First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

So, et tu, poster Scruffy?

So you also assert that all the federal agencies announced there 'was no insurrection'?




How would you know?
And which agencies would that be?
And how do you know that?

Because I am well informed and I pay attention.

You... apparently not so much

Show us. Don't be a phony.
Man up, and show your hand.
Whatcha got?

Sorry, I'm not doing any work for leftards today

However if you get off your butt and do a little research, you'll find I'm right.

Google is your friend
Man, are you kidding me? You think the insurrection was a hoax?

I don't.

I think the Judge is correct. We have radical American Citizens trying to overthrow the American
government and you guys want to look the other way because the leader was a Bigot
who stands for White Power?

It's a sad day in USA when everyone throws their intelligence out the window just because we
are White and we don't like some of the changes taking place in America. Yes, it's a different country
now that we have to share it with other types of people. But do you really want to see America fall?
Is it worth supporting Trump --knowing what a clown he is-- and watch the United States fall into
anarchy and destruction. I don't want that.
Even if, you define what happened on Jan. 6 as an "insurrection."

The relevant part of the Constitution were are talking about here is this;


This is what he was charged with, and found guilty of. IOW? Not sedition, not insurrection or rebellion, nor was he a sworn officer at the time, to my knowledge. SO? Does this portion of the Constitution even apply?


i'm sure it will go to appeal, and then the supreme court will look really dumb supporting an insurrection.
Nope, the leftist judge will look stupid as he is by calling a protest an insurrection when no one else in the country has charged or been convicted of insurrection. There was no insurrection. You would slip in the shit that runs out of your drawers if there ever was one.
Nope, the leftist judge will look stupid as he is by calling a protest an insurrection when no one else in the country has charged or been convicted of insurrection. There was no insurrection. You would slip in the shit that runs out of your drawers if there ever was one.

Leftards would shit their non-existent pants if there were a real insurrection.
Cool. Show us. You claim it. You prove it.
Ain't my job to prove you are right, or prove you are wrong.
My job, amigo, is to ask you prove it.
So reach into your clue-bag.....and pull one out. And show us.

The other poster claimed all the agencies said 'no insurrection'.
You said the same.
Which one of you is the lead steer here?
Which one is the bell cow?

Whatcha got to prove your word is a good word?
Right back at you. You saying there was no fraud does not make it so.
I didn’t say there was no fraud, every court in the US a case was brought to said there was no fraud. I’m just telling you what they said.
This is the problem with elected judges. She is pandering just like any other politician.
That's a good thing about Virginia.....Judges aren't elected, they are appointed by the legislature.

If memory serves only Virginia and one other state that sorta does that....I believe it's Maine where the governor picks them but they have to be approved by their legislature.
Man, are you kidding me? You think the insurrection was a hoax?

I don't.

I think the Judge is correct. We have radical American Citizens trying to overthrow the American
government and you guys want to look the other way because the leader was a Bigot
who stands for White Power?

It's a sad day in USA when everyone throws their intelligence out the window just because we
are White and we don't like some of the changes taking place in America. Yes, it's a different country
now that we have to share it with other types of people. But do you really want to see America fall?
Is it worth supporting Trump --knowing what a clown he is-- and watch the United States fall into
anarchy and destruction. I don't want that.
A judge can’t override the popular vote. Banning him from running would be one thing and might be marginally legal, but overturning an election for trespassing is another thing entirely.
If you were convicted of insurrection, you would be disqualified from holding elective office. (Possible exception of the Presidency whose qualifications are spelled out by the Constitution.)

Otherwise, no. For most offices, you might even be eligible to perform your duties from a jail cell.
So what Law is this Judge using to remove him from office?

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