Fire the kneelers ... challenge question:

That ruling did not just apply to those children. The NFL cannot set rules that are against the supreme law of the land.

No private business can.
So the NFL is violating the Constitution by suppressing players' freedom of speech by not allowing them to write on their shoes or wear patches honoring fallen police officers?!

That is ok, but the NFL can't insist they respect the national anthem?


Actually the NFL is and it is not OK. If you knew anything about these issues you would understand that is why the players can't stand the commissioner and there is talk about a strike after the next collective beginning agreement talks if the players do not get more freedom..

Let me say this to your stupid ass again, the issue has nothing to do with the national anthem. This is another classic example of how whites are so easily race baited.

Nothing to do with the national anthem??? Then don't friken kneel during the national anthem.

Then can kneel, sit, bow or sleep if they want to. You dumb fucks want to talk about how this disrespects something while your white asses are in the stands standing and most of you who don't sing the anthem or don't even know the words when you sing it. And I'm damn sure your ass stands for the anthem when you are at home watching it on TV.

Save it for the unemployment line.
They are under contract, and most certainly with clauses concerning behavior that reflects on the team and the league.

"Company time" is 24/7.

Oh is it.
You're claiming football players are on retainer, just in case a football game suddenly erupts at 3:36 am on a Tuesday?


are you claiming they get paid by the hour?

Nope. And that's a false dichotomy.

I get paid by the day. Or by the project. When it's a work "day" that day is defined by its hour of beginning and its hour of end. If someone else hires me in the remainder of that day it can be an entirely different employer. And if it's a project it's from when the project begins (kickoff) to when it ends (clock hits zero).

When that day or project is over ---- it's over. You want me to come back for another day or another project, that costs extra. We would set a new clock and start over.

Again the poster is invited to show us anybody's football contract, anywhere, that puts them on retainer 24/7.

There are of course such employments. For people who deal with actual emergencies. A football game cannot be described as an 'emergency'.

But again --- prove me wrong about that.

Sorry, I have no time or interest in explaining to the slow and uninformed that which is common knowledge for everyone else. Ask your Mom.

"I have no time" and "if you can't see it I can't help you" are the typical ways of runnning away from my inconvenient questions because they can't BE answered.

That is often the case, however in this instance it is due to your being slow and uninformed, and my lack of time and interest.

As for "ask your Mom" number one my mother is dead

My condolences.

and number two I've seen posts removed for family rule for less than this. Let's find out if that rule is consistent.

I certainly meant no insult to your mother.
That ruling did not just apply to those children. The NFL cannot set rules that are against the supreme law of the land.

No private business can.
So the NFL is violating the Constitution by suppressing players' freedom of speech by not allowing them to write on their shoes or wear patches honoring fallen police officers?!

That is ok, but the NFL can't insist they respect the national anthem?


Actually the NFL is and it is not OK. If you knew anything about these issues you would understand that is why the players can't stand the commissioner and there is talk about a strike after the next collective beginning agreement talks if the players do not get more freedom..

Let me say this to your stupid ass again, the issue has nothing to do with the national anthem. This is another classic example of how whites are so easily race baited.

Nothing to do with the national anthem??? Then don't friken kneel during the national anthem.

Then can kneel, sit, bow or sleep if they want to. You dumb fucks want to talk about how this disrespects something while your white asses are in the stands standing and most of you who don't sing the anthem or don't even know the words when you sing it. And I'm damn sure your ass stands for the anthem when you are at home watching it on TV.

Save it for the unemployment line.

What unemployment line?
Intentionally disobeying the regulations set by the NFL after several warnings should be enough to justify firing.

Intentionally misrepresenting what those regulations are is more than enough to merit being dismissed as a dishonest hack.

Consider yourself so dismissed.
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...

"Company time" begins with the kickoff.

They are under contract, and most certainly with clauses concerning behavior that reflects on the team and the league.

"Company time" is 24/7.

You're probably right about the clause, but is it bad behavior to all? As one who served 4 years way back when it doesn't really bother me. It may not be the best way to protest, but I simply don't care and don't feel it's a slap in the face of veterans who served so they can do this.

I consider it disrespectful, and a protest based upon nonsense.

I dropped NFL football some time ago. The fans will decide.

Your first word in the post above is the key word --- "I".

Fortunately it's not up to "YOU" to decide on behalf of veterans --- who aren't even part of the national anthem ritual in the first place --- what their feelings should be But the fact that you seem to want to dick-tate behaviour to others, that tells us much more.

Please make sense so that I can respond.

There's that Canadian/Brit spelling again. Not an American, are you.
That ruling did not just apply to those children. The NFL cannot set rules that are against the supreme law of the land.

No private business can.
So the NFL is violating the Constitution by suppressing players' freedom of speech by not allowing them to write on their shoes or wear patches honoring fallen police officers?!

That is ok, but the NFL can't insist they respect the national anthem?


Actually the NFL is and it is not OK. If you knew anything about these issues you would understand that is why the players can't stand the commissioner and there is talk about a strike after the next collective beginning agreement talks if the players do not get more freedom..

Let me say this to your stupid ass again, the issue has nothing to do with the national anthem. This is another classic example of how whites are so easily race baited.

Nothing to do with the national anthem??? Then don't friken kneel during the national anthem.

Then can kneel, sit, bow or sleep if they want to. You dumb fucks want to talk about how this disrespects something while your white asses are in the stands standing and most of you who don't sing the anthem or don't even know the words when you sing it. And I'm damn sure your ass stands for the anthem when you are at home watching it on TV.

Fetishism is pretty hilarious for the way they twist theyselves up like pretzels.
So the NFL is violating the Constitution by suppressing players' freedom of speech by not allowing them to write on their shoes or wear patches honoring fallen police officers?!

That is ok, but the NFL can't insist they respect the national anthem?


Actually the NFL is and it is not OK. If you knew anything about these issues you would understand that is why the players can't stand the commissioner and there is talk about a strike after the next collective beginning agreement talks if the players do not get more freedom..

Let me say this to your stupid ass again, the issue has nothing to do with the national anthem. This is another classic example of how whites are so easily race baited.

Nothing to do with the national anthem??? Then don't friken kneel during the national anthem.

Then can kneel, sit, bow or sleep if they want to. You dumb fucks want to talk about how this disrespects something while your white asses are in the stands standing and most of you who don't sing the anthem or don't even know the words when you sing it. And I'm damn sure your ass stands for the anthem when you are at home watching it on TV.

Save it for the unemployment line.

What unemployment line?

WTF, are you that dense. Fewer customers = fewer dollars = fewer players. Go ask Kapernick.
"Company time" begins with the kickoff.

They are under contract, and most certainly with clauses concerning behavior that reflects on the team and the league.

"Company time" is 24/7.

You're probably right about the clause, but is it bad behavior to all? As one who served 4 years way back when it doesn't really bother me. It may not be the best way to protest, but I simply don't care and don't feel it's a slap in the face of veterans who served so they can do this.

I consider it disrespectful, and a protest based upon nonsense.

I dropped NFL football some time ago. The fans will decide.

Your first word in the post above is the key word --- "I".

Fortunately it's not up to "YOU" to decide on behalf of veterans --- who aren't even part of the national anthem ritual in the first place --- what their feelings should be But the fact that you seem to want to dick-tate behaviour to others, that tells us much more.

Please make sense so that I can respond.

There's that Canadian/Brit spelling again. Not an American, are you.

Ironic that a "U" would throw u off.
"Company time" begins with the kickoff.
Company time starts when you show up for work, when you put on the company-owned uniform, when you walk onto the company-owned field and start warming up...

Stop trying to justify the disrespect of this nation by lying and trying to falsely twist shit around...

The company doesn't own that field, we do.

Great, you may want to check into turning those fields into parking lots.
Actually the NFL is and it is not OK. If you knew anything about these issues you would understand that is why the players can't stand the commissioner and there is talk about a strike after the next collective beginning agreement talks if the players do not get more freedom..

Let me say this to your stupid ass again, the issue has nothing to do with the national anthem. This is another classic example of how whites are so easily race baited.

Nothing to do with the national anthem??? Then don't friken kneel during the national anthem.

Then can kneel, sit, bow or sleep if they want to. You dumb fucks want to talk about how this disrespects something while your white asses are in the stands standing and most of you who don't sing the anthem or don't even know the words when you sing it. And I'm damn sure your ass stands for the anthem when you are at home watching it on TV.

Save it for the unemployment line.

What unemployment line?

WTF, are you that dense. Fewer customers = fewer dollars = fewer players. Go ask Kapernick.

Well when that happens we can make those assertions but Kapernick is not the only one who protested and it seems all the others have jobs,
Nothing to do with the national anthem??? Then don't friken kneel during the national anthem.

Then can kneel, sit, bow or sleep if they want to. You dumb fucks want to talk about how this disrespects something while your white asses are in the stands standing and most of you who don't sing the anthem or don't even know the words when you sing it. And I'm damn sure your ass stands for the anthem when you are at home watching it on TV.

Save it for the unemployment line.

What unemployment line?

WTF, are you that dense. Fewer customers = fewer dollars = fewer players. Go ask Kapernick.

Well when that happens we can make those assertions but Kapernick is not the only one who protested and it seems all the others have jobs,

Seriously...are you that lame.
What if a white player continually used the "N" word in racially charged situations? He has a 1st Amendment right but there are limits on free speech and he would be fired with no regrets before you could say Jesse Jackson. When the Country is intentionally disrespected and the NFL is losing revenue because of it and players continually disrespect the National Anthem despite numerous warnings it seems reasonable to fire them.
What if a white player continually used the "N" word in racially charged situations? He has a 1st Amendment right but there are limits on free speech and he would be fired with no regrets before you could say Jesse Jackson. When the Country is intentionally disrespected and the NFL is losing revenue because of it and players continually disrespect the National Anthem despite numerous warnings it seems reasonable to fire them.
because you and others might call it disrespect doesn't mean it is or it is intended to be
What if a white player continually used the "N" word in racially charged situations? He has a 1st Amendment right but there are limits on free speech and he would be fired with no regrets before you could say Jesse Jackson. When the Country is intentionally disrespected and the NFL is losing revenue because of it and players continually disrespect the National Anthem despite numerous warnings it seems reasonable to fire them.

Again, little fascist who wants to dictate other people's judgments to them, it's *THEIR* place, not yours, to decide what "disrespect" is.
Let me say this to all those wanting protesters to be fired. The quickest way to kill the NFL is that things are done as you want. People are not going o stop watching football because a few right wingers think some is dissing the fag or America as seen from the right. Three have been protests in football before and the NFL still grew. But let owners decided to stop the players from tier right to peacefully protest and watch what happens. You right wingers always have life figured out backwards. You think your little 10 percent opinion is held by everybody. It's not. That's why I call it a 10 percent opinion.
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
Well, thank God that the both has the right to fired whom they want.

Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex Weddings

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."

I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.

I do not expect the Union to be dissolved -- I do not expect the house to fall -- but I do expect it will cease to be divided.

It will become all one thing or all the other. "House Divided" Speech by Abraham Lincoln

Matthew 12:25 Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.

Do not use the bible to support satanic beliefs.
"Company time" begins with the kickoff.
Company time starts when you show up for work, when you put on the company-owned uniform, when you walk onto the company-owned field and start warming up...

Stop trying to justify the disrespect of this nation by lying and trying to falsely twist shit around...

The company doesn't own that field, we do.

Great, you may want to check into turning those fields into parking lots.
What if a white player continually used the "N" word in racially charged situations? He has a 1st Amendment right but there are limits on free speech and he would be fired with no regrets before you could say Jesse Jackson. When the Country is intentionally disrespected and the NFL is losing revenue because of it and players continually disrespect the National Anthem despite numerous warnings it seems reasonable to fire them.

Racial hate is illegal by law. Kneeling during the anthem is not. Again, the protest is not about dissing the country. Therefore your comments have no point.
What if a white player continually used the "N" word in racially charged situations? He has a 1st Amendment right but there are limits on free speech and he would be fired with no regrets before you could say Jesse Jackson. When the Country is intentionally disrespected and the NFL is losing revenue because of it and players continually disrespect the National Anthem despite numerous warnings it seems reasonable to fire them.

Again, little fascist who wants to dictate other people's judgments to them, it's *THEIR* place, not yours, to decide what "disrespect" is.

Doesn't the NFL have the right to determine policy and discipline players for violating said policy? What if white NFL players wore KKK hoods? They have a 1st Amendment right but there are limits on free speech. What if NFL players disrespected female reporters in the locker room, wouldn't they be fired? What if a coach yelled fire over a megaphone? There are hundreds of examples of limits to free speech and even pin headed lefties should realize that the NFL has the right to fire players for conduct that they determine to be offensive.

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