Fire the kneelers ... challenge question:

You can only make rules that are in accordance to fair labor and employment practices.

That is what the supreme court upholds. You are not anyone's property because you get a check.

You're wrong.

If you have signed the rules and regs of the company, and one of the
rules is not to talk about politics on the clock, and you are
terminated for misconduct.

That...IS fair employment.

You do anything that affects the good name and/or income of the company
and you are history and cannot even draw unemployment.

That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.

The bosses define it. The employee signs the rules and regs, after it has been read to him/her at the time of hire. It's all explained to them.

They don't like the rule...they are free to go work somewhere else.

We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.

When you are on the clock and being paid by will do exactly
what you are told to do. If you are being paid by me and exercise this
so-called constitutional right to piss off customers and cost the company
income and business...every labor court in the country will uphold your
ass being fired.

Wrong. If I am on the clock I will do only the things that meet BFOQ.

So if you want to see pissed off customers let these teams start firing star players.

When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different
I am no ones property when working or not working slavery was abolished quite some time ago.

If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

We'll see Kapernick making millions n Canada while some NFL team will be a QB away from the playoffs and decided to be stupid.

He better hurry. The CFL regular season ends in two weeks.
That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.
According to the NFL players can't wear sneakers honoring the victims of 9/11 wear a small patch / sticker on their shirt/helmet honoring Houston police killed in the line of duty, but it is fine for thugs who donate to charities honoring cop killers to take a knee and disrespect the national anthem, vets, and this country?!

'Nuff said.

'Nuff indeed, since your point shot itself in the foot before you hit "post".

You're trying to compare a uniform --- which is how players are team-identified --- with body language.

All sports have uniforms. You couldn't play a game without knowing who's who. Some sports e.g. NFL are more strict about the uniformity of that uniform than others. But that's got zip-squat to do with anybody's body language. Unless some team personnel makes a gesture that actually *IS* offensive to somebody, there's no rules about that, nor can there be.

Second shot in the foot was your projecting "disrespect" onto both the senders and receivers of that "disrespect", NEITHER of whom perceived any.

When Jonathan Papelbon walked off the mound to boos and in response grabbed his dick, that was offensive enough to get him suspended. I seem to remember Mike Ditka giving somebody the finger walking off the field too but I don't know what penalty or fine he may have incurred. But THAT is what "disrespect" as expressed by body language means. There's no other possible interpretation of those actions.

Taking a knee on the other hand exudes respect, so again this is your infantile projection of what you wish the world was, not reality. You can't just project your widdle PC-outrage onto third parties who aren't even aware of any, just because it serves what your widdle PC idea wishes were the case.
You're wrong.

If you have signed the rules and regs of the company, and one of the
rules is not to talk about politics on the clock, and you are
terminated for misconduct.

That...IS fair employment.

You do anything that affects the good name and/or income of the company
and you are history and cannot even draw unemployment.

That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.

The bosses define it. The employee signs the rules and regs, after it has been read to him/her at the time of hire. It's all explained to them.

They don't like the rule...they are free to go work somewhere else.

We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.

When you are on the clock and being paid by will do exactly
what you are told to do. If you are being paid by me and exercise this
so-called constitutional right to piss off customers and cost the company
income and business...every labor court in the country will uphold your
ass being fired.

Wrong. If I am on the clock I will do only the things that meet BFOQ.

So if you want to see pissed off customers let these teams start firing star players.

You will follow the rules and regs of the company that you have signed
to follow.

Customers won't be pissed off if these players leave. The league will just
replace them. And then, all the black players that remain will be called
Uncle Tom's by the "liberal" left.
Funny how liberals are more interested in public reaction to NFL protests than they are in the fact that evidence has been produced showing Mueller, Obama, Holder, and the Clintons are ass-deep in the Russian Bribery / Extortion / Influence-Purchasing scandal.

:p Mwuhahaha.........

Actually its conservatives who are overly concerned with this because their god Donald Trump old them that the players were protesting the flag when they were protesting racia injustice. And the post you just made is totally incorrect.
I am no ones property when working or not working slavery was abolished quite some time ago.

If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

We'll see Kapernick making millions n Canada while some NFL team will be a QB away from the playoffs and decided to be stupid.

He better hurry. The CFL regular season ends in two weeks.

Next year if he wants to play. You see Kapernick is rich. He doesn't need to play football, And if he decides to get louder, he will get richer.

When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different
I am no ones property when working or not working slavery was abolished quite some time ago.

If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

We'll see Kapernick making millions n Canada while some NFL team will be a QB away from the playoffs and decided to be stupid.

Kapernick in the playoffs...LOL...only in his dreams.
That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.
According to the NFL players can't wear sneakers honoring the victims of 9/11 wear a small patch / sticker on their shirt/helmet honoring Houston police killed in the line of duty, but it is fine for thugs who donate to charities honoring cop killers to take a knee and disrespect the national anthem, vets, and this country?!

'Nuff said.

'Nuff indeed, since your point shot itself in the foot before you hit "post".

You're trying to compare a uniform --- which is how players are team-identified --- with body language.

All sports have uniforms. You couldn't play a game without knowing who's who. Some sports e.g. NFL are more strict about the uniformity of that uniform than others. But that's got zip-squat to do with anybody's body language. Unless some team personnel makes a gesture that actually *IS* offensive to somebody, there's no rules about that, nor can there be.

Second shot in the foot was your projecting "disrespect" onto both the senders and receivers of that "disrespect", NEITHER of whom perceived any.

When Jonathan Papelbon walked off the mound to boos and in response grabbed his dick, that was offensive enough to get him suspended. I seem to remember Mike Ditka giving somebody the finger walking off the field too but I don't know what penalty or fine he may have incurred. But THAT is what "disrespect" as expressed by body language means. There's no other possible interpretation of those actions.

Taking a knee on the other hand exudes respect, so again this is your infantile projection of what you wish the world was, not reality. You can't just project your widdle PC-outrage onto third parties who aren't even aware of any, just because it serves what your widdle PC idea wishes were the case.

Where in the wide wide world of blue fuck do you Symboltons get this cockamamie idea that going town to one's knee can in any way be interpreted as "disrespect" anyway? This entire notion is absurd.

A genuflection is an outward sign of submission. It's how a knight would behave toward his king, acknowledging a superior. When a Catholic approaches an alter he or she is required to genuflect as a sign of submission and respect. What do you suppose would be the intended message if that Catholic walked up to the altar and instead grabbed his dick? What if that knight walked up to his king and gave him the finger?

Do y'all have any basis at all, anywhere, for this bizzaro Doublethinkian idea that taking a knee is "disrepectful" in any setting anywhere? Or are you just parroting some insane blogger and none of y'all ever stopped to think, 'does this even make any sense?'? In other words are you just mouthing these words because somebody told you to? Is that all it takes, really?
'Nuff indeed, since your point shot itself in the foot before you hit "post".
No, snowflake - just because you declare something to be so does not make it so.

Snowflakes' continued declarations that Trump colluded with the Russians...that has resulted only in the production of evidence to show Mueller, Holder, Obama, and the Clintons colluded with, protected, and aided the Russians and their wide-spread crimes before their betrayal of the American people by allowing the Russians to acquire 20% of the US supply of Uranium.

EVERY accusation, EVERY declaration snowflakes make they do do so demanding what they say is FACT, 99% of the time without ever having the evidence to back up their BS.

The ORIGINAL claim by snowflakes in another thread was that 'STADIUMS are FILLED TO CAPACITY every Sunday. When that LIE was exposed, the 'goal posts were moved, and the claim became that only the stadiums of losing teams were not filled to capacity. When caught in lies they lie, deny, justify, distract, or change the argument.

But while Mueller's, Obama's, Holder's, the Clinton's, and the Podestas' betrayal of this country is revealed, backed by real evidence, you continue to talk about rich losers kneeling during the national anthem. I will concentrate on the thigs that really make a difference / that matter.
If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

We'll see Kapernick making millions n Canada while some NFL team will be a QB away from the playoffs and decided to be stupid.

He better hurry. The CFL regular season ends in two weeks.

Next year if he wants to play. You see Kapernick is rich. He doesn't need to play football, And if he decides to get louder, he will get richer.

We'll see just how rich Kapernick is once his attorneys get paid.
Where in the wide wide world of blue fuck do you Symboltons get this cockamamie idea that going town to one's knee can in any way be interpreted as "disrespect" anyway?
It's not WHAT they are doing but WHEN they choose to do it, dear. You would not understand that because you are a partisan extremists.
I am no ones property when working or not working slavery was abolished quite some time ago.

If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

We'll see Kapernick making millions n Canada while some NFL team will be a QB away from the playoffs and decided to be stupid.

Kapernick in the playoffs...LOL...only in his dreams.

He's been to the super bowl and was 3 yards from a championship. In quite sure the jets, the cardinals, the colts, the dolphins, the browns, the jaguars, the broncos, the bears, the Vikings are among teams that have quarterbacks he is better than and for example if he was QB for the Vikings, they very well could go to the super bowl.
If you are working for me and I give you instructions what I want you
to do...your ass will do it or be fired. That's the standard everywhere
and anywhere

STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

We'll see Kapernick making millions n Canada while some NFL team will be a QB away from the playoffs and decided to be stupid.

He better hurry. The CFL regular season ends in two weeks.

Next year if he wants to play. You see Kapernick is rich. He doesn't need to play football, And if he decides to get louder, he will get richer.

Seems to me even if he never plays again Kaepernick has a market for speaking and writing engagements if he wants them. I would have never even heard of him if some sports reporter hadn't started focusing on his sitting ---- which he was already doing and nobody noticed ---- and tried to milk an issue out of it, knowing how gullible the Symboltons are. And when Rump revived it, Kaepernick got more attention, he becomes more relevant that he was when the issue was dying down, and his speaking fees went up.

And that's how Rump creates jobs. :thup:
STILL irrelevant to all this because, for the 8987th time ----------- the NFL does not require players to assume a particular body posture, outside of the game. Period.

That is good news, go explain that to can find him down at the unemployment office.

We'll see Kapernick making millions n Canada while some NFL team will be a QB away from the playoffs and decided to be stupid.

He better hurry. The CFL regular season ends in two weeks.

Next year if he wants to play. You see Kapernick is rich. He doesn't need to play football, And if he decides to get louder, he will get richer.

We'll see just how rich Kapernick is once his attorneys get paid.

I'm quite sure he can afford them. And I am quite sure people are raising huge sums of money for his legal fees too. The fact is he's standing or kneeling for what is right. The money will take care of itself.
Where in the wide wide world of blue fuck do you Symboltons get this cockamamie idea that going town to one's knee can in any way be interpreted as "disrespect" anyway?
It's not WHAT they are doing but WHEN they choose to do it, dear. You would not understand that because you are a partisan extremists.

So you can't answer the question.

That's OK --- it's designed that way. You see son, the secret is there IS no answer. At this point it's supposed to dawn on your that your whole premise is bullshit and always was. Hey, I can only lead you to the water.
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Where in the wide wide world of blue fuck do you Symboltons get this cockamamie idea that going town to one's knee can in any way be interpreted as "disrespect" anyway?
It's not WHAT they are doing but WHEN they choose to do it, dear. You would not understand that because you are a partisan extremists.

It's none of those things.
'Nuff indeed, since your point shot itself in the foot before you hit "post".
No, snowflake - just because you declare something to be so does not make it so.

Snowflakes' continued declarations that Trump colluded with the Russians...that has resulted only in the production of evidence to show Mueller, Holder, Obama, and the Clintons colluded with, protected, and aided the Russians and their wide-spread crimes before their betrayal of the American people by allowing the Russians to acquire 20% of the US supply of Uranium.

EVERY accusation, EVERY declaration snowflakes make they do do so demanding what they say is FACT, 99% of the time without ever having the evidence to back up their BS.

The ORIGINAL claim by snowflakes in another thread was that 'STADIUMS are FILLED TO CAPACITY every Sunday. When that LIE was exposed, the 'goal posts were moved, and the claim became that only the stadiums of losing teams were not filled to capacity. When caught in lies they lie, deny, justify, distract, or change the argument.

But while Mueller's, Obama's, Holder's, the Clinton's, and the Podestas' betrayal of this country is revealed, backed by real evidence, you continue to talk about rich losers kneeling during the national anthem. I will concentrate on the thigs that really make a difference / that matter.

I'm afraid that what you are saying about the past admin and the Russians is untrue. First off Mueller wasn't even in office.
That's just patently absurd. No one could set a rule like that. Because who's to define what "politics" is?

If you speculate that Manager X rejected your proposal because she personally dislikes you --- THAT's politics.

The bosses define it. The employee signs the rules and regs, after it has been read to him/her at the time of hire. It's all explained to them.

They don't like the rule...they are free to go work somewhere else.

We have constitutional rights. And your job cannot deny them.

When you are on the clock and being paid by will do exactly
what you are told to do. If you are being paid by me and exercise this
so-called constitutional right to piss off customers and cost the company
income and business...every labor court in the country will uphold your
ass being fired.

Wrong. If I am on the clock I will do only the things that meet BFOQ.

So if you want to see pissed off customers let these teams start firing star players.

You will follow the rules and regs of the company that you have signed
to follow.

Customers won't be pissed off if these players leave. The league will just
replace them. And then, all the black players that remain will be called
Uncle Tom's by the "liberal" left.

Once AGAIN for the kids who just pulled up on the short bus and can't figure out how to disembark ---- those rules and regs say nothing about standing for a national anthem. Your point is MOOT.
'Nuff indeed, since your point shot itself in the foot before you hit "post".
No, snowflake - just because you declare something to be so does not make it so.

Snowflakes' continued declarations that Trump colluded with the Russians...that has resulted only in the production of evidence to show Mueller, Holder, Obama, and the Clintons colluded with, protected, and aided the Russians and their wide-spread crimes before their betrayal of the American people by allowing the Russians to acquire 20% of the US supply of Uranium.

EVERY accusation, EVERY declaration snowflakes make they do do so demanding what they say is FACT, 99% of the time without ever having the evidence to back up their BS.

The ORIGINAL claim by snowflakes in another thread was that 'STADIUMS are FILLED TO CAPACITY every Sunday. When that LIE was exposed, the 'goal posts were moved, and the claim became that only the stadiums of losing teams were not filled to capacity. When caught in lies they lie, deny, justify, distract, or change the argument.

But while Mueller's, Obama's, Holder's, the Clinton's, and the Podestas' betrayal of this country is revealed, backed by real evidence, you continue to talk about rich losers kneeling during the national anthem. I will concentrate on the thigs that really make a difference / that matter.

I see the destruction of your premise has resulted in the abandon-ship tactic of "change the subject". Suddenly we've leaped from football and jingoism to "Russians" and "Podesta". I have no doubt you've already called the pizza shop too.
I'm afraid that what you are saying about the past admin and the Russians is untrue. First off Mueller wasn't even in office.
Are you people so ignorant as to not know how to check if what you're saying is true vefofe you post it (and if so you should work for CNN) or are you just liars (which if true means you should work for CNN)?

He was the Director of the FBI in 2009 while this was going on, when the FBI had the evidence that this Russian scandal was going on!

REPORT: Robert Mueller Was FBI Director When Agency Hid Evidence On Clinton-Russia Connection

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