First Batch of Biden Emails Released

Uh oh. Could someone in the Dem / Marxist politburo keep an eye on Kamala “Giggles” Harris.

If she’s anywhere near a flight of stairs with Joe Biden, we might read news reports that he slipped and accidentally fall up, then down, then back up the stairs…. just Harris making sure we did it Joe™

Never trust a poll at face value. They’re worthless. What you CAN trust is the message that was crafted through the poll, and the latest message from the powers-that-be who released a WaPo-ABC poll is that Joe Biden’s political career is over. 2020 was the last election he was able to steal. Democrats are going with someone else.

The poll shows Donald Trump ahead by 10-points. A double-digit lead at this stage of election season before Trump is even officially the nominee is shocking… unless we take into account the likelihood that someone else is going to be the Democrat nominee.
I'm baffled by the people here who keep declaring that no evidence exists that the Biden's were engaged in influence peddling, Coyote. With all due respect? The evidence is overwhelming.
They are so lost and eat up with TDS, that it's truly a pathetic thing to watch.
I'm baffled by the people here who keep declaring that no evidence exists that the Biden's were engaged in influence peddling, Coyote. With all due respect? The evidence is overwhelming.

There is no credible evidence to suggest H.B. and/or his father engaged in influence peddling. There are unfounded and unsupported claims, but no evidence. There has been a whole happy honey bunches of hearsay, but hearsay is not evidence.

The whistle blower who going to blow the lid off H.B., but was afraid to testify turned out to be Communist Chinese Agent. It wasn't that he was afraid to testify and in hiding. He was running from Federal Authorties who going to arrest him.

H.B.'s business parter testifed he heard no attempts to peddle influence. Yes he heard conversations between father and son, and some of those calls with clients in the room, but there was no influence peddling. Comer was sure this one man would destroy H.B. and it turned to be a great big bag of nothing.

The only defining purpose of this H.B. shit show is to damage President Biden.

Comer wanted to gain access to Mr. Biden's emails, and to no real big surprise...there nothing incriminating was found the first batch was released. This was fishing expedition and it turned up nothing. Each time Comer says he has sure fire evidence, it turns he has nothing.

Saying there is evidence of wrong doing is one thing, but you must show that evidence and to date it ain't happened.
Or if you're very corrupt and want to deflect direct links.
Biden is so corrupt, he's not about to let anyone know where his emails that point toward corruption are. Someday we'll find it, but by then, he wil be covered by time lapse rulings set by the Deep State Demmies to suit their leader's receiptsof taboo "gifts" from foreigners. I'd like to know how much the sex trafficking, fentanyl murders and disease spreaders the Mexican-Chinese alliance are creating among other hidden agendas they're doing to cause America total chaos. :puke:
There is no credible evidence to suggest H.B. and/or his father engaged in influence peddling. There are unfounded and unsupported claims, but no evidence. There has been a whole happy honey bunches of hearsay, but hearsay is not evidence.

The whistle blower who going to blow the lid off H.B., but was afraid to testify turned out to be Communist Chinese Agent. It wasn't that he was afraid to testify and in hiding. He was running from Federal Authorties who going to arrest him.

H.B.'s business parter testifed he heard no attempts to peddle influence. Yes he heard conversations between father and son, and some of those calls with clients in the room, but there was no influence peddling. Comer was sure this one man would destroy H.B. and it turned to be a great big bag of nothing.

The only defining purpose of this H.B. shit show is to damage President Biden.

Comer wanted to gain access to Mr. Biden's emails, and to no real big surprise...there nothing incriminating was found the first batch was released. This was fishing expedition and it turned up nothing. Each time Comer says he has sure fire evidence, it turns he has nothing.

Saying there is evidence of wrong doing is one thing, but you must show that evidence and to date it ain't happened.
An alternate reality of denialism.
I'm baffled by the people here who keep declaring that no evidence exists that the Biden's were engaged in influence peddling, Coyote. With all due respect? The evidence is overwhelming.
What evidence do you have that Joe Biden did anything illegal?
There is no credible evidence to suggest H.B. and/or his father engaged in influence peddling. There are unfounded and unsupported claims, but no evidence. There has been a whole happy honey bunches of hearsay, but hearsay is not evidence.

The whistle blower who going to blow the lid off H.B., but was afraid to testify turned out to be Communist Chinese Agent. It wasn't that he was afraid to testify and in hiding. He was running from Federal Authorties who going to arrest him.

H.B.'s business parter testifed he heard no attempts to peddle influence. Yes he heard conversations between father and son, and some of those calls with clients in the room, but there was no influence peddling. Comer was sure this one man would destroy H.B. and it turned to be a great big bag of nothing.

The only defining purpose of this H.B. shit show is to damage President Biden.

Comer wanted to gain access to Mr. Biden's emails, and to no real big surprise...there nothing incriminating was found the first batch was released. This was fishing expedition and it turned up nothing. Each time Comer says he has sure fire evidence, it turns he has nothing.

Saying there is evidence of wrong doing is one thing, but you must show that evidence and to date it ain't happened.
Are you really this naive, 0311? Kindly explain what the Biden family "business" was that all of those foreign nationals were paying millions of dollars for! What "service" or "product" is it that the Biden grandchildren and Beau Biden's widow were providing! Explain why the Biden's formed 20 shell companies that have no purpose other than as a conduit for payments coming from those foreign nationals to the Biden family!

As for the evidence? It's not hearsay's circumstantial evidence...something that people literally go to prison over all the time.
What evidence do you have that Joe Biden did anything illegal?
Seriously, Coyote? You actually have to ask that question? What the heck is wrong with you people? There is literally a mountain of evidence that the Biden family has been engaged in influence peddling and that Joe Biden was fully aware of it. How many times does it have to be listed for you?
Are you really this naive, 0311? Kindly explain what the Biden family "business" was that all of those foreign nationals were paying millions of dollars for! What "service" or "product" is it that the Biden grandchildren and Beau Biden's widow were providing! Explain why the Biden's formed 20 shell companies that have no purpose other than as a conduit for payments coming from those foreign nationals to the Biden family!

So "Shell companies" are bad?

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

To conceal the campaign’s transactions to vendors, American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was used as a pass-through for payments that were directed to friendly political consulting firms, the president’s family members, or people who did not register the payments with the FEC.

According to Business Insider, first son-in-law Jared Kushner personally approved the creation of the company, incorporated as American Made Media Consultants Corp. and American Made Media Consultants LLC, in April 2018. From there, Eric Trump’s wife, Lara Trump, was named president, with Mike Pence’s nephew John Pence serving as vice president. If you’re wondering why the shell company, described as Business Insider as acting “almost like a campaign within a campaign” was necessary, well, it’s not entirely clear, but it sure sounds like the express purpose was the ability to shield “financial and operational details from public scrutiny,” as it allowed the campaign to avoid federally mandated disclosures concerning what it was spending considerable amounts of money on. And by considerable we mean nearly half of the $1.26 billion raised for Trump’s reelection. Which seems like a lot!

Seriously, Coyote? You actually have to ask that question? What the heck is wrong with you people? There is literally a mountain of evidence that the Biden family has been engaged in influence peddling and that Joe Biden was fully aware of it. How many times does it have to be listed for you?

None of which is actually illegal.

Look, man, the Democrats have been insisting on reforms for influence peddling for years, and the REpublicans have shot them down.

Is what Hunter did morally questionable? I guess. Of course, the only reason why he took on that partnership doing business overseas was because he had to give up his lucrative job as a lobbyist when his dad became Vice-President.
So "Shell companies" are bad?

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

To conceal the campaign’s transactions to vendors, American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was used as a pass-through for payments that were directed to friendly political consulting firms, the president’s family members, or people who did not register the payments with the FEC.

According to Business Insider, first son-in-law Jared Kushner personally approved the creation of the company, incorporated as American Made Media Consultants Corp. and American Made Media Consultants LLC, in April 2018. From there, Eric Trump’s wife, Lara Trump, was named president, with Mike Pence’s nephew John Pence serving as vice president. If you’re wondering why the shell company, described as Business Insider as acting “almost like a campaign within a campaign” was necessary, well, it’s not entirely clear, but it sure sounds like the express purpose was the ability to shield “financial and operational details from public scrutiny,” as it allowed the campaign to avoid federally mandated disclosures concerning what it was spending considerable amounts of money on. And by considerable we mean nearly half of the $1.26 billion raised for Trump’s reelection. Which seems like a lot!

None of which is actually illegal.

Look, man, the Democrats have been insisting on reforms for influence peddling for years, and the REpublicans have shot them down.

Is what Hunter did morally questionable? I guess. Of course, the only reason why he took on that partnership doing business overseas was because he had to give up his lucrative job as a lobbyist when his dad became Vice-President.

Look here, man. That was pretty darn funny. What Dems / Socialists have been insisting on reforms?

The Biden Crime Family Syndicate has 20 shell companies used to launder and conceal income. Which Dems / Socialists are insisting that Biden provide a source for the income stream to those shell companies? Can you name a single Dem / Socialist?
So "Shell companies" are bad?

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

To conceal the campaign’s transactions to vendors, American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was used as a pass-through for payments that were directed to friendly political consulting firms, the president’s family members, or people who did not register the payments with the FEC.

According to Business Insider, first son-in-law Jared Kushner personally approved the creation of the company, incorporated as American Made Media Consultants Corp. and American Made Media Consultants LLC, in April 2018. From there, Eric Trump’s wife, Lara Trump, was named president, with Mike Pence’s nephew John Pence serving as vice president. If you’re wondering why the shell company, described as Business Insider as acting “almost like a campaign within a campaign” was necessary, well, it’s not entirely clear, but it sure sounds like the express purpose was the ability to shield “financial and operational details from public scrutiny,” as it allowed the campaign to avoid federally mandated disclosures concerning what it was spending considerable amounts of money on. And by considerable we mean nearly half of the $1.26 billion raised for Trump’s reelection. Which seems like a lot!

None of which is actually illegal.

Look, man, the Democrats have been insisting on reforms for influence peddling for years, and the REpublicans have shot them down.

Is what Hunter did morally questionable? I guess. Of course, the only reason why he took on that partnership doing business overseas was because he had to give up his lucrative job as a lobbyist when his dad became Vice-President.
Influence peddling isn't illegal? Since when, Joey! It is and the Bidens were doing it at a scale that I've never seen before. Business Insider? The second you quoted that rag your whole argument blew away like a fart in a hurricane! Those 20 shell companies only existed for one try and hide the transfer of tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia, Ukraine and Romania to the Biden family. They didn't DO anything else! There is a reason that the Biden's have stonewalled this investigation through Weiss and Garland. They KNOW they took the money! They KNOW they took straight up bribes and returned political favors in return! They KNOW that someone who actually wants to unravel the money trail will eventually do so! It's why they let the statute of limitations run out on the two years of taxes that correlate with the payments from Burisma over the protests of the IRS agents that had been investigating them. It's why Weiss was trying to cut that deal that would have given Hunter amnesty to all other charges for pleading guilty to a gun charge misdemeanor! No prosecutor that wasn't bought and paid for would have EVER made that deal yet Weiss did and then Garland appoints him Special Counsel? THAT is a joke! The House investigators WILL get to the truth in this despite Garland and Weiss! They've found out more in a few months than Weiss did in 5 years.

There is a stench coming from this Administration and especially from this DOJ! Biden and Garland need to be impeached and Democrats in the House and Senate need to be put on the record supporting a President and Attorney General who lied to the American people over and over and over again!
Influence peddling isn't illegal? Since when, Joey! It is and the Bidens were doing it at a scale that I've never seen before. Business Insider? The second you quoted that rag your whole argument blew away like a fart in a hurricane! Those 20 shell companies only existed for one try and hide the transfer of tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia, Ukraine and Romania to the Biden family. They didn't DO anything else! There is a reason that the Biden's have stonewalled this investigation through Weiss and Garland. They KNOW they took the money! They KNOW they took straight up bribes and returned political favors in return! They KNOW that someone who actually wants to unravel the money trail will eventually do so! It's why they let the statute of limitations run out on the two years of taxes that correlate with the payments from Burisma over the protests of the IRS agents that had been investigating them. It's why Weiss was trying to cut that deal that would have given Hunter amnesty to all other charges for pleading guilty to a gun charge misdemeanor! No prosecutor that wasn't bought and paid for would have EVER made that deal yet Weiss did and then Garland appoints him Special Counsel? THAT is a joke! The House investigators WILL get to the truth in this despite Garland and Weiss! They've found out more in a few months than Weiss did in 5 years.

There is a stench coming from this Administration and especially from this DOJ! Biden and Garland need to be impeached and Democrats in the House and Senate need to be put on the record supporting a President and Attorney General who lied to the American people over and over and over again!
Hunter introduced Metabiota to Burisma. Having rejected that fact will have been the first mistake. What is the source of the influence that has prevented the US or communist China from proving the source of SARS2? Having rejected that question is the second mistake.
Thought you were talking about Joe Biden? Hunter’s a crook. No one denies that.

Uh huh. That’s evidence for sure.

How is exactly is a lack of a theory a conspiracy theory? You’re doing good projecting though, keep at it. I’ll wait for anctual evidence of connections. Thus far speculation is not evidence outside of MAGAland.

I’m sure I am suitably crushed.
were I republicans I would provide nothing until trial, because we know the politburo leftist media would immediately get sound bites, and talking points, to try and turn public opinion about the evidence!

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