Fire the kneelers ... challenge question:

They are under contract, and most certainly with clauses concerning behavior that reflects on the team and the league.

"Company time" is 24/7.

Oh is it.
You're claiming football players are on retainer, just in case a football game suddenly erupts at 3:36 am on a Tuesday?


are you claiming they get paid by the hour?

Nope. And that's a false dichotomy.

I get paid by the day. Or by the project. When it's a work "day" that day is defined by its hour of beginning and its hour of end. If someone else hires me in the remainder of that day it can be an entirely different employer. And if it's a project it's from when the project begins (kickoff) to when it ends (clock hits zero).

When that day or project is over ---- it's over. You want me to come back for another day or another project, that costs extra.

Again the poster is invited to show us anybody's football contract, anywhere, that puts them on retainer 24/7.

There are of course such employments. For people who deal with actual emergencies. A football game cannot be described as an 'emergency'.

But again --- prove me wrong about that.

Sorry, they represent the team from the minute they suit up.

They get paid for practice, they get paid for skull sessions in the locker room, they get paid for time spent on the field.

Including the time the Anthem plays.
so maybe the owners should not take the government's money for the 'patriotism', and ditch the whole thing? Would that make it better?

Aye, there's the rub indeed. The salient point. And every time I bring that up, the fetishists run away from it. I don't think I've literally seen one single poster try to defend it. They just kinda wish and hope it would go away.

That's also why I keep posing the question of what the fuck a national anthem has to do with a sports event, unless it's the Olympics. If the answer is obviously "nothing", then take it out of there and get back to the sports without trying to force politics on spectators. Whether it's a paid commercial or not.
The people that want them fired are control freaks and do not believe in having rights or freedoms...
Sounds like a Democrat.


The republican party caused the great depression. And this group has no real idea of what really happened to Detroit.

Or the many dead rural towns that exist in republican controlled states.
Which great depression? The one in the 30s when Democrats were running things, or the fake depression the Democrats caused in 2008?

Sorry pal, but the first great depression started during a republican administration and was caused by two republicans who decided to deregulate the financial industry named Smoot and Hawley. The second depression was caused by republican policies initiated in 1999 and by he republicans between that time and 2006. The crash happened in 2007 and since democrats gained control of congress in 2006 I in November at that, well the shit you posted shows your stupidity.
are you claiming they get paid by the hour?

Nope. And that's a false dichotomy.

I get paid by the day. Or by the project. When it's a work "day" that day is defined by its hour of beginning and its hour of end. If someone else hires me in the remainder of that day it can be an entirely different employer. And if it's a project it's from when the project begins (kickoff) to when it ends (clock hits zero).

When that day or project is over ---- it's over. You want me to come back for another day or another project, that costs extra.

Again the poster is invited to show us anybody's football contract, anywhere, that puts them on retainer 24/7.

There are of course such employments. For people who deal with actual emergencies. A football game cannot be described as an 'emergency'.

But again --- prove me wrong about that.

Sorry, they represent the team from the minute they suit up.

They get paid for practice, they get paid for skull sessions in the locker room, they get paid for time spent on the field.

Including the time the Anthem plays.

So? Regardless of all that, they have constitutional; rights.

they also have to live up to their contracts.

If their contract states they have to wear tutus while sitting on the bench, they have 2 choices

wear the tutu, or quit

if the contract, or the team manager says they have to stand for the anthem, they have 2 choices

stand, or walk
and if their contract does not say that? You force the issue anyway, eh?

and if the NFL puts it in the rules and guidelines?

If the team manager puts it in the rules and guidelines?

they are getting paid to be on the field, representing the team.

if their actions on the field disrespect the team, what should the manager/team owner do?
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


The hypothetical owner would have that right.

The right to show America that he is an anti-American piece of shit.

And yes, in that scenario, as in the real one, my hope would be that America as a whole would turn their backs on these assholes, and let football die.

But America is more than uptight conservatives. There are football fans who appreciate what the players are doing. If it were truly as one-sided as you pretend, all these players would be fired already.

I'm not pretending that it is one sided. I am well aware that Patriotism has been under constant assault from the Left for many decades and that has had some results.

Plenty of Americans have been taught to be ashamed of either themselves, their culture, their race, their nation or various combinations.

But regardless, my point stands.

The players are expressing contempt for the fans.

They manage to turn off half their fan base, and they would have to radically alter their sport to survive, AND get used to far less money.

AND, if they turn off enough, then fans won't get that unity with their peers feeling, and then you are losing not only the patriotic fans.

The players are not showing contempt for the fans. And their has been no assault on patriotism from the left.
Oh is it.
You're claiming football players are on retainer, just in case a football game suddenly erupts at 3:36 am on a Tuesday?


are you claiming they get paid by the hour?

Nope. And that's a false dichotomy.

I get paid by the day. Or by the project. When it's a work "day" that day is defined by its hour of beginning and its hour of end. If someone else hires me in the remainder of that day it can be an entirely different employer. And if it's a project it's from when the project begins (kickoff) to when it ends (clock hits zero).

When that day or project is over ---- it's over. You want me to come back for another day or another project, that costs extra.

Again the poster is invited to show us anybody's football contract, anywhere, that puts them on retainer 24/7.

There are of course such employments. For people who deal with actual emergencies. A football game cannot be described as an 'emergency'.

But again --- prove me wrong about that.

Sorry, they represent the team from the minute they suit up.

They get paid for practice, they get paid for skull sessions in the locker room, they get paid for time spent on the field.

Including the time the Anthem plays.
so maybe the owners should not take the government's money for the 'patriotism', and ditch the whole thing? Would that make it better?

Aye, there's the rub indeed. The salient point. And every time I bring that up, the fetishists run away from it. I don't think I've literally seen one single poster try to defend it. They just kinda wish and hope it would go away.

That's also why I keep posing the question of what the fuck a national anthem has to do with a sports event, unless it's the Olympics. If the answer is obviously "nothing", then take it out of there and get back to the sports without trying to force politics on spectators. Whether it's a paid commercial or not.

You may do just that as soon as you own a team in the NFL. Then you'll be important!
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


The hypothetical owner would have that right.

The right to show America that he is an anti-American piece of shit.

And yes, in that scenario, as in the real one, my hope would be that America as a whole would turn their backs on these assholes, and let football die.

But America is more than uptight conservatives. There are football fans who appreciate what the players are doing. If it were truly as one-sided as you pretend, all these players would be fired already.

I'm not pretending that it is one sided. I am well aware that Patriotism has been under constant assault from the Left for many decades and that has had some results.

Plenty of Americans have been taught to be ashamed of either themselves, their culture, their race, their nation or various combinations.

But regardless, my point stands.

The players are expressing contempt for the fans.

They manage to turn off half their fan base, and they would have to radically alter their sport to survive, AND get used to far less money.

AND, if they turn off enough, then fans won't get that unity with their peers feeling, and then you are losing not only the patriotic fans.

The players are not showing contempt for the fans. And their has been no assault on patriotism from the left.

Sure they are. Your denial is silly.
Nope. And that's a false dichotomy.

I get paid by the day. Or by the project. When it's a work "day" that day is defined by its hour of beginning and its hour of end. If someone else hires me in the remainder of that day it can be an entirely different employer. And if it's a project it's from when the project begins (kickoff) to when it ends (clock hits zero).

When that day or project is over ---- it's over. You want me to come back for another day or another project, that costs extra.

Again the poster is invited to show us anybody's football contract, anywhere, that puts them on retainer 24/7.

There are of course such employments. For people who deal with actual emergencies. A football game cannot be described as an 'emergency'.

But again --- prove me wrong about that.

Sorry, they represent the team from the minute they suit up.

They get paid for practice, they get paid for skull sessions in the locker room, they get paid for time spent on the field.

Including the time the Anthem plays.

So? Regardless of all that, they have constitutional; rights.

they also have to live up to their contracts.

If their contract states they have to wear tutus while sitting on the bench, they have 2 choices

wear the tutu, or quit

if the contract, or the team manager says they have to stand for the anthem, they have 2 choices

stand, or walk
and if their contract does not say that? You force the issue anyway, eh?

and if the NFL puts it in the rules and guidelines?

If the team manager puts it in the rules and guidelines?

they are getting paid to be on the field, representing the team.

if their actions on the field disrespect the team, what should the manager/team owner do?

You can try putting in unconstitutional rules if you want to, but the players do have legal representation.

Plus, if you are on the sidelines you aren't on the field.
The stadiums remain full every game.
You are a liar. The tv has shown lack of attendance.

This may be the most hilariousest post ever.

----- Here's a guy calling someone else a liar and his refutation consists of ........................... television.

We are led to believe that some easily offended snowflake's claim that tv showing empty seats in a stadium can not be trusted compared to his claim on a message board that NFL stadiums are filled to capacity every Sunday...and you try to defend him.


...stupid f*ing sbowflakes....

I have no need to "defend" anybody --- as I already noted I already KNOW what the attendance figures are and by virtue of that I kow they don't reflect this mythical depopulation you like to tell yourself, and you can't challenge that, because I'll post the fucking numbers right now and you know I will.

I'm just noting the irony that you would try to call someone a liar and then prove it by citing, of all creatures, TELEVISION. :rofl:
Sorry, they represent the team from the minute they suit up.

They get paid for practice, they get paid for skull sessions in the locker room, they get paid for time spent on the field.

Including the time the Anthem plays.

So? Regardless of all that, they have constitutional; rights.

they also have to live up to their contracts.

If their contract states they have to wear tutus while sitting on the bench, they have 2 choices

wear the tutu, or quit

if the contract, or the team manager says they have to stand for the anthem, they have 2 choices

stand, or walk
and if their contract does not say that? You force the issue anyway, eh?

and if the NFL puts it in the rules and guidelines?

If the team manager puts it in the rules and guidelines?

they are getting paid to be on the field, representing the team.

if their actions on the field disrespect the team, what should the manager/team owner do?

You can try putting in unconstitutional rules if you want to, but the players do have legal representation.

Plus, if you are on the sidelines you aren't on the field.
Plus, if you are on the sidelines you aren't on the field.

What does that have to do with anything?
For those of you who think the NFL players protesting during the national anthem should be fired, would you also support a team owner who threatened to fire any players who refused to protest? Who didn't kneel?

Why or why not?
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


When you're on the clock you do what you're told to do.

Every corporation in this country has a code of conduct, and/or rules
and regulations that govern employees when they're at work. THAT, has
already been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Once somebody starts accepting somebody else's money, they become
their property when they are working.

It's the owners that are not enforcing this and enabling it to go on.,

The people that worked for me had 4 rules governing the workplace.
You don't discuss taxes.
You don't discuss your pay
You don't discuss religion
You don't discuss politics

If they didn't like those requirements, they were free to go somewhere
else and work.

The NFL should be no different

You can only make rules that are in accordance to fair labor and employment practices.

That is what the supreme court upholds. You are not anyone's property because you get a check.
Last edited:
The NFL is a business. I believe the owners have the rigjt to fore any worker publicly protesting on company time at the workplace, causing the company millions in revenue.

Let the NFL continue doing what they are doing. When they have destroyed their fan base, lost their tax exempt status, and salaries have been slashed they will eventually change...


The hypothetical owner would have that right.

The right to show America that he is an anti-American piece of shit.

And yes, in that scenario, as in the real one, my hope would be that America as a whole would turn their backs on these assholes, and let football die.

But America is more than uptight conservatives. There are football fans who appreciate what the players are doing. If it were truly as one-sided as you pretend, all these players would be fired already.

I'm not pretending that it is one sided. I am well aware that Patriotism has been under constant assault from the Left for many decades and that has had some results.

Plenty of Americans have been taught to be ashamed of either themselves, their culture, their race, their nation or various combinations.

But regardless, my point stands.

The players are expressing contempt for the fans.

They manage to turn off half their fan base, and they would have to radically alter their sport to survive, AND get used to far less money.

AND, if they turn off enough, then fans won't get that unity with their peers feeling, and then you are losing not only the patriotic fans.

The players are not showing contempt for the fans. And their has been no assault on patriotism from the left.

Sure they are. Your denial is silly.

What is silly is how you can make that statement.
"Company time" begins with the kickoff.

They are under contract, and most certainly with clauses concerning behavior that reflects on the team and the league.

"Company time" is 24/7.

Oh is it.
You're claiming football players are on retainer, just in case a football game suddenly erupts at 3:36 am on a Tuesday?


are you claiming they get paid by the hour?

Nope. And that's a false dichotomy.

I get paid by the day. Or by the project. When it's a work "day" that day is defined by its hour of beginning and its hour of end. If someone else hires me in the remainder of that day it can be an entirely different employer. And if it's a project it's from when the project begins (kickoff) to when it ends (clock hits zero).

When that day or project is over ---- it's over. You want me to come back for another day or another project, that costs extra.

Again the poster is invited to show us anybody's football contract, anywhere, that puts them on retainer 24/7.

There are of course such employments. For people who deal with actual emergencies. A football game cannot be described as an 'emergency'.

But again --- prove me wrong about that.

Sorry, they represent the team from the minute they suit up.

They get paid for practice, they get paid for skull sessions in the locker room, they get paid for time spent on the field.

Including the time the Anthem plays.


Then link for us where Colin Kaepernick got docked for sitting out the NA.

I'll watch.
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So? Regardless of all that, they have constitutional; rights.

they also have to live up to their contracts.

If their contract states they have to wear tutus while sitting on the bench, they have 2 choices

wear the tutu, or quit

if the contract, or the team manager says they have to stand for the anthem, they have 2 choices

stand, or walk
and if their contract does not say that? You force the issue anyway, eh?

and if the NFL puts it in the rules and guidelines?

If the team manager puts it in the rules and guidelines?

they are getting paid to be on the field, representing the team.

if their actions on the field disrespect the team, what should the manager/team owner do?

You can try putting in unconstitutional rules if you want to, but the players do have legal representation.

Plus, if you are on the sidelines you aren't on the field.
Plus, if you are on the sidelines you aren't on the field.

What does that have to do with anything?

It has everything to do with you talking about actions on field. The players on the sidelines before the game are not on the field. They are on the sidelines.
They are under contract, and most certainly with clauses concerning behavior that reflects on the team and the league.

"Company time" is 24/7.

Oh is it.
You're claiming football players are on retainer, just in case a football game suddenly erupts at 3:36 am on a Tuesday?


are you claiming they get paid by the hour?

Nope. And that's a false dichotomy.

I get paid by the day. Or by the project. When it's a work "day" that day is defined by its hour of beginning and its hour of end. If someone else hires me in the remainder of that day it can be an entirely different employer. And if it's a project it's from when the project begins (kickoff) to when it ends (clock hits zero).

When that day or project is over ---- it's over. You want me to come back for another day or another project, that costs extra.

Again the poster is invited to show us anybody's football contract, anywhere, that puts them on retainer 24/7.

There are of course such employments. For people who deal with actual emergencies. A football game cannot be described as an 'emergency'.

But again --- prove me wrong about that.

Sorry, they represent the team from the minute they suit up.

They get paid for practice, they get paid for skull sessions in the locker room, they get paid for time spent on the field.

Including the time the Anthem plays.


Then link for us where Colin Kaepernick got docked for sitting out the NA.

I'll watch.
Please quote where I said he did.

"I'll watch"

they also have to live up to their contracts.

If their contract states they have to wear tutus while sitting on the bench, they have 2 choices

wear the tutu, or quit

if the contract, or the team manager says they have to stand for the anthem, they have 2 choices

stand, or walk
and if their contract does not say that? You force the issue anyway, eh?

and if the NFL puts it in the rules and guidelines?

If the team manager puts it in the rules and guidelines?

they are getting paid to be on the field, representing the team.

if their actions on the field disrespect the team, what should the manager/team owner do?

You can try putting in unconstitutional rules if you want to, but the players do have legal representation.

Plus, if you are on the sidelines you aren't on the field.
Plus, if you are on the sidelines you aren't on the field.

What does that have to do with anything?

It has everything to do with you talking about actions on field. The players on the sidelines before the game are not on the field. They are on the sidelines.
The players on the sidelines before the game are not on the field. They are on the sidelines.

sidelines are part of the playing field.

stop being obtuse
"Company time" begins with the kickoff.

They are under contract, and most certainly with clauses concerning behavior that reflects on the team and the league.

"Company time" is 24/7.

Oh is it.
You're claiming football players are on retainer, just in case a football game suddenly erupts at 3:36 am on a Tuesday?


are you claiming they get paid by the hour?

Nope. And that's a false dichotomy.

I get paid by the day. Or by the project. When it's a work "day" that day is defined by its hour of beginning and its hour of end. If someone else hires me in the remainder of that day it can be an entirely different employer. And if it's a project it's from when the project begins (kickoff) to when it ends (clock hits zero).

When that day or project is over ---- it's over. You want me to come back for another day or another project, that costs extra. We would set a new clock and start over.

Again the poster is invited to show us anybody's football contract, anywhere, that puts them on retainer 24/7.

There are of course such employments. For people who deal with actual emergencies. A football game cannot be described as an 'emergency'.

But again --- prove me wrong about that.

Sorry, I have no time or interest in explaining to the slow and uninformed that which is common knowledge for everyone else. Ask your Mom.

"I have no time" and "if you can't see it I can't help you" are the typical ways of runnning away from my inconvenient questions because they can't BE answered.

As for "ask your Mom" number one my mother is dead, and number two I've seen posts removed for family rule for less than this. Let's find out if that rule is consistent.
Nope. And that's a false dichotomy.

I get paid by the day. Or by the project. When it's a work "day" that day is defined by its hour of beginning and its hour of end. If someone else hires me in the remainder of that day it can be an entirely different employer. And if it's a project it's from when the project begins (kickoff) to when it ends (clock hits zero).

When that day or project is over ---- it's over. You want me to come back for another day or another project, that costs extra.

Again the poster is invited to show us anybody's football contract, anywhere, that puts them on retainer 24/7.

There are of course such employments. For people who deal with actual emergencies. A football game cannot be described as an 'emergency'.

But again --- prove me wrong about that.

Sorry, they represent the team from the minute they suit up.

They get paid for practice, they get paid for skull sessions in the locker room, they get paid for time spent on the field.

Including the time the Anthem plays.

So? Regardless of all that, they have constitutional; rights.

they also have to live up to their contracts.

If their contract states they have to wear tutus while sitting on the bench, they have 2 choices

wear the tutu, or quit

if the contract, or the team manager says they have to stand for the anthem, they have 2 choices

stand, or walk
and if their contract does not say that? You force the issue anyway, eh?

and if the NFL puts it in the rules and guidelines?

If the team manager puts it in the rules and guidelines?

they are getting paid to be on the field, representing the team.

if their actions on the field disrespect the team, what should the manager/team owner do?
I would say as long as they don't grab any pussy or any other illegality off the field let their actions while playing speak for themselves
That ruling did not just apply to those children. The NFL cannot set rules that are against the supreme law of the land.

No private business can.
So the NFL is violating the Constitution by suppressing players' freedom of speech by not allowing them to write on their shoes or wear patches honoring fallen police officers?!

That is ok, but the NFL can't insist they respect the national anthem?


Show the class anywhere in the NFL rule book it says anything about "respecting the national anthem". Or "respecting" anything at all. Or what that even means.
Sorry, they represent the team from the minute they suit up.

They get paid for practice, they get paid for skull sessions in the locker room, they get paid for time spent on the field.

Including the time the Anthem plays.

So? Regardless of all that, they have constitutional; rights.

they also have to live up to their contracts.

If their contract states they have to wear tutus while sitting on the bench, they have 2 choices

wear the tutu, or quit

if the contract, or the team manager says they have to stand for the anthem, they have 2 choices

stand, or walk
and if their contract does not say that? You force the issue anyway, eh?

and if the NFL puts it in the rules and guidelines?

If the team manager puts it in the rules and guidelines?

they are getting paid to be on the field, representing the team.

if their actions on the field disrespect the team, what should the manager/team owner do?
I would say as long as they don't grab any pussy or any other illegality off the field let their actions while playing speak for themselves

Yabbut as far as that, remember this --- "when the President does it, that means that it is not illegal" --- Richard Nixon

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