Fire the kneelers ... challenge question:

For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...

"Company time" begins with the kickoff.

Unless, of course, you can be the first to show us what the fuck a jingo ritual has to do with a football game.

"Company time" begins when they put on their uniforms,

I roll out of bed, have my coffee and get dressed for work (not necessarily in that order) and yet my work day doesn't begin until I show up on site.
Define Show up?
NFL Players do not put on their uniform at home, they arrive at the stadium then they dress for work. When they are at the stadium and in uniform they are representing their team. They have begun their work day.

For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
Well, thank God that the both has the right to fired whom they want.

Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex Weddings

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."

I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.

I do not expect the Union to be dissolved -- I do not expect the house to fall -- but I do expect it will cease to be divided.

It will become all one thing or all the other. "House Divided" Speech by Abraham Lincoln

Matthew 12:25 Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.

Do not use the bible to support satanic beliefs.
But I wasn't supporting anyone's unlawful behavior. But was showing why everyone else has rights except for the Christians? Is it the time of the,Armageddon, the battle between the good and evil?
Do what God wishes. He like to catch them in the act to condemn them That is why He coming in sneaking in like a thief does.. If He's unable to catches them in the act, that it will be harder for Him to condemn those. But he will still condemn those if He has to, eventhough that they weren't caught red-handed. But He prefers for them to be caught in the act so that it will fulfilled what the scriptures said, "That every head shall bow just like the people of Nineveh".

Revelation 22:11 Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.”

1 Thessalonians 5:2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.

Revelation 3:15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Jonah 3:6 When Jonah’s warning reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust.

Jonah 4: 2 He prayed to the Lord, “Isn’t this what I said, Lord, when I was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. 3 Now, Lord, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.”

Christians have all the rights anyone else has. I know because I am a Christian. So like I said do not use the bible to support satanic beliefs.


The thing is, you are not a Christian.
Do not use the bible to support satanic beliefs.
But I wasn't supporting anyone's unlawful behavior. But was showing why everyone else has rights except for the Christians? Is it the time of the,Armageddon, the battle between the good and evil?
Do what God wishes. He like to catch them in the act to condemn them That is why He coming in sneaking in like a thief does.. If He's unable to catches them in the act, that it will be harder for Him to condemn those. But he will still condemn those if He has to, eventhough that they weren't caught red-handed. But He prefers for them to be caught in the act so that it will fulfilled what the scriptures said, "That every head shall bow just like the people of Nineveh".

Revelation 22:11 Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.”

1 Thessalonians 5:2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.

Revelation 3:15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Jonah 3:6 When Jonah’s warning reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust.

Jonah 4: 2 He prayed to the Lord, “Isn’t this what I said, Lord, when I was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. 3 Now, Lord, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.”

Not sure what any of that has to do with the topic but this certainly does:

'Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them.' (Exodus 20: 4-5)
(from post 47)
As long as if it is done in the name of God, which means that it must represent Him. The Flag represents the Christians as the way the star of David represented the lights that shines in darkness.

.... The Pledge of Allegiance is an oath of allegiance to the United States, addressed to both the flag and the Republic. It was composed by Rear Admiral George Balch in 1887, and revised by Francis Bellamy in 1892. In 1942 it was formally adopted by Congress.[3][4][5][6]Congress gave it the nameThe Pledge of Allegiance in 1945. In 1954 the words "under God" were added.[7] Pledge of Allegiance (United States) - Wikipedia


No Sparkles, there's no "as long as it's done in the name of God" up there. It's a prohibition on fetishes, PERIOD. See also the First Commandment, that would be Commandment Number One.

And the pledge of allegiance is a perfect example. "I pledge allegiance to this here graven image piece of cloth". You pledge to a flag, directly. Check the first six words. The country doesn't even show up until a later sentence. And "God" doesn't even show up in a cameo until 1954.

That's fetishism, Binky. That's idol worship. If it isn't, then explain why we have the concept of flag desecration.

What does "desecrate" mean? Here I'll save you the trouble:

verb: desecrate; 3rd person present: desecrates; past tense: desecrated; past participle: desecrated; gerund or present participle: desecrating

treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect; violate.
That's fetishism pure and simple. That's outright idolatry, and at times mandated under threat
of imprisonment, which is what makes it fascistic, let alone fetishistic.

And you yourself just confirmed it in the same post. Roll tape.

Aletheia4u said:
The Flag represents the Christians as the way the star of David represented the lights that shines in darkness.​

---- see how you capitalize "The Flag" the way you capitalize "God"? Why would you do that if you weren't referring to a deity? The "flag" is a generic noun, not a proper name.

And then you dig yourself deeper claiming this graven image "represents Christians"?? :rofl:

--- so it does not represent citizens who may be Jews or Buddhists or Hindus or Moslems or Sikhs or atheists or Zoroastrians? And this is supposed to be a national symbol? And here you are directly attributing religious ties to it yet again. You are SO busted.

Incidentally -- guess how many countries in the world, besides us, even have such a fetishism ritual.

Answer -- ONE. The Philippines, our former colony. Nobody else does it.

And Bellamy did it because he wanted to sell flags to schools. Which is eerily reminiscent of the Pentagon pimping taxpayer dollars to stage fake-patriotism puppet shows at sports events.

They had put under God so that the people will not be sinning. And the Ark of the Covenant was a graven symbol that represented God. And there were other graven images that had represented Him also, like the altar and lambs And God said not to worship any other gods, and or make any image of them as something of worship. It is because He gets very jealous. Everything has to be done in His name. Eventhough, Christmas and Easter are pagan's holidays, that the Hellenistic Jews Had brought to the table when they had converted over to Christianity . But it must be done in His name in order to sanctify these days. But if they removed the Christ from Christmas and replaced it with an "X". Then the people will be sinning.

----- so now you're actually claiming that "The Flag" (note uppercase) represents God??



Mmmmm! Pretzels!
My apologies for the delay in responding.

Wife decided it was a perfect day to shampoo the carpet.

I put up with the noise as long as possible, then went shopping.

I now need rubber boots to sit at my desk.
Sorry, they represent the team from the minute they suit up.

They get paid for practice, they get paid for skull sessions in the locker room, they get paid for time spent on the field.

Including the time the Anthem plays.

So? Regardless of all that, they have constitutional; rights.

they also have to live up to their contracts.

If their contract states they have to wear tutus while sitting on the bench, they have 2 choices

wear the tutu, or quit

if the contract, or the team manager says they have to stand for the anthem, they have 2 choices

stand, or walk
and if their contract does not say that? You force the issue anyway, eh?

and if the NFL puts it in the rules and guidelines?

If the team manager puts it in the rules and guidelines?

they are getting paid to be on the field, representing the team.

if their actions on the field disrespect the team, what should the manager/team owner do?
I would say as long as they don't grab any pussy or any other illegality off the field let their actions while playing speak for themselves
and if the NFL puts it in the rules and guidelines?

If the team manager puts it in the rules and guidelines?

they are getting paid to be on the field, representing the team.

if their actions on the field disrespect the team, what should the manager/team owner do?

You can try putting in unconstitutional rules if you want to, but the players do have legal representation.

Plus, if you are on the sidelines you aren't on the field.
Plus, if you are on the sidelines you aren't on the field.

What does that have to do with anything?

It has everything to do with you talking about actions on field. The players on the sidelines before the game are not on the field. They are on the sidelines.
The players on the sidelines before the game are not on the field. They are on the sidelines.

sidelines are part of the playing field.

stop being obtuse

Don't know much about football do ya?

Catch a pass on the sidelines and tell us how many yards you got.

So when a player gets hurt, they have to call someone at home to come in and take his place?
Not sure what any of that has to do with the topic but this certainly does:

'Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them.' (Exodus 20: 4-5)
(from post 47)
As long as if it is done in the name of God, which means that it must represent Him. The Flag represents the Christians as the way the star of David represented the lights that shines in darkness.

.... The Pledge of Allegiance is an oath of allegiance to the United States, addressed to both the flag and the Republic. It was composed by Rear Admiral George Balch in 1887, and revised by Francis Bellamy in 1892. In 1942 it was formally adopted by Congress.[3][4][5][6]Congress gave it the nameThe Pledge of Allegiance in 1945. In 1954 the words "under God" were added.[7] Pledge of Allegiance (United States) - Wikipedia


No Sparkles, there's no "as long as it's done in the name of God" up there. It's a prohibition on fetishes, PERIOD. See also the First Commandment, that would be Commandment Number One.

And the pledge of allegiance is a perfect example. "I pledge allegiance to this here graven image piece of cloth". You pledge to a flag, directly. Check the first six words. The country doesn't even show up until a later sentence. And "God" doesn't even show up in a cameo until 1954.

That's fetishism, Binky. That's idol worship. If it isn't, then explain why we have the concept of flag desecration.

What does "desecrate" mean? Here I'll save you the trouble:

verb: desecrate; 3rd person present: desecrates; past tense: desecrated; past participle: desecrated; gerund or present participle: desecrating

treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect; violate.
That's fetishism pure and simple. That's outright idolatry, and at times mandated under threat
of imprisonment, which is what makes it fascistic, let alone fetishistic.

And you yourself just confirmed it in the same post. Roll tape.

Aletheia4u said:
The Flag represents the Christians as the way the star of David represented the lights that shines in darkness.​

---- see how you capitalize "The Flag" the way you capitalize "God"? Why would you do that if you weren't referring to a deity? The "flag" is a generic noun, not a proper name.

And then you dig yourself deeper claiming this graven image "represents Christians"?? :rofl:

--- so it does not represent citizens who may be Jews or Buddhists or Hindus or Moslems or Sikhs or atheists or Zoroastrians? And this is supposed to be a national symbol? And here you are directly attributing religious ties to it yet again. You are SO busted.

Incidentally -- guess how many countries in the world, besides us, even have such a fetishism ritual.

Answer -- ONE. The Philippines, our former colony. Nobody else does it.

And Bellamy did it because he wanted to sell flags to schools. Which is eerily reminiscent of the Pentagon pimping taxpayer dollars to stage fake-patriotism puppet shows at sports events.

They had put under God so that the people will not be sinning. And the Ark of the Covenant was a graven symbol that represented God. And there were other graven images that had represented Him also, like the altar and lambs And God said not to worship any other gods, and or make any image of them as something of worship. It is because He gets very jealous. Everything has to be done in His name. Eventhough, Christmas and Easter are pagan's holidays, that the Hellenistic Jews Had brought to the table when they had converted over to Christianity . But it must be done in His name in order to sanctify these days. But if they removed the Christ from Christmas and replaced it with an "X". Then the people will be sinning.

----- so now you're actually claiming that "The Flag" (note uppercase) represents God??



Mmmmm! Pretzels!
God needed a place to start with, to show what His son is capable of doing. To show what the true Christianity religion can do. The other Christian's religions were the old Roman Catholic religion. But God wanted to show the world the truth about Christianity. That it is why that this country has became the riches of all other religions and other Christian's religion by the way that its shows through their fruits. That the Quakers and the Puritans were used as guinea pigs, that they were exiled here it is because they did not wanted to followed the Roman Catholic religion. But now their fruits has brought prosperity to this land that the devils wants to barged their way in and said that they were the ones that had created this nation, and rob from it. And they will not leave unless they had taken it all with them. But Pres.Trump is bringing it back what they has stolen.

You can try putting in unconstitutional rules if you want to, but the players do have legal representation.

Plus, if you are on the sidelines you aren't on the field.
Plus, if you are on the sidelines you aren't on the field.

What does that have to do with anything?

It has everything to do with you talking about actions on field. The players on the sidelines before the game are not on the field. They are on the sidelines.
The players on the sidelines before the game are not on the field. They are on the sidelines.

sidelines are part of the playing field.

stop being obtuse

Don't know much about football do ya?

Catch a pass on the sidelines and tell us how many yards you got.

So when a player gets hurt, they have to call someone at home to come in and take his place?

So I can expect a "response" sometime today?
What if a white player continually used the "N" word in racially charged situations? He has a 1st Amendment right but there are limits on free speech and he would be fired with no regrets before you could say Jesse Jackson. When the Country is intentionally disrespected and the NFL is losing revenue because of it and players continually disrespect the National Anthem despite numerous warnings it seems reasonable to fire them.

Again, little fascist who wants to dictate other people's judgments to them, it's *THEIR* place, not yours, to decide what "disrespect" is.

Doesn't the NFL have the right to determine policy and discipline players for violating said policy? What if white NFL players wore KKK hoods? They have a 1st Amendment right but there are limits on free speech. What if NFL players disrespected female reporters in the locker room, wouldn't they be fired? What if a coach yelled fire over a megaphone? There are hundreds of examples of limits to free speech and even pin headed lefties should realize that the NFL has the right to fire players for conduct that they determine to be offensive.
What if players grabbed ladies meows??Could they be fired ?? They could then run for President
What does that have to do with anything?

It has everything to do with you talking about actions on field. The players on the sidelines before the game are not on the field. They are on the sidelines.
The players on the sidelines before the game are not on the field. They are on the sidelines.

sidelines are part of the playing field.

stop being obtuse

Don't know much about football do ya?

Catch a pass on the sidelines and tell us how many yards you got.

So when a player gets hurt, they have to call someone at home to come in and take his place?

So I can expect a "response" sometime today?

You got your response when I laughed at your post.

It was hilarious
It has everything to do with you talking about actions on field. The players on the sidelines before the game are not on the field. They are on the sidelines.
The players on the sidelines before the game are not on the field. They are on the sidelines.

sidelines are part of the playing field.

stop being obtuse

Don't know much about football do ya?

Catch a pass on the sidelines and tell us how many yards you got.

So when a player gets hurt, they have to call someone at home to come in and take his place?

So I can expect a "response" sometime today?

You got your response when I laughed at your post.

It was hilarious

Not that post.

Take your time, no rush..... :eusa_whistle:
sidelines are part of the playing field.

stop being obtuse

Don't know much about football do ya?

Catch a pass on the sidelines and tell us how many yards you got.

So when a player gets hurt, they have to call someone at home to come in and take his place?

So I can expect a "response" sometime today?

You got your response when I laughed at your post.

It was hilarious

Not that post.

Take your time, no rush..... :eusa_whistle:

Which post?

When I got back online, this thread was on page 13, now it's on 20.

I've had 2 PMs, one from you, and 30 alerts, most of which were Reported Content.

So forgive me for not being able to read your mind.

(My magnifying glass is upstairs, and I"m too lazy to go get it)

No Sparkles, there's no "as long as it's done in the name of God" up there. It's a prohibition on fetishes, PERIOD. See also the First Commandment, that would be Commandment Number One.

And the pledge of allegiance is a perfect example. "I pledge allegiance to this here graven image piece of cloth". You pledge to a flag, directly. Check the first six words. The country doesn't even show up until a later sentence. And "God" doesn't even show up in a cameo until 1954.

That's fetishism, Binky. That's idol worship. If it isn't, then explain why we have the concept of flag desecration.

What does "desecrate" mean? Here I'll save you the trouble:

verb: desecrate; 3rd person present: desecrates; past tense: desecrated; past participle: desecrated; gerund or present participle: desecrating

treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect; violate.
That's fetishism pure and simple. That's outright idolatry, and at times mandated under threat
of imprisonment, which is what makes it fascistic, let alone fetishistic.

And you yourself just confirmed it in the same post. Roll tape.

Aletheia4u said:
The Flag represents the Christians as the way the star of David represented the lights that shines in darkness.​

---- see how you capitalize "The Flag" the way you capitalize "God"? Why would you do that if you weren't referring to a deity? The "flag" is a generic noun, not a proper name.

And then you dig yourself deeper claiming this graven image "represents Christians"?? :rofl:

--- so it does not represent citizens who may be Jews or Buddhists or Hindus or Moslems or Sikhs or atheists or Zoroastrians? And this is supposed to be a national symbol? And here you are directly attributing religious ties to it yet again. You are SO busted.

Incidentally -- guess how many countries in the world, besides us, even have such a fetishism ritual.

Answer -- ONE. The Philippines, our former colony. Nobody else does it.

And Bellamy did it because he wanted to sell flags to schools. Which is eerily reminiscent of the Pentagon pimping taxpayer dollars to stage fake-patriotism puppet shows at sports events.

They had put under God so that the people will not be sinning. And the Ark of the Covenant was a graven symbol that represented God. And there were other graven images that had represented Him also, like the altar and lambs And God said not to worship any other gods, and or make any image of them as something of worship. It is because He gets very jealous. Everything has to be done in His name. Eventhough, Christmas and Easter are pagan's holidays, that the Hellenistic Jews Had brought to the table when they had converted over to Christianity . But it must be done in His name in order to sanctify these days. But if they removed the Christ from Christmas and replaced it with an "X". Then the people will be sinning.

----- so now you're actually claiming that "The Flag" (note uppercase) represents God??



Mmmmm! Pretzels!
God needed a place to start with, to show what His son is capable of doing. To show what the true Christianity religion can do. The other Christian's religions were the old Roman Catholic religion. But God wanted to show the world the truth about Christianity. That it is why that this country has became the riches of all other religions and other Christian's religion by the way that its shows through their fruits. That the Quakers and the Puritans were used as guinea pigs, that they were exiled here it is because they did not wanted to followed the Roman Catholic religion. But now their fruits has brought prosperity to this land that the devils wants to barged their way in and said that they were the ones that had created this nation, and rob from it. And they will not leave unless they had taken it all with them. But Pres.Trump is bringing it back what they has stolen.


The devil had made an agreement with God. Whomever he can make to love the ways of evil, that he can keep them. And the devil needs an audience, that will watch him dance forever. If they tries to go to sleep on him while he's dancing, that he will beat them with a very hot iron rod.


Matthew 13:42 They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

And you are that audience. Deceived, believing you are doing something in Gods name.
Mod Note:

12 posts deleted for being off topic, or for responding in kind to off topic comments.
"Company time" begins with the kickoff.
Company time starts when you show up for work, when you put on the company-owned uniform, when you walk onto the company-owned field and start warming up...

Stop trying to justify the disrespect of this nation by lying and trying to falsely twist shit around...

The company doesn't own that field, we do.

Great, you may want to check into turning those fields into parking lots.

Lack of paying customers.

The NFL will bw around much longer than you, I or agent Orange.
  • Thanks
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Company time starts when you show up for work, when you put on the company-owned uniform, when you walk onto the company-owned field and start warming up...

Stop trying to justify the disrespect of this nation by lying and trying to falsely twist shit around...

The company doesn't own that field, we do.

Great, you may want to check into turning those fields into parking lots.

Lack of paying customers.

Stadia are full. Sixty thousand asses in the seats really can't be described as a "lack" of anything except space.

For all the lying snowflakes who claimed the stadiums 'remain packed to full capacity' and who called me a liar for pointing out how tv coverage has exposed you to be full of sh!t:

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)


And that's according to the gateway pundit , a right wing alt right site, that decided to take pictures from stadiums of losing teams to try making a false claim that the fans are staying out of the stands because of the protests. The people aren't there because the teams suck!
For all the lying snowflakes who claimed the stadiums 'remain packed to full capacity' and who called me a liar for pointing out how tv coverage has exposed you to be full of sh!t:

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)


And that's according to the gateway pundit , a right wing alt right site, that decided to take pictures from stadiums of losing teams to try making a false claim that the fans are staying out of the stands because of the protests. The people aren't there because the teams suck!
It is amazing how f*ing ignorant liberals can claim PHOTOGRAPHS are partisan and would show something different if taken by a liberal photographer.

You can't make up stupid shit like this, even if you tried!


The FACT is the original claim was that the protests against the NFL weren't working, that STADIUMS - not SOME stadiums - 'remained filled to capacity'. I proved you snowflakes lied, so you tried calling me a liar...until I backed it up with photos. Now you're trying to change the argument in an attempt to rationalize / justify your lies.


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