Fired Yahoo Exec Gets $58M for 15 Months of Work

Cons fight the minimum wage, but love lazy lame executives getting $58 million for doing a shitty job for 15 months. That's why they're called cons.

Fired Yahoo Exec Gets $58M for 15 Months of Work - NBC News

CEOs always get lucrative separation packages because they know they could be gone at a moment's notice. No one would take the job if they thought they could be canned tomorrow with no parachute. Your claim that CEOs are "lazy" is purely a sign of envy and resentment. Most CEOs work harder than anyone else in the company. That's how they got to be a CEO. The reason you're still a lowly hourly employee is the fact that you're lazy and never do more than the minimum required to keep your job.
Why should anyone care how much severance pay an ousted executive receives from a private company?? .. :cool:

Right, because unlike the minimum wage, the costs of executive compensation packages do not get passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.

Yahoo sells advertising. Care to explain why I should care if some company, whose ads I block anyway, pays 1.5 cents per click instead of 1.4 cents per click?

Or if that Big Mac costs another quarter because the minimum wage goes up.
If there was not socialism for the rich I would not care, but since the federal govt. has money influence problems and makes sure that sequester is only for the common man, and to big to fail bailouts are for the rich and greedy, with the common mans taxes , it is an issue...

More Democrats voted for TARP than Republicans, so it appears your ire is directed at the wrong party. The sequester was for ticks on the ass of society. Good riddance to ticks.
Cons fight the minimum wage, but love lazy lame executives getting $58 million for doing a shitty job for 15 months. That's why they're called cons.

Fired Yahoo Exec Gets $58M for 15 Months of Work - NBC News

You are a moron. The Big Tech execs have by and large been Dem supporters, and big Obama fans.

It's very typical that once people become very rich, they try to "buy indulgences" by supporting liberal causes and policies which help them stay rich, but prevent others from having the opportunity to do so.

Anyone that's ever cast even the most cursory of glances over a Yahoo News story would immediately recognise the liberal bias Yahoo adheres to.
Right, because unlike the minimum wage, the costs of executive compensation packages do not get passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.

Yahoo sells advertising. Care to explain why I should care if some company, whose ads I block anyway, pays 1.5 cents per click instead of 1.4 cents per click?

Or if that Big Mac costs another quarter because the minimum wage goes up.

Wow, the point went so far over your head that you didn't even see it, did you?
Why should anyone care how much severance pay an ousted executive receives from a private company?? .. :cool:

Right, because unlike the minimum wage, the costs of executive compensation packages do not get passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.

Not to mention that assholes that get paid $58 million a year is why millions are paid minimum wage.
Why should anyone care how much severance pay an ousted executive receives from a private company?? .. :cool:

Right, because unlike the minimum wage, the costs of executive compensation packages do not get passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.

Boycott it if you don't like it.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

That's like boycotting the NFL, big oil and the airlines. There will always be millions of morons that will gladly allow those corporations to ruin the economy even if you boycott them.
Cons fight the minimum wage, but love lazy lame executives getting $58 million for doing a shitty job for 15 months. That's why they're called cons.

Fired Yahoo Exec Gets $58M for 15 Months of Work - NBC News

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. - Exodus 20:17

Cherry picking the commandments is hypocrisy. You try to give the appearance of being holy, yet you are only trying to defend greed. "You shall reap what you sow." "The first shall be last, and the last shall be first." Maybe you can be a foot washer in heaven.
Yahoo sells advertising. Care to explain why I should care if some company, whose ads I block anyway, pays 1.5 cents per click instead of 1.4 cents per click?

Or if that Big Mac costs another quarter because the minimum wage goes up.

Wow, the point went so far over your head that you didn't even see it, did you?

If the point is that those at the top cannot be paid too much while those at the bottom can, then yes, the point went over my head.
Right, because unlike the minimum wage, the costs of executive compensation packages do not get passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.

Boycott it if you don't like it.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

That's like boycotting the NFL, big oil and the airlines. There will always be millions of morons that will gladly allow those corporations to ruin the economy even if you boycott them.

You poor victim. It must be tough to be a miserable failure like yourself.

There are plenty of things I boycott out of principle, I don't care if it works or not. I know that I am not supporting it out of principle. Try it sometime.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Why should anyone care how much severance pay an ousted executive receives from a private company?? .. :cool:

Right, because unlike the minimum wage, the costs of executive compensation packages do not get passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.

Not to mention that assholes that get paid $58 million a year is why millions are paid minimum wage.

According to PuffHo the median starting salary for Yahoo is over $80,000 a year. I guess money doesn't work the way you think, what a surprise.

The 10 Tech Companies With The Highest Starting Salaries
Why should anyone care how much severance pay an ousted executive receives from a private company?? .. :cool:

Right, because unlike the minimum wage, the costs of executive compensation packages do not get passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.

Correct. Those packages are based on the stock price.
Many board members of publicly traded companies receive relatively small compensation packages. The real money comes from the stock they own plus the stock options they are granted by the company as part of their contract.
None of it comes out of the bottom line.
Why should anyone care how much severance pay an ousted executive receives from a private company?? .. :cool:

Right, because unlike the minimum wage, the costs of executive compensation packages do not get passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.

Don't do business with Yahoo!. Don't use their products and don't invest in their company.

Now you have nothing to be upset about. See how easy that was?

These libs cannot help themselves. Their goal is to have everyone equally miserable.
Why should anyone care how much severance pay an ousted executive receives from a private company?? .. :cool:

Right, because unlike the minimum wage, the costs of executive compensation packages do not get passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.

Don't do business with Yahoo!. Don't use their products and don't invest in their company.

Now you have nothing to be upset about. See how easy that was?

When folks work the web in public libraries or in the basements of friends or relatives they have no control over which ISP they're using. That in mind, it's impractical for those beggars to be choosers.

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