First Lady Michelle....How many vacations so far?

That is much better, ScreamingEagle.

Now, define vacation. Second, list everyone, and make sure you include the official administrationd description of what the First Lady's duties are during those descriptions.

Give us a full exposure since you are the one that is suggesting impropriety on her part. Let's make sure full disclosure is made by you on her part.

i respectfully ask you to take a hike...:banana2:
That is much better, ScreamingEagle.

Now, define vacation. Second, list everyone, and make sure you include the official administrationd description of what the First Lady's duties are during those descriptions.

Give us a full exposure since you are the one that is suggesting impropriety on her part. Let's make sure full disclosure is made by you on her part.

i respectfully ask you to take a hike...:banana2:

Let me translate "ScreamingEagle's" response: I have no clue what I am talking about, and since you just called me out for talking out of my ass again, I will run away from this conversation, and attempt to deflect your question with an emoticon...
No. Who cares? Want to get petty? How come fat ass Governor Christie flys a helecopter on the taxpayers dime to his kids baseball game?

Does this mean you wouldn't vote for Christie? Of course you would. So you hold Obama and Democrats to a higher standard. Mabye black people are right. They have to be twice as good as the white man. Bush didn't care what you thought about his vacations and you didn't care either. Now you care.

we taxpayers care.....and this is not being "petty" since it is the Obamas who preach "shared sacrifice"....

we both know that using Air Force 2 costs a bundle....Michelle's "goodwill" trip last year to Africa cost about $800,000....much of that cost is attributed to using Air Force 2.....but Michelle uses it as if it were her own private jet....jetting around the world and staying in expensive hotel suites....

just where is the "shared sacrifice".......???

Did you vote for Sarah Palin?

Palin's $180,000 Campaign Clothes "Stuffed In Trash Bags" At RNC Headquarters: NewMajority (VIDEO, SLIDESHOW)

Palin's $180,000 Campaign Clothes "Stuffed In Trash Bags" At RNC

Can you imagine how much she would have wasted had her and Tad gotten into the White House?

But you guys wouldn't care because she was a righty and/or whitey. :lol:

you apparently havent seen Michelle Obama shop and who is Tad? Lincolns kid?
That is much better, ScreamingEagle.

Now, define vacation. Second, list everyone, and make sure you include the official administrationd description of what the First Lady's duties are during those descriptions.

Give us a full exposure since you are the one that is suggesting impropriety on her part. Let's make sure full disclosure is made by you on her part.

i respectfully ask you to take a hike...:banana2:

Let me translate "ScreamingEagle's" response: I have no clue what I am talking about, and since you just called me out for talking out of my ass again, I will run away from this conversation, and attempt to deflect your question with an emoticon...

so smartass.....YOU go ahead and define vacation.....and while you're at it list all the reasons why you are such a smartass......and to make sure full disclosure is made.......list all the reasons why Flakey Jakey is also a smartass...

oh's an emoticon just for you.....translate this.....:fu:
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ScreamingEagle, come on, man, should not you play this like a grown up. I asked of you all that a grown adult would ask another in respect to the First Lady.

Why won't you do that? I would be asking the same of any the GOP First Ladies, even Nancy Reagan.
That is much better, ScreamingEagle.

Now, define vacation. Second, list everyone, and make sure you include the official administrationd description of what the First Lady's duties are during those descriptions.

Give us a full exposure since you are the one that is suggesting impropriety on her part. Let's make sure full disclosure is made by you on her part.

Here's some info on one of those 16 vacations....

Michelle Obama's Spain vacation cost taxpayers nearly $470G, watchdog group claims | Fox News

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton invoked the recent scandal involving the General Services Administration's costly conference in the Las Vegas area in chastising the president's family for the trip.

"The American people can ill afford to keep sending the First Family on vacations around the globe," he said in a written statement. "There needs to be greater sensitivity to the costs borne by taxpayers for these personal trips. It is hypocritical for President Obama to fire GSA officials for wasteful conference spending, while his family went on a luxury vacation in the Costa del Sol Spain that cost taxpayers nearly half a million dollars."

You were saying?

Just because bush went to his ranch doesn't mean he wasn't working. I hardly count going home a vacation.

You were saying?

Just because bush went to his ranch doesn't mean he wasn't working. I hardly count going home a vacation.

The President works in the White House. That is where his staff is, where his cabinet is, where the rest of the DC infrastructures is as well as foreign consulates.

Working in Crawford Texas is not the same as working in DC
The President works in the White House. That is where his staff is, where his cabinet is, where the rest of the DC infrastructures is as well as foreign consulates.

Working in Crawford Texas is not the same as working in DC

So, if the President is not in DC, he is not working? Even for you, that's a ridiculous statement. You've never heard of telecommuting or working from home (which, btw, is how I manage so much time here).
The President works in the White House. That is where his staff is, where his cabinet is, where the rest of the DC infrastructures is as well as foreign consulates.

Working in Crawford Texas is not the same as working in DC

So, if the President is not in DC, he is not working? Even for you, that's a ridiculous statement. You've never heard of telecommuting or working from home (which, btw, is how I manage so much time here).

There is no question that Bush or Obama can conduct business while on vacation. I seriously doubt if it is as efficient or effective as when they are in the White House. 225 days is an extensive time away from the beltway.

You were saying?

The difference is BUSH went to his HOME In Texas . Not Martha Vineyard , HI, Michele went to Spain. Just to name a few. Not only that Laura came with him and not have to second plane to get . So double all of those for obama
The President works in the White House. That is where his staff is, where his cabinet is, where the rest of the DC infrastructures is as well as foreign consulates.

Working in Crawford Texas is not the same as working in DC

So, if the President is not in DC, he is not working? Even for you, that's a ridiculous statement. You've never heard of telecommuting or working from home (which, btw, is how I manage so much time here).

There is no question that Bush or Obama can conduct business while on vacation. I seriously doubt if it is as efficient or effective as when they are in the White House. 225 days is an extensive time away from the beltway.

I disagree. Before I got promoted, I worked for a guy in my company for 3 years... never met him. He lives in CA, I'm in PA. Weekly calls, daily Messenger chats, emails, phone calls, etc. He must have done a good job, because he got promoted too.

It is actually quite easy to be as effective and efficient away, as it is in person.
The President works in the White House. That is where his staff is, where his cabinet is, where the rest of the DC infrastructures is as well as foreign consulates.

Working in Crawford Texas is not the same as working in DC

So, if the President is not in DC, he is not working? Even for you, that's a ridiculous statement. You've never heard of telecommuting or working from home (which, btw, is how I manage so much time here).

There is no question that Bush or Obama can conduct business while on vacation. I seriously doubt if it is as efficient or effective as when they are in the White House. 225 days is an extensive time away from the beltway.

I guess that would make sense if I considered either one of them efficient. ;)

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DIMWIT: Hi. I can't be bothred too read laxative bills or studie the ishues so that I can mayke good ponts on the marits of that stuff. Thats just to much work. What do you have fo r me that I can sink my teth into and parrot alot without havng to do anything more than copy and paste linkz? I prefer someting with alots of pichers.

PUPPETEER: We have 16 "extended vacations" taken by that fat black bitch in the WHITE House.

DIMWIT: Perfeck!
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First lady Michelle Obama’s weekend jaunt to Aspen, Colorado for a President’s Day ski holiday with her daughters Sasha and Malia makes the 16th time members of the first family have gone on extended vacations during their three years in office.

Michelle Obama's 16th vacation as 1st lady. How many vacations have you taken lately?


Really. Fucking. Weak.

Also, I did not know that Sasha and Malia have been "three years in office".

Not that I think her "vacations" matter at all or are worth a single post let alone dozens of threads, but I would ask you to consider this based upon your posts. Just because the webpage mentions it was over the President's day weekend doesn't mean it only lasted Saturday-Monday. It could actually have been a week long or a couple of weeks or even a month long trip.

I didn't see how long this trip lasted, nor do I really care. I don't like the fact that the American Taxpayers are paying for it, and I am only guessing that we are, I may be wrong on that, but besides that... so what? She is not employed by the American people. What she does with her own time is none of our doggone business.

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You were saying?

well now....those bottles would be switched if we compared golf days.......on the same days that he was supposedly "working"......:eusa_shhh:

btw many of the days that Bush went home on "vacation" he also worked from lots of Americans do today...

Really? How many of those days did he work from home?

He worked all of them, just as Obama has. There is no difference. The idea that President's don't work all the time, vacation or not is plain stupid. I have no issues with Presidents taking vacations. I'd rather him have time to relax.

As far as the first lady, i have no issue but her pretending to be just like one of us, while she travels and spends millions on the taxpayers back, she loses credibility.

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