First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

Jan 6th was a FAILED insurrection....that is what disappointed you....

The police were all armed, many with full auto rifles, and the protestors were totally and completely unarmed.
It ended the second a single shot was fired, killing Ashlie Babbitt.
So then how can it possibly be a "violent insurrection" that any one of the cops could easily have stopped at any time, by firing a single shot?
I am far left, progressive, liberal, but calling Jan 6 an "insurrection" is criminal and disgusting.
The demonstrators never once got beyond the public areas.

I didn't know I could just walk down to the Senate floor. I'll try it next time I'm in DC. Thanks.
The police were all armed, many with full auto rifles, and the protestors were totally and completely unarmed.
It ended the second a single shot was fired, killing Ashlie Babbitt.
So then how can it possibly be a "violent insurrection" that any one of the cops could easily have stopped at any time, by firing a single shot?
I guess the 140 injuries to cops were from non-violence?
Thats not a definition. Thats a dodge and list of excuses... Can yo point a definition. Surely you aren't implying that somebody needs to be shot and murdered for it to be an attempted insurrection are you?

Yes, to be defined as an "insurrection" there has to be extreme violence and murder.


The unarmed protestors on Jan 6 clearly were NOT insurrectionists, but believed they were attempting to bring a criminal disservice to light.
View attachment 692766

I didn't know I could just walk down to the Senate floor. I'll try it next time I'm in DC. Thanks.

I was unaware the demonstrators got to the Senate floor.
Since there was no senate in session, it must have been vacant?
But you got me on this one.
The senate was not where I read that the protestors ever got to.
Nope, the leftist judge will look stupid as he is by calling a protest an insurrection when no one else in the country has charged or been convicted of insurrection. There was no insurrection. You would slip in the shit that runs out of your drawers if there ever was one.
Many have been charged with seditious conspiracy. Is there much difference between insurrection and sedition?
I guess the 140 injuries to cops were from non-violence?

I watched the cops and they were the ones who initiated all the violence.
They were clubbing, gassing, tazering, shooting, etc.
They killed half a dozen unarmed people.
In comparison, the police only got cuts and scrapes.
I was unaware the demonstrators got to the Senate floor.
Since there was no senate in session, it must have been vacant?
Well, there was a joint session of congress where someone....dunno...oh wait...the VP of the UNITED STATES was counting votes. That was taking place shortly before the "non violent" protesters--one with a spear named the Shaman--fought their way to the floor. Other than that... I'm sure nothing important was happening that day.
But you got me on this one.
The senate was not where I read that the protestors ever got to.
I watched the cops and they were the ones who initiated all the violence.
They were clubbing, gassing, tazering, shooting, etc.
They killed half a dozen unarmed people.
In comparison, the police only got cuts and scrapes.

Wow.... So much disinformation in so few sentences.


The cops were the ones throwing a ladder at protesters?
He was charged and convicted according to the OP's link, and is therefore no longer allowed to serve.
Only if you are charged and convicted of treason, or conspiracy against the US.

He wasn't.

You are acting like anyone that is ever convicted of any crime, never has a right to serve in politics ever again.

Hell, Eugene Debs, and Lyndon LaRouche ran for president from prison. This is blatant political persecution, simply for engaging in political protest.
Yes, to be defined as an "insurrection" there has to be extreme violence and murder.


The unarmed protestors on Jan 6 clearly were NOT insurrectionists, but believed they were attempting to bring a criminal disservice to light.
Hahahahaha, did you actually read what you posted?! Not only does it NOT state murder as a necessary requirement like you inaccurately claimed but by definition it shows that what the rioters did on Jan 6 were absolutely guilty of all three laws you posted. Wow, that one completely blows up your argument. Thanks
So why was he charged if he just walked in?
It doesn't matter if he was charged with trespassing.

What matters, if you read the constitution, is whether he was, at that time, a currently serving political officer that had taken an oath of office, and, if he had been charged and convicted of treason.

Simple disorderly conduct, or trespassing, is not a good enough reason to bar someone from their right to engage in serving in the political process.
It doesn't matter if he was charged with trespassing.

What matters, if you read the constitution, is whether he was, at that time, a currently serving political officer that had taken an oath of office, and, if he had been charged and convicted of treason.

Simple disorderly conduct, or trespassing, is not a good enough reason to bar someone from their right to engage in serving in the political process.
I don’t know man… Rigby5 here was kind enough to post a law about insurrection that states that the dudes actions would disqualify him from office. I know it’s an old law so if youve seen a newer one that says different I’d be happy to take a look.

Hahahahaha, did you actually read what you posted?! Not only does it NOT state murder as a necessary requirement like you inaccurately claimed but by definition it shows that what the rioters did on Jan 6 were absolutely guilty of all three laws you posted. Wow, that one completely blows up your argument. Thanks
No, it actually doesn't.


Why don't facts matter here to some folks?


He was not found guilty of any of those laws! He wasn't even tried on them. :rolleyes:


I don’t know man… Rigby5 here was kind enough to post a law about insurrection that states that the dudes actions would disqualify him from office. I know it’s an old law so if youve seen a newer one that says different I’d be happy to take a look.

View attachment 692777
But he wasn't tried for any of those crimes, much less found guilty on any of those!
I have posted what the government tried him on, and found him guilty on!

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