First Biden presser in 10 months.

Ok. What lies?
All the ones you believe and preach about on here every day. You know, like a man can be a woman, it's not gay if it's prison sex, nothing wrong with sniffing little girls hair, Biden doesn't snuggle up with Pooty Poot Putin and Xi, Jan 6 we nearly lost our democracy to a fire extinguisher and a man in a speedo. Literally too many to list.
The jab god will save you.
You’re brainwashed and ill-informed, and because of you and the millions of other gullible ignoramuses, we are now stuck with a disaster of a president.

And Trump didn’t ignore the pandemic for two months. You think that because you watched liberal news, and thus you are disgustingly ignorant. They hid everything he was doing.

Things would have been much worse had Demented Biden been president. He. can’t even find his way back to his own chair.

Plus asked any proud Biden supporter of Potentates and those White House
Reporters why they NEVER brought up The Key dynamic striking our Republic.
I'm talkin' the record level of VIOLENCE. Same way the Democrats forgot to make any
mention of Violence in Mid August of 2020 at their DNC Convention.
Where the Country had to endure an entire Summer of Love Protests.
So what did this STILL " Corrupted " MSM harp -on yesterday at the
Potentate Presser.
Their new Fixation. Voting Rights and Russia !
Either a lie or he just misspoke. Biden is no stranger to committing gaffes. I have always considered this right-wing talking point to be extremely weak for a number of reasons.

- His overall messaging on covid vaccines has been very consistent. He says that vaccines are effective. Pretty simple. Focusing on a single quote of his doesn’t change that.

- There isn’t a big difference between saying that vaccines are more likely to prevent covid and vaccines WILL prevent covid. It’s a pathetic word game ”gotcha” talking point.

- At worst, he elaborated the extent of the vaccines. Not a big deal.

What’s far more interesting is the fact that you support Trump despite the fact that he has been very vocal in his support for vaccines and he has been very clear in saying that they are effective.

You are very adamant in being anti-vaccine. Yet you are very adamant in being pro-Trump who is pro-vaccine. How do you explain this? You just don’t care that he’s lying to you about something you care deeply about?
I love it when all you can use is the "Biden has always been a dumbass" excuse.
Do you need help moving those goalposts? They look heavy.

So you don’t have a problem when Trump lies to you (according to you) by calling it a vaccine and telling you that the vaccine works.
Trump never said if you take it you won't get the virus.

Try again skip
You're an idiot. In your world if Trump says the vaccine works he is lying, but when biden says the same he missspeaks or a gaffe.
Trump is prone to over-exagerration or hyperbole.With Biden it's much
Simpler.Biden is Incapable of ANY Truth.Unless you can cite one bonafide
Truthful comment he has uttered since campaigning for his position as
America's First Potentate
This is dynamic Historic territory.One where even little Jon Meacham or
L.B.J. adoring Doris Kerns Goodwin can't fake.Circle jerk around the country.
Trump never said if you take it you won't get the virus.

Try again skip
Again ... Trump does have personality issues.He loves to talk and especially
hear himself talk.That is his achilles heel.
Even Andrew " Dice " Clay { a once fan of Trump } because they both proud
New Yorkers and live to Talk Big was critical of this tendency.
Trump went overboard onced and bragged how much bigger he is than
others { Like other entertainers,even legendary comics }.Not a comment
The " Dice " Man is likely to Passover.Even if Andrew Clay don't done honor
Passover or wear one them Yarmulke.His last name quite Jewish { Silverstein }.
You're an idiot. In your world if Trump says the vaccine works he is lying…

In MY world Trump is telling the truth when he calls it a vaccine and says it works.

In YOUR world Trump is lying when he calls it a vaccine and says it works.
All the ones you believe and preach about on here every day. You know, like a man can be a woman, it's not gay if it's prison sex, nothing wrong with sniffing little girls hair, Biden doesn't snuggle up with Pooty Poot Putin and Xi, Jan 6 we nearly lost our democracy to a fire extinguisher and a man in a speedo. Literally too many to list.
The jab god will save you.
You were talking about covid. What covid-related lies?

Take some Ritalin and focus.
I love it when all you can use is the "Biden has always been a dumbass" excuse.
When it comes to gaffes, yea, he does that a lot.

So does Trump.

But your severe BDS has you only seeing one side as an issue and blowing it out of proportion. Maybe you should get that treated.
You were talking about covid. What covid-related lies?

Take some Ritalin and focus.
You can kiss the ass of people who want to kill you, and lie to you, but I will not!

Are you going to ignore all the lies about Russian Collusion which you helped promote, or the lies about Hillary Clinton's secret server, and Obama lying about knowing about it when he used it to circumvent failsafes put in place to stop political criminals like he and Clinton from sharing classified information with their friends?

How about Clinton and Obama using Benghazi as a weapons depot to fund and arm Al Queda in a violent overthrow and assassination of Qaddafi? When Al Queda found out where the cash and weapons were coming from, that's why they attacked the outpost and let those people there twist in the wind until certain witnesses were killed and evidence was removed and or destroyed.

How about the lie that Clinton did not have classified information on her illegal server? How about the lie that she did not delete emails on her server forbidden to be deleted by a Federal Court order, she deleted 30,000. THIRTY THOUSAND! How about her using burner phones and lying to Congress saying she only had 1 device and later finding out she had 17 different devices smashed with ballpeen hammers etc.?

How about Hillary Clinton and Schultz hiring Pakistani Hackers to hack in to Congressional files to look for dirt they can black mail Congressman with? How about when those same hackers came across Podesta's emails, and found out, that their buy Bernie was being screwed by The DNC when they rigged their primaries, so they turned over those emails to Seth Rich who gave them to and Assange? Seth Rich was the victim of a robbery?
He was killed just a stone's throw from Mueller's residence in the safest neighborhood in DC. Nothing was stolen. Robbery? Please, are you stupid or intentional in your idiocy?

What lies? Have you been asleep for the last 10 years? How about this year? Did your woke ass ever wake up? You know you were lied to about Fauci working with the CCP in Wuhan to create COVID19 and Obama dropping the ban on gain of function and then ordering The Defense Department to launder money through EcoHealth to fund it, right?

How about we just pick one Obama-Clinton-Biden lie about Ivermectin?

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