First Biden presser in 10 months.


“The issue is pretty straightforward: Vladimir Putin is threatening an invasion and will do it if he thinks he can get away with it; at the least, he’ll try to get the West to bribe him by promising him much of what he wants without any fighting.

Biden seemed to offer one bribe by volunteering that NATO won’t make Ukraine a member anytime soon. Even if true, why limit your options?

Worse, at one point the prez suggested Putin “has no choice” but to invade because he’s boxed himself in. At least, we think that’s what Biden said, but his syntax made it impossible to say for sure.

Then too, he outright said Putin would win, albeit at a heavy price: “The cost of going into Ukraine in terms of physical loss of life for the Russians — they’ll be able to prevail over time, but it’s going to be heavy.”

Oh, and Biden suggested Russia might well get away with “a minor incursion.” That’s an invitation to take one piece of Ukraine now — and more pieces later. What a disaster. No wonder his staff does everything it can to keep him away from the press.”
Nope….he’ll never make it past the midterms. He will be so demented by then that his inability to even read the teleprompter will be so evident that he will be 25th.
President Biden overcame a horrible stuttering problem by himself and has some vestages of that remaining, and you people are absolute scumbag brainwashed functional morons... Change the channel and get away from all that crap... The whole world thinks you're f****** nuts....
President Biden overcame a horrible stuttering problem by himself and has some vestages of that remaining, and you people are absolute scumbag brainwashed functional morons... Change the channel and get away from all that crap... The whole world thinks you're f****** nuts....
Maybe he overcame a stuttering problem, but senility an altogether more formidable condition.
I know we all die. You didn’t answer the question.

Who is trying to kill me?
President Biden overcame a horrible stuttering problem by himself and has some vestages of that remaining, and you people are absolute scumbag brainwashed functional morons... Change the channel and get away from all that crap... The whole world thinks you're f****** nuts....
No, the whole world thinks the leftists are nuts. His inability to complete a sentence is not related to his stuttering.

And YOU people are the scumbag morons. Look at the idiot you elected, who has made a mess of everything. He leaves $85 billion in equipment and G-d knows how many Americans to Islamic terrorists…..he is welcoming in illegals during a pandemic and flying them throughout the country….he took a situation where we were energy independent and now has Americans unable to afford gas…..Putin is threatening because he knows we have a demented idiot in charge….inflation is at a 40-year high…..and on and on.

People like you are bringing down the country. Do you really hate America THAT much that you voted for its destruction?
President Biden overcame a horrible stuttering problem by himself and has some vestages of that remaining, and you people are absolute scumbag brainwashed functional morons... Change the channel and get away from all that crap... The whole world thinks you're f****** nuts....
President Biden overcame a horrible stuttering problem

Funny how none of his old speeches show any sign of stuttering. Once he became a stuttering putz all the sudden the Hero overcame a lifelong stuttering problem.

Here is one example.....

what was up with Biden's mood swings? he went from happy Joe to angry Joe to "funny" Joe so many times...there's something weird going on!
Al Gore talking about global warming is his attempt to kill me? That doesn’t make sense.

You’re a special kind of crazy, aren’t you?
Just trying to distract you and delay you from totally selling out your soul to Satan your master and lord.

No one can kill you unless God permits it. He knows the number of every hair on your head, and the number of the countless stars, and your every day is numbered by Him from your birth until your death.

Who is trying to kill you? Death, Hell and Satan.

Who can damn you to Hell? Yourself, Your Beliefs, Your Denial of The Son of God.

Don't worry about them that can kill you, but worry about He who created you, and can eternally separate yourself from Him because you have been a wicked son, and have to be disinherited from God's eternal kingdom.

Everyone else in your life are just pawns, and we think they are playing a role, but it's a bit part. Some to help you and others to hinder you, and take you off of the righteous path.

See you in the afterlife. Curious to see what side of the isle you will be standing in.
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