Firefighter who shot violent car jacker about to be attacked by SJW campaign...

So you're calling the Hispanic guy a racist because he shot a black guy? LOL

In your world black people shouldn't ever be shot by someone OTHER than another black person...should they, Joey! And if the other black person is a cop...then that's not allowed either? Otherwise it's an infringement upon their civil rights?

Nobody should shoot anyone, because they shouldn't have guns to start with.

But here's the thing. When black folks shoot black folks, they get arrested, (assuming the CPD can put down the donuts long enough to be bothered to investigate and don't torture a false confession out of some other black person), put on trial, convicted and sent to prison.

Same thing should happen here.


So a person that is being robbed is the criminal if they are white and if the individual robbing them is a minority...

The crime in your eyes is the victim being white and they should just not have stuff that those like yoy want to steal...

I swear those like you are the issue with today society...
Sorry..... you don't get to run over someone because you want to steal their car, you doofus......

You don't get to shoot people over joy rides, either.

The fireman proved to be an expert marksman. ... :thup:

Maybe he missed his calling by joining the fire department instead of the police department.

Naw, the CPD has a lot of thugs who shoot innocent people for the crime of being black... we don't need more of those.
But you do shoot them when they try to run you over with your own car that they happen to have stolen
That bell can't be un-rung.

Um, yeah, actually it can. We pass common sense gun control and when some racist thug shoots a black kid, we absolutely fucking ruin his life.

Problem solved.

This kid got dead by his own choice

If he didn't steal a car and then try to run down the owner of the car he'd be alive and well

ZERO fucks given about this piece of shit car thief.
Joes neighbor. ..
images (59).jpeg
Awww, race baiting as usual!

The kid actions got him shot and telling everyone he was shot because of his skin color make you look foolish.

Maybe for once those like you should put the blame on the kid, his parents failures and those like you!

Why those like you?

Simple, you encourage bad behavior while blaming the victim.

Once the kid stole the automobile and attempted to run the individual over, well tge kid voided his life which mean he brought his own death onto himself.

So yes you are part of the problem!

Kids do stupid shit... they shouldn't pay with their lives for it.

And they usually don't if they are white.

Actually, funny you should mention that.

True story I've told here before. My next door neighbor, a true piece of white trash, DID have a gun in his house.

And one night, he shot out his patio door window, out into the common parking lot where everyone else in the complex parks their cars. When the local PD came over to question him, he lied and said someone shot in at him... but the fact the glass was OUTSIDE disproved that. After he admitted it, they wrote him a citation, let him keep his gun and didn't take him to jail.

A couple weeks later, he shot himself. He had some medical issues and decided that it was the only way out.

Actually, funny you should mention that.

True story I've told here before. My next door neighbor, a true piece of white trash, DID have a gun in his house.

And one night, he shot out his patio door window, out into the common parking lot where everyone else in the complex parks their cars. When the local PD came over to question him, he lied and said someone shot in at him... but the fact the glass was OUTSIDE disproved that. After he admitted it, they wrote him a citation, let him keep his gun and didn't take him to jail.

A couple weeks later, he shot himself. He had some medical issues and decided that it was the only way out.

So... your god, Government, failed again..... it must really test your faith in your god.....
But you do shoot them when they try to run you over with your own car that they happen to have stolen

If you had time to pull out your gun and shoot him, you had time to get out of the way.

He had time to jump out of the vehicle and run away..... if he was willing to kill over a car, he was eventually going to kill someone else......

Actually, funny you should mention that.

True story I've told here before. My next door neighbor, a true piece of white trash, DID have a gun in his house.

And one night, he shot out his patio door window, out into the common parking lot where everyone else in the complex parks their cars. When the local PD came over to question him, he lied and said someone shot in at him... but the fact the glass was OUTSIDE disproved that. After he admitted it, they wrote him a citation, let him keep his gun and didn't take him to jail.

A couple weeks later, he shot himself. He had some medical issues and decided that it was the only way out.
Of course he did.

Nice story bro..:21:

Actually, funny you should mention that.

True story I've told here before. My next door neighbor, a true piece of white trash, DID have a gun in his house.

And one night, he shot out his patio door window, out into the common parking lot where everyone else in the complex parks their cars. When the local PD came over to question him, he lied and said someone shot in at him... but the fact the glass was OUTSIDE disproved that. After he admitted it, they wrote him a citation, let him keep his gun and didn't take him to jail.

A couple weeks later, he shot himself. He had some medical issues and decided that it was the only way out. were his next door neighbor...... you are hard to take just reading your posts...I can't imagine what it would be like to live next to you....

Actually, funny you should mention that.

True story I've told here before. My next door neighbor, a true piece of white trash, DID have a gun in his house.

And one night, he shot out his patio door window, out into the common parking lot where everyone else in the complex parks their cars. When the local PD came over to question him, he lied and said someone shot in at him... but the fact the glass was OUTSIDE disproved that. After he admitted it, they wrote him a citation, let him keep his gun and didn't take him to jail.

A couple weeks later, he shot himself. He had some medical issues and decided that it was the only way out. were his next door neighbor...... you are hard to take just reading your posts...I can't imagine what it would be like to live next to you....
Joe is the "keep off my lawn" guy.

Or is it " keep your guns off my lawn"?

Actually, funny you should mention that.

True story I've told here before. My next door neighbor, a true piece of white trash, DID have a gun in his house.

And one night, he shot out his patio door window, out into the common parking lot where everyone else in the complex parks their cars. When the local PD came over to question him, he lied and said someone shot in at him... but the fact the glass was OUTSIDE disproved that. After he admitted it, they wrote him a citation, let him keep his gun and didn't take him to jail.

A couple weeks later, he shot himself. He had some medical issues and decided that it was the only way out. were his next door neighbor...... you are hard to take just reading your posts...I can't imagine what it would be like to live next to you....
Joe is the "keep off my lawn" guy.

No.....joe is many degrees worse than that guy......
So it's incumbent upon the VICTIM to make sure everyone else is safe (including the the kid trying to kill him) while his car is being stolen and he's about to be killed? I'm not sure how to even debate that sort of fucked up mentality. smh

Except he was only about to be killed because he ran out in front of the car and started shooting. Oh, yeah, and he could have accidentally hit someone else or the car could have careened out of control and ran someone else over.

But he got to live the gun nut fantasy of done shooting himself a darkie, that's the important thing.

I see the real issue here. People who turn this into a race issue are just whiny, gun grabbing bigots. The man had every right to go out there and try to get his stolen property back. Had the kid just stopped and gotten out of the car, or better yet not car-jacked the man we would't be discussing this. This issue with people like you is it's never the fault of the criminal.
So it's incumbent upon the VICTIM to make sure everyone else is safe (including the the kid trying to kill him) while his car is being stolen and he's about to be killed? I'm not sure how to even debate that sort of fucked up mentality. smh

Except he was only about to be killed because he ran out in front of the car and started shooting. Oh, yeah, and he could have accidentally hit someone else or the car could have careened out of control and ran someone else over.

But he got to live the gun nut fantasy of done shooting himself a darkie, that's the important thing.

I see the real issue here. People who turn this into a race issue are just whiny, gun grabbing bigots. The man had every right to go out there and try to get his stolen property back. Had the kid just stopped and gotten out of the car, or better yet not car-jacked the man we would't be discussing this. This issue with people like you is it's never the fault of the criminal.

And this is why democrat cities are hell holes of crime and violence..... joe and his democrat buddies would rather release violent criminals to murder and rape, than to keep them locked up....then they blame gun owners ...
So... your god, Government, failed again..... it must really test your faith in your god.....

Um, no, it did EXACTLY what you gun nuts want it to do... let the nuts keep their guns.

Thankfully, in this case, the gun nut only offed himself.

Exactlly, he was an emotionally disturbed person and your god, government, failed to do it's job, again.......... were his next door neighbor...... you are hard to take just reading your posts...I can't imagine what it would be like to live next to you....

Actually, I barely interacted with the guy, because he was constantly hitting people up for money.

Yes...never blame yourself...typical behavior...... how long were you his neighbor again?

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