First leak being prosecuted

If she saved one life that is more than YOU can imagine... because you already stated that war time intelligence gatherers aren't important.
There you go again. Before you just pushed a false narrative as fact. This time you are flat-out LYING!

As evidence I offer you 'Exhibit A', post #230:

"Lewdog said:
"Are you really downplaying the importance of intelligence when fighting a war?"

Easy Replies:
Not at all. I am downplaying your false narrative that seemingly attempts to present her as a national American hero who has 'saved more lives than we can imagine'."

You are a LIAR. You have now been EXPOSED as a LIAR.

If you can't keep up, if you suddenly find yourself over your head, it is ok to stop and admit you are wrong. YOU, however, came to that uncomfortable moment when you realized you were wrong but were too embarrassed to admit it....SO YOU LIED!


I also told you that I have served in the military for over 30 years and have seen many lives saved and have taken part in saving a few. SO WHAT IN THE HELL then made you make such a STUPID comment as, "If she saved one life that is more than YOU can imagine"?!

Did your momma drop you on your head when you were little?

You flat out said earlier when I said that intelligence personnel were essential in saving lives that they weren't that important. You say so much shit you can't even keep it straight.
As I said, I would have liked to see them prosecute her for leaking classified information on the Russian hacking. Trump called it fake news, so they would have to first prove it was real, in order for it to be a crime to leak it.
That's patently stupid. I despair the dumbing down of Americans.

This reminds me of the poor solicitor general who has to argue before the us supreme court that's Trumps travel ban isn't a muslim ban. They have to argue NOT to listen to what Trump said, but instead just look at what Trump wrote. And in essence, say Trump lied that he was going to enact a muslim travel ban.
Ok, since you have been 'triggered' and have demonstrated to have lost your mind today, I am going to ignore you now. You have been caught LYING, you have proved you will fight to the death today, despite being wrong, so you have fun with that. Have a nice day...talking to yourself.

I gave you the legal definition of prosecution

legal definition prosecution

: the act or process of holding a trial against a person who is accused of a crime to see if that person is guilty. the prosecution : the side of a legal case which argues that a person who is accused of a crime is guilty : the lawyer or lawyers who prosecute someone in a court case.

That must have triggered so much butt hurt, you now run away.

Well goodbye, and put some salve on that rectum.
You flat out said earlier when I said that intelligence personnel were essential in saving lives that they weren't that important. You say so much shit you can't even keep it straight.

They will always downplay those things that aren't going in their favor. When Trump got a classified briefing from the national intelligence services, on russian hacking, Trump called it fake news. He said he didn't trust the 17 intelligence services of the us government, because they were telling him things he didn't want to hear.
That must have triggered so much butt hurt, you now run away. Well goodbye, and put some salve on that rectum.


MG, you really shouldn't enter a battle of intelligence when you're un-armed. Go back to the kids table.
She hasn't been indicted yet.
YOU said she has been charged with a crime.

North American
past tense: indicted; past participle: indicted

  1. formally accuse of or charge with a serious crime."

Damn, son, every time you open your mouth you prove you are as dumb as dirt.

They have not started to prosecute her. I've told you that, you've posted material that was contradictory to your own stance, and other's have posted stuff to prove you wrong... and you will not give up. I feel sorry for anyone that has to put up with you in real life on a daily basis. It has to be extremely stressful.
They will always downplay those things that aren't going in their favor.
The problem is I actually provided the evidence that Lew was / is LYING . Lew came back with another false narrative / lie...with as much evidence as snowflakes have about Trump collusion. :p And you pile on like a good lil' snowflake.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand....

The 1st Criminal Leaker will be brought to justice...let's hope there's more.

Charged just means informed that she is being accused of a crime. Next step is a hearing in front of a judge, where the formal charges are read. Then comes the grand jury, who has to return an indictment.

If the grand jury finds enough evidence to sustain the charges they want to bring, then the prosecution begins.

Before that, she can be released due to any of the previous steps not finding merit to continue.
They have not started to prosecute her. I've told you that...

Yes, YOU have told us a lot of thing I have proven are not true. YOUR opinion has not held up to facts / definitions / evidence. You just keep flapping your gums, though - it's hot here, and I need the breeze. :p
The problem is I actually provided the evidence that Lew was / is LYING . Lew came back with another false narrative / lie...with as much evidence as snowflakes have about Trump collusion. :p And you pile on like a good lil' snowflake.

I haven't say anything, no less supported anybody about Trump collusion today. I'm strictly talking about the leaker, and pointed out Lew was correct that the prosecution hasn't started yet.

In the criminal justice system the districct attorm=neys , not the police do the prosecution. And in the federal system, the FBI does the investigation, the US attorneys do the prosecution.

And they haven't begun the prosecution
They will always downplay those things that aren't going in their favor.
The problem is I actually provided the evidence that Lew was / is LYING . Lew came back with another false narrative / lie...with as much evidence as snowflakes have about Trump collusion. :p And you pile on like a good lil' snowflake.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand....

The 1st Criminal Leaker will be brought to justice...let's hope there's more.

So let's get this straight then... Let's be VERY clear about your position. Do intelligence personnel save lives during wars, and are important assets? Yes or no?
What is PROSECUTION? definition of PROSECUTION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The Law Dictionary Featuring Black's Law Dictionary Free Online Legal Dictionary 2nd Ed.

In criminal law. A criminal action; a proceeding instituted and carried on by due course of law, before a competent tribunal, for the purpose of determining the guilt or innocence of a person charged with crime. See U. S. v. Reis-Inger, 12S U. S. 398, 9 Sup. Ct. 99, 32 L. Ed. 480; Tennessee v. Davis. 100 U. S. 257, 25 L. Ed. 648; Schulte v. Keokuk County, 74 Iowa, 292, 37 N. W. 376; Sigsbee v. State, 43 Fla. 524, 30 South. 816.
Actuaally in a way i'm glad she got caught. Now Trump has to acknowledge Russia tried to hack the US elections, because that's the classified information she leaked.

Yeah, but we also know Obama and his DHS also tried to hack the States' election processes...and failed.

Who is this "we" you speak of. The same "we" who knew that 3 White House staff had been unmasked as "leakers" and that Trump would be firing them when he got back from Europe. One staffer left on good terms and this girl in Georgia has nothing to do with White House leaks.

Every time Trump lies he does his "Look! A squirrel act?" and easy says "I sees it Boss!".

There is no evidence Obama did anything to interfere with Trump's election, including keeping quiet about the FBI investigation.
She hasn't been indicted yet.
YOU said she has been charged with a crime.

North American
past tense: indicted; past participle: indicted

  1. formally accuse of or charge with a serious crime."

Damn, son, every time you open your mouth you prove you are as dumb as dirt.

They have not started to prosecute her. I've told you that, you've posted material that was contradictory to your own stance, and other's have posted stuff to prove you wrong... and you will not give up. I feel sorry for anyone that has to put up with you in real life on a daily basis. It has to be extremely stressful.
As it is for anyone in Trumps cabinet to put up with that ass Maybe easy should apply for a job with him
Who is this "we" you speak of. The same "we" who knew that 3 White House staff had been unmasked as "leakers" and that Trump would be firing them when he got back from Europe. One staffer left on good terms and this girl in Georgia has nothing to do with White House leaks.

Every time Trump lies he does his "Look! A squirrel act?" and easy says "I sees it Boss!".

There is no evidence Obama did anything to interfere with Trump's election, including keeping quiet about the FBI investigation.

One problem is the same week Obama announced the russian interference, they released the Billy Bush Trump interview. People paid more attention to Trump grabbing women, than Obama warning us about the Russians,.
Anyone NOT a snowflake in denial.

Speaking of denial

What is PROSECUTION? definition of PROSECUTION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The Law Dictionary Featuring Black's Law Dictionary Free Online Legal Dictionary 2nd Ed.

In criminal law. A criminal action; a proceeding instituted and carried on by due course of law, before a competent tribunal, for the purpose of determining the guilt or innocence of a person charged with crime. See U. S. v. Reis-Inger, 12S U. S. 398, 9 Sup. Ct. 99, 32 L. Ed. 480; Tennessee v. Davis. 100 U. S. 257, 25 L. Ed. 648; Schulte v. Keokuk County, 74 Iowa, 292, 37 N. W. 376; Sigsbee v. State, 43 Fla. 524, 30 South. 816.

Lewdog was right. The prosecution hasn't started yet.

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