First Batch of Biden Emails Released

Are you really this naive, 0311? Kindly explain what the Biden family "business" was that all of those foreign nationals were paying millions of dollars for! What "service" or "product" is it that the Biden grandchildren and Beau Biden's widow were providing! Explain why the Biden's formed 20 shell companies that have no purpose other than as a conduit for payments coming from those foreign nationals to the Biden family!

As for the evidence? It's not hearsay's circumstantial evidence...something that people literally go to prison over all the time.
First: what is illegal about earning money from foreign entities?

Second: Are shell companies illegal? Shell companies can be used to launder money but they are used in many perfectly legal ways. Apparently, according the the investigative memos, all but one of those “20 shell companies” were found to offer a legitimate service or product. The one questionably one is not associated with the Bidens.

But…if you still insist this is “hard evidence” of a crime then consider this.

The Trump family “business” was paid 160 million dollars from foreign entities during the 4 years he was president.

What product or service did they provide?

Shell companies associated with Trump and the family business.

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

A China-based financier, once reprimanded by U.S. regulators and barred from taking his company public, played a bigger role than is publicly known in the shell company that agreed to merge with former President Donald Trump’s new social media venture, Reuters has learned.

So, is this “evidence” of illegal activity? Or do you only apply such “evidence” to Biden?
How many of them are aliases
Presumably, anything that uses a name not your own is an alias? I have 3 emails, one of which is not my real name. In fact, it is the one I use for my account here. I suspect many do this to maintain privacy and safety if hacked.

So how is it indicative of something illegal?
were I republicans I would provide nothing until trial, because we know the politburo leftist media would immediately get sound bites, and talking points, to try and turn public opinion about the evidence!
Isn’t that exactly what the rightist media and the House Republicans doing by selectively releasing material, that when subsequently obtained through FOA, doesn’t actually say what is claimed?
Hunter introduced Metabiota to Burisma. Having rejected that fact will have been the first mistake. What is the source of the influence that has prevented the US or communist China from proving the source of SARS2? Having rejected that question is the second mistake.
Badger? Don't embarrass yourself. Hunter Biden didn't get paid a million plus by Burisma because he introduced Metabiota to Burisma! That's laughable. Burisma paid all that money to buy influence with Joe Biden. You know that's the spare us the bullshit!
An alternate reality of denialism.
Presumably, anything that uses a name not your own is an alias? I have 3 emails, one of which is not my real name. In fact, it is the one I use for my account here. I suspect many do this to maintain privacy and safety if hacked.

So how is it indicative of something illegal?
When it indicates that a Government official is using the alias to avoid oversight by Congress and to avoid tipping off the IRS to what they're doing? It's the exact same reason Hillary installed those two servers in her home. She wanted to conduct business in a way that couldn't be seen by members of Congress that have oversight duty over the Executive Branch.
When it indicates that a Government official is using the alias to avoid oversight by Congress and to avoid tipping off the IRS to what they're doing?

And what evidence do you have that is what is occurring?

It's the exact same reason Hillary installed those two servers in her home. She wanted to conduct business in a way that couldn't be seen by members of Congress that have oversight duty over the Executive Branch.
Not that old canard again…
Badger? Don't embarrass yourself. Hunter Biden didn't get paid a million plus by Burisma because he introduced Metabiota to Burisma! That's laughable. Burisma paid all that money to buy influence with Joe Biden. You know that's the spare us the bullshit!
Your the one duped. Hunter Biden introduced Metabiota to Burisma. You have made the first mistake.
First: what is illegal about earning money from foreign entities?

Second: Are shell companies illegal? Shell companies can be used to launder money but they are used in many perfectly legal ways. Apparently, according the the investigative memos, all but one of those “20 shell companies” were found to offer a legitimate service or product. The one questionably one is not associated with the Bidens.

But…if you still insist this is “hard evidence” of a crime then consider this.

The Trump family “business” was paid 160 million dollars from foreign entities during the 4 years he was president.

What product or service did they provide?

Shell companies associated with Trump and the family business.

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

A China-based financier, once reprimanded by U.S. regulators and barred from taking his company public, played a bigger role than is publicly known in the shell company that agreed to merge with former President Donald Trump’s new social media venture, Reuters has learned.

So, is this “evidence” of illegal activity? Or do you only apply such “evidence” to Biden?
To your first question? What pray tell did the Biden family do to "EARN" over twenty million dollars?
To your second question? What legitimate purpose have ANY of the Biden shell companies performed? Name one. They were created with only one purpose and that was to hide the transfer of money from foreign entities buying influence with Joe Biden.
The Trump family has done business through over 500 multinational corporations throughout the world. The truth is that when Donald Trump became President the amount of money the Trump family was taking in went down substantially. He's the only modern President to be worth less upon leaving office than when he was sworn in. So good luck trying to get that dog to hunt! Trump didn't even take a salary as President. Neither did Ivanka while she was serving as an assistant to the President. I know you desperately want to claim the Trump's are somehow more corrupt than the Bidens but the facts don't come close to backing that up.
God, you're a moron! Like Burisma kept a crack addict on it's board for a legitimate reason! Get a clue, "Mistake Boy"!
The legitimacy of influence peddling trumps drug addictions. You have made the first mistake we warned about earlier, and the CIA knows that Ukraine has been an international drug-trafficking hub for many decades.
Republicans are feeling the heat. Comer led them down this path. Watch out for that cliff well at this point they do not care. All is important is that their base will believe whatever sinks.

They continue to fail to find anything after making unfounded accusations or any solid proof that they should even be going down this path.

Alias emails are not illegal and is a common practice.

Still with executive privilege , the republicans better play nice
Isn’t that exactly what the rightist media and the House Republicans doing by selectively releasing material, that when subsequently obtained through FOA, doesn’t actually say what is claimed?
No such thing as the rightist media, MSM is a branch of the Democrat party
Are you really this naive, 0311? Kindly explain what the Biden family "business"

I ain't got to explain shit to you. There no clear deciding evidence of wrong doing by Mr. Biden.

"Circumstancial Evidence" means nothing without solid evidence to back it up. There has been and still "Hearsay", one guy says he another guy doing something that may or may not be influence peddling.

Your whistle blower turned out the spy for Communist China.

You need evidence, evidence beyond reasonable doubt that on it's face would convict and that you ain't got.
To your first question? What pray tell did the Biden family do to "EARN" over twenty million dollars?
If you are talking about Hunter and James Biden, and Paradigm Global Advisors, and others they started, there is a lot of messy financial history and reason for skepticism on legitimacy, is why the IRS and DoJ have been investigating it for years…but they have not yet found evidence of money laundering or ties to Joe Biden.

But there are examples of how they earned money buy actually providing a service.

Providing legal advice to a wealthy real estate tycoon in Romania, charged with real estate fraud.

To your second question? What legitimate purpose have ANY of the Biden shell companies performed? Name one.

They were created with only one purpose and that was to hide the transfer of money from foreign entities buying influence with Joe Biden.
Thus far that is unsupported by actual evidence.

The Trump family has done business through over 500 multinational corporations throughout the world. The truth is that when Donald Trump became President the amount of money the Trump family was taking in went down substantially. He's the only modern President to be worth less upon leaving office than when he was sworn in. So good luck trying to get that dog to hunt! Trump didn't even take a salary as President. Neither did Ivanka while she was serving as an assistant to the President. I know you desperately want to claim the Trump's are somehow more corrupt than the Bidens but the facts don't come close to backing that up.
Why did Trump have shell companies.

Ivanka could not legally get paid. Not taking a salary is a red herring. His salary was far less than his business earnings.
0% for you. You have no proof the laptop belonged to H.B.
Ahemm. beeeeeyotch

WASHINGTON — The FBI “verified” the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop in November 2019 and a federal computer expert assessed “it was not manipulated in any way,” IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley told Congress in explosive testimony released Thursday.

Investigators probing President Biden’s son for tax fraud and other crimes were not given full access to the laptop’s contents, however, Shapley told the House Ways and Means Committee during his May 26 deposition.

“The computer guy said that they could do a CSV list that shows when everything was created … the whole discussion was about can we rely on this information on the laptop, is it Hunter Biden’s? And their opinion was, it was, and it was not manipulated in any way,” he said.

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