapernick isn't going to cry over a 400,000 salary. I know several CFL Football players and they were not hurting.

He may no cry over a 400K salary....guess we'll find out if he ever gets a job.
STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

We'll see Kapernick making millions n Canada while some NFL team will be a QB away from the playoffs and decided to be stupid.

The average salary in the CFL is $80,000 a year. CFL quarterbacks make between $200,000 to $400,000 a year. So if he works for five years getting top dollar, then he will have made millions, two to be exact.

To change your offense for a declining QB in the NFL would be foolish, if Kaep was a pocket passer, he would already be working. A few years ago run first QB’s were the rage, after they have all failed, except for Russell Wilson, they are all gone and his team is now asking him to change his style a bit.

I don't think he's declining and he is several years younger than Aaron Rodgers who is a mobile out of the pocket passer also. They both have gone to the same number of super bowls. I am sure Kapernick isn't going to cry over a 400,000 salary. I know several CFL Football players and they were not hurting.

He may no cry over a 400K salary....guess we'll find out if he ever gets a job.

Hate to tell you, but he's got plenty of money coming with or without football.
NFL team owners now have to figure out how to mitigate damage to their business if players keep protesting and it alienates fans.

“They also have the responsibility to suffer the consequences, whatever they may be,” Pat added. “As ratings go down and they continue to anger more and more fans, it’s going to affect the bottom line.”

Jeffy pointed out that it’s an issue of perception as well. Some people will always see the protest as a form of disrespect for the flag and the national anthem, regardless of what the players intend to say by kneeling.

Watch: NFL players have the right to protest – but here’s the other side of the story
Sure they are. Your denial is silly.

What is silly is how you can make that statement.

The is nothing silly about it.

I've repeatedly explained why and how the Kneelers are expressing contempt for the nation as a whole and any fans who are Americans.

All you're doing is trying to dick-tate your projections onto other people you have no control over.
Just as you're trying to dick-tate the feelings of veterans, fans, the country as a whole, etc.

Who the fuck died ans appointed you the arbiter of other people's motivations and impressions?

I'm doing none of that.

Even if the media, in their infinite dishonestly managed to convince the nation as a whole that the kneelers were Patriots showing their love of Country,

The actions of the Kneelers, kneeling during a ritual of standing to show respect to the Nation as a whole, would still be an expression of contempt.

Even if the targets have been lied into not realizing it.

Their actions are clear and independent of the opinion.

If I snidely told you that you obtuse, and you were too stupid to realize that that was an insult, it would still be an insult.

All, YOU are doing now, is the standard lefty bit of trying to make this conversation about ME, because you lefties know on some level that you can't defend your positions honestly.

The only person who can NEVER be honest is you.

Said the lefty who attacked me personally because she was completely unable to even TRY to pretend to refute any of my points.

The actions of the Kneelers, kneeling during a ritual of standing to show respect to the Nation as a whole, would still be an expression of contempt.

Even if the targets have been lied into not realizing it.

Their actions are clear and independent of the opinion.

If I snidely told you that you obtuse, and you were too stupid to realize that that was an insult, it would still be an insult.

All, YOU are doing now, is the standard lefty bit of trying to make this conversation about ME, because you lefties know on some level that you can't defend your positions honestly.
NFL team owners now have to figure out how to mitigate damage to their business if players keep protesting and it alienates fans.

“They also have the responsibility to suffer the consequences, whatever they may be,” Pat added. “As ratings go down and they continue to anger more and more fans, it’s going to affect the bottom line.”

Jeffy pointed out that it’s an issue of perception as well. Some people will always see the protest as a form of disrespect for the flag and the national anthem, regardless of what the players intend to say by kneeling.

Watch: NFL players have the right to protest – but here’s the other side of the story

Only a fool or a liar can look at someone kneeling during the National Anthem and not see that they are disrespecting the flag, the Nation, and Americans as a whole.
NFL team owners now have to figure out how to mitigate damage to their business if players keep protesting and it alienates fans.

“They also have the responsibility to suffer the consequences, whatever they may be,” Pat added. “As ratings go down and they continue to anger more and more fans, it’s going to affect the bottom line.”

Jeffy pointed out that it’s an issue of perception as well. Some people will always see the protest as a form of disrespect for the flag and the national anthem, regardless of what the players intend to say by kneeling.

Watch: NFL players have the right to protest – but here’s the other side of the story

Only a fool or a liar can look at someone kneeling during the National Anthem and not see that they are disrespecting the flag, the Nation, and Americans as a whole.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there it is again for the umpteenth time ---- they can't answer the question so all they can come up with is "only a fool can't see it". The lame old "everybody knows" fallacy.

It's so obvious they can't explain it. Because it doesn't exist.


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