First Lady Michelle....How many vacations so far?

This topic is a great benchmark being laid down. I can't wait to hear all the right wing whining about Mrs. Republican President's vacations.

They wouldn't want to be caught being hypocrites and being all silent-like whenever the GOP First Lady goes on "extended vacations".


This is why I hate Republicans. They show such fucking disrespect for the President. They never use to be this way but then the religioius right took over the GOP and they went after Clinton for being a dog and it turned out they were all dogs too. And how many of you righties would vote for Newt over Obama? So don't fucking pretend you care about cheating on wives, because Newt is the poster boy.

And I don't even think its because they are black, although that fuels the fire I'm sure. I'm sure that fact has helped your numbers. But I just find it sickening that you are being petty with Michelle when you did not do that to Laura Bush, and neither did we. Find one fucking thread where we cry about how much Laura cost us.

And for that matter, Nancy fucking Reagans war on drugs cost us trillions. Stupid bitch. The only two good politicians ever were Reagan and Ron Paul. Yea, right.

The problem is that the Obamas show so much disrespect for the american people.

Here they have created a horrible economy for about four years, creating misery for many Americans, and Queen Obama doesn't give a shit. She just takes lavish vacation after lavish vacation pissing away millions of American taxpayers' money so she can have a great time.
Here they have created a horrible economy for about four years

This revisionist history shit is hilarious. As if everyone will forget the economy crashed BEFORE Obama took office. DOW in the 600s, double digit unemployment. It doesn't get more retarded than that.
This shit right here is why I stopped voting. The GOP no longer deserves my vote.

The GOP deserves Obama.

And his wife.

And her vacations.

Every last ounce of emotional and mental anguish. Well deserved.

Every day, I lose more and more hope the GOP will pull its head out of its ass before it becomes a permanent condition.

Enjoy the liberal bastard in the White House. You've earned him. And you are working double overtime to keep him there.
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how many trips have you made to Villa Padierna in Marbella, Spain.....the best hotel in Spain.....where the Obamas booked 60 rooms....?

About as many trips as I have made to Vienna, where Bush stayed with 800 people in his entourage.


typical misleading/lying liberal hype...

you mean Bush's 2006 trip to Vienna at the hotel with 800 Europeans for the US-EU summit......? where Bush had to put up with thousands of protestors......gosh that was some fun fun vacation trip.....NOT

Bush expects little from trip to Vienna and Budapest
25,000 protest Bush’s visit to Vienna
How many trips did you make to Tuolumne Meadows this year?

And did you also pay for your whole entourage......including the Secret Service......not to mention an Air Force 2 ticket.....?

how many trips have you made to Villa Padierna in Marbella, Spain.....the best hotel in Spain.....where the Obamas booked 60 rooms....?


What does a President make? What does a Fortune 500 CEO make? Consider the Obama's our King and Queen for 8 years. Enjoy it. First black family, didn't come from a silver spoon in their mouths, a target for all the haters. Its going to cost to protect them. And they throw the best white house parties. Stevey Wonder performs. OMG. I'm so jealous. I love the Obamas. My fantasy is one day she walks up to me at a strip club and offers me a private dance in the champaign room. :eusa_shhh: Don't tell Barrack.

King and Queen.....? forget it...:eusa_hand: ...but they sure seem to think they are....they seem to have a let-them-eat-cake attitude....

Barry had some kind of spoon in his mouth....if not silver was it gold....? Obama's white grandmother was one of those rich bankers....the same granny that Barry threw under the bus is the same one who paid for his hoity toity private prep school education that got him into Harvard....his Kenyan daddy was a Harvard grad......Barry hasn't worked a day in his life at a non-govt. real job....

so your fantasy that he is some "poh black man" that is self-made is just that.....fantasy....
how many trips have you made to Villa Padierna in Marbella, Spain.....the best hotel in Spain.....where the Obamas booked 60 rooms....?

About as many trips as I have made to Vienna, where Bush stayed with 800 people in his entourage.


typical misleading/lying liberal hype...

you mean Bush's 2006 trip to Vienna at the hotel with 800 Europeans for the US-EU summit......? where Bush had to put up with thousands of protestors......gosh that was some fun fun vacation trip.....NOT

Bush expects little from trip to Vienna and Budapest
25,000 protest Bush’s visit to Vienna

Speaking of misleading hype, Michelle Obama and her friends paid for their personal expenses in Spain, including the rooms.

You were saying?

It all depends on what the definition of "vaction" is is. For most, taking a vacation means leaving home to a destination that is not your home for rest, recreation and/or relaxation. For arguments' sake, I consider trips to Hawaii and Illinois home for Obama. I will also consider that a President is still working when visiting a destination that is home. For Bush, his homes are Texas and Maine. Like Obama, he was working when home.

My money is that most Americans would agree.
About as many trips as I have made to Vienna, where Bush stayed with 800 people in his entourage.


typical misleading/lying liberal hype...

you mean Bush's 2006 trip to Vienna at the hotel with 800 Europeans for the US-EU summit......? where Bush had to put up with thousands of protestors......gosh that was some fun fun vacation trip.....NOT

Bush expects little from trip to Vienna and Budapest
25,000 protest Bush’s visit to Vienna

Speaking of misleading hype, Michelle Obama and her friends paid for their personal expenses in Spain, including the rooms.

See my post #126......
She may have paid for THEIR rooms, and maybe THEIR food, but the flight over there, the Secret Service, the cost of the rooms for the SS, and more were paied by us taxpayers! Check the link out on my post....the taxpayers paid out a huge amount of this "vacation".
This is why I hate Republicans. They show such fucking disrespect for the President. They never use to be this way but then the religioius right took over the GOP and they went after Clinton for being a dog and it turned out they were all dogs too. And how many of you righties would vote for Newt over Obama? So don't fucking pretend you care about cheating on wives, because Newt is the poster boy.

And I don't even think its because they are black, although that fuels the fire I'm sure. I'm sure that fact has helped your numbers. But I just find it sickening that you are being petty with Michelle when you did not do that to Laura Bush, and neither did we. Find one fucking thread where we cry about how much Laura cost us.

And for that matter, Nancy fucking Reagans war on drugs cost us trillions. Stupid bitch. The only two good politicians ever were Reagan and Ron Paul. Yea, right.

The problem is that the Obamas show so much disrespect for the american people.

Here they have created a horrible economy for about four years, creating misery for many Americans, and Queen Obama doesn't give a shit. She just takes lavish vacation after lavish vacation pissing away millions of American taxpayers' money so she can have a great time.

They created a bad economy? :cuckoo: or :eusa_liar:

Pick one. Cause there is no other choice.
This is why I hate Republicans. They show such fucking disrespect for the President. They never use to be this way but then the religioius right took over the GOP and they went after Clinton for being a dog and it turned out they were all dogs too. And how many of you righties would vote for Newt over Obama? So don't fucking pretend you care about cheating on wives, because Newt is the poster boy.

And I don't even think its because they are black, although that fuels the fire I'm sure. I'm sure that fact has helped your numbers. But I just find it sickening that you are being petty with Michelle when you did not do that to Laura Bush, and neither did we. Find one fucking thread where we cry about how much Laura cost us.

And for that matter, Nancy fucking Reagans war on drugs cost us trillions. Stupid bitch. The only two good politicians ever were Reagan and Ron Paul. Yea, right.

The problem is that the Obamas show so much disrespect for the american people.

Here they have created a horrible economy for about four years, creating misery for many Americans, and Queen Obama doesn't give a shit. She just takes lavish vacation after lavish vacation pissing away millions of American taxpayers' money so she can have a great time.

You tea baggers got awfully cheap the moment Democrats took over the goverment. Show us you are this frugal next time you have the power, like in 2024. Give people time to forget.

The economy? It’s still Bush’s fault - The Washington Post

Fifty-four percent of respondents said that Bush was more to blame while 29 percent put the blame on Obama; 9 percent said both men deserved blame while 6 percent said neither did. Among registered voters, the numbers are almost identical; 54 percent blame Bush, while 30 percent blame Obama.

Independents, widely considered the most critical voting bloc this fall, continue to blame Bush far more than Obama for the economic troubles. Fifty-seven percent of unaffiliated voters put the blame on the former Republican president, while 25 percent believe the blame rests more with Obama.

Heck, even one in five Republicans say Bush is more responsible than Obama for the state of the economy!
typical misleading/lying liberal hype...

you mean Bush's 2006 trip to Vienna at the hotel with 800 Europeans for the US-EU summit......? where Bush had to put up with thousands of protestors......gosh that was some fun fun vacation trip.....NOT

Bush expects little from trip to Vienna and Budapest
25,000 protest Bush’s visit to Vienna

Speaking of misleading hype, Michelle Obama and her friends paid for their personal expenses in Spain, including the rooms.

See my post #126......
She may have paid for THEIR rooms, and maybe THEIR food, but the flight over there, the Secret Service, the cost of the rooms for the SS, and more were paied by us taxpayers! Check the link out on my post....the taxpayers paid out a huge amount of this "vacation".
No doubt cons would like to see the entire first family sequestered in the White House at all times.
During 2 terms as President, Bush took spent all of part of 477 days at Camp David, on retreats and made 77 trips to his Crawford Ranch, in Texas, where he spent all or part of 490 days, on his Ranch.

The total number of days of vacation or retreat President Bush took, while in office over a period of 8 years was 967 days, or 32% of his total time in office, was spent on vacations or retreats.

George W bush Is the vacation president with a total of 967 days in two terms or 32% of his total time in office
During 2 terms as President, Bush took spent all of part of 477 days at Camp David, on retreats and made 77 trips to his Crawford Ranch, in Texas, where he spent all or part of 490 days, on his Ranch.

The total number of days of vacation or retreat President Bush took, while in office over a period of 8 years was 967 days, or 32% of his total time in office, was spent on vacations or retreats.

George W bush Is the vacation president with a total of 967 days in two terms or 32% of his total time in office

Don't forget that's a record. I don't recall once busting his balls over it. So why are righties busting Obama's balls now? They hold him to a higher standard.

I can't help but love the Obama's. They are very popular. The Romney's are not popular. This is going to be a blowout!
Mrs. Obama does not work for an income, she may take all the vacations she wants.

According to the left, if she's just raising the kids, she's not working at all.

You make a great point. Michelle is raising two young girls. Ann Romney had butlers and maids and surrogate nannys and wet nurses help raise her kids. Can you imagine how high maintenance Zsa Zsa Romney will be if she is the first lady? OMG:eek:
Mrs. Obama does not work for an income, she may take all the vacations she wants.

Since we the taxpayers foot most of the bills for her vacations, NO, she may NOT take all the vacations she wants. When she travels on her own dime, THEN she may do whatever the hell she wants.
Mrs. Obama does not work for an income, she may take all the vacations she wants.

yes,, but the taxpayers have to work for her.. isn't that slavery?

just like the football players on a college team.

Most college football teams generate enough income to not only pay for their own travel, but also to support less-popular sports teams at the college. I know the football and basketball teams at my local college, for example, are carrying the women's sports department financially.

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